Accomodating Prisoner's Religious Beliefs


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Something that just occured is how at Guantonomo, Muslim prisoners have arrows in their cells pointing towrds Mecca for their prayers. But what just occured to me letting my mind wander a bit (heh) was how if space is curved, then on the surface of a sphere like the Earth, if you travel perfectly foward, eventually you'll pass by every other point on the planet. And if looking perfectly straight, that's also the case. So you could look in any direction and be facing Mecca extending that straight gaze infinitely since even light curves according to the curvature of space. :)

Further, when some look skyward praying they don't have to since the sky (space) is any and every direction you look. :)
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Something that just occured is how at Guantonomo, Muslim prisoners have arrows in their cells pointing towrds Mecca for their prayers. But what just occured to me letting my mind wander a bit (heh) was how if space is curved, then on the surface of a sphere like the Earth, if you travel perfectly foward, eventually you'll pass by every other point on the planet. And if looking perfectly straight, that's also the case. So you could look in any direction and be facing Mecca extending that straight gaze infinitely since even light curves according to the curvature of space. :)

Further, when some look skyward praying they don't have to since the sky (space) is any and every direction you look. :)

Umm, what? You aren't even wrong, I have no idea where you dug up this tripe from.

If you travel in a straight line on the surface of the Earth you will eventually end up back where you started without covering 99.9999999999% of the Earth's surface. If you don't believe me, look at globe and trace any straight line you want. The equator would be a good place to start, it never even gets close to the North Pole.
Wrong. When a Muslim prisoner is 'looking towards Mecca' he obviously (or probably) couldn't see it because of the curvature of the planet. So his gaze is having to go along the surface of the planet until it actually gets to Mecca. Extending this principle of their gaze going along the ground, instead of out into space, if they looked in any direction and we extended the gaze infinitely, oweing to the curving of space it'd eventually bend until it intersected with its destination. :)
Wrong. When a Muslim prisoner is 'looking towards Mecca' he obviously (or probably) couldn't see it because of the curvature of the planet. So his gaze is having to go along the surface of the planet until it actually gets to Mecca. Extending this principle of their gaze going along the ground, instead of out into space, if they looked in any direction and we extended the gaze infinitely, oweing to the curving of space it'd eventually bend until it intersected with its destination. :)

What curvature of space are you talking about?

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