According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

i wonder how many of those terrorist missiles were payed for by Obamas multi billion $ gift to the bastards .
All of them were paid for by Obama and he knew that’s exactly what the money was going to be used for and did it anyways.
Good God have you paid attention?
Yup, I saw iran attack our embassy last week and also killed an American a few days before that. Prior to that they attacked ships, oil refineries and one of our drones.

All BEFORE we responded.

Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.

god we got some fucking idiots here dont we?
Its hard to believe how stupid these Trump toads are. We had a great thing going with Iran, and because of the brainless man child bone spurs coward in chief, we now have this problem with all his brain dead followers. They are stupid and mental.
How did Trump get Iran to attack our Embassy in Iraq?
In which no one was killed or hurt, but you Trumpettes want lots of dead Iranian women and children as pay back.

You dumb fucks don’t even know of the 25 Iraqis the US murdered prior to the embassy riots.

We're all dumb fucks, Gripper! Everyone is a brainwashed Trumpian except YOU. God bless you for pointing out what great, noble, innocent people Iran are, and what total assfucks the evil USA is! When can we expect you to fly over, join the Royal Guard and start fighting against us? You KNOW you wanna do it!
Just remember, Dumb Don is your God.
Just remember Beirut Embassy bombings, Kobe Towers, Marine Barracks Lebannon, Advanced IED's and EFPs .....just to name a few..........

They think he was bluffing ..........He Wasn't..........THEY JUST FUCKED UP.
Yeah let’s nuke Tehran and mass murder millions. Yippee!!!

indeed,be a patriotic american and cheer on our CIA who is always looking out for us and cheer on a warmonger president and lets cheer on a government here that wants to murderer thousands of women and children abroad,yeah thats the ticket.:dance:
Iran isn't going to push us into war. If they really wanted war, they would have struck U.S. facilities around Iran. They didn't. They don't want an overt war with us.

When you are this wrong this early...……..probably better just take a break and see what's happening.
He's right. In time you'll see it. I know this because I understand the Muzzy mind. They respect strength. They may not LIKE Trump, but they will quickly learn to respect him.
How did Trump get Iran to attack our Embassy in Iraq?
In which no one was killed or hurt, but you Trumpettes want lots of dead Iranian women and children as pay back.

You dumb fucks don’t even know of the 25 Iraqis the US murdered prior to the embassy riots.

Iran willingly attacked the Embassy. Foot up the ass, appeasement doesn’t work.
You are a complete idiot.

So are you.
Yep I’m dumb because I don’t want a useless war that benefits only the 1%.

The one percent?
What about the 30% of the worlds oil that passes through The Strait of Hormuz?
That'll really help the poor when the Iranians set up a bunch of mines like they've done in the past.
I did my 21 years and may get recalled.

You have a point, someone has to clean the latrine.

They do call back those that were dishonorably discharged for drugs!
So, you've already been contacted then.

Yes we know you are drug user and are dishonorable!

But you do love them terrorist!
OMG, are you in the third grade?

If I was it would still be 3 grades above you!

Go ahead defend them terrorists!

Way to old.
Why dont you get your fat ass down to the enlistment office?
I'm sure our aircraft carriers wouldnt mind an extra ship anchor.
I did my 21 years and may get recalled. How about this for you? U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior?
You won't get recalled. No more than I will.
Maybe...maybe not, but I will go if called. I don't hide like CRC trumpanzee cowards do.

Poor little drug user that was dishonorable discharged!

I heard they just couldnt afford to feed her anymore.
Looks like 52 places in Iran are about to become history.

And if they do not, then Trump's bluff is called...that is the problem with talking shit on twitter.

he will fold faster than a cheap card table -

then his drones will kiss his ass for not starting a war .

uh the motherfucker Orange clown ALREADY started A WAR.:rolleyes:

How so?
He claims Nixon started a war too. He’s insane.
i wonder how many of those terrorist missiles were payed for by Obamas multi billion $ gift to the bastards .

I would guess that most or all of those missiles were shot down by our anti-missile ground defense. Don't worry. We've moved B-52s into the region. Gladly paid for by the American taxpayer.
Our ships will shoot first I'd Guess..............Back when I was in they could fire 100 in less than 5 minutes ......track all 100 and hit the targets..............and that was our old stuff...............

I'd HIT the missile sites at the Staits of Hormuz first................used to be Silk worms there.....don't know what they have now...............They will try to block the Straits.

You know, really, we spend a lot of money on defense. These ships and troops we have in that area are supposed to be able to do very advanced warfare --- I sure think this is the moment. Not to pretend we're Iran's newest bestest friend like we do with all the other enemy countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. Could we, like, actually fight back? Seriously fight??

I would say Iran has no chance if their Democrat allies in the House cant save them. Both the DNC and Iran will benefit from taking Trump down but then again they are both pretty ineffective in doing so to date.

Militarily Iran doesn't stand a chance. Only on the propaganda front which will now intensify. Iran couldn't beat Iraq in 11 years of bloody warfare and they threw everything they had into it. And Iraq lasted 18 hours against America.

Their *only* hope is the American media and House of Reps.
Wait until they try to attack Israel. It's coming. Could be a few weeks from now, could be 5 years, but they are going to do it.
Sooner the better

Israel isn't going down. Sorry to disappoint you.
Intense #USAF warplane activity over Deir Ez Zur #Syria (#IRGC Imam Ali brigades are stationed there, PMU as well)

— Aleph ?n ???? ????? \uD83D\uDD6F? ? (@no_itsmyturn) January 8, 2020
And are you jerking off at the thought that maybe some of our people may die at the expense of Trumps ego? Actually, I doubt it. You really dont give a shit one way or the other.

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