According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

You have a point, someone has to clean the latrine.

They do call back those that were dishonorably discharged for drugs!
So, you've already been contacted then.

Yes we know you are drug user and are dishonorable!

But you do love them terrorist!
OMG, are you in the third grade?

If I was it would still be 3 grades above you!

Go ahead defend them terrorists!
I think he’s posting from Tehran while eating a ham sandwich.
Iran isn't going to push us into war. If they really wanted war, they would have struck U.S. facilities around Iran. They didn't. They don't want an overt war with us.

When you are this wrong this early...……..probably better just take a break and see what's happening.
He's right. In time you'll see it. I know this because I understand the Muzzy mind. They respect strength. They may not LIKE Trump, but they will quickly learn to respect him.

Okay, we'll see. Jeepers, this is really tense for me. Do you hear all the reporters on Fox talking so fast? They are so nervous.
Pay attention. Gog and Magog are coming and Iran is incinerated!

Ezekiel 38 BSB

Wait until they try to attack Israel. It's coming. Could be a few weeks from now, could be 5 years, but they are going to do it.
Sooner the better

Israel isn't going down. Sorry to disappoint you.
I don't like war....I don't want war...I respect Iranians!

But I want the mullahs to go

that's basically it my friends! :2up:
The 82nd is on their way. None of this is good.

it doesnt get any better for trump -

stir war shit = stinks enough to hide impeachment headlines

yeah this motherfucker is pulling a bill clinton and dick nixon,two presidents who started wars to get the american peoples attention away from the impeachment.
Nixon started a war? I know he ended Vietnam, which war did he start?

Damn thanks for proving how our corrupt school system in high school is failing americans.LOL In handing your ass to you on a platter,yes started a war,he expanded the vietnam war with cambodia murdering women and children.johnson STARTED the war that Kennedy was trying to pull us out of,he NEVER Sent in combat troops as i am sure you were told as well.LOL JOHNSON did that.

are you that dense that you dont know that nixon sabotoged johnsons plan for peace talks to get elected and then lied about ending the war which he could have doen in 1969 had he wanted to but expanded it with cambodia and they he let it drag on another four more years murdering woem and children same as johnson?:rolleyes: obviously not,obviously you bellieved everything they told you in our corrupt textbooks in history classes ourr corrupt school system taught you.:rolleyes::lmao::laughing0301:

hint-type in at google- nixon expanded war,cambodia.

class dimismissed.:D

"class dismissed"

Go back to school, my grammatically challenged friend.


But why are we discussing what Nixon did? Is he the closest Republican you could attack?

ask that idiot who brought him dumbass. :rolleyes:yep i took him to school proving how he murdered women and children and delayed ending the war murdering many more americans same as johnson

sorry the truth hurts crybaby who can only insult when he cant counter evidence that i gave.:itsok:

you have reading comprehension problems because had you paid any attention you would have seen HE brought up Nixon and wanted to talk about him,NOT me.:cuckoo:

I see same as him,YOU are as stupid and clueless about the vietnam war and Nixon and his role in Cambodia just as much as him and have to insult in defeat. how mature.:itsok:
Iran will be exterminated by God. They are a wicked Nation.

Ezekiel 38 BSB

Yup, I saw iran attack our embassy last week and also killed an American a few days before that. Prior to that they attacked ships, oil refineries and one of our drones.

All BEFORE we responded.

Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.

god we got some fucking idiots here dont we?
Its hard to believe how stupid these Trump toads are. We had a great thing going with Iran, and because of the brainless man child bone spurs coward in chief, we now have this problem with all his brain dead followers. They are stupid and mental.
Yup, I saw iran attack our embassy last week and also killed an American a few days before that. Prior to that they attacked ships, oil refineries and one of our drones.

All BEFORE we responded.

Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.

god we got some fucking idiots here dont we?
Its hard to believe how stupid these Trump toads are. We had a great thing going with Iran, and because of the brainless man child bone spurs coward in chief, we now have this problem with all his brain dead followers. They are stupid and mental.

I get it now...the Babylon Bee is at it again and posting as BWK to humiliate liberals again. Ha Ha..almost got me but you overdid it a little and made BWK look too stupid. Dial it back a bit.
Intense #USAF warplane activity over Deir Ez Zur #Syria (#IRGC Imam Ali brigades are stationed there, PMU as well)

— Aleph ?n ???? ????? \uD83D\uDD6F? ? (@no_itsmyturn) January 8, 2020
And are you jerking off at the thought that maybe some of our people may die at the expense of Trumps ego? Actually, I doubt it. You really dont give a shit one way or the other.
Can one of them be you?
damn right im sick of the Iranian terrorist regime ! im sick about the thousands of innocent people murdered by them in the past 40yrs ! im sick about the fact that they killed an innocent American civilian trying to make a living in Iraq 2wks ago ! im sick about the fact that everyday you see veterans maimed missing arms and legs because of the bastards ! im sick about the fact that they have killed hundred of our young men and women in uniform ! And Im sick of people like you that think we should just stand down !
Wait until they try to attack Israel. It's coming. Could be a few weeks from now, could be 5 years, but they are going to do it.
Sooner the better

Israel isn't going down. Sorry to disappoint you.
Some of our people might, and none of these Trump Toads gives a shit. Not once have these brainless Trump supporters even mentioned the cost of Trumps actions on our people. Because its meaningless to them. They're too busy jerking off about bombing Iran for something bone spurs started.
Our enemy has chosen war. And by God, it's war we will give them.

our enemy? that would be the fucking evil corrupt government is this country that has something called the CIA that others mentioned previously you obviously missed is ALWAYS starting wars with other countries murdering women and children and this is ANOTHER one of those moments of the president doing their bidding for them. yes OUR corrupt government here in the states is OUR enemy,they murder americans all the time right here in america so yeah THAT enemy of ours HAS chosen a war against the american people.:rolleyes:

they have been murdering americans for years the CIA and the FBI has been covering their asses,get a clue.:rolleyes:

They haven't caught on yet that years ago our government was hijacked by corrupt globalist traitors who care nothing about the truth, our constitution or the American people. They haven't caught on yet that all these wars are based on lies and deception. That is why they cheer for our military actions, because in their mind this is still the good ol' USA we all knew and loved, not the military arm of the NWO. Some of the idiotic replies in this thread make me ashamed to be a human being.
Iran says they will attack inside the US and Hezbolla will attack Israel if the US responds.

They love their rhetoric!
Intense #USAF warplane activity over Deir Ez Zur #Syria (#IRGC Imam Ali brigades are stationed there, PMU as well)

— Aleph ?n ???? ????? \uD83D\uDD6F? ? (@no_itsmyturn) January 8, 2020
And are you jerking off at the thought that maybe some of our people may die at the expense of Trumps ego? Actually, I doubt it. You really dont give a shit one way or the other.

Idiot. All I'm doing is relaying what I'm getting from Twitter.
Has not been verified, but...

400+ missiles fired thus far
70 U.S service member fatalities
10 injured

Escalating Tensions (@SteppingGlass) January 7, 2020

Another report says this...

Reports say Iran is firing dozens of missiles into Iraq, hitting U.S. forces at Al Asad Airbase. Early reports say 20 U.S. troops have died, amid 60+ missile strikes so far. If true, then we are at the precipice of another horrible war in the Middle East.

Mark Hughes (@markhughesfilms) January 7, 2020

and this:

Still 0 confirmed reports of injuries/fatalities in attack.

Doge (@IntelDoge) January 7, 2020

If this is true, it's all over for that little shithole.
Early reports on these incidents are almost always wrong because reporters are all trying to be the first to get the scoop and write any rumor before they know the facts.

But you can bet your ass that if there are US fatalities, Trump is going to flatten Iran.

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