According To Every Republican, The Economy Is Supposed To Be So Bad

hey john thats great lots of people are does that help me when i go to the grocery store? about when i pay the bills?....
So, other people working. Lots of other people.
Have jobs!
And then you come onto this forum whining about your groceries, about your rent.
What? Are those fully employed folks supposed to carry you?
Buy your Cheetos?
I hate to say it, but poster Harry sounds like the usual MAGA-style 'victim' that can't see his problems are more operator-error than a macro-economic problem.

The economy sucks. People are struggling. Any other take is spin.
Sucks? Struggling? Yet, restaurants are full. Backlogs are long. Order times are extended. Prices are rising. Employment is high. Unemployment is low. Home equities are strong and rising.
And yet, poor poster Burgermeister.....complains, and whines, and says he is a victim.
Suck it up buttercup. America is the land of opportunity. With thousands, maybe millions, wanting to come here....and maybe replace the whiners and complainers with can-do people who have a can-do attitude and are willing to do their share to earn their place in the land of hopes and dreams.

This is not a healthy economy
See the response just above Lassie.
The USA's economy is good and vibrant.
Yours may not be.
But, gurlfriend, that's on you. Not on the USA.
So do this: Put you big girl yogapants on and get out and get a job.....and contribute to America.
Instead of whining and complaining.

One Big Mac in SF, LA, or NY can cost more than $7.
More than $7?
OK, so?
Do you eat a lot of Big Macs?
If so, what do they cost in your neighborhood?
In mine they are $5.79 (and 590 calorie)

Do this: Either don't buy your 7-dollar Big Macs; or quit whining.

with Obama, he is the most recent Marxist POTUS. He still runs the government from behind the scene
And up pops QAnon in a brand new suit.
And sitting at the NutsoCrazo desk.
So, other people working. Lots of other people.
Have jobs!
And then you come onto this forum whining about your groceries, about your rent.
What? Are those fully employed folks supposed to carry you?
Buy your Cheetos?
I hate to say it, but poster Harry sounds like the usual MAGA-style 'victim' that can't see his problems are more operator-error than a macro-economic problem.


Sucks? Struggling? Yet, restaurants are full. Backlogs are long. Order times are extended. Prices are rising. Employment is high. Unemployment is low. Home equities are strong and rising.
And yet, poor poster Burgermeister.....complains, and whines, and says he is a victim.
Suck it up buttercup. America is the land of opportunity. With thousands, maybe millions, wanting to come here....and maybe replace the whiners and complainers with can-do people who have a can-do attitude and are willing to do their share to earn their place in the land of hopes and dreams.


See the response just above Lassie.
The USA's economy is good and vibrant.
Yours may not be.
But, gurlfriend, that's on you. Not on the USA.
So do this: Put you big girl yogapants on and get out and get a job.....and contribute to America.
Instead of whining and complaining.


More than $7?
OK, so?
Do you eat a lot of Big Macs?
If so, what do they cost in your neighborhood?
In mine they are $5.79 (and 590 calorie)

Do this: Either don't buy your 7-dollar Big Macs; or quit whining.


And up pops QAnon in a brand new suit.
And sitting at the NutsoCrazo desk.
I deal in reality, not talking points.
So, other people working. Lots of other people.
Have jobs!
And then you come onto this forum whining about your groceries, about your rent.
What? Are those fully employed folks supposed to carry you?
Buy your Cheetos?
I hate to say it, but poster Harry sounds like the usual MAGA-style 'victim' that can't see his problems are more operator-error than a macro-economic problem.


Sucks? Struggling? Yet, restaurants are full. Backlogs are long. Order times are extended. Prices are rising. Employment is high. Unemployment is low. Home equities are strong and rising.
And yet, poor poster Burgermeister.....complains, and whines, and says he is a victim.
Suck it up buttercup. America is the land of opportunity. With thousands, maybe millions, wanting to come here....and maybe replace the whiners and complainers with can-do people who have a can-do attitude and are willing to do their share to earn their place in the land of hopes and dreams.


See the response just above Lassie.
The USA's economy is good and vibrant.
Yours may not be.
But, gurlfriend, that's on you. Not on the USA.
So do this: Put you big girl yogapants on and get out and get a job.....and contribute to America.
Instead of whining and complaining.


More than $7?
OK, so?
Do you eat a lot of Big Macs?
If so, what do they cost in your neighborhood?
In mine they are $5.79 (and 590 calorie)

Do this: Either don't buy your 7-dollar Big Macs; or quit whining.


And up pops QAnon in a brand new suit.
And sitting at the NutsoCrazo desk.
"Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz says former president Barack Obama is making the important decisions for Joe Biden.
“Barack Obama is already running the Biden administration,
” Cruz said. “I think he is already the puppet master, behind this Biden White House.”
“I don’t think Joe Biden is the decision maker,” Cruz explained."

True that.

True that.
US = 3.2%

  • Russia = 6.7
  • China = -.2 (deflation)
  • India = 4.9
  • Mexico = 4.3
  • UK =4.6
  • Canada = 3.1
  • Turkey = 61%
What we are seeing in these complaints about the American economy and our inflation is the total absorption of a 'victim-identity' that we see too much of in the MAGA universe.

They are grievance-filled whiners and complainers who think their American dream was a con on them.
Instead of being an operator-error issue .....that is really on them.
As said earlier in this thread: "go cry elsewhere, deniers"
Or we are Americans that don’t like the way Presidents and Congress led us out of the pandemic because it gave away to lots of people who didn’t need it and to many businesses who profited and cause our country to go further into debt.

I didn‘t vote for Trump, don’t care for Trump and Trump caused us to go further into debt, just like Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden, all did nothing to cut our debt. So take you Republican, Democrat BS and shove it. I am a fiscal conservative who believes in less spending, less debt, higher taxes, there is no one in DC that is a fiscal conservative.

You go kiss Trumps ass, I sure the hell won‘t, obsessed little baby.
Federal debt ceiling has been around for 100 years | News ...

To Democrats getting government checks, the Federal Debt doesn't matter, the government check does....
Why don't you show the Trump years?

Typical propaganda bullshit. Carefully framing your narrative.

Do you know how many times the debt ceiling was raised and/or outright suspended in the Trump years, or have you deliberately covered your eyes to the facts?

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