ACLU sues CA for not teaching illegals English properly!!

These illegals need not learn English, but the law. What part of illegal do they not understand?

What part of due process do you not understand.

One is innocent until proven guilty, one is not ‘illegal’ until adjudicated as such. Until that time they’re entitled to equal protection of the law, including the law ensuring they learn English.
Well, beside the fact the original author of the piece doesn't speak/write proficient English, the Original Poster is a bigoted jerk?

No IQ over 70? What a stupid comment that is!:eusa_whistle:
The problem is these illegals have IQs in the mid 70s and can't learn anything.

20,000 Students Sue State Of California

April 25, 2013

On behalf of 20,000 students, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have filed a law suit against the state of California for failing to correctly teach the English language.
The lawsuit is seeking a court order to ensure that students receive the courses they need to learn English, as many have been given low grades and are frequently being held back due to a language barrier.
ACLU attorney Mark Rosenbaum said:
“These kids are not getting the differentiated learning they’re supposed to be getting.

“English learners are falling behind without proper language lessons, even as school districts collect federal funds specifically for that purpose.
“Under state and federal law, schools are required to teach non-English speakers the language, but by its own records, the state isn’t offering English instruction to nearly 20,000 students.”

Do you bother to even read what you post?

What part of “under state and federal law” do you not understand?

Who taught you how to speak English?
One is innocent until proven guilty, one is not ‘illegal’ until adjudicated as such. Until that time they’re entitled to equal protection of the law, including the law ensuring they learn English.

There is no law ensuring they learn english. All you can do is make classes in english available and the state did that. The illegals refuse to learn because they hate all things american.
Dear SS:
I thought about suing the ACLU for using the CE/AD calendar on all their lawsuits, which discriminates against the Buddhist calendar and other alternative minority systems and pushes a dominant Eurolinear timeline, etc.

Seriously I do have an issue with atheists who sue against ONE interpretation of Christianity and the Cross, but leave out the interpretations that would include atheists and gentiles under natural laws and Constitutional laws within Salvation through Christ.

So this whoel concept of pushing to EXCLUDE Christianity based on one interpretation, instead of treating all faiths and interpretations equally, is skewing the interpretation of the First Amendment and 'separation of church and state' to be AGAINST a religion instead of including them all equally. So I thought of a class action lawsuit against ACLU for the destruction of historic landmarks and the harassment of Christians based on ONE interpretation of Christianity and ONE interpretation of the First Amendment.

This is discriminating against Christians who teach universal salvation as INCLUDING atheists nontheists and other secular gentiles under natural laws including the constitutional laws which Jesus also fulfills as the spirit of equal justice under law; and against Christians and Constitutionalists who interpret and teach the first amendment and 14th as protecting Christian beliefs and atheist beliefs EQUALLY instead of denying one and favoring the other.

So when we get to that point, maybe we can finally hash out this issue
and quit taking down bibles and crosses and fighting over prayer in schools etc.

I guess every culture and historic time period has to go through it's anti-Christian
phase and America is no different; just a stage in our learning curve till we get it right.
One is innocent until proven guilty, one is not ‘illegal’ until adjudicated as such. Until that time they’re entitled to equal protection of the law, including the law ensuring they learn English.

There is no law ensuring they learn english. All you can do is make classes in english available and the state did that. The illegals refuse to learn because they hate all things american.

In other news, we can't even get our politicians and lawyers to follow the written concepts of free exercise of religion, equal protections of the law, etc.

Why don't we sue our govt and party leaders for not following the Constitution and not protecting the interests of all people equally when they pass laws that favor one party view over the opposing dissenters who are supposed to be equally represented, and sue all law schools for turning out graduates with no concept of speedy public trials, unabridged free speech and right to petition, and "equal justice under law" as soon as they pledge to preserve the given system and its precedence already set, above the law of the land.

How can we expect anyone to read and take things in writing seriously if we don't even read and follow our own laws we have on the books?
These illegals need not learn English, but the law. What part of illegal do they not understand?

What part of due process do you not understand.

One is innocent until proven guilty, one is not ‘illegal’ until adjudicated as such. Until that time they’re entitled to equal protection of the law, including the law ensuring they learn English.

In reality, CClayton, people do not have equal defense under law without KNOWLEDGE of the law and equal resources/support to exercise and enforce one's beliefs or consent under the law. This idea that you can be protected by govt and the legal system without participating as an equal citizen in law enforcement is not realistic. it takes everyone enforcing laws, by informed consent.

So it DOES TAKE full and equal legal literacy, not only in the law, but also mediation and conflict resolution, and working with all given resources to implement plans that protect people's interests. Depending on the govt or legal system to protect people is not enough.

People are NOT equal without
* equal spiritual knowledge of the laws affecting human nature and relationships
* equal knowledge of the civil and govt laws and political process
* equal knowledge of property ownership and business management
and also either equal knowledge or access to media and help with communcation
and mediation so while they are unequal in knowledge in these areas they are not
taken advantage of by peopel with more knowledge andm ore powerand influence.

as long as people are unequal in the above 3-4 areas
then you have oppression and bullying. the only way
people can be equal is to prevent abuses in the first place, so people's interests are
truly protected equally.
once abuse or imposition happens, then one side is already disadvantaged
going into the process to defend and restore their rights from damages "after the fact."
so that is NOT EQUAL.
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The school system did have a point and a goal. It was to create a spanish speaking majority and Americans would then have to learn spanish. That's why spanish is taught in schools, but not English.

That doesn't make sense, but coming from you...

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