According to the treasury secretary, the economy left in shambles after Bush has been repaired

Oh really? Where is the evidence that the middle class has improved under republican policy?

I got back $15'000.00 in a retro active CG tax cut when bush was elected.
Since then I refuse to sell stocks while a dem is in office.
Of course this doesnt help the economy but who the fuck cares..I'll take the 15k and the economy can fuck itself.
You can thank clinton for that.
Are you kidding me? You are deluding yourself to the extreme if you actually believe economic growth was better under Bush. I mean for godsake's the Great Recession began at the end of his presidency and ended 6 months into Obama's. How can you people blatantly ignore facts?

The only thing hurting on my end is my bank stocks taking a hit because of oil prices but i'm not concerned,they'll be back just in time for a Trump or Cruz presidency.
Other than that the net worth has still gone up.
Oh really? What exactly is Trump's master plan on oil prices? Stop pretending you know because Trump doesn't even know. Trump doesn't know jackshit about oil prices and there's really no reason to believe otherwise. It's so insane to me that you actually believe this 8th grader trapped in an adult's body is even remotely competant to be in the White House.

I never said Trump or Cruz would fix the oil issue,thats beyond the presidents ability.
Um ok so why even mention their potential administrations?
I got back $15'000.00 in a retro active CG tax cut when bush was elected.
Since then I refuse to sell stocks while a dem is in office.
Of course this doesnt help the economy but who the fuck cares..I'll take the 15k and the economy can fuck itself.
You can thank clinton for that.
Are you kidding me? You are deluding yourself to the extreme if you actually believe economic growth was better under Bush. I mean for godsake's the Great Recession began at the end of his presidency and ended 6 months into Obama's. How can you people blatantly ignore facts?

The only thing hurting on my end is my bank stocks taking a hit because of oil prices but i'm not concerned,they'll be back just in time for a Trump or Cruz presidency.
Other than that the net worth has still gone up.
Oh really? What exactly is Trump's master plan on oil prices? Stop pretending you know because Trump doesn't even know. Trump doesn't know jackshit about oil prices and there's really no reason to believe otherwise. It's so insane to me that you actually believe this 8th grader trapped in an adult's body is even remotely competant to be in the White House.

I never said Trump or Cruz would fix the oil issue,thats beyond the presidents ability.
Um ok so why even mention their potential administrations?

Because as I mentioned,conservative presidents generally cut the CG which point I am more likely to sell because I'll make substantially more money.
Which of course helps the economy.
Billy, like Obama, you are a 'blame-shifting' idiot.

Over 6 years, during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, and 2 wars, Bush added $2.5 trillion in new debt.

Democrats won a near Super Majority control of Congress entering Bush's last year. That means THEY took over control of the budget, spending, and thus the economy. In the last 2 years of Bush's term in office Liberals added $1.5 trillion in new debt, $1 trillion less in 2 years than Bush spent in 6 years.

Liberals claim the economy went south during Bush's last 2 years. I couldn't agree more, since it was LIBERALS who controlled spending / the economy those 2 years.

Liberals held that near Super Majority control of Congress - and spending - the last 2 years of the Bush administration and through the end of Obama's 2nd year in office.

The 'bad economy' whiny biatch Obama claimed to have inherited from Bush was ACTUALLY handed to him on a silver platter by his fellow Liberals in control of Congress, spending, and the economy.

Obama called Bush 'un-patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in new debt in 8 pointed out, Bush actually only added $2.5 trillion over 6 years....

Obama went on to add OVER $6 trillion in only 4 years, setting new US 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending while doing so. Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush COMBINED, while securing the 1st US Credit Rating downgrade.

Obama's 1st spending bill was the disasterously failed nearly $1 trillion dollar Stimulus bill which contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork.

Instead of fixing the crumbling US infrastructure Obama allocated millions for non-existent shovel-ready projects...that Obama even had to admit never existed.
His spending nightmare failed to keep un-employment below 8% as promised (it rose to 10,1%), paid for such fiscally irresponsible spending programs as studying why the sex life of a homesexual Argentenian male is better than that of a heterosexual American and how to teach alcoholic Chinese postitutes how to drink more responsibly on duty. (Way to go, Libs!) In the end, Obama's criminal spending cost tax payers OVER $740,000 PER JOB SUPPOSEDLY CREATED/SAVED!

The OP, and most liberals, however, couldn't / can't help trying to re-write history and blame others!
According to the treasury secretary, the economy left in shambles after Bush has been repaired

Ah liberal propaganda, allow me to correct this...

According to the treasury secretary, the economy left in shambles after 2 years of Dem control of congress and their refusing to heed Bush warnings about the housing bubble fueled by Dem controlled Fannie and Freddie has been repaired.
Bad News, Republicans: U.S. Treasury Confirms President Obama Has Fixed The Economy You Crashed (VIDEO)

We’re seeing steady growth, we’ve seen enormous job creation over this period of time, we’re seeing the unemployment rate around 5% and we’re seeing that growth, in spite of the fact that there’s a lot of headwinds from a slower global economy,” Lew said, adding that the United States is “well positioned” as the year comes to a close.

“I think if you look at where we ended the year, we have a good, stable platform for growth, more clarity in the tax code, more investment in infrastructure, we’ve reversed the kind of downward pressure, the drag coming from, you know, sequestration by having sensible cuts that are being used to restore that spending that we need to invest in education and other things for the future.”

Indeed, 8.7 million jobs have been added under President Obama in a 60+ month streak of positive job growth numbers. And while Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage nationally, many states have done so themselves. In addition, President Obama is also on track to wipe out the $1.4 trillion deficitthat Bush saddled him with, but which Republicans often complain about and blame him for.

Lew also had a message for Americans who are worried about Social Security, the social safety net program that Republicans have been trying to undermine for decades. “People shouldn’t panic,” he said.

Now as usual the cons on here in their desperation will say "but, but, but the U6 unemployment is 10%!" Yeah and that is still lower than it was under Bush.

Now of course the economy still has a low wage problem. That can be fixed easily with actual legislation.

There are plenty of jobs in my area. Construction is booming. I live in Denver (a Democrat-run city in a Democrat-run state), and they're cranes everywhere.

Yeah, things are WAY better than at the end of Bush's term when the economy was collapsing all over the country. But to listen to conservatives tell the story, Obama is destroying the economy. This isn't destruction; it's CONSTRUCTION!
Bad News, Republicans: U.S. Treasury Confirms President Obama Has Fixed The Economy You Crashed (VIDEO)

We’re seeing steady growth, we’ve seen enormous job creation over this period of time, we’re seeing the unemployment rate around 5% and we’re seeing that growth, in spite of the fact that there’s a lot of headwinds from a slower global economy,” Lew said, adding that the United States is “well positioned” as the year comes to a close.

“I think if you look at where we ended the year, we have a good, stable platform for growth, more clarity in the tax code, more investment in infrastructure, we’ve reversed the kind of downward pressure, the drag coming from, you know, sequestration by having sensible cuts that are being used to restore that spending that we need to invest in education and other things for the future.”

Indeed, 8.7 million jobs have been added under President Obama in a 60+ month streak of positive job growth numbers. And while Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage nationally, many states have done so themselves. In addition, President Obama is also on track to wipe out the $1.4 trillion deficitthat Bush saddled him with, but which Republicans often complain about and blame him for.

Lew also had a message for Americans who are worried about Social Security, the social safety net program that Republicans have been trying to undermine for decades. “People shouldn’t panic,” he said.

Now as usual the cons on here in their desperation will say "but, but, but the U6 unemployment is 10%!" Yeah and that is still lower than it was under Bush.

Now of course the economy still has a low wage problem. That can be fixed easily with actual legislation.

Why should anyone believe an Obama appointee?
Bad News, Republicans: U.S. Treasury Confirms President Obama Has Fixed The Economy You Crashed (VIDEO)

We’re seeing steady growth, we’ve seen enormous job creation over this period of time, we’re seeing the unemployment rate around 5% and we’re seeing that growth, in spite of the fact that there’s a lot of headwinds from a slower global economy,” Lew said, adding that the United States is “well positioned” as the year comes to a close.

“I think if you look at where we ended the year, we have a good, stable platform for growth, more clarity in the tax code, more investment in infrastructure, we’ve reversed the kind of downward pressure, the drag coming from, you know, sequestration by having sensible cuts that are being used to restore that spending that we need to invest in education and other things for the future.”

Indeed, 8.7 million jobs have been added under President Obama in a 60+ month streak of positive job growth numbers. And while Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage nationally, many states have done so themselves. In addition, President Obama is also on track to wipe out the $1.4 trillion deficitthat Bush saddled him with, but which Republicans often complain about and blame him for.

Lew also had a message for Americans who are worried about Social Security, the social safety net program that Republicans have been trying to undermine for decades. “People shouldn’t panic,” he said.

Now as usual the cons on here in their desperation will say "but, but, but the U6 unemployment is 10%!" Yeah and that is still lower than it was under Bush.

Now of course the economy still has a low wage problem. That can be fixed easily with actual legislation.

There are plenty of jobs in my area. Construction is booming. I live in Denver (a Democrat-run city in a Democrat-run state), and they're cranes everywhere.

Yeah, things are WAY better than at the end of Bush's term when the economy was collapsing all over the country. But to listen to conservatives tell the story, Obama is destroying the economy. This isn't destruction; it's CONSTRUCTION!
Lol yep Wadsworth is a bitch.
Mustang, glad jobs are good in your area. Doesn't change the fact Democrats controlled Congress, spending, and the economy Bush's last 2 years...when the economy went south!
Bad News, Republicans: U.S. Treasury Confirms President Obama Has Fixed The Economy You Crashed (VIDEO)

We’re seeing steady growth, we’ve seen enormous job creation over this period of time, we’re seeing the unemployment rate around 5% and we’re seeing that growth, in spite of the fact that there’s a lot of headwinds from a slower global economy,” Lew said, adding that the United States is “well positioned” as the year comes to a close.

“I think if you look at where we ended the year, we have a good, stable platform for growth, more clarity in the tax code, more investment in infrastructure, we’ve reversed the kind of downward pressure, the drag coming from, you know, sequestration by having sensible cuts that are being used to restore that spending that we need to invest in education and other things for the future.”

Indeed, 8.7 million jobs have been added under President Obama in a 60+ month streak of positive job growth numbers. And while Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage nationally, many states have done so themselves. In addition, President Obama is also on track to wipe out the $1.4 trillion deficitthat Bush saddled him with, but which Republicans often complain about and blame him for.

Lew also had a message for Americans who are worried about Social Security, the social safety net program that Republicans have been trying to undermine for decades. “People shouldn’t panic,” he said.

Now as usual the cons on here in their desperation will say "but, but, but the U6 unemployment is 10%!" Yeah and that is still lower than it was under Bush.

Now of course the economy still has a low wage problem. That can be fixed easily with actual legislation.

There are plenty of jobs in my area. Construction is booming. I live in Denver (a Democrat-run city in a Democrat-run state), and they're cranes everywhere.

Yeah, things are WAY better than at the end of Bush's term when the economy was collapsing all over the country. But to listen to conservatives tell the story, Obama is destroying the economy. This isn't destruction; it's CONSTRUCTION!

Get ready for a down turn...
Billy, like Obama, you are a 'blame-shifting' idiot.

Over 6 years, during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, and 2 wars, Bush added $2.5 trillion in new debt.

Democrats won a near Super Majority control of Congress entering Bush's last year. That means THEY took over control of the budget, spending, and thus the economy. In the last 2 years of Bush's term in office Liberals added $1.5 trillion in new debt, $1 trillion less in 2 years than Bush spent in 6 years.

Liberals claim the economy went south during Bush's last 2 years. I couldn't agree more, since it was LIBERALS who controlled spending / the economy those 2 years.

Liberals held that near Super Majority control of Congress - and spending - the last 2 years of the Bush administration and through the end of Obama's 2nd year in office.

The 'bad economy' whiny biatch Obama claimed to have inherited from Bush was ACTUALLY handed to him on a silver platter by his fellow Liberals in control of Congress, spending, and the economy.

Obama called Bush 'un-patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in new debt in 8 pointed out, Bush actually only added $2.5 trillion over 6 years....

Obama went on to add OVER $6 trillion in only 4 years, setting new US 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending while doing so. Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush COMBINED, while securing the 1st US Credit Rating downgrade.

Obama's 1st spending bill was the disasterously failed nearly $1 trillion dollar Stimulus bill which contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork.

Instead of fixing the crumbling US infrastructure Obama allocated millions for non-existent shovel-ready projects...that Obama even had to admit never existed.
His spending nightmare failed to keep un-employment below 8% as promised (it rose to 10,1%), paid for such fiscally irresponsible spending programs as studying why the sex life of a homesexual Argentenian male is better than that of a heterosexual American and how to teach alcoholic Chinese postitutes how to drink more responsibly on duty. (Way to go, Libs!) In the end, Obama's criminal spending cost tax payers OVER $740,000 PER JOB SUPPOSEDLY CREATED/SAVED!

The OP, and most liberals, however, couldn't / can't help trying to re-write history and blame others!
Bush is responsible for 10 trillion of the debt. You need to accept this. The debt added early into Obama's presidency is a result of Bush's policies.

It's such childish thinking to assume that dems in congress had anything to do with the recession. I don't even put the principle blame on Bush. It was a complex combination of factors that lead to the crash. Even if you wanted to blame the dems for it, how do you explain that the recession ended during a time when the democrats dominated the gov in mid 2009? We have had job growth EVER SINCE. How do you explain that?

Oh and the huge deficit caused by Bush is now a distant memory.
Billy, why must I accept A LIE, as already PROVEN?!

I understand you do not like or accept the facts presented, proven, and documented. That's YOUR problem. Accept them...or like Obama....CRY ME A RIVER!
The Right loathed Bill Clinton and he's an international hero. The same is true of Obama.
He is also a career sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, pdeophile island visitor, and pathelogical liar.

Obama is a JOKE around the world. He has been caught arming, supplying, and training terrorists, coward after his Red Line declaration, has been caught spying on allues, caught in lie after lie, and wa just mocked by Putin, the Shah, and others for crying like a bitch on tv whole trying to emotionally scam Americans. JOKE.
Billy, why must I accept A LIE, as already PROVEN?!

I understand you do not like or accept the facts presented, proven, and documented. That's YOUR problem. Accept them...or like Obama....CRY ME A RIVER!
Lol where are these proven facts of yours? If you like, I can show you unbiased proof that Obama's stimulus package single handedly reversed the Great Depression and created 3 million private jobs.
Posted 'em numerous times, Billy. They are also found easily on-line. Ya just gotta WANT to know and believe the truth....which you gave proven you fon't.
Posted 'em numerous times, Billy. They are also found easily on-line. Ya just gotta WANT to know and believe the truth....which you gave proven you fon't.
So what is this source of yours that is superior to all the others?
Posted 'em numerous times, Billy. They are also found easily on-line. Ya just gotta WANT to know and believe the truth....which you gave proven you fon't.
So what is this source of yours that is superior to all the others?
Read my LAST post, Billy.
ALL of this is heavily reported, recorded, documented fact. I can't help your ignorance...such as you are actually disputing that Libs controlled both houses of Congress Bush's last 2 years....which is recorded, everyone (except you) knows, and can easily be found on-line.

Go away, Billy. It's too late to play your ignorant games....
Posted 'em numerous times, Billy. They are also found easily on-line. Ya just gotta WANT to know and believe the truth....which you gave proven you fon't.
So what is this source of yours that is superior to all the others?
Read my LAST post, Billy.
ALL of this is heavily reported, recorded, documented fact. I can't help your ignorance...such as you are actually disputing that Libs controlled both houses of Congress Bush's last 2 years....which is recorded, everyone (except you) knows, and can easily be found on-line.

Go away, Billy. It's too late to play your ignorant games....
lol how do you not understand how fallacious you sound? You equate the recession with the dems coming to power a couple years earlier and somehow believe this is evidence? How do you think this would sound to an educated economist? Of course, again, your logic doesn't hold up considering the timing of the recession ending and job growth beginning when the dems still held great power.
Billy you DO understand that when Libs took over control of the House and Senate the last 2 years of Bush's term they took over the budget, spending, the economy, etc, right?

You do realize they controlled all of this for 4 tears, until the end of Obana's 2nd year in office, right?!

You do realize that Obama and LIBERALS passed the nearly $1 trillion failed Stimulus and they and they alone packed it with OVER 7,000 pieces of self/party/donor-serving PORK, right?!

You do realize that with that control Obama added OVER $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years, right?

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