ACLU sues CA for not teaching illegals English properly!!

The problem is these illegals have IQs in the mid 70s and can't learn anything. :cuckoo:

20,000 Students Sue State Of California

April 25, 2013

On behalf of 20,000 students, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have filed a law suit against the state of California for failing to correctly teach the English language.
The lawsuit is seeking a court order to ensure that students receive the courses they need to learn English, as many have been given low grades and are frequently being held back due to a language barrier.
ACLU attorney Mark Rosenbaum said:
“These kids are not getting the differentiated learning they’re supposed to be getting.

“English learners are falling behind without proper language lessons, even as school districts collect federal funds specifically for that purpose.
“Under state and federal law, schools are required to teach non-English speakers the language, but by its own records, the state isn’t offering English instruction to nearly 20,000 students.”

I believe all evidence in the past 50 years points to them being smarter than we are. I don't think they should be given special English classes different than what is being taught to Americans and the ability to speak, read and write English should be a visa requirement. Non-English speaking illegals contribute to our failing schools. Teachers are not miracle workers.
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Why is the AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union fighting on behalf on non-americans???

because they're assholes. But in this case I say it serves California right. Karma is a powerful thing. It's what happens when you thumb your nose at Federal law and become a Sanctuary State. Look at the one beautiful city of LA and laugh your ass off.
Wait. I thought of the beefs the right has with illegals, or even legal immigrants, is that they won't learn English. we have English being taught to them and you're gonna complain about that too?

Shouldn't their parents be teaching them how to speak English? Why are the taxpayers responsible for spending millions or billions of dollar on this? My grandmother could only speak Italian when she was little and she failed the first grade because she didn't know enough English. Her parents made sure she learned after that happened. The school didn't go out of their way to accommodate her and her neighbors didn't pay for it.

Your kid, your responsibility to make sure they are meeting the academic standards. This is yet one more example of how everybody today thinks everyone else is responsible for them.
That's not consistent with being able to speak two languages. Many immigrants from south of the border can not only speak 2 languages, they can make correct change in business transactions. They're not stupid. They're unemployed.

It's not the speaking, it's the reading of english that they can't get. They probably can't read spanish either. They're stupid and it's hopeless and you can't blame the schools.

That's English and Spanish, you idiot. Who do we blame for you?
[ame=]Adam Carolla on illegal immigrants making a mess in LA - YouTube[/ame]
Most mexicans [sic] don't even want to learn english [sic]. They hate everything about america [sic] except the welfare.

You really are an ignorant shit. If anyone hates America, it's you. Now go learn English or get the fuck out of my country, asshole.
Neither "Spanish" nor "Mexican" nor "Hispanic" is a RACE. "Hispanic" is a made-up word that groups dozens of different nationalities and cultures into one consolidated mess, and pretends that it is somehow a legitimate classification for millions of people.

This country has absorbed countless millions of immigrants who came here speaking not a single word of coherent English/American, and until fairly recently none of them ever went to a public school and took courses in "English" to learn the language. This ACLU action is merely a ploy to force the state of California to hire more money-sucking,marginally qualified teachers. And they can't do it legitimately, so they try to do it through the court system.
dear idiot I know lots of Americans born here who speak spanish in their homes.
Its the lauguage of the family.

They do it because they love their heritage and their older relatives
Wait. I thought of the beefs the right has with illegals, or even legal immigrants, is that they won't learn English. we have English being taught to them and you're gonna complain about that too?

Hey stupid. You don't understand the issue. It's ok to teach english to students but you can't sue the school if the student is too stupid or lazy to learn. Most mexicans don't even want to learn english. They hate everything about america except the welfare.

"Don't want to learn."

Stereotype much, do you?
Wait. I thought of the beefs the right has with illegals, or even legal immigrants, is that they won't learn English. we have English being taught to them and you're gonna complain about that too?

Shouldn't their parents be teaching them how to speak English? Why are the taxpayers responsible for spending millions or billions of dollar on this? My grandmother could only speak Italian when she was little and she failed the first grade because she didn't know enough English. Her parents made sure she learned after that happened. The school didn't go out of their way to accommodate her and her neighbors didn't pay for it.

Your kid, your responsibility to make sure they are meeting the academic standards. This is yet one more example of how everybody today thinks everyone else is responsible for them.

By the same token, why do we have public schools at all? Shouldn't the parents be teaching their kids reading, grammar, calculus, history, geography, civics, driver's education? Why single out just English?
By the same token, why do we have public schools at all? Shouldn't the parents be teaching their kids reading, grammar, calculus, history, geography, civics, driver's education? Why single out just English?
That's a good idea! It would make the Parents, themselves victims of Public Education, that much smarter as well!

By the way, my parents did that for me and my sister. Both of them were/are voracious readers and my Mother collected 1st editions.

Not just books but periodicals as well. Everything from National Geographic to Newsweek, Air Classics to even MAD Magazine!
By the same token, why do we have public schools at all?

Good question, considering what overly expensive failures the public schools are.

Shouldn't the parents be teaching their kids reading, grammar, calculus, history, geography, civics, driver's education?

There are plenty out there that do, actually.

Why single out just English?

Because it's the primary language of this country by an overwhelming margin. If you want to live here then learn it. There is no reason why we need to spend excess dollars to teach it to non-native speakers.
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By the same token, why do we have public schools at all?

Good question, considering what overly expensive failures the public schools are.

Shouldn't the parents be teaching their kids reading, grammar, calculus, history, geography, civics, driver's education?

There are plenty out there that do, actually.

Why single out just English?

Because it's the primary language of this country by an overwhelming margin. If you want to live here then learn it. There is no reason why we need to spend excess dollars to teach it to non-native speakers.

If you don't teach it, what do you do with the kids in school who are not proficient? Do you want to make the public schools even less useful for promising students?

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