ACLU sues for students to wear anti-Islam shirts in Florida schools

People are free to express hate and promote violence anywhere on the internet or at the dinner table. CHILDREN cannot do that at school. They cannot say it; write it; or wear it. It is not about the LAW - it is about maintaining rules and standards of conduct in the classroom.
That's what laws are for. Anyway kids have free speech rights while in school, and there's supreme court precedent to back them up. In either case a kid can be a citizen and do tell me where in the constitution it limits rights to minors. Also that T-Shirt did not promote violence.
It is despicable that they would want to prevent educators from TEACHING acceptable behavior. I'm hopeful they will lose.
God forbid people have views you don't like, you need to remain a control freak.
I love the old standby moan 'but they defended Nambla'

Here's what happened, someone molested and murdered a child, the murderer had visited Nambla's sites and the parents wanted to hold nambla partially responsible for it.

If you think that's ok then by logical extension if someone ever kills a doctor because they perform abortions it should be OK to then sue all the pro life sites the killer has been on.
Dear God, so much stupid.

They fight against intelligent design and abstinence education not because they infringe on rights, but because they are part of an order they believe needs to be abolished.

Intelligent Design is not science and it's a religion, so yeah it's unconstitutional to teach it in schools. Abstinence education is a bad joke that doesn't work.

It was founded by communists and though many members and lawyers would say they aren't communist today that foundation influences the way they look at things.

Unprovable speculation, wow color me impressed.

They are militant privacy advocates and anti-government to the point of wanting to take away valid tools from law enforcement.

Valid according to whom?

This is why they helped Rush Limbaugh, not because they support his speech, but because their causes temporarily aligned when the Florida prosecutor's office seized his medical records unjustly.

Why is helping Limbaugh in this case a bad thing?

That is not to say that the government is lily white when it comes to privacy, but to say that monitoring phone calls of suspected terrorists leads to a police state is ludicrous and scare-mongering.

It may violate the 4th so it should be challenged.

The ACLU attacks the traditional foundation of the family in society. This is why they fight against parental notification of abortions,

No it's because kids are citizens and they are entitled to rights as well. Hell roe v wade was an extension on the 9th amendment right to privacy.

In communist nations, the state is the highest authority and all needs and actions must be made in connection with what is best for the state. That is why you can talk about purges and gulags and communists don't flinch. Communism requires them.

So let me get this straight, they're very anti-state yet they're also communists which requires the state to be the ultimate authority? How the fuck can that be possible? Oh wait I forgot they're all part of a great big socialist conspiracy.

Their attacks on Christianity aren't designed to eradicate Christianity, per se. They are designed to establish a social order (or more appropriately destroy the existing order) and customs that advance their ideas and Christianity isn't a part of it. In short, they aren't anti-Christian in intent, they are anti-Christian in effect.

Wow, are you two serious with the going back & forth on eachother or is this an inside joke? Especially in this topic?

How about we say the ACLU is just scattered all over the place.

he believes in censorship out of one side of his mouth and supports the aclu out of the other,, see the irony there? :cuckoo:

Did you get taken over by PI?

Neg repping someone is not censorship, it does not inhibit your ability to speak on this site in any way.

Now stop with the bull crap.

I'm not against neg repping,, but it is ironic when some mantwat does it cause he doesn't like what another poster posts about censorship! That is all and no,, I don't stop with the bull crap you bossy controlling thang.!
Under the First Amendment, there are no illegal ideas. Those who commit illegal acts can be punished for wrongful conduct, but the expression of even offensive ideas is protected by our Constitution," the ACLU said in a statement.

Do you disagree with that ?
Dear God, so much stupid.

They fight against intelligent design and abstinence education not because they infringe on rights, but because they are part of an order they believe needs to be abolished.

Intelligent Design is not science and it's a religion, so yeah it's unconstitutional to teach it in schools. Abstinence education is a bad joke that doesn't work.

It was founded by communists and though many members and lawyers would say they aren't communist today that foundation influences the way they look at things.

Unprovable speculation, wow color me impressed.

Valid according to whom?

Why is helping Limbaugh in this case a bad thing?

It may violate the 4th so it should be challenged.

No it's because kids are citizens and they are entitled to rights as well. Hell roe v wade was an extension on the 9th amendment right to privacy.

In communist nations, the state is the highest authority and all needs and actions must be made in connection with what is best for the state. That is why you can talk about purges and gulags and communists don't flinch. Communism requires them.

So let me get this straight, they're very anti-state yet they're also communists which requires the state to be the ultimate authority? How the fuck can that be possible? Oh wait I forgot they're all part of a great big socialist conspiracy.

Their attacks on Christianity aren't designed to eradicate Christianity, per se. They are designed to establish a social order (or more appropriately destroy the existing order) and customs that advance their ideas and Christianity isn't a part of it. In short, they aren't anti-Christian in intent, they are anti-Christian in effect.


Your forehead is stamped "with stupid"
You misquoted me and then negative rep'd me for a misquote. In return, I positive rep'd you to tell you to stop the misquoting. Don't misquote me. You might get banned.

Dear God, so much stupid.

They fight against intelligent design and abstinence education not because they infringe on rights, but because they are part of an order they believe needs to be abolished.

Intelligent Design is not science and it's a religion, so yeah it's unconstitutional to teach it in schools. Abstinence education is a bad joke that doesn't work.

It was founded by communists and though many members and lawyers would say they aren't communist today that foundation influences the way they look at things.

Unprovable speculation, wow color me impressed.

Valid according to whom?

Why is helping Limbaugh in this case a bad thing?

It may violate the 4th so it should be challenged.

No it's because kids are citizens and they are entitled to rights as well. Hell roe v wade was an extension on the 9th amendment right to privacy.

In communist nations, the state is the highest authority and all needs and actions must be made in connection with what is best for the state. That is why you can talk about purges and gulags and communists don't flinch. Communism requires them.

So let me get this straight, they're very anti-state yet they're also communists which requires the state to be the ultimate authority? How the fuck can that be possible? Oh wait I forgot they're all part of a great big socialist conspiracy.

Their attacks on Christianity aren't designed to eradicate Christianity, per se. They are designed to establish a social order (or more appropriately destroy the existing order) and customs that advance their ideas and Christianity isn't a part of it. In short, they aren't anti-Christian in intent, they are anti-Christian in effect.


Manifold calling somebody a moron is a net positive. Thanks!

If you're talking about the 3 pos-reps I got for it then yes. :cool:

I know you know you're full of shit. What I don't know is why you have such an axe to grind with the ACLU that you'd be willing to post such retarded nonsense. It kind of reminds me of how Ravi claims to accept that intelligence is at least partly genetic but adamantly dismisses the possibility that race has anything to do with intelligence... as if race isn't genetic. :lol:

In conclusion, you must be an agenda whore just like she is. Thanks for exposing yourself.
The only reason I'm even bothering with you is because of your well established obsession with getting in the last word. I wore down Liarbilly and I can do the same to you.


you are a liar, you said ACLU did not defend NAMBLA! That's the last word.. :lol:

I never even mentioned NAMBLA

Massive FAIL! :rofl:

I did ManTwat and you said if I believed that I was stupid. You lie. ACLU did defend NAMBLA
also... In 1982, the ACLU, in an amicus role, lost in a unanimous decision in the Supreme Court to legalize the sale and distribution of child pornography.”

The case is…: New York Vs Ferber, 458 U.S. 747
HollowTree thinks that defending the 1st Amendment rights of NAMBLA members is the same thing as supporting NAMBLA's cause.

What a stupid twat. :lol:
you are a liar, you said ACLU did not defend NAMBLA! That's the last word.. :lol:

I never even mentioned NAMBLA

Massive FAIL! :rofl:

I did ManTwat and you said if I believed that I was stupid. You lie. ACLU did defend NAMBLA

In the post I replied to you said the ACLU SUPPORTS NAMBLA. And if you believe that then indeed you are a stupid twat. I never said they didn't defend NAMBLA's 1st Amendment rights.

So in regards to your poorly conceived attempt at wordplay...

Seriously MASSIVE FAIL! :rofl:
Did they take their case pro-bono or did NAMBLA pay? If they expended one dime defending these scumbags, then they supported them. MASSIVE FAIL MANI.
Did they take their case pro-bono or did NAMBLA pay? If they expended one dime defending these scumbags, then they supported them. MASSIVE FAIL MANI.


They support and defend the 1st Amendment rights of all Americans, including scumbags like NAMBLA. But to suggest they "support" NAMBLA implies that they support their cause.

To pretend otherwise makes you look like an ignorant douche. No offense.
I never even mentioned NAMBLA

Massive FAIL! :rofl:

I did ManTwat and you said if I believed that I was stupid. You lie. ACLU did defend NAMBLA

In the post I replied to you said the ACLU SUPPORTS NAMBLA. And if you believe that then indeed you are a stupid twat. I never said they didn't defend NAMBLA's 1st Amendment rights.

So in regards to your poorly conceived attempt at wordplay...

Seriously MASSIVE FAIL! :rofl:

they do support them mantwat they do
Did they take their case pro-bono or did NAMBLA pay? If they expended one dime defending these scumbags, then they supported them. MASSIVE FAIL MANI.


They support and defend the 1st Amendment rights of all Americans, including scumbags like NAMBLA. But to suggest they "support" NAMBLA implies that they support their cause.

To pretend otherwise makes you look like an ignorant douche. No offense.

At some point ethics would be nice. I really, really don't think you defended the Constitution when you protect child pornographers or stopped students from prayer because someone was uncomfortable. Your just sucking money to self promote and diminish resources for other needed functions.

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