ACLU sues for students to wear anti-Islam shirts in Florida schools

I did ManTwat and you said if I believed that I was stupid. You lie. ACLU did defend NAMBLA

In the post I replied to you said the ACLU SUPPORTS NAMBLA. And if you believe that then indeed you are a stupid twat. I never said they didn't defend NAMBLA's 1st Amendment rights.

So in regards to your poorly conceived attempt at wordplay...

Seriously MASSIVE FAIL! :rofl:

they do support them mantwat they do

You can repeat it a million times if you like, still doesn't make it true.
thanks. this behavior always backfires in a way. you still remember this incident from more than 3 years ago. the shouting at the town halls this year will be remembered for years, too.

yep the shouting at the town halls, and then the dimwits refusing to let all of the public in but limited it to only those who agreed with them all of this is censorship. Not to mention the wh attempting to shut Fox News out. So in summation I conclude the aclu and the left don't exactly carry the torch for free speech.

It was regular practice for the Bush team to segregate democrat protesters from the general crowd from the beginning of his presidency. They were herded into fenced off areas away from what was going on. Free speech zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

no sis,, show me some chair throwing
In the post I replied to you said the ACLU SUPPORTS NAMBLA. And if you believe that then indeed you are a stupid twat. I never said they didn't defend NAMBLA's 1st Amendment rights.

So in regards to your poorly conceived attempt at wordplay...

Seriously MASSIVE FAIL! :rofl:

they do support them mantwat they do

You can repeat it a million times if you like, still doesn't make it true.

and you can deny it a million times if you like,, still doesn't make it Un True. cause it is true.
The ACLU used to only be anti-Christian, just like most liberals. Then Muslims started beheading infidels and they realized they had to do something or lose what little credibility they still had. So they came up with the idea that all religions are bad, not just Christianity. Ten years ago, this would not have happened.

Not this particular thing, no, but the ACLU has always made a point of taking up one or two "conservative" causes so that gullible tweekos like Dogbert can prance around, chortling about how the ACLU isn't really leftist.

Noticeably, their idea of a "conservative cause" generally involves people behaving in a nasty and uncivilized fashion.

Well aren't we glad to have phony psychics like you who can determine when the ACLU is really sincere or just trying to save their image.:cuckoo:

It doesn't require psychic powers, dumbass. It just requires the ability to read.

Stephen Baldwin, laying down ACLU policy (and if you have to ask me who Stephen Baldwin is, you should just shut the hell up right now): "If I aid the reactionaries to get free speech now and then, if I go outside the class struggle to fight against censorship, it is only because those liberties help to create a more hospitable atmosphere for working class liberties." In other words, as paraphrased by biographer William Donohue, who conducted extensive interviews with Baldwin before his death, "The occasional defense of right-wing extremists opens up the courts, thereby making it easier for the ACLU to defend its ideological kinfolk on the left."

What? You thought the ACLU was all about lofty, altruistic ideals? :cuckoo:
Whenever a debate about the ACLU occurs, someone bringing up NAMBLA isn't too far behind.
Whenever a debate about the ACLU occurs, someone bringing up NAMBLA isn't too far behind.

course,, cause NAMBLA is their most favorite customer after a terrorist.. raping sodomizing, bombing and blowing up.,, all protected..
people should look at the full list of ACLU & EFF cases and imagine what their freedoms would look like if those groups never fought for them.

I don't have to imagine, I remember when we had a great Christmas display on the courthouse lawn and a copy of the Ten Commandments on the wall to boot. Schools had better behaving students, because corporal punsihment was a possibility. Art hang in museums, instead of urine covered paintings of Christ. The ACLU should be converted to a for profit group and taxed at 80%.

o yes corporal punishment from non-parents/guardians b/c we know how well those were administered and how pedophiles don't purposely get positions like that to fufill their fantasy. maybe we should send kids to the local priests for some behind the door punishment too :cuckoo:

and the 10 commandments / christian crap doesn't belong on any public property. I don't get what is so hard to understand about that. how would you feel in the church of satan or Flying spaghetti monster had their stuff all over your city?
No one has yet to address the merits of this case. Do CHILDREN have unlimited right to free speech at school?
private school - no
public school - as long as it doesn't incite violence
No one has yet to address the merits of this case. Do CHILDREN have unlimited right to free speech at school?

:rofl: Of course not. Doesn't make it anymore right that at a institution where you're suppose to be learning about freedom of speech, it's suppressed.
Thannk you mani. Blu must think that racist terms, bullying, sexual harrassment, profanity and threats, are acceptable in the classroom. That's where we're headed.The day a student tells me to suck his cock and my principal says "free speech" is the last day I step foot in my school and the first day I make destroying the ACLU my personal life's mission.
Thannk you mani. Blu must think that racist terms, bullying, sexual harrassment, profanity and threats, are acceptable in the classroom. That's where we're headed.The day a student tells me to suck his cock and my principal says "free speech" is the last day I step foot in my school and the first day I make destroying the ACLU my personal life's mission.

i said as long as it does not lead to violence.

bullying is violence
sexual harassment can be considered violent (certainly verbal abuse)
profanity and threats lead to violence
Oh so the children should be arrested instead of a detention or being sent home? How does "nice tits, eat me, smell my pussy, or fucking faggot lead to violence? What if the "faggot" isn't in the room? Is that ok then? How about cheating? Isn't that "free speech" Thanks for the neg rep loser. Thank God people like you aren't running our schools. Maybe soon though.
Oh so the children should be arrested instead of a detention or being sent home? How does "nice tits, eat me, smell my pussy, or fucking faggot lead to violence? What if the "faggot" isn't in the room? Is that ok then? How about cheating? Isn't that "free speech" Thanks for the neg rep loser. Thank God people like you aren't running our schools. Maybe soon though.

So, teach! I'm curious. How would you react to say an 18-20 year old in junior college who used foul language?
Not this particular thing, no, but the ACLU has always made a point of taking up one or two "conservative" causes so that gullible tweekos like Dogbert can prance around, chortling about how the ACLU isn't really leftist.

Noticeably, their idea of a "conservative cause" generally involves people behaving in a nasty and uncivilized fashion.

Well aren't we glad to have phony psychics like you who can determine when the ACLU is really sincere or just trying to save their image.:cuckoo:

It doesn't require psychic powers, dumbass. It just requires the ability to read.

Stephen Baldwin, laying down ACLU policy (and if you have to ask me who Stephen Baldwin is, you should just shut the hell up right now): "If I aid the reactionaries to get free speech now and then, if I go outside the class struggle to fight against censorship, it is only because those liberties help to create a more hospitable atmosphere for working class liberties." In other words, as paraphrased by biographer William Donohue, who conducted extensive interviews with Baldwin before his death, "The occasional defense of right-wing extremists opens up the courts, thereby making it easier for the ACLU to defend its ideological kinfolk on the left."

What? You thought the ACLU was all about lofty, altruistic ideals? :cuckoo:

A. Source your quote.
B. BIll Donahue, president of the catholic league? That guy has had a grudge against the ACLU and secularism for a long time. This is the same man who compared penn and teller to Nazis for attacking the Catholic church.
relevant segment starts at around 1:51

Notice how he said he was going to mail thousands of copies? That's copyright infringement.

C. Working class does not equal liberal it's just the working class, so it's a pretty big distortion.
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Thannk you mani. Blu must think that racist terms, bullying, sexual harrassment, profanity and threats, are acceptable in the classroom. That's where we're headed.The day a student tells me to suck his cock and my principal says "free speech" is the last day I step foot in my school and the first day I make destroying the ACLU my personal life's mission.

Racist terms and profanity are covered under free speech, at least for adults.
Thannk you mani. Blu must think that racist terms, bullying, sexual harrassment, profanity and threats, are acceptable in the classroom. That's where we're headed.The day a student tells me to suck his cock and my principal says "free speech" is the last day I step foot in my school and the first day I make destroying the ACLU my personal life's mission.

i said as long as it does not lead to violence.

bullying is violence
sexual harassment can be considered violent (certainly verbal abuse)
profanity and threats lead to violence

Profanity does not lead to violence.

You can lace compliments and praise with profanity.
You misquoted me and then negative rep'd me for a misquote. In return, I positive rep'd you to tell you to stop the misquoting. Don't misquote me. You might get banned.

I deleted the neg rep, and where did I misquote you?

Your original post. I didn't say most of what you posted. You put my name on what others said. That's against the rules.

(I see now you've corrected your post and are now acting innocent as if you did nothing wrong. Don't do that.)

Uh I haven't edited my original post
Liberals support free speech and the aclu,, but not for some we throw chairs at the minutement and shout them down no free speech for them.

Neocons do the same thing, bub.

show me sis.






No chair throwing yet but since guns have become a regular installment lately, it wont be long.
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