According To Every Republican, The Economy Is Supposed To Be So Bad

So, other people working. Lots of other people.
Have jobs!
And then you come onto this forum whining about your groceries, about your rent.
What? Are those fully employed folks supposed to carry you?
Buy your Cheetos?
I hate to say it, but poster Harry sounds like the usual MAGA-style 'victim' that can't see his problems are more operator-error than a macro-economic problem.


Sucks? Struggling? Yet, restaurants are full. Backlogs are long. Order times are extended. Prices are rising. Employment is high. Unemployment is low. Home equities are strong and rising.
And yet, poor poster Burgermeister.....complains, and whines, and says he is a victim.
Suck it up buttercup. America is the land of opportunity. With thousands, maybe millions, wanting to come here....and maybe replace the whiners and complainers with can-do people who have a can-do attitude and are willing to do their share to earn their place in the land of hopes and dreams.


See the response just above Lassie.
The USA's economy is good and vibrant.
Yours may not be.
But, gurlfriend, that's on you. Not on the USA.
So do this: Put you big girl yogapants on and get out and get a job.....and contribute to America.
Instead of whining and complaining.


More than $7?
OK, so?
Do you eat a lot of Big Macs?
If so, what do they cost in your neighborhood?
In mine they are $5.79 (and 590 calorie)

Do this: Either don't buy your 7-dollar Big Macs; or quit whining.


And up pops QAnon in a brand new suit.
And sitting at the NutsoCrazo desk.
and you sound like a dipshit chocallit.....
So, other people working. Lots of other people.
Have jobs!
And then you come onto this forum whining about your groceries, about your rent.
What? Are those fully employed folks supposed to carry you?
Buy your Cheetos?
I hate to say it, but poster Harry sounds like the usual MAGA-style 'victim' that can't see his problems are more operator-error than a macro-economic problem.


Sucks? Struggling? Yet, restaurants are full. Backlogs are long. Order times are extended. Prices are rising. Employment is high. Unemployment is low. Home equities are strong and rising.
And yet, poor poster Burgermeister.....complains, and whines, and says he is a victim.
Suck it up buttercup. America is the land of opportunity. With thousands, maybe millions, wanting to come here....and maybe replace the whiners and complainers with can-do people who have a can-do attitude and are willing to do their share to earn their place in the land of hopes and dreams.


See the response just above Lassie.
The USA's economy is good and vibrant.
Yours may not be.
But, gurlfriend, that's on you. Not on the USA.
So do this: Put you big girl yogapants on and get out and get a job.....and contribute to America.
Instead of whining and complaining.


More than $7?
OK, so?
Do you eat a lot of Big Macs?
If so, what do they cost in your neighborhood?
In mine they are $5.79 (and 590 calorie)

Do this: Either don't buy your 7-dollar Big Macs; or quit whining.


And up pops QAnon in a brand new suit.
And sitting at the NutsoCrazo desk.
There are people who have it and a growing percentage that do not have it. And reasons can be quite a few. Here is just one. A person who purchased a home 20 years ago or so or longer is no one special. However, the monthly mortgage may be lower, or the home is paid off. That is extra spending money right there. This is today. Millennials will be the first American generation poorer than the preceding one in our history. Tragically homes became an investment and not a place to live. The decoupling of the fiat currency from its shackles from all the social justice legislation of the 1960's and the rapid expansion of it has helped to cause this.
The simple fact is Trumptards want America to fail. They want America to suffer.

They are miserable over all the positive economic data.

Absolutely miserable.
What positive economic data?

Overall prices have jumped 15 percent since president was sworn in.​

Why don't you show the Trump years?

Typical propaganda bullshit. Carefully framing your narrative.

Do you know how many times the debt ceiling was raised and/or outright suspended in the Trump years, or have you deliberately covered your eyes to the facts?
3 times during trumps admin, way less then the 11 times during obama
3 times during trumps admin, way less then the 11 times during obama
1. Obama was president for 8 years, Trump only 4.

2. Under Trump, the debt ceiling was raised twice Both raises were higher than any under Obama.

3. The debt ceiling was also entirely suspended twice under Trump, meaning no spending limit at all.

US budget deficit topped $1 trillion in 2019 for the first time in seven years​

You know how I have pointed out many times that our politicians increase spending to artificially increase GDP, since government spending is a major part of GDP?

Donald "I am the King of Debt" Trump promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth. He never got close.

But look who radically increased government spending as a percentage of GDP, BEFORE Covid, and then crowed about GDP growth:

We have full employment, and there are 10 million open jobs.

Anyone who wants a job can have a job.
1. Obama was president for 8 years, Trump only 4.

2. Under Trump, the debt ceiling was raised twice Both raises were higher than any under Obama.

3. The debt ceiling was also entirely suspended twice under Trump, meaning no spending limit at all.

US budget deficit topped $1 trillion in 2019 for the first time in seven years

You know how I have pointed out many times that our politicians increase spending to artificially increase GDP, since government spending is a major part of GDP?

Donald "I am the King of Debt" Trump promised 4 to 6 percent GDP growth. He never got close.

But look who radically increased government spending as a percentage of GDP, BEFORE Covid, and then crowed about GDP growth:

So twice as long? 3 x 2 isn’t nearly 11

Keep trying but nobody added more to the debt in history then Obama…and for no good reason…Lincoln had the civil war, fdr WW2, Reagan the Cold War, trump the Chinese virus pandemic…Obama? Nothing but buying votes, same with xiden
"Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz says former president Barack Obama is.......
And that would be a CruzMessage straight from?

Look, poster Leo, here's my beef with Ted Cruz (who, btw, was a champion debater in school), anyway, he is a man who when a political opponent very publicly (Don Trump)....suggested Cruz's wife was ugly, Cruz rolled over. And let him dis his wife.

In my sense of values, in the zeitgeist of my local rural culture.......he's a weak assed limp-wristed wimp. As such, it hard for my poor avatar to give Ted Cruz any credibility whatsoever. So citing Cancun Cruz as your source of wisdom and insight faces an uphill struggle.
Think Sisyphus.

So there is that.


You go kiss Trumps ass, I sure the hell won‘t, obsessed little baby.
Ah, poor George, it ain't like that.
You have sadly misread.
Go back. Carefully. Re-think. Re-calibrate.
Good luck.

And note ---- America's inflation rate ain't all that bad vs. the world we live in. So don't whine about paying more for groceries. Move to Turkey.....and deal with their 60%. Or Russia with their 6.7%.
Be glad you were born on third-base here in America.
So quit your whining and complaining.


and you sound like a dipshit
And you, good poster Harry, should go get a job and quit whining that someone else should be buying your groceries, and paying your rent.

Be a can-do get-er-done American.
Don't be a whining and complaining ne'er-do-well.
Plenty of migrants want to replace lazy, whiney, complaining Americans who wallow in their own failures.

And good luck.
We have full employment, and there are 10 million open jobs.

Anyone who wants a job can have a job.
The jobs available are low skill and low wage jobs requiring grunt labor....
They aren't exactly made for those with a brain and higher education. These aren't jobs for those over 40.

The good jobs paying a living wage are non existent at the moment. Because of the lack of investment dollars available. Money supply is super tight because it's not one is spending on investment. Fear is ruling Supreme because ALL indicators are pointing to a massive crash in the stock market and a massive recession/depression looming. It's not just one or two's ALL of them. Meaning that cash for investment which really creates jobs is not going to happen.
True that.

True that.
US = 3.2%

  • Russia = 6.7
  • China = -.2 (deflation)
  • India = 4.9
  • Mexico = 4.3
  • UK =4.6
  • Canada = 3.1
  • Turkey = 61%
What we are seeing in these complaints about the American economy and our inflation is the total absorption of a 'victim-identity' that we see too much of in the MAGA universe.

They are grievance-filled whiners and complainers who think their American dream was a con on them.
Instead of being an operator-error issue .....that is really on them.
As said earlier in this thread: "go cry elsewhere, deniers"

It's 3.2% NOW, but it was OVER 9% for over a YEAR. That 3.2% doesn't mean prices are falling, it means THEY ARE STILL RISING, but just not as fast. So that 5 dollar hamburger that was 2.50 under Trump is still 5 dollars, and will be 5.15 next month. But it won't be 5.45.

We should celebrate?
Denying the obvious is not a winning strategy. You guys are in deep shit next year.
Yup. They think if they repeat the lie enough times, gullible voters will believe them. What they ignore is that voters go to the grocery store and the gas station.
We should celebrate?
You should celebrate that you were born-on-third-base by being an American and living in a vibrant economy that has less of an inflation burden than most of the world.
(See the various charts posted on this venue on how America ranks in inflation.)

So celebrate. And quit whining and complaining.
Get a job and be happy and productive.

The jobs available are low skill and low wage jobs requiring grunt labor....
They aren't exactly made for those with a brain and higher education. These aren't jobs for those over 40.

The good jobs paying a living wage are non existent at the moment. Because of the lack of investment dollars available. Money supply is super tight because it's not one is spending on investment. Fear is ruling Supreme because ALL indicators are pointing to a massive crash in the stock market and a massive recession/depression looming. It's not just one or two's ALL of them. Meaning that cash for investment which really creates jobs is not going to happen.
Places are begging for nurses. That’s neither grunt labor nor low wage.

Teachers, engineers, police departments. All hiring like crazy.

Anyone who wants a decent job and is able bodied can get one.
You should celebrate that you were born-on-third-base by being an American and living in a vibrant economy that has less of an inflation burden than most of the world.
(See the various charts posted on this venue on how America ranks in inflation.)

So celebrate. And quit whining and complaining.
Get a job and be happy and productive.

So it went from "everything is great" to "stop complaining?" No, fuck you. This fucking country sucks.

I wasn't born on 3rd base. I was born in a country run by loony fucking democrats that celebrate 9% inflation because they are under a child molester n chief and they get really excited knowing that men in dresses can go into little girls bathrooms.

No, this country was AWESOME under Trump. We are a fucking embarrassment under Biden. Fuck that child molester.
You were born within the last four years?

No I was born under Jimmy Carter. Looney leftie with massive inflation. Yet another 4 years of a dead economy and horrible job growth. It took Reagan 8 years to bring this country back from the damage that fucking peanut fucker did.

Not much has changed, has it? Funny how inflation under democrats keeps popping up.
And that would be a CruzMessage straight from?

Look, poster Leo, here's my beef with Ted Cruz (who, btw, was a champion debater in school), anyway, he is a man who when a political opponent very publicly (Don Trump)....suggested Cruz's wife was ugly, Cruz rolled over. And let him dis his wife.

In my sense of values, in the zeitgeist of my local rural culture.......he's a weak assed limp-wristed wimp. As such, it hard for my poor avatar to give Ted Cruz any credibility whatsoever. So citing Cancun Cruz as your source of wisdom and insight faces an uphill struggle.
Think Sisyphus.

So there is that.


Ah, poor George, it ain't like that.
You have sadly misread.
Go back. Carefully. Re-think. Re-calibrate.
Good luck.

And note ---- America's inflation rate ain't all that bad vs. the world we live in. So don't whine about paying more for groceries. Move to Turkey.....and deal with their 60%. Or Russia with their 6.7%.
Be glad you were born on third-base here in America.
So quit your whining and complaining.



And you, good poster Harry, should go get a job and quit whining that someone else should be buying your groceries, and paying your rent.

Be a can-do get-er-done American.
Don't be a whining and complaining ne'er-do-well.
Plenty of migrants want to replace lazy, whiney, complaining Americans who wallow in their own failures.

And good luck.
were did i say that?.....geezus talk about making up shit....

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