According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

Wait until they try to attack Israel. It's coming. Could be a few weeks from now, could be 5 years, but they are going to do it.
Sooner the better

Israel isn't going down. Sorry to disappoint you.
Some of our people might, and none of these Trump Toads gives a shit. Not once have these brainless Trump supporters even mentioned the cost of Trumps actions on our people. Because its meaningless to them. They're too busy jerking off about bombing Iran for something bone spurs started.

You can thank W and O for the flaming pile of dung.
Don’t worry about Iran. God Destroys them with Fire, Hailstones, Blood, Torrential Rains and Insanity.

Ezekiel 38 BSB

Yup, I saw iran attack our embassy last week and also killed an American a few days before that. Prior to that they attacked ships, oil refineries and one of our drones.

All BEFORE we responded.

Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.

god we got some fucking idiots here dont we?
Its hard to believe how stupid these Trump toads are. We had a great thing going with Iran, and because of the brainless man child bone spurs coward in chief, we now have this problem with all his brain dead followers. They are stupid and mental.
brothers and sisters: the job of POTUS is to keep americans safe. killing Salami has not kept america safe. thus, the Senate must impeach Trump!
Iran isn't going to push us into war. If they really wanted war, they would have struck U.S. facilities around Iran. They didn't. They don't want an overt war with us.

When you are this wrong this early...……..probably better just take a break and see what's happening.
He's right. In time you'll see it. I know this because I understand the Muzzy mind. They respect strength. They may not LIKE Trump, but they will quickly learn to respect him.

Okay, we'll see. Jeepers, this is really tense for me. Do you hear all the reporters on Fox talking so fast? They are so nervous.
They're jerking off, and for what? This is Trumps fuck up.
Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.
Violent attacks upon US soil.

View attachment 298976
Kill. Kill. Kill.
Yes, Iran has murdered hundreds of Americans.
and you also think the CIA is not ab evil organization and does not go around and start wars in other countries as well i am sure.comedy gold.:lmao::laughing0301:
I would say Iran has no chance if their Democrat allies in the House cant save them. Both the DNC and Iran will benefit from taking Trump down but then again they are both pretty ineffective in doing so to date.

Militarily Iran doesn't stand a chance. Only on the propaganda front which will now intensify. Iran couldn't beat Iraq in 11 years of bloody warfare and they threw everything they had into it. And Iraq lasted 18 hours against America.

Their *only* hope is the American media and House of Reps.

Yeah, the Dems are our internal enemies, no question. Good and interesting equivalency you did there, about the timeline. I recalled the carry-on about how we won in 3 1/2 weeks, but -- whatever.

The big, huge thing is not to occupy and try to be their newest, bestest fwiendies… we do that so badly. Just bomb them and "create a wilderness and call it peace." Tacitus.
YOU DONE MESSED UP! It’s this simple: you attack Americans, you will regret it. Iran doesn’t care about their people, they care about their radical agenda. Badddd move! ⁣ ⁣ ⁣
Iran isn't going to push us into war. If they really wanted war, they would have struck U.S. facilities around Iran. They didn't. They don't want an overt war with us.

When you are this wrong this early...……..probably better just take a break and see what's happening.
He's right. In time you'll see it. I know this because I understand the Muzzy mind. They respect strength. They may not LIKE Trump, but they will quickly learn to respect him.

Okay, we'll see. Jeepers, this is really tense for me. Do you hear all the reporters on Fox talking so fast? They are so nervous.
They're jerking off, and for what? This is Trumps fuck up.

Yes we know the far left will deny Obama's illegal wars and bad deals that caused all this!

Keep supporting them terrorists!
The destruction of Iran will depend on the number of soldiers killed, if any.

Iran better hope they didn't kill anyone and they save face domestically while potentially avoiding a big response.

If many were killed, and even if none depending on the way forward; Iranian generals will be fair game, maybe even a MOAB over some very important leaders a la Reagan and Gadaffi.

Perhaps the Iranians "attacked" but didn't actually damage anything in order to save some face???

If they didnt kill a bunch of people it's pure bad luck or good depending how you look at it of course.
Cant imagine those Iranian missiles are accurate enough to hit unoccupied areas on a base.
Gipper is really the only person looking foolish in this thread.
War activities evoke emotional responses from some and that's perfectly fine but he just keeps droning on and on with the same retarded shit.

this coming from a troll who runs off from facts and insults when he cant counter the evidence.:lmao::laughing0301: glad this troll is not my lawyer,with his logic,he would lose EVERY case for me.:lmao:
Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.
Violent attacks upon US soil.

View attachment 298976
Kill. Kill. Kill.
Yes, Iran has murdered hundreds of Americans.
and you also think the CIA is not ab evil organization and does not go around and start wars in other countries as well i am sure.comedy gold.:lmao::laughing0301:
So how’d Trump get Iran to attack us?
Has not been verified, but...

400+ missiles fired thus far
70 U.S service member fatalities
10 injured

Escalating Tensions (@SteppingGlass) January 7, 2020

Another report says this...

Reports say Iran is firing dozens of missiles into Iraq, hitting U.S. forces at Al Asad Airbase. Early reports say 20 U.S. troops have died, amid 60+ missile strikes so far. If true, then we are at the precipice of another horrible war in the Middle East.

Mark Hughes (@markhughesfilms) January 7, 2020

and this:

Still 0 confirmed reports of injuries/fatalities in attack.

Doge (@IntelDoge) January 7, 2020

If this is true, it's all over for that little shithole.
Early reports on these incidents are almost always wrong because reporters are all trying to be the first to get the scoop and write any rumor before they know the facts.

But you can bet your ass that if there are US fatalities, Trump is going to flatten Iran.
For a problem we created. Never forget that. Just like the Iraq war that we started over lies. We are the war mongers, not Iran. We had a good deal and we axed it on purpose just to start shit. This is why Trump axed the deal. To bomb the shit out of whoever and get their oil. And you retards took the bait.
I don't like war....I don't want war...I respect Iranians!

But I want the mullahs to go

that's basically it my friends! :2up:

I suspect the Iranians want them to go as well. There was a tweet from an Iranian yesterday saying that most people in Iran were quietly happy with the death of that murderous general but had to appear to be sad.
Just remember, Dumb Don is your God.
Just remember Beirut Embassy bombings, Kobe Towers, Marine Barracks Lebannon, Advanced IED's and EFPs .....just to name a few..........

They think he was bluffing ..........He Wasn't..........THEY JUST FUCKED UP.
Yeah let’s nuke Tehran and mass murder millions. Yippee!!!
We don't need nukes to deal with that PISS ANT country.........They are gonna get hit hard.........VERY a final message.

Tehran should have vanished in a nuclear fireball by, at the latest, November 8, 1979.
Well at least you admit to being a psychopath.
yeah now its out in the open.:abgg2q.jpg:
Gipper is really the only person looking foolish in this thread.
War activities evoke emotional responses from some and that's perfectly fine but he just keeps droning on and on with the same retarded shit.

this coming from a troll who runs off from facts and insults when he cant counter the evidence.:lmao::laughing0301: glad this troll is not my lawyer,with his logic,he would lose EVERY case for me.:lmao:
Hide under your pillow, we’ll let you know when it’s safe.
Iran isn't going to push us into war. If they really wanted war, they would have struck U.S. facilities around Iran. They didn't. They don't want an overt war with us.

When you are this wrong this early...……..probably better just take a break and see what's happening.
He's right. In time you'll see it. I know this because I understand the Muzzy mind. They respect strength. They may not LIKE Trump, but they will quickly learn to respect him.

Okay, we'll see. Jeepers, this is really tense for me. Do you hear all the reporters on Fox talking so fast? They are so nervous.
They're jerking off, and for what? This is Trumps fuck up.

Nope. W and O.

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