Ace Reporter Savanah Hernandez takes charge - of an even worse press secretary than KJP

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Which I would not have thought it possible to be.

The press secretary for Pete the Booty Judge distracted camerawomen and reporters trying to get answers from Mayor Pete on his train wreck of a response to the Ohio train wreck. She told them "I can help you," and then immediately demanded that they turn their cameras off. She tried to enlist an old man bully to force them, and then a state trooper. The reporters ignored the bully and the state trooper enforced the law, i.e. the 1st Amendment, so the press secretary was left sputtering and pleading with them not to record her. What kind of a press secretary runs from a camera?

Toward the end, Savanah Hernandez humiliatingly uses Mayor Pete's press secretary as a backdrop. The press secretary could have run away as Mayor Pete did, but I guess was too embarassed. If standing there was for the purpose of avoiding embarassment, that was a really bad plan.

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This administration does not even PRETEND they serve the people. They are for themselves.

Biden will not go to East Palestine because the residents will go apeshit on him, and the optics will be fucking awful. He does not give one fuck about his voters in East Palestine.


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Which I would not have thought it possible to be.

The press secretary for Pete the Booty Judge distracted camerawomen and reporters trying to get answers from Mayor Pete on his train wreck of a response to the Ohio train wreck. She told them "I can help you," and then immediately demanded that they turn their cameras off. She tried to enlist an old man bully to force them, and then a state trooper. The reporters ignored the bully and the state trooper enforced the law, i.e. the 1st Amendment, so the press secretary was left sputtering and pleading with them not to record her. What kind of a press secretary runs from a camera?

Toward the end, Savanah Hernandez humiliatingly uses Mayor Pete's press secretary as a backdrop. The press secretary could have run away as Mayor Pete did, but I guess was too embarassed. If standing there was for the purpose of avoiding embarassment, that was a really bad plan.

I couldn't freaking believe it when she said she wouldn't talk in front of a camera.
I couldn't freaking believe it when she said she wouldn't talk in front of a camera.
I guess she forgot, that is what real press secretaries do for a living.
What a load of horseshit! 💩
If a Republican did that, you would have a shit fit.
Try to hide your Liberal insanity once in a while.
I've seen republic press secretaries pull shit also, being underlings trying to cover for the boss. It is definetly a suck-sh#t job. Would you want it? Not me.
Way back when in the 70s?
It is certainly rare for GOP presidents' press people to have to lie and avoid questions the way Democratic presidents' press people do on a daily basis. I don't agree with all Republican policies, not by a long way. But, right or wrong, the Republicans proudly say what they are doing, which is breath of fresh air from Democrats who often pretend they are doing the opposite of what they are doing.

The main thing that the GOP doesn't admit to is their constant kowtowing to Democrats. We don't know how they would react to tough questions about that because the MSM doesn't ask tough questions about that. The MSM make heros out of Republicans who cater to the Dem agenda.

I feel bad for that lady, really. At least KJP gets to work in the White House, attend extravagant taxpayer-funded parties, and be famously praised by the media and the Dems on here. That lady has to go through that for the privilege of following Mayor Pete to train wrecks in Ohio and airport openings in Kansas.

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