ACLU hard at work.

'Scuse me, but the ACLU would not have gotten involved had someone, like the parents for instance, gotten them involved. Shouldn't the question be "Why?"

Because little SUSIE was upset. A 6th grader got mad and her mother ran to the ACLU and dumb ass's on the left are applauding it. 6th Graders do not now nor have they EVER had the full protection of the 1st Amendment while in school. The Supreme Court has ruled on this before.

How and when a Teacher allows a Student to read a report is no business of the ACLU. The school made a judgement call. WHICH we pay them to make. She was not censored at all, as they let her read the report anyway.

The school should threaten to sue the ACLU for a frivolous threat to sue them. It is PAST time we start standing up to the IDIOTS.

It's hard for me to fault the ACLU here though. Please do not misunderstand.... I'm not pro-ACLU. All I'm saying is, there are people out there who are so f*ed up that they can't deal with their own disapointments, let alone their childrens' -- who are absolutely perfect BTW. Example, with the ACLU's response:

Frivolous suits lose to new law

Those who frequently file lawsuits without attorneys, and lose, will find access to circuit courts limited. But legal challenges are expected.

© St. Petersburg Times, published August 6, 2000


Anthony Martin sued Oldsmar after the city found he violated a sign ordinance. He sued Walt Disney World over its plans to use $57-million in tax-exempt bonds. He sued the Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee for supporting former Gov. Bob Martinez.

Martin, who lives in Fort Lauderdale, has filed hundreds of lawsuits across the nation against judges, public officials, governments, lawyers and random people he has come into contact with.

In one case, he even sought to intervene in the divorce of a federal judge and moved to have himself appointed as a representative of the judge's young children in court.

It's people like Martin -- probably Florida's most prolific filer of lawsuits -- that state lawmakers targeted this year when enacting a law designed to prevent frivolous lawsuits from further clogging an already overburdened court system.

The law will be one of the few like it in the nation when it goes into effect Oct. 1.

People without attorneys who file -- and then lose -- five lawsuits in five years will be barred from suing again unless they hire an attorney or receive special permission from a judge. It applies only to circuit court and does not affect family or small claims courts.

Filing a lawsuit can cost less than $200 in the Tampa Bay area, but defending one easily can cost thousands of dollars. That's why the law also could require litigious people to post a bond to cover any court costs defendants might incur.

"There are hundreds of lawsuits pending that use the court system for improper purposes," said Richard Simring, a Miami lawyer who helped draft the bill. "Judges need a way to control the courts."

The bill received almost no publicity or opposition during this year's legislative session. But legal experts say it eventually may be challenged because some may argue it violates the Florida Constitution, which guarantees citizens access to courts to settle grievances.

"As annoying as some lawsuits are, we would rather have people filing lawsuits than throwing rocks through windows to settle their differences," said Howard Simon, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union in Miami.

State: Frivolous suits lose to new law

This is what people do....
The American Civil Liberties Union on Wednesday threatened to sue a San Diego County school that refused to let a student present a report on slain gay rights leader Harvey Milk until her classmates got their parents' permission to hear it.
Looks like from the first statement in the article that the school is protecting the rights of the parents of the other students. Proper protocal for any subject that woud inflame.

The student's report was not denied. It was only kept from being open for discussion without the full permission from the other childrens parents in the class.

After the principal sent letters to alert parents about the "sensitive topic," Natalie was allowed to give her 12-page PowerPoint report during the May 8 lunch recess, but not in class, Blair-Loy said. Eight of the 13 students in her class attended, he said.

She was allowed to give her report to students whose parents approved.

the ACLU demanded that school officials apologize to Natalie and clarify its sex education policy. It also wants the girl to be given the chance to present her biographical account of Milk's life and death in class.
This shows exactly why the ACLU is totally off base. Again she was already allowed to give her report openly to children in the class where if parents had approved of it.

Maybe some of you think you have the right to force your views on other peoples childrens but the fact still remains we do not live in a communist regime. Obviously there are certain members on this board that would like to change that.
I hate to break it to you Sargent guy (I don't care how it's spelled), but most gay men are REPUBLICAN.

It aint the gay men who want gay marriage. It's the gay women (who can easily be challenged, because they like women who look like men).

The REPUBLICAN party is the pillow-biting, fudge-packin' party, and everyone knows it.
I hate to break it to you Sargent guy (I don't care how it's spelled), but most gay men are REPUBLICAN.

It aint the gay men who want gay marriage. It's the gay women (who can easily be challenged, because they like women who look like men).

The REPUBLICAN party is the pillow-biting, fudge-packin' party, and everyone knows it.

Got any data to back that up?

Gay men and aging - Google Book Search
I hate to break it to you Sargent guy (I don't care how it's spelled), but most gay men are REPUBLICAN.

It aint the gay men who want gay marriage. It's the gay women (who can easily be challenged, because they like women who look like men).

The REPUBLICAN party is the pillow-biting, fudge-packin' party, and everyone knows it.

your a Republohomophobe arnt ya?.....then that means,according to a post earlier,YOU are CLOSET cover that up by saying what you were saying about Republican gay caballeros.....we are supposed to think you dont like gays.....but actually you love em.....that makes you A WISE OLD GAY MAN....ok i wont tell anyone.....:lol:
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ACLU says school censored student's Milk report

What absolute retarded shit. Talk about an agenda. The school will bow to the pressure but if it were me I would tell them to go pound sand.

SO why do you agree with censoring history because it involves gay subject matter? What uis this the Soviet Union?

You forget to take your medication today, numbnuts?

nope. just thought I'd see if you were as stupid as you look. :eusa_whistle:
This insanity makes a good argument for home schooling! as the libtards are so fond of saying.. " teaching 6th graders about homosexuality isn't a priority" obamalama is fighting two wars and has a bunch of terrorists he needs to figure out what to do with now that he's opened his big mouth and made insane promised to the democwat socialist libtards on the left.

Hmm ... so you don't teach your kids about history, good to know.

Homeschooling by people like Willowtree is the only way her bigotry can be perpetuated.
This insanity makes a good argument for home schooling! as the libtards are so fond of saying.. " teaching 6th graders about homosexuality isn't a priority" obamalama is fighting two wars and has a bunch of terrorists he needs to figure out what to do with now that he's opened his big mouth and made insane promised to the democwat socialist libtards on the left.

Hmm ... so you don't teach your kids about history, good to know.

Homeschooling by people like Willowtree is the only way her bigotry can be perpetuated.

I doubt they even know more than basic science, like "what goes up must come down".
Since when do elementary school students have free speech rights?

This is about the untouchable gay cabal.

I love this argument, because it just shows why our country is getting dumbed down. Teachers have an obligation to teach history, whether they agree with it or not, facts are facts, period.
Since when do elementary school students have free speech rights?

This is about the untouchable gay cabal.

I love this argument, because it just shows why our country is getting dumbed down. Teachers have an obligation to teach history, whether they agree with it or not, facts are facts, period.

Facts are age appropriate.

Should grade school children be introduced to sex by way of saying it does not matter whether a penis is put into a woman's vagina or another man's rectum?

Would it occur to a grade school child to do either?
Since when do elementary school students have free speech rights?

This is about the untouchable gay cabal.

I love this argument, because it just shows why our country is getting dumbed down. Teachers have an obligation to teach history, whether they agree with it or not, facts are facts, period.

Facts are age appropriate.

Should grade school children be introduced to sex by way of saying it does not matter whether a penis is put into a woman's vagina or another man's rectum?

Would it occur to a grade school child to do either?

Really? So telling other students about a gay rights activist is somehow telling them about sex? Pray tell, how do you arrive at that conclusion?
I love this argument, because it just shows why our country is getting dumbed down. Teachers have an obligation to teach history, whether they agree with it or not, facts are facts, period.

Facts are age appropriate.

Should grade school children be introduced to sex by way of saying it does not matter whether a penis is put into a woman's vagina or another man's rectum?

Would it occur to a grade school child to do either?

Really? So telling other students about a gay rights activist is somehow telling them about sex? Pray tell, how do you arrive at that conclusion?

Sex defines gay rights.
I love this argument, because it just shows why our country is getting dumbed down. Teachers have an obligation to teach history, whether they agree with it or not, facts are facts, period.

Facts are age appropriate.

Should grade school children be introduced to sex by way of saying it does not matter whether a penis is put into a woman's vagina or another man's rectum?

Would it occur to a grade school child to do either?

Really? So telling other students about a gay rights activist is somehow telling them about sex? Pray tell, how do you arrive at that conclusion?

add one plus one
When you start talking about men putting their penises in other men's rectums, you lose that nice, clean, tidy, sanitary notion of "gay" that libs like to put up.
Facts are age appropriate.

Should grade school children be introduced to sex by way of saying it does not matter whether a penis is put into a woman's vagina or another man's rectum?

Would it occur to a grade school child to do either?

Really? So telling other students about a gay rights activist is somehow telling them about sex? Pray tell, how do you arrive at that conclusion?

Sex defines gay rights.

By that logic they also cannot talk about family, love, straight activists, dating of any sort, well, relationships of any sort, boys, girls, adults, etc. ... the list is endless.
Really? So telling other students about a gay rights activist is somehow telling them about sex? Pray tell, how do you arrive at that conclusion?

Sex defines gay rights.

By that logic they also cannot talk about family, love, straight activists, dating of any sort, well, relationships of any sort, boys, girls, adults, etc. ... the list is endless.

I already said I don't think it's appropriate to talk about intercourse, gay or straight, with gradeschoolers.

You can't discuss who Harvey Milk was and just wink about what it was about his sexuality that defined his movement.

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