ACLU sues CA for not teaching illegals English properly!!

Maybe if California would quit buying its textbooks from mexico these kids would have learned english.

Point to be taken; the same kids who are now suing because they never learned english now want to go to college on the taxpayer's dime under the Dream Act.
Hey stupid. You don't understand the issue. It's ok to teach english to students but you can't sue the school if the student is too stupid or lazy to learn. Most mexicans don't even want to learn english. They hate everything about america except the welfare.

"Don't want to learn."

Stereotype much, do you?

Truth hurts. HAHAHA
That's not consistent with being able to speak two languages. Many immigrants from south of the border can not only speak 2 languages, they can make correct change in business transactions. They're not stupid. They're unemployed.

A lot of people from south of the border live in this country for 20-30 years and never learn a word of English.
That's not consistent with being able to speak two languages. Many immigrants from south of the border can not only speak 2 languages, they can make correct change in business transactions. They're not stupid. They're unemployed.

A lot of people from south of the border live in this country for 20-30 years and never learn a word of English.

No they don't.
The problem is these illegals have IQs in the mid 70s and can't learn anything.

20,000 Students Sue State Of California

April 25, 2013

On behalf of 20,000 students, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have filed a law suit against the state of California for failing to correctly teach the English language.
The lawsuit is seeking a court order to ensure that students receive the courses
they need to learn English, as many have been given low grades and are frequently being held back due to a language barrier.
ACLU attorney Mark Rosenbaum said:
“These kids are not getting the differentiated learning they’re supposed to be getting.

“English learners are falling behind without proper language lessons, even as school districts collect federal funds specifically for that purpose.
“Under state and federal law, schools are required to teach non-English speakers the language, but by its own records, the state isn’t offering English instruction
to nearly 20,000 students.”

Your article says the lawsuit is based on the fact that English language instruction is not being offered to nearly 20,000 students which violates state and federal laws. This has nothing to do with IQ's or an inability to learn English; the lawsuit wants the students offered the English classes they will need to be successful ---as required by LAW.

By the way, the article does not identify any students as ILLEGALS.
If you don't teach it, what do you do with the kids in school who are not proficient?

Why do I have to do something with them? Shouldn't be directing that question to their parents?

Because as long as we have a public school system, they have to be educated (such as it may be) and if you just tell them ("them" including American citizens, btw) to 'fuck off' out of spite you will only create a less advantageous learning environment for the students whom I presume you do want to educate.
If you don't teach it, what do you do with the kids in school who are not proficient?

Why do I have to do something with them? Shouldn't be directing that question to their parents?

Because as long as we have a public school system, they have to be educated (such as it may be) and if you just tell them ("them" including American citizens, btw) to 'fuck off' out of spite you will only create a less advantageous learning environment for the students whom I presume you do want to educate.

I don't give a shit if they're educated or not. They aren't my kids. I take responsibility for my child; I expect others to do the same for theirs.
That's not consistent with being able to speak two languages. Many immigrants from south of the border can not only speak 2 languages, they can make correct change in business transactions. They're not stupid. They're unemployed.

It's not the speaking, it's the reading of english that they can't get. They probably can't read spanish either. They're stupid and it's hopeless and you can't blame the schools.

It's this racist attitude that prevents anyone from having an intelligent conversation with you.
Why do I have to do something with them? Shouldn't be directing that question to their parents?

Because as long as we have a public school system, they have to be educated (such as it may be) and if you just tell them ("them" including American citizens, btw) to 'fuck off' out of spite you will only create a less advantageous learning environment for the students whom I presume you do want to educate.

I don't give a shit if they're educated or not. They aren't my kids. I take responsibility for my child; I expect others to do the same for theirs.

So, you are in favor of doing away with the public education system? Fine by me if you are.
Of course, until or unless we do get rid of the public education system, the Supreme Court has made it clear that we have to provide these kids an education, if they are here legally or not.

Once again, it seems to me that a lot of problems could be avoided by better controlling our borders.
Because as long as we have a public school system, they have to be educated (such as it may be) and if you just tell them ("them" including American citizens, btw) to 'fuck off' out of spite you will only create a less advantageous learning environment for the students whom I presume you do want to educate.

I don't give a shit if they're educated or not. They aren't my kids. I take responsibility for my child; I expect others to do the same for theirs.

So, you are in favor of doing away with the public education system? Fine by me if you are.

When you weigh the cost of it versus the results, continuing it is a fool's errand.
A lot of people from south of the border live in this country for 20-30 years and never learn a word of English.

They don't want to - they hate everything about america except their welfare check. Mexico teaches its people cradle to grave that america stole land from mexico 160 years ago and they are justified in hating and stealing from us.

We shouldn't let any mexicans come here but obozo lets them in by the millions and gives them work permits and/or welfare!!!

Your article says the lawsuit is based on the fact that English language instruction is not being offered to nearly 20,000 students which violates state and federal laws. This has nothing to do with IQ's or an inability to learn English; the lawsuit wants the students offered the English classes they will need to be successful ---as required by LAW.

By the way, the article does not identify any students as ILLEGALS.

HAHAHA. The corporate media NEVER identifies illegals. You have to understand that if they don't give his legal status, that means he's illegal.
A lot of people from south of the border live in this country for 20-30 years and never learn a word of English.

They don't want to - they hate everything about america except their welfare check. Mexico teaches its people cradle to grave that america stole land from mexico 160 years ago and they are justified in hating and stealing from us.

We shouldn't let any mexicans come here but obozo lets them in by the millions and gives them work permits and/or welfare!!!

America is spelled with a capital 'A' you disrespectful piece of shit.
The problem is these illegals have IQs in the mid 70s and can't learn anything.

20,000 Students Sue State Of California

April 25, 2013

On behalf of 20,000 students, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have filed a law suit against the state of California for failing to correctly teach the English language.
The lawsuit is seeking a court order to ensure that students receive the courses they need to learn English, as many have been given low grades and are frequently being held back due to a language barrier.
ACLU attorney Mark Rosenbaum said:
“These kids are not getting the differentiated learning they’re supposed to be getting.

“English learners are falling behind without proper language lessons, even as school districts collect federal funds specifically for that purpose.
“Under state and federal law, schools are required to teach non-English speakers the language, but by its own records, the state isn’t offering English instruction to nearly 20,000 students.”

Do you bother to even read what you post?

What part of “under state and federal law” do you not understand?

I just think it's hilarious.......the liberals are being sued....and why???? Because they dont teach english and rely on spanish's kinda funny
The school system did have a point and a goal. It was to create a spanish speaking majority and Americans would then have to learn spanish. That's why spanish is taught in schools, but not English.

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