Accomplishments of Liberalism

Karl Marx prophesied an end to exploitation. Where have I heard liberal zealots screaming about exploitation? Oh yeah, right here, when they whine about Wal Mart, about corporate America, about the poor downtrodden illegal aliens, terrorists, etc.....
The Communist Manifest outlined Marx's "theory" of history and to characterize the world as the state for confrontation between the capitalists (ruling bourgeoisie) and the downtrodden proletariat (working class. You know. Illegal immigrants, Wal Mart employees, teachers, etc.)

He then identified Communists as the "friend and ally" of the downtrodden. He believed in abolishing private property, and elimination of the bourgeois culture and capitalism.

Substitute "liberal" for "communist" and you have, pretty much word for word, liberal talking points.
Karl Marx prophesied an end to exploitation. Where have I heard liberal zealots screaming about exploitation? Oh yeah, right here, when they whine about Wal Mart, about corporate America, about the poor downtrodden illegal aliens, terrorists, etc.....
The Communist Manifest outlined Marx's "theory" of history and to characterize the world as the state for confrontation between the capitalists (ruling bourgeoisie) and the downtrodden proletariat (working class. You know. Illegal immigrants, Wal Mart employees, teachers, etc.)

He then identified Communists as the "friend and ally" of the downtrodden. He believed in abolishing private property, and elimination of the bourgeois culture and capitalism.

Substitute "liberal" for "communist" and you have, pretty much word for word, liberal talking points.

Against exploitation of the downtrodden? Check.

Want to wage class war on the Bourgeoisie? Not many of us. No check for you.

Abolish private property? No check again.

Abolish capitalism? Nope

Otherwise, you are spot on.
Maybe you should check liberal policy.

Penalize capitalists for making money and force them to pay workers more.
State endorsed racism (a.k.a. "affirmative action" or "quotas")
Government control of private property under the auspices of "protection of the environment".

Maybe you just don't know what liberalism is?
Maybe you should check liberal policy.

Penalize capitalists for making money and force them to pay workers more.
State endorsed racism (a.k.a. "affirmative action" or "quotas")
Government control of private property under the auspices of "protection of the environment".

Taxation? Check, but not the same thing as abolishing capitalism.

Racism? Even if true, this is not a communist ideology. Sorry, disqualified as a criteria.

Protection of the environment? Check, but not the same thing as abolishing all private property. Hmm... it is a close one, but I am afraid I can't give that to you.

Other than that, you are absolutely right.
We have social security. We have Medicare and Medicaid. We have government programs to help the poor. I guess we are a liberal slave socialist state.
Ali you continuously amaze me how self insightful you are.:eusa_clap:

THere's just no hope for a brainwashed nazi who believes every bit of righty propaganda ever spouted.

Nope, you're not brainwashed. All those people who believe differntly from you are.:wtf:
and if you plunked our founding fathers down amongst us today, they'd be far, far right wing conservatives. Christian conservatives, likely.

Lambert (2003) has examined the religious affiliations and beliefs of the Founders. Some of the 1787 delegates had no affiliation. The others were Protestants except for three Roman Catholics: C. Carroll, D. Carroll, and Fitzsimons. Among the Protestants Constitutional Convention delegates, 28 were Episcopalian, 8 were Presbyterians, 7 were Congregationalists, 2 were Lutherans, 2 were Dutch Reformed, and 2 were Methodists. Many of the more prominent Founding Fathers were vocal about their opposition to organized religion or anti-clerical, such as Jefferson. Some of them often related their anti-organized church leanings in their speeches and correspondence, including George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson (who created the "Jefferson Bible"), Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Paine. However, a few of the more notable founders, such as Patrick Henry, were strong proponents of traditional religion. Several of the Founding Fathers considered themselves to be deists or held beliefs very similar to that of traditional Deists, including Franklin, Jefferson, Paine and Ethan Allen.[10]

Notwithstanding the spectrum of beliefs held by the Founding Fathers, most viewed religion in a favorable light. This is noted through their statements in speeches and correspondences in which they describe its role in molding "national morality" and securing the rule of law (George Washington), its check on human "wickedness" (Benjamin Franklin), and its preservation of a free government such as America (John Adams). Regardless, the division of church and state was always emphasized by the founding fathers. "The government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion," states the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli. This document was ratified by Congress without much debate or contention and stands today as a reminder of the founding fathers' intentions.[11


Conservatives don't start revolutionary movements like these folks did. Change is too fucking scary.

Conservatives don't start revolutionary movements like these folks did. Change is too fucking scary.

Well, except for the conservatives who started the revolution. Or the conservatives who started a civil war to abolish slavery.

But you go ahead and cling to your fantasies.
Ummmmmmm.... it was the conservatives who tried to leave the union so they could maintain the status quo and KEEP slavery who started the civil war.

radicals and revolutionaries started the Revolutionary War ...

Do you understand what the definition of conservatism is?? Just curious. Because near as I can tell, if its positive you think it's conservative and if its something you hate, you decide it's liberal....

Too bad the definition of the term gets in the way.


resistant to change
opposed to liberal reforms
cautious: avoiding excess; "a conservative estimate"
button-down: unimaginatively conventional; "a colorful character in the buttoned-down, dull-grey world of business"- Newsweek
a person who has conservative ideas or opinions
bourgeois: conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class; "a bourgeois mentality"

Conservatism is a relativistic term used to describe political philosophies that favor traditional values, where "tradition" refers to religious, cultural, or nationally defined beliefs and customs. The term derives from the Latin, conservāre, to conserve; "to keep, guard, observe". ... (politics)

Any shade of political opinion from moderately right-of-center to firmly right-of-center. Of the two major parties in the United States, the Republican Party is generally considered to be the more conservative. ...

in politics, a loosely defined term indicating adherence to one or more of a family of attitudes, including respect for tradition and authority and resistance to wholesale or sudden changes.

people who generally like to uphold current conditions and oppose changes. Conservatives are often referred to as the right wing.

Conservative - A contaminant that moves with the same velocity as water.

referring to an investment philosophy that accepts below-average investment returns in order to avoid significant risks.

Within Christianity, this is one wing of the religion, composed of Fundamentalists, other Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Charismatics, and members of most independent churches. The term contrasts with mainline and liberal Christians.

legislation continued to be implemented under Charles X. 7

At the core of political conservatism is the resistance to change and a tolerance for inequality, and that some of the common psychological factors linked to political conservatism include:

The political view that things should stay the way things are. Belief in little or no socialized spending.

Traditionally, conservative means to favor things as they are and to be cautious. To be conservative politically is to respect traditional institution and distrust government solutions to problems.

A cautious, risk-averse investment strategy. The preservation of capital is a high priority to a conservative investor.

one who is opposed to change
Some of us do have to work occasionally.

Besides, I'm not sure what we're expected to respond.
Oh, I about an acknowledgement that you intentionally misused and misapplied the word "conservative"?

Getting our terms straight is probably a good starting point.
Every word I wrote is true. Why don't you admit you don't know what conservatives stand for, outside the liberal propoganda?
Every word I wrote is true. Why don't you admit you don't know what conservatives stand for, outside the liberal propoganda?

How do you figure that "conservatives who started a civil war to abolish slavery?"

Either you think that the civil war was about slavery and its abolition, in which case you probably are unlikely to find an idea more progressive (i.e., read liberal) than that.


The Civil War was about State's rights, as the North had an expansionary vision of the role of the federal government as opposed to the South's belief's to the pre-eminence of the States in their rights to to govern themselves. This view of the North's intent does clearly not stand as a conservative idea either (at least any description of conservatism that would be recognizable today).

Either way... you are wrong.
The Republican party was founded to give abolitionists their own party.
Lincoln was a Republican. The Abolitionists were Republicans. They emancipated the blacks and the civil war began because of it.

But I've said that before. It's the selective hearing y'all have when something intrudes upon your alternate reality.

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