Acosta has pass revoked

The Boston Globe's editorial board called for a White House press walkout.
Richard Tofel, the president of ProPublica, tweeted on Friday morning, "What is the plan for when Trump concocts an excuse for vetoing a reporter" from the New York Times or Washington Post? "Surely," he wrote, "we must realize that if it works with CNN, this will just be the first time, and not the last."
"At every good news organization of which I've been aware over 35 years in and around journalism, it has been a bedrock principle that subjects don't get to choose the reporters who cover them, which includes not getting to veto reporters they don't like,"
Tofel wrote.

Tofel didn't mention that this press corps has more than just reporters. It has activist provacateurs,
At today's Q&A session, Trump also had sharp words for CNN White House correspondent Abby Phillip.
She asked one of the day's key questions about newly appointed acting attorney general Matt Whitaker: "Do you want him to rein in Robert Mueller?"
Instead of answering the question, Trump said, "What a stupid question you asked. What a stupid question, and I watch you a lot, and you ask a lot of stupid questions."
The picture clearly shows her hand not on his hand, but on the microphone, as it is her proper job to do. It also shows his hand on her arm - a violent crime.

You’re a blind sycophant, gramps. Her hand is clearly on both the mic and his hand. Anyone who’s not a trump cockholster can see her pinky is higher than her other fingers because it’s on his hand.
She's entitled to take the mic, dumbass. It belongs to the Whitehouse. The minute they want it back, Acosta is legally obligated to cough it up. The second she extended her hand, he should have placed the mic in it.
She’s not entitled to lay a finger on him.
She sure as hell is. She's entitled to use whatever physical force is required to retrieve White house property from someone who at this point is properly deemed a thief.

I know a guy who caught someone stealing tools out of the back of his pickup truck. He beat the thief to within an inch of his life. He had to go to the hospital. When the police came, they loaded him into the squad care without charging my buddy for anything.
”She's entitled to use whatever physical force is required to retrieve White house property from someone who at this point is properly deemed a thief.”


You are truly the dumbest fucking moron on this site.


Let’s see you cite the law that supports your idiocy.....
Here ya go, dumbass:

Wisconsin Legislature: 939.49

939.49  Defense of property and protection against retail theft.

(1)  A person is privileged to threaten or intentionally use force against another for the purpose of preventing or terminating what the person reasonably believes to be an unlawful interference with the person's property. Only such degree of force or threat thereof may intentionally be used as the actor reasonably believes is necessary to prevent or terminate the interference. It is not reasonable to intentionally use force intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm for the sole purpose of defense of one's property.
Trump insulted three reporters affiliated with CNN today, and said the White House may continue to take press passes away from members of the media.

Trump's unprecedented threat poses a serious challenge to the White House press corps and the association that represents them. They finally are being taken to task.
Good. It's about time someone reigned in those feral baboons.
After Friday morning's Q&A session, April Ryan called into CNN and said she shook off his insults.
A 20-year veteran of the White House beat, Ryan pointed out that each president before Trump "understood that reporters were part of the underpinnings of this nation."
Trump, she said, doesn't seem to appreciate that.

And what MS Ryan doesn't seem to appreciate is that these are not "reporters" who ask questions and then report the answers. These are provocateurs, who make STATEMENTS based on their own political persuasions and agendas, and argue with the president.

I hope Trump kicks every one of their asses out, and replaces them with JOURNALISTS.
Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
it's on video, moron. He slammed the woman's arm when she tried to take the mic.

Maybe your dumb ass needs to go back and watch the video. He didn't slam her fucking arm, that is the right wing lie that has been debunked. See the problem is simpleton a lot of folks in the room actually recorded what happened.
YOU are the dumbass that doesn't see reality because of your racism/etc
it DOESN'T matter if he grabbed her arm!!!!
he was being a jackass and Trump was being civil
he asked about the word ''invasion''' and Trump said they have 2 different opinions --discussing nicely
then this JACKASS tries to KOWTOW the POTUS!!---he tries to dictate
he says '''NO--it's NOT an invasion''
he's a DUMB jackass like you and others on USMB
as stated many times, you people have NO evidence to back up your crap--OPINIONS
HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the definition of invasion and in post # 533
: an act of invadingespecially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder

2: the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful

  1. an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
    "the Allied invasion of Normandy"
    synonyms: occupation, capture, seizure, annexation, annexing, takeover; More
    • an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
      "stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans"
      synonyms: influx, inundation, flood, rush, torrent, deluge, avalanche, juggernaut
      "an invasion of tourists"
    • an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Racist, you are a fucking idiot she white and he I'd white.

This post is the usual dumb shit we are seeing from Trumpers who will believe anything their God says. If he told you shit smell like fresh cut flowers you would want a pile. Pull your head out of your 4th pt of contact and come back to reality.
What is "racist" about his post? Then, despite that vapid appellation, you go on to call him an idiot.

You brain damaged snowflakes can't seem to grok the fact that the whole thing is on video. We can see what happened with our own eyes, and your account doesn't match the facts.

What happened was he thought he owned the place. Acosta, being a psychopath, and having been brought up and groomed by the elites as a person of privilege, simply cant accept that there is a president the media tried to take down unsuccessfully. Its never happened before. The media have *always* been able to destroy potential threats to their rule.
So Acosta refused to give up the microphone. He had a policy speech to make and explain to Trump. Thats why he slapped away her hand. The Supreme Court, the Congress..maybe they should have to give. But Acosta is flabbergasted that his foreign policy speech was interrupted.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
it's on video, moron. He slammed the woman's arm when she tried to take the mic.

Maybe your dumb ass needs to go back and watch the video. He didn't slam her fucking arm, that is the right wing lie that has been debunked. See the problem is simpleton a lot of folks in the room actually recorded what happened.
YOU are the dumbass that doesn't see reality because of your racism/etc
it DOESN'T matter if he grabbed her arm!!!!
he was being a jackass and Trump was being civil
he asked about the word ''invasion''' and Trump said they have 2 different opinions --discussing nicely
then this JACKASS tries to KOWTOW the POTUS!!---he tries to dictate
he says '''NO--it's NOT an invasion''
he's a DUMB jackass like you and others on USMB
as stated many times, you people have NO evidence to back up your crap--OPINIONS
HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the definition of invasion and in post # 533
: an act of invadingespecially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder

2: the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful

  1. an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
    "the Allied invasion of Normandy"
    synonyms: occupation, capture, seizure, annexation, annexing, takeover; More
    • an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
      "stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans"
      synonyms: influx, inundation, flood, rush, torrent, deluge, avalanche, juggernaut
      "an invasion of tourists"
    • an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Racist, you are a fucking idiot she white and he I'd white.

This post is the usual dumb shit we are seeing from Trumpers who will believe anything their God says. If he told you shit smell like fresh cut flowers you would want a pile. Pull your head out of your 4th pt of contact and come back to reality.
'''she white''' ''he I'd white'''
wtf are you babbling about?
it's on video, moron. He slammed the woman's arm when she tried to take the mic.

Maybe your dumb ass needs to go back and watch the video. He didn't slam her fucking arm, that is the right wing lie that has been debunked. See the problem is simpleton a lot of folks in the room actually recorded what happened.
YOU are the dumbass that doesn't see reality because of your racism/etc
it DOESN'T matter if he grabbed her arm!!!!
he was being a jackass and Trump was being civil
he asked about the word ''invasion''' and Trump said they have 2 different opinions --discussing nicely
then this JACKASS tries to KOWTOW the POTUS!!---he tries to dictate
he says '''NO--it's NOT an invasion''
he's a DUMB jackass like you and others on USMB
as stated many times, you people have NO evidence to back up your crap--OPINIONS
HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the definition of invasion and in post # 533
: an act of invadingespecially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder

2: the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful

  1. an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
    "the Allied invasion of Normandy"
    synonyms: occupation, capture, seizure, annexation, annexing, takeover; More
    • an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
      "stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans"
      synonyms: influx, inundation, flood, rush, torrent, deluge, avalanche, juggernaut
      "an invasion of tourists"
    • an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Racist, you are a fucking idiot she white and he I'd white.

This post is the usual dumb shit we are seeing from Trumpers who will believe anything their God says. If he told you shit smell like fresh cut flowers you would want a pile. Pull your head out of your 4th pt of contact and come back to reality.
What is "racist" about his post? Then, despite that vapid appellation, you go on to call him an idiot.

You brain damaged snowflakes can't seem to grok the fact that the whole thing is on video. We can see what happened with our own eyes, and your account doesn't match the facts.

What happened was he thought he owned the place. Acosta, being a psychopath, and having been brought up and groomed by the elites as a person of privilege, simply cant accept that there is a president the media tried to take down unsuccessfully. Its never happened before. The media have *always* been able to destroy potential threats to their rule.
So Acosta refused to give up the microphone. He had a policy speech to make and explain to Trump. Thats why he slapped away her hand. The Supreme Court, the Congress..maybe they should have to give. But Acosta is flabbergasted that his foreign policy speech was interrupted.

This post amounts to...………
Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
it's on video, moron. He slammed the woman's arm when she tried to take the mic.

Maybe your dumb ass needs to go back and watch the video. He didn't slam her fucking arm, that is the right wing lie that has been debunked. See the problem is simpleton a lot of folks in the room actually recorded what happened.
YOU are the dumbass that doesn't see reality because of your racism/etc
it DOESN'T matter if he grabbed her arm!!!!
he was being a jackass and Trump was being civil
he asked about the word ''invasion''' and Trump said they have 2 different opinions --discussing nicely
then this JACKASS tries to KOWTOW the POTUS!!---he tries to dictate
he says '''NO--it's NOT an invasion''
he's a DUMB jackass like you and others on USMB
as stated many times, you people have NO evidence to back up your crap--OPINIONS
HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the definition of invasion and in post # 533
: an act of invadingespecially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder

2: the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful

  1. an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
    "the Allied invasion of Normandy"
    synonyms: occupation, capture, seizure, annexation, annexing, takeover; More
    • an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
      "stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans"
      synonyms: influx, inundation, flood, rush, torrent, deluge, avalanche, juggernaut
      "an invasion of tourists"
    • an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Racist, you are a fucking idiot she white and he I'd white.

This post is the usual dumb shit we are seeing from Trumpers who will believe anything their God says. If he told you shit smell like fresh cut flowers you would want a pile. Pull your head out of your 4th pt of contact and come back to reality.
'''she white''' ''he I'd white'''
wtf are you babbling about?

it's on video, moron. He slammed the woman's arm when she tried to take the mic.

Maybe your dumb ass needs to go back and watch the video. He didn't slam her fucking arm, that is the right wing lie that has been debunked. See the problem is simpleton a lot of folks in the room actually recorded what happened.
YOU are the dumbass that doesn't see reality because of your racism/etc
it DOESN'T matter if he grabbed her arm!!!!
he was being a jackass and Trump was being civil
he asked about the word ''invasion''' and Trump said they have 2 different opinions --discussing nicely
then this JACKASS tries to KOWTOW the POTUS!!---he tries to dictate
he says '''NO--it's NOT an invasion''
he's a DUMB jackass like you and others on USMB
as stated many times, you people have NO evidence to back up your crap--OPINIONS
HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the definition of invasion and in post # 533
: an act of invadingespecially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder

2: the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful

  1. an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
    "the Allied invasion of Normandy"
    synonyms: occupation, capture, seizure, annexation, annexing, takeover; More
    • an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
      "stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans"
      synonyms: influx, inundation, flood, rush, torrent, deluge, avalanche, juggernaut
      "an invasion of tourists"
    • an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Racist, you are a fucking idiot she white and he I'd white.

This post is the usual dumb shit we are seeing from Trumpers who will believe anything their God says. If he told you shit smell like fresh cut flowers you would want a pile. Pull your head out of your 4th pt of contact and come back to reality.
'''she white''' ''he I'd white'''
wtf are you babbling about?

so you can't back up your bullshit, so you post this
  1. an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
    "the Allied invasion of Normandy"
    synonyms: occupation, capture, seizure, annexation, annexing, takeover; More
    • an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
      "stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans"
      synonyms: influx, inundation, flood, rush, torrent, deluge, avalanche, juggernaut
      "an invasion of tourists"
    • an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.
'''she white''' ''he I'd white'''
wtf are you babbling about?

I have noticed some groups of people seem to struggle with the verb forms of "be". I don't know why they find it so difficult.
You've been screaming Nazi for years now. When you start talking like that expect to be ridiculed rather than taken seriously.

You called me a subhuman.

Being that the jackboot fits, you get to wear it. The fact that it triggers you when I point it out is just icing on the cake.
Plenty of Reporters in that room..............Why the hell should Acosta always get the mic anyway............

How about they draw dang numbers..........and whomever gets the number called gets to ASK 1 QUESTION......

Acosta and CNN don't own the dang room............He got his little moment of doing the left's he can watch from outside the
WH from now on.........

boo hoo.
3. He assaulted her, pushing down her arm.

That's 2+2=5 levels of Stalinism.

Trumpism really is a Stalinist cult now. The members are told what to believe, so they'll at least say they believe it, even if they know it sounds insane. The important thing for them is that they obey the cult.

All of this is a continuation of the absurd Democrat deceit of the Kavanaugh hearing, and more display of Democrat crazy dishonesty.

I'm so old, I can actually remember back when most Republicans weren't constantly blubbering whatever crazy propaganda that their Stalinist masters had told them to blubber about. Pro here probably actuallly believes all the weepy lies he tells, because his reality is whatever the cult has defined it to be.
3. He assaulted her, pushing down her arm.

That's 2+2=5 levels of Stalinism.

Trumpism really is a Stalinist cult now. The members are told what to believe, so they'll at least say they believe it, even if they know it sounds insane. The important thing for them is that they obey the cult.

All of this is a continuation of the absurd Democrat deceit of the Kavanaugh hearing, and more display of Democrat crazy dishonesty.

I'm so old, I can actually remember back when most Republicans weren't constantly blubbering whatever crazy propaganda that their Stalinist masters had told them to blubber about. Pro here probably actuallly believes all the weepy lies he tells, because his reality is whatever the cult has defined it to be.
Baloney.............He needs to ask the question clearly and STFU...........He's not there to have a dang debate. Plenty of other reporters there who want to ask questions also.........

He got stupid.............and now he's hoo
Good riddance; getting physical with a young girl

Here's another Trumpflake hiding behind the skirts of a woman. Such brave men they are.

Notice how the young woman didn't complain? She's far, far tougher than almost every male Trumpflake. They should take lessons from her on how not to snivel.

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