ACLU against free speech

The founder of the ACLU's stated goal was the destruction of the USA. So this is not surprising.
That is a boatload of bizarre bovine excrement

Only when you're an ignorant you clearly are.

“I am for socialism, disarmament and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is, of course, the goal.” ACLU founder Roger Baldwin, 1935
That is as relevant today as is the Kingfisher or Charles Lindburgh.

Indeed, it is. Both of those critters are extinct, and that is the stated goal of the founder for this country. Thank you for the assist.
For fucks sake you are dishonest pos, and people died for your right post. You are puke

Oh? feel free to point out where I am wrong. Go!
Looks like those Liberals turds at the ACLU have finally admitted they are Leftest assholes.

They are against free speech when it is in conflict with their Leftest agenda of hate and destruction.

Typical for Left Wingers all over the world. Free speech or any or liberty is to be sacrificed for Socialism. or the vile demented Left view of "social justice".

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

"Our defense of speech may have a greater or lesser harmful impact on the equality and justice work to which we are also committed."

The American Civil Liberties Union will weigh its interest in protecting the First Amendment against its other commitments to social justice, racial equality, and women's rights, given the possibility that offensive speech might undermine ACLU goals.

"Our defense of speech may have a greater or lesser harmful impact on the equality and justice work to which we are also committed," wrote ACLU staffers in a confidential memo obtained by former board member Wendy Kaminer.

It's hard to see this as anything other than a cowardly retreat from a full-throated defense of the First Amendment. Moving forward, when deciding whether to take a free speech case, the organization will consider "factors such as the (present and historical) context of the proposed speech; the potential effect on marginalized communities; the extent to which the speech may assist in advancing the goals of white supremacists or others whose views are contrary to our values; and the structural and power inequalities in the community in which the speech will occur."

The founder of the ACLU's stated goal was the destruction of the USA. So this is not surprising.

For one there are multiple founders but I assume you're referring to Rodger Baldwin rather than that subversive commie Helen Keller.

Second, he didn't call for the destruction of the USA, you're simply lying and we know that's par for the course.

I believe this is the quote you or something you read sometime was referring to:

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Sounds harsh, but he's not calling for the destruction of the United States and if you remove the Socialism and Communism references he sounds like plenty of the wingnuts on this board who have called for open rebellion and the dismantling of our government.

For the record, I disagree with Roger Baldwin on the quote above but thankfully there are more quotes which begin to paint a broader more complex person such as:

I regard the principle of conscription of life as a flat contradiction of all our cherished ideals of individual freedom, democratic liberty and Christian teaching.

Watch out that commie also likes democracy and Christianity. Time to attack the baby Jesus. Another quote:

So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy.

And another...

would say that social work began in my mind in the Unitarian Church when I was ten or twelve years old, and I started to do things that I thought would help other people.


The rule of law in place of force, always basic to my thinking, now takes on a new relevance in a world where, if war is to go, only law can replace it.

However in the end the guy is dead and the ACLU has a history of defending the rights of others regardless of their own political ideologies like Rush Limbaugh and the KKK both of whom are staunchly right wing.

So, fuck off with your lyin' self.
the funny thing is the ACLU would defend their hero Nazi flag carrying white supremicists

Yep, but for these wingnuts it is purely transactional. They don't care about free speech or the first amendment in general, they just don't want to have to deal with the righteous backlash they face when they call someone an N word.
Looks like those Liberals turds at the ACLU have finally admitted they are Leftest assholes.

They are against free speech when it is in conflict with their Leftest agenda of hate and destruction.

Typical for Left Wingers all over the world. Free speech or any or liberty is to be sacrificed for Socialism. or the vile demented Left view of "social justice".

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

"Our defense of speech may have a greater or lesser harmful impact on the equality and justice work to which we are also committed."

The American Civil Liberties Union will weigh its interest in protecting the First Amendment against its other commitments to social justice, racial equality, and women's rights, given the possibility that offensive speech might undermine ACLU goals.

"Our defense of speech may have a greater or lesser harmful impact on the equality and justice work to which we are also committed," wrote ACLU staffers in a confidential memo obtained by former board member Wendy Kaminer.

It's hard to see this as anything other than a cowardly retreat from a full-throated defense of the First Amendment. Moving forward, when deciding whether to take a free speech case, the organization will consider "factors such as the (present and historical) context of the proposed speech; the potential effect on marginalized communities; the extent to which the speech may assist in advancing the goals of white supremacists or others whose views are contrary to our values; and the structural and power inequalities in the community in which the speech will occur."

The founder of the ACLU's stated goal was the destruction of the USA. So this is not surprising.

For one there are multiple founders but I assume you're referring to Rodger Baldwin rather than that subversive commie Helen Keller.

Second, he didn't call for the destruction of the USA, you're simply lying and we know that's par for the course.

I believe this is the quote you or something you read sometime was referring to:

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Sounds harsh, but he's not calling for the destruction of the United States and if you remove the Socialism and Communism references he sounds like plenty of the wingnuts on this board who have called for open rebellion and the dismantling of our government.

For the record, I disagree with Roger Baldwin on the quote above but thankfully there are more quotes which begin to paint a broader more complex person such as:

I regard the principle of conscription of life as a flat contradiction of all our cherished ideals of individual freedom, democratic liberty and Christian teaching.

Watch out that commie also likes democracy and Christianity. Time to attack the baby Jesus. Another quote:

So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy.

And another...

would say that social work began in my mind in the Unitarian Church when I was ten or twelve years old, and I started to do things that I thought would help other people.


The rule of law in place of force, always basic to my thinking, now takes on a new relevance in a world where, if war is to go, only law can replace it.

However in the end the guy is dead and the ACLU has a history of defending the rights of others regardless of their own political ideologies like Rush Limbaugh and the KKK both of whom are staunchly right wing.

So, fuck off with your lyin' self.
the funny thing is the ACLU would defend their hero Nazi flag carrying white supremicists

Yep, but for these wingnuts it is purely transactional. They don't care about free speech or the first amendment in general, they just don't want to have to deal with the righteous backlash they face when they call someone an N word.
I don't think it's even that. If it fits with their partisanship, it's a fact ... regardless of what are actually facts. They are fertile fields for Trump's bullshit.
That is a boatload of bizarre bovine excrement

Only when you're an ignorant you clearly are.

“I am for socialism, disarmament and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is, of course, the goal.” ACLU founder Roger Baldwin, 1935
That is as relevant today as is the Kingfisher or Charles Lindburgh.

Indeed, it is. Both of those critters are extinct, and that is the stated goal of the founder for this country. Thank you for the assist.
For fucks sake you are dishonest pos, and people died for your right post. You are puke

Oh? feel free to point out where I am wrong. Go!

Roger Baldwin never once state he wanted to destroy the country, you are taking his words out of context.

abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion.

Reading comprehension problems? That line above is not Baldwin calling for the destruction of the United States you ridiculous sack of dicks.
Looks like those Liberals turds at the ACLU have finally admitted they are Leftest assholes.

They are against free speech when it is in conflict with their Leftest agenda of hate and destruction.

Typical for Left Wingers all over the world. Free speech or any or liberty is to be sacrificed for Socialism. or the vile demented Left view of "social justice".

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

"Our defense of speech may have a greater or lesser harmful impact on the equality and justice work to which we are also committed."

The American Civil Liberties Union will weigh its interest in protecting the First Amendment against its other commitments to social justice, racial equality, and women's rights, given the possibility that offensive speech might undermine ACLU goals.

"Our defense of speech may have a greater or lesser harmful impact on the equality and justice work to which we are also committed," wrote ACLU staffers in a confidential memo obtained by former board member Wendy Kaminer.

It's hard to see this as anything other than a cowardly retreat from a full-throated defense of the First Amendment. Moving forward, when deciding whether to take a free speech case, the organization will consider "factors such as the (present and historical) context of the proposed speech; the potential effect on marginalized communities; the extent to which the speech may assist in advancing the goals of white supremacists or others whose views are contrary to our values; and the structural and power inequalities in the community in which the speech will occur."

The founder of the ACLU's stated goal was the destruction of the USA. So this is not surprising.

For one there are multiple founders but I assume you're referring to Rodger Baldwin rather than that subversive commie Helen Keller.

Second, he didn't call for the destruction of the USA, you're simply lying and we know that's par for the course.

I believe this is the quote you or something you read sometime was referring to:

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Sounds harsh, but he's not calling for the destruction of the United States and if you remove the Socialism and Communism references he sounds like plenty of the wingnuts on this board who have called for open rebellion and the dismantling of our government.

For the record, I disagree with Roger Baldwin on the quote above but thankfully there are more quotes which begin to paint a broader more complex person such as:

I regard the principle of conscription of life as a flat contradiction of all our cherished ideals of individual freedom, democratic liberty and Christian teaching.

Watch out that commie also likes democracy and Christianity. Time to attack the baby Jesus. Another quote:

So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy.

And another...

would say that social work began in my mind in the Unitarian Church when I was ten or twelve years old, and I started to do things that I thought would help other people.


The rule of law in place of force, always basic to my thinking, now takes on a new relevance in a world where, if war is to go, only law can replace it.

However in the end the guy is dead and the ACLU has a history of defending the rights of others regardless of their own political ideologies like Rush Limbaugh and the KKK both of whom are staunchly right wing.

So, fuck off with your lyin' self.
the funny thing is the ACLU would defend their hero Nazi flag carrying white supremicists

Yep, but for these wingnuts it is purely transactional. They don't care about free speech or the first amendment in general, they just don't want to have to deal with the righteous backlash they face when they call someone an N word.
I don't think it's even that. If it fits with their partisanship, it's a fact ... regardless of what are actually facts. They are fertile fields for Trump's bullshit.

Can't disagree with that, hell you're arguing with a douche who thinks the goal of the ACLU is to destroy the country.
Looks like those Liberals turds at the ACLU have finally admitted they are Leftest assholes.

They are against free speech when it is in conflict with their Leftest agenda of hate and destruction.

Typical for Left Wingers all over the world. Free speech or any or liberty is to be sacrificed for Socialism. or the vile demented Left view of "social justice".

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

"Our defense of speech may have a greater or lesser harmful impact on the equality and justice work to which we are also committed."

The American Civil Liberties Union will weigh its interest in protecting the First Amendment against its other commitments to social justice, racial equality, and women's rights, given the possibility that offensive speech might undermine ACLU goals.

"Our defense of speech may have a greater or lesser harmful impact on the equality and justice work to which we are also committed," wrote ACLU staffers in a confidential memo obtained by former board member Wendy Kaminer.

It's hard to see this as anything other than a cowardly retreat from a full-throated defense of the First Amendment. Moving forward, when deciding whether to take a free speech case, the organization will consider "factors such as the (present and historical) context of the proposed speech; the potential effect on marginalized communities; the extent to which the speech may assist in advancing the goals of white supremacists or others whose views are contrary to our values; and the structural and power inequalities in the community in which the speech will occur."

that's akin to republican snowflakes whining and boycotting walmart for selling trump t shirts, free trade. I guess it's time for the other side to whine and boycott walmart or anyone else that sells maga hats.
Looks like those Liberals turds at the ACLU have finally admitted they are Leftest assholes.

They are against free speech when it is in conflict with their Leftest agenda of hate and destruction.

Typical for Left Wingers all over the world. Free speech or any or liberty is to be sacrificed for Socialism. or the vile demented Left view of "social justice".

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

"Our defense of speech may have a greater or lesser harmful impact on the equality and justice work to which we are also committed."

The American Civil Liberties Union will weigh its interest in protecting the First Amendment against its other commitments to social justice, racial equality, and women's rights, given the possibility that offensive speech might undermine ACLU goals.

"Our defense of speech may have a greater or lesser harmful impact on the equality and justice work to which we are also committed," wrote ACLU staffers in a confidential memo obtained by former board member Wendy Kaminer.

It's hard to see this as anything other than a cowardly retreat from a full-throated defense of the First Amendment. Moving forward, when deciding whether to take a free speech case, the organization will consider "factors such as the (present and historical) context of the proposed speech; the potential effect on marginalized communities; the extent to which the speech may assist in advancing the goals of white supremacists or others whose views are contrary to our values; and the structural and power inequalities in the community in which the speech will occur."

The founder of the ACLU's stated goal was the destruction of the USA. So this is not surprising.

For one there are multiple founders but I assume you're referring to Rodger Baldwin rather than that subversive commie Helen Keller.

Second, he didn't call for the destruction of the USA, you're simply lying and we know that's par for the course.

I believe this is the quote you or something you read sometime was referring to:

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Sounds harsh, but he's not calling for the destruction of the United States and if you remove the Socialism and Communism references he sounds like plenty of the wingnuts on this board who have called for open rebellion and the dismantling of our government.

For the record, I disagree with Roger Baldwin on the quote above but thankfully there are more quotes which begin to paint a broader more complex person such as:

I regard the principle of conscription of life as a flat contradiction of all our cherished ideals of individual freedom, democratic liberty and Christian teaching.

Watch out that commie also likes democracy and Christianity. Time to attack the baby Jesus. Another quote:

So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy.

And another...

would say that social work began in my mind in the Unitarian Church when I was ten or twelve years old, and I started to do things that I thought would help other people.


The rule of law in place of force, always basic to my thinking, now takes on a new relevance in a world where, if war is to go, only law can replace it.

However in the end the guy is dead and the ACLU has a history of defending the rights of others regardless of their own political ideologies like Rush Limbaugh and the KKK both of whom are staunchly right wing.

So, fuck off with your lyin' self.
the funny thing is the ACLU would defend their hero Nazi flag carrying white supremicists

Yep, but for these wingnuts it is purely transactional. They don't care about free speech or the first amendment in general, they just don't want to have to deal with the righteous backlash they face when they call someone an N word.

If you are referring to the left wing loons of antifa who are anti free speech. I agree with you. On the other hand if you're one of those morons who thinks that freedom of speech only applies to friendly speech, then you are the anti free speech loon you are blathering about.
Only when you're an ignorant you clearly are.

“I am for socialism, disarmament and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is, of course, the goal.” ACLU founder Roger Baldwin, 1935
That is as relevant today as is the Kingfisher or Charles Lindburgh.

Indeed, it is. Both of those critters are extinct, and that is the stated goal of the founder for this country. Thank you for the assist.
For fucks sake you are dishonest pos, and people died for your right post. You are puke

Oh? feel free to point out where I am wrong. Go!

Roger Baldwin never once state he wanted to destroy the country, you are taking his words out of context.

abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion.

Reading comprehension problems? That line above is not Baldwin calling for the destruction of the United States you ridiculous sack of dicks.

Abolishing the State means ALL STATES, which means the USA dumb shit. I read for comprehension just fine. Clearly you don't. He was advocating for a one world government. By definition the only way that can be accomplished is through the destruction of the USA because our COTUS prohibits such a thing.
Looks like those Liberals turds at the ACLU have finally admitted they are Leftest assholes.

They are against free speech when it is in conflict with their Leftest agenda of hate and destruction.

Typical for Left Wingers all over the world. Free speech or any or liberty is to be sacrificed for Socialism. or the vile demented Left view of "social justice".

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

Leaked Internal Memo Reveals the ACLU Is Wavering on Free Speech

"Our defense of speech may have a greater or lesser harmful impact on the equality and justice work to which we are also committed."

The American Civil Liberties Union will weigh its interest in protecting the First Amendment against its other commitments to social justice, racial equality, and women's rights, given the possibility that offensive speech might undermine ACLU goals.

"Our defense of speech may have a greater or lesser harmful impact on the equality and justice work to which we are also committed," wrote ACLU staffers in a confidential memo obtained by former board member Wendy Kaminer.

It's hard to see this as anything other than a cowardly retreat from a full-throated defense of the First Amendment. Moving forward, when deciding whether to take a free speech case, the organization will consider "factors such as the (present and historical) context of the proposed speech; the potential effect on marginalized communities; the extent to which the speech may assist in advancing the goals of white supremacists or others whose views are contrary to our values; and the structural and power inequalities in the community in which the speech will occur."

The founder of the ACLU's stated goal was the destruction of the USA. So this is not surprising.

For one there are multiple founders but I assume you're referring to Rodger Baldwin rather than that subversive commie Helen Keller.

Second, he didn't call for the destruction of the USA, you're simply lying and we know that's par for the course.

I believe this is the quote you or something you read sometime was referring to:

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Sounds harsh, but he's not calling for the destruction of the United States and if you remove the Socialism and Communism references he sounds like plenty of the wingnuts on this board who have called for open rebellion and the dismantling of our government.

For the record, I disagree with Roger Baldwin on the quote above but thankfully there are more quotes which begin to paint a broader more complex person such as:

I regard the principle of conscription of life as a flat contradiction of all our cherished ideals of individual freedom, democratic liberty and Christian teaching.

Watch out that commie also likes democracy and Christianity. Time to attack the baby Jesus. Another quote:

So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy.

And another...

would say that social work began in my mind in the Unitarian Church when I was ten or twelve years old, and I started to do things that I thought would help other people.


The rule of law in place of force, always basic to my thinking, now takes on a new relevance in a world where, if war is to go, only law can replace it.

However in the end the guy is dead and the ACLU has a history of defending the rights of others regardless of their own political ideologies like Rush Limbaugh and the KKK both of whom are staunchly right wing.

So, fuck off with your lyin' self.
the funny thing is the ACLU would defend their hero Nazi flag carrying white supremicists

Yep, but for these wingnuts it is purely transactional. They don't care about free speech or the first amendment in general, they just don't want to have to deal with the righteous backlash they face when they call someone an N word.

If you are referring to the left wing loons of antifa who are anti free speech. I agree with you. On the other hand if you're one of those morons who thinks that freedom of speech only applies to friendly speech, then you are the anti free speech loon you are blathering about.

anti-fa? No, I'm more or less talking about imbeciles who imply the goal and history of the ACLU is to destroy the United States because they have poor reading comprehension skills and conveniently forget that the ACLU has defended first amendment rights of people from across the political spectrum.
The founder of the ACLU's stated goal was the destruction of the USA. So this is not surprising.

For one there are multiple founders but I assume you're referring to Rodger Baldwin rather than that subversive commie Helen Keller.

Second, he didn't call for the destruction of the USA, you're simply lying and we know that's par for the course.

I believe this is the quote you or something you read sometime was referring to:

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Sounds harsh, but he's not calling for the destruction of the United States and if you remove the Socialism and Communism references he sounds like plenty of the wingnuts on this board who have called for open rebellion and the dismantling of our government.

For the record, I disagree with Roger Baldwin on the quote above but thankfully there are more quotes which begin to paint a broader more complex person such as:

I regard the principle of conscription of life as a flat contradiction of all our cherished ideals of individual freedom, democratic liberty and Christian teaching.

Watch out that commie also likes democracy and Christianity. Time to attack the baby Jesus. Another quote:

So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy.

And another...

would say that social work began in my mind in the Unitarian Church when I was ten or twelve years old, and I started to do things that I thought would help other people.


The rule of law in place of force, always basic to my thinking, now takes on a new relevance in a world where, if war is to go, only law can replace it.

However in the end the guy is dead and the ACLU has a history of defending the rights of others regardless of their own political ideologies like Rush Limbaugh and the KKK both of whom are staunchly right wing.

So, fuck off with your lyin' self.
the funny thing is the ACLU would defend their hero Nazi flag carrying white supremicists

Yep, but for these wingnuts it is purely transactional. They don't care about free speech or the first amendment in general, they just don't want to have to deal with the righteous backlash they face when they call someone an N word.

If you are referring to the left wing loons of antifa who are anti free speech. I agree with you. On the other hand if you're one of those morons who thinks that freedom of speech only applies to friendly speech, then you are the anti free speech loon you are blathering about.

anti-fa? No, I'm more or less talking about imbeciles who imply the goal and history of the ACLU is to destroy the United States because they have poor reading comprehension skills and conveniently forget that the ACLU has defended first amendment rights of people from across the political spectrum.

No, they rarely support 2nd Amendment cases, which are almost individual type cases. They are only interested in rulings that add to the power of government, or result in the destruction of National Boundaries. Gee.... I wonder why that is?:eusa_whistle:
The more exceptions you make for freedom of speech and expression, the more authoritarian you become.

Real liberals advocate for freedom of expression without "consequences" with the fewest amount of exceptions possible.

Illiberal authoritarian leftists keep finding excuse after excuse to deny freedom of expression.
That is as relevant today as is the Kingfisher or Charles Lindburgh.

Indeed, it is. Both of those critters are extinct, and that is the stated goal of the founder for this country. Thank you for the assist.
For fucks sake you are dishonest pos, and people died for your right post. You are puke

Oh? feel free to point out where I am wrong. Go!

Roger Baldwin never once state he wanted to destroy the country, you are taking his words out of context.

abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion.

Reading comprehension problems? That line above is not Baldwin calling for the destruction of the United States you ridiculous sack of dicks.

Abolishing the State means ALL STATES, which means the USA dumb shit. I read for comprehension just fine. Clearly you don't. He was advocating for a one world government. By definition the only way that can be accomplished is through the destruction of the USA because our COTUS prohibits such a thing.

Are you mentally incapable of reading beyond 'abolishing the state'? Let's try this again, shall we?

abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion.

He was advocating for a one world government? Where? I'm not aware of him mentioning anything about right wing paranoid conspiracy theories.
Indeed, it is. Both of those critters are extinct, and that is the stated goal of the founder for this country. Thank you for the assist.
For fucks sake you are dishonest pos, and people died for your right post. You are puke

Oh? feel free to point out where I am wrong. Go!

Roger Baldwin never once state he wanted to destroy the country, you are taking his words out of context.

abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion.

Reading comprehension problems? That line above is not Baldwin calling for the destruction of the United States you ridiculous sack of dicks.

Abolishing the State means ALL STATES, which means the USA dumb shit. I read for comprehension just fine. Clearly you don't. He was advocating for a one world government. By definition the only way that can be accomplished is through the destruction of the USA because our COTUS prohibits such a thing.

Are you mentally incapable of reading beyond 'abolishing the state'? Let's try this again, shall we?

abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion.

He was advocating for a one world government? Where? I'm not aware of him mentioning anything about right wing paranoid conspiracy theories.

What does the section in blue, mean to you?
“I am for socialism, disarmament and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is, of course, the goal.” ACLU founder Roger Baldwin, 1935
For one there are multiple founders but I assume you're referring to Rodger Baldwin rather than that subversive commie Helen Keller.

Second, he didn't call for the destruction of the USA, you're simply lying and we know that's par for the course.

I believe this is the quote you or something you read sometime was referring to:

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Sounds harsh, but he's not calling for the destruction of the United States and if you remove the Socialism and Communism references he sounds like plenty of the wingnuts on this board who have called for open rebellion and the dismantling of our government.

For the record, I disagree with Roger Baldwin on the quote above but thankfully there are more quotes which begin to paint a broader more complex person such as:

I regard the principle of conscription of life as a flat contradiction of all our cherished ideals of individual freedom, democratic liberty and Christian teaching.

Watch out that commie also likes democracy and Christianity. Time to attack the baby Jesus. Another quote:

So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy.

And another...

would say that social work began in my mind in the Unitarian Church when I was ten or twelve years old, and I started to do things that I thought would help other people.


The rule of law in place of force, always basic to my thinking, now takes on a new relevance in a world where, if war is to go, only law can replace it.

However in the end the guy is dead and the ACLU has a history of defending the rights of others regardless of their own political ideologies like Rush Limbaugh and the KKK both of whom are staunchly right wing.

So, fuck off with your lyin' self.
the funny thing is the ACLU would defend their hero Nazi flag carrying white supremicists

Yep, but for these wingnuts it is purely transactional. They don't care about free speech or the first amendment in general, they just don't want to have to deal with the righteous backlash they face when they call someone an N word.

If you are referring to the left wing loons of antifa who are anti free speech. I agree with you. On the other hand if you're one of those morons who thinks that freedom of speech only applies to friendly speech, then you are the anti free speech loon you are blathering about.

anti-fa? No, I'm more or less talking about imbeciles who imply the goal and history of the ACLU is to destroy the United States because they have poor reading comprehension skills and conveniently forget that the ACLU has defended first amendment rights of people from across the political spectrum.

No, they rarely support 2nd Amendment cases, which are almost individual type cases. They are only interested in rulings that add to the power of government, or result in the destruction of National Boundaries. Gee.... I wonder why that is?:eusa_whistle:

I'm sorry, I have to ask, are you retarded? The thread title has 'free speech' in it, you replied to a post that mentions the ACLU defending first amendment rights from across the political spectrum and you reply with something about the 2nd amendment? What the hell is that? Try staying on topic.

And also make up your mind at first you tell us the ACLU is trying to destroy the state and now you are telling us they want to give power to government, fucking weird Alex Jones vibes I'm picking up.
the funny thing is the ACLU would defend their hero Nazi flag carrying white supremicists

Yep, but for these wingnuts it is purely transactional. They don't care about free speech or the first amendment in general, they just don't want to have to deal with the righteous backlash they face when they call someone an N word.

If you are referring to the left wing loons of antifa who are anti free speech. I agree with you. On the other hand if you're one of those morons who thinks that freedom of speech only applies to friendly speech, then you are the anti free speech loon you are blathering about.

anti-fa? No, I'm more or less talking about imbeciles who imply the goal and history of the ACLU is to destroy the United States because they have poor reading comprehension skills and conveniently forget that the ACLU has defended first amendment rights of people from across the political spectrum.

No, they rarely support 2nd Amendment cases, which are almost individual type cases. They are only interested in rulings that add to the power of government, or result in the destruction of National Boundaries. Gee.... I wonder why that is?:eusa_whistle:

I'm sorry, I have to ask, are you retarded? The thread title has 'free speech' in it, you replied to a post that mentions the ACLU defending first amendment rights from across the political spectrum and you reply with something about the 2nd amendment? What the hell is that? Try staying on topic.

And also make up your mind at first you tell us the ACLU is trying to destroy the state and now you are telling us they want to give power to government, fucking weird Alex Jones vibes I'm picking up.

The First Amendment is defended by the 2nd Amendment. It appears that it is you who are retarded as you try and deflect from a losing argument. Very well. Flee.
The more exceptions you make for freedom of speech and expression, the more authoritarian you become.

Real liberals advocate for freedom of expression without "consequences" with the fewest amount of exceptions possible.

Illiberal authoritarian leftists keep finding excuse after excuse to deny freedom of expression.
Well, Westwall is to0 partisan to grasp it, and while Flash put it in the OP, he failed to understand that the link to the ACLU questioning just what speech it should defend is not really subversive of the 1st.

My personal example was I walked from the ACLU when it represented the Klan merely to create a "scene" in Denver to lead to a riot. Shit the Nazis in Charlottesville at least had a colorable speech issue in trying to keep the statues. The question is when does speech cease to be speech and become just an incitement to riot.

In Charlottesville the city failed to properly limit the parade permit to a site that could be contained. It was not all it's fault. Court's have not been very city friendly in restricting groups to an area. The Nazi and White Supremecits coming fully armed and ready to create a riot and intimidate even cops is a new development. When the Klan marched in Skoki they were probably outnumbered by the 5K holocaust surviviors. The cops didn't fear the klan/Nazis. They were there to protect them from some 40k Jewish people who lived there.

No one, besides perhaps Trump and his "ilk", want to suppress speech. But we also don't want people in religious buildings and colleges to be intimidated. But free speech doesn't include intentionally starting a riot to start a riot. Rather, if the point is to protest too many people of color in society, or to make some point of something being taken from your heritage, there have to be peaceful ways to make the point.
The more exceptions you make for freedom of speech and expression, the more authoritarian you become.

Real liberals advocate for freedom of expression without "consequences" with the fewest amount of exceptions possible.

Illiberal authoritarian leftists keep finding excuse after excuse to deny freedom of expression.
Well, Westwall is to partisan to grasp it, and while Flash put it in the OP, he failed to understand that the link to the ACLU questioning just what speech it should defend is not really subversive of the 1st.

My personal example was I walked from the ACLU when it represented the Klan merely to create a "scene" in Denver to lead to a riot. Shit the Nazis in Charlottesville at least had a colorable speech issue in trying to keep the statues. The question is when does speech cease to be speech and become just an incitement to riot.

In Charlottesville the city failed to properly limit the parade permit to a site that could be contained. It was not all it's fault. Court's have not been very city friendly in restricting groups to an area. The Nazi and White Supremecits coming fully armed and ready to create a riot and intimidate even cops is a new development. When the Klan marched in Skoki they were probably outnumbered by the 5K holocaust surviviors. The cops didn't fear the klan/Nazis. They were there to protect them from some 40k Jewish people who lived there.

No one, besides perhaps Trump and his "ilk", want to suppress speech. But we also don't want people in religious buildings and colleges to be intimidated. But free speech doesn't include intentionally starting a riot to start a riot. Rather, if the point is to protest too many people of color in society, or to make some point of something being taken from your heritage, there have to be peaceful ways to make the point.

Bullshit. Free Speech, means just that. I don't care if some left wing loon, like you, stands up and proclaims that trump is a dipshit. Or that I am a fool. That is your RIGHT. What is not your Right, is to physically attack people who are saying things that you disagree with.
No one, besides perhaps Trump and his "ilk", want to suppress speech. But we also don't want people in religious buildings and colleges to be intimidated.
I think the Left, particularly at colleges, have done an excellent job of suppressing speech. And colleges, of all places, the one place we NEED to be exposing young minds to new and contrary and challenging and "intimidating" ideas. It's the most liberal of all ideals, and the Left has perverted it.

These Democrats agree with me:
For fucks sake you are dishonest pos, and people died for your right post. You are puke

Oh? feel free to point out where I am wrong. Go!

Roger Baldwin never once state he wanted to destroy the country, you are taking his words out of context.

abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion.

Reading comprehension problems? That line above is not Baldwin calling for the destruction of the United States you ridiculous sack of dicks.

Abolishing the State means ALL STATES, which means the USA dumb shit. I read for comprehension just fine. Clearly you don't. He was advocating for a one world government. By definition the only way that can be accomplished is through the destruction of the USA because our COTUS prohibits such a thing.

Are you mentally incapable of reading beyond 'abolishing the state'? Let's try this again, shall we?

abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion.

He was advocating for a one world government? Where? I'm not aware of him mentioning anything about right wing paranoid conspiracy theories.

What does the section in blue, mean to you?
“I am for socialism, disarmament and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is, of course, the goal.” ACLU founder Roger Baldwin, 1935

Nothing that has anything to do with a one world government. Sounds like boilerplate communism to me. You're trying too hard to make things fit into whatever you have going on in that noggin of yours.
Yep, but for these wingnuts it is purely transactional. They don't care about free speech or the first amendment in general, they just don't want to have to deal with the righteous backlash they face when they call someone an N word.

If you are referring to the left wing loons of antifa who are anti free speech. I agree with you. On the other hand if you're one of those morons who thinks that freedom of speech only applies to friendly speech, then you are the anti free speech loon you are blathering about.

anti-fa? No, I'm more or less talking about imbeciles who imply the goal and history of the ACLU is to destroy the United States because they have poor reading comprehension skills and conveniently forget that the ACLU has defended first amendment rights of people from across the political spectrum.

No, they rarely support 2nd Amendment cases, which are almost individual type cases. They are only interested in rulings that add to the power of government, or result in the destruction of National Boundaries. Gee.... I wonder why that is?:eusa_whistle:

I'm sorry, I have to ask, are you retarded? The thread title has 'free speech' in it, you replied to a post that mentions the ACLU defending first amendment rights from across the political spectrum and you reply with something about the 2nd amendment? What the hell is that? Try staying on topic.

And also make up your mind at first you tell us the ACLU is trying to destroy the state and now you are telling us they want to give power to government, fucking weird Alex Jones vibes I'm picking up.

The First Amendment is defended by the 2nd Amendment. It appears that it is you who are retarded as you try and deflect from a losing argument. Very well. Flee.

The what? The first amendment is protected by the Constitution first an foremost. You are just ridiculous. Because the ACLU doesn't protect your little pet peeve the exact way you want them to they are then somehow now anti-American. That's just dumb, and ignore the fact that the ACLU has defended the free speech rights of people who are pro 2nd amendment such as Rush Limbaugh.

What a nut you are.

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