Acosta has pass revoked

Please show where I lied.
"tRump acting like a spoiled child yet again."
Yeah, that's not a lie. You may disagree with my take on the situation, but that doesn't make either of us a liar.

You kids really need to stop avoiding education.
Your "take" is a fucking lie.
You are just incurably stupid.

You can piss off now.
Oh yeah? Well you're a big poopy head!
I can live with that.
Baloney.............He needs to ask the question clearly and STFU...........

The issue being discussed was all of your heroes lying about the supposed "assault", and all of the Republicans tongue-bathing them for doing so.

Care to address that, or are you scared that your fellow cultists would not approve of you saying "It's wrong for the Trump admin to lie like that"?

I do understand your concern, given how most Trump fans are demonstrably unstable and violent. There's nobody a cultist hates more than an apostate, so your life might be in danger if you criticized your own cult.
Baloney.............He needs to ask the question clearly and STFU...........

The issue being discussed was all of your heroes lying about the supposed "assault", and all of the Republicans tongue-bathing them for doing so.

Care to address that, or are you scared that your fellow cultists would not approve of you saying "It's wrong for the Trump admin to lie like that"?

I do understand your concern, given how most Trump fans are demonstrably unstable and violent. There's nobody a cultist hates more than an apostate, so your life might be in danger if you criticized your own cult.
Your side has a lot of nerve with the cult BS.........unstable and many of your Politicians are being chased out of diner, movie, and being protested outside their homes...........

He got thrown out for being rude...........refused to give the mic back........and wouldn't shut up..........BYE.
Your side has a lot of nerve with the cult BS........

I asked you a question. Do you think it was bad for the Trump admin to lie here? They claimed Acosta laid hands on the woman. That was indisputably a lie.

You refuse to answer that simple question. That seems to confirm my point about how your extremely unstable, hysterical and violent cult has whupped you into submission.

That's another thing that's so good about being a liberal. We never have to be afraid of fellow liberals attacking us, or attacking anyone for that matter.
Your side has a lot of nerve with the cult BS........

I asked you a question. Do you think it was bad for the Trump admin to lie here? They claimed Acosta laid hands on the woman. That was indisputably a lie.

You refuse to answer that simple question. That seems to confirm my point about how your extremely unstable, hysterical and violent cult has whupped you into submission.

That's another thing that's so good about being a liberal. We never have to be afraid of fellow liberals attacking us, or attacking anyone for that matter.
Did he punch her...........NOPE.....

Did he pull back the mic..........YUP.....

Did he have his other finger up and pointing ........yup......

Was it flagrant.............NOPE......

Was it enough to get his ass thrown out............You Betcha.......
I'm so old, I can actually remember back when most Republicans weren't constantly blubbering whatever crazy propaganda that their Stalinist masters had told them to blubber about. Pro here probably actuallly believes all the weepy lies he tells, because his reality is whatever the cult has defined it to be.
You ever hear of EYES ? Or VISION ? Or VIDEOs ? This isn't 1903. :rolleyes:
I asked you a question. Do you think it was bad for the Trump admin to lie here? They claimed Acosta laid hands on the woman. That was indisputably a lie.

You refuse to answer that simple question. That seems to confirm my point about how your extremely unstable, hysterical and violent cult has whupped you into submission.

That's another thing that's so good about being a liberal. We never have to be afraid of fellow liberals attacking us, or attacking anyone for that matter.
Here's my question. >> Are you blind ?

You've been screaming Nazi for years now. When you start talking like that expect to be ridiculed rather than taken seriously.

You called me a subhuman.

Being that the jackboot fits, you get to wear it. The fact that it triggers you when I point it out is just icing on the cake.

You chat room warriors....because I was very slightly entertained and bothered to give a minimal response you thought "yay triggered I get to pretend to be a conservative!". LOL. Just how desperate are you? Maybe you can work "snowflake" and "SJW" in later on? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery as you know.

If you really thought I was a Nazi then of course you wouldn't expect it to "trigger" me. It would simply have been a factual observation. But "nazi" isn't a descriptive or a political term for you. Its an epithet. Simple name calling like "big fat dummy". And you have made it meaningless like so many other words you uneducated boors throw around. You probably dont even know what a Nazi you it's any meanie who isn't an immoral liberal.

Your political skills are that shallow. And it does make you less than human. You are serf material actually. Your Tourettes Syndrome-like foaming and ranting about Nazis for years hasn't helped your credibility any. Its just the background noise from one of the shallowest people I have ever had the misfortune to read.
Pic 1, her arm is touching his arm.

Pic 2, her hand is on his hand as well as the mic.

She touched him first.

Picture 1 - She's reaching for the microphone, and not touching him. He moved his arm into hers.
Picture 2 - She has her hand on the microphone. I suspect the last place in the world she would want her hand to be at that moment, would be on his hand
Her arm is touching his arm as she stretches for the mic in the first picture. Her hand is on both his and and the mic in the second.

Your denial of what is so crispy visible in those photos due to your senility speaks for you.
You’re a blind sycophant, gramps. Her hand is clearly on both the mic and his hand. Anyone who’s not a trump cockholster can see her pinky is higher than her other fingers because it’s on his hand.
She's entitled to take the mic, dumbass. It belongs to the Whitehouse. The minute they want it back, Acosta is legally obligated to cough it up. The second she extended her hand, he should have placed the mic in it.
She’s not entitled to lay a finger on him.
She sure as hell is. She's entitled to use whatever physical force is required to retrieve White house property from someone who at this point is properly deemed a thief.

I know a guy who caught someone stealing tools out of the back of his pickup truck. He beat the thief to within an inch of his life. He had to go to the hospital. When the police came, they loaded him into the squad care without charging my buddy for anything.
”She's entitled to use whatever physical force is required to retrieve White house property from someone who at this point is properly deemed a thief.”


You are truly the dumbest fucking moron on this site.


Let’s see you cite the law that supports your idiocy.....
Here ya go, dumbass:

Wisconsin Legislature: 939.49

939.49  Defense of property and protection against retail theft.

(1)  A person is privileged to threaten or intentionally use force against another for the purpose of preventing or terminating what the person reasonably believes to be an unlawful interference with the person's property. Only such degree of force or threat thereof may intentionally be used as the actor reasonably believes is necessary to prevent or terminate the interference. It is not reasonable to intentionally use force intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm for the sole purpose of defense of one's property.

Fucking moron ....... they weren’t in Wisconsin.

Good riddance; getting physical with a young girl

Here's another Trumpflake hiding behind the skirts of a woman. Such brave men they are.

Notice how the young woman didn't complain? She's far, far tougher than almost every male Trumpflake. They should take lessons from her on how not to snivel.

you piss ant faggot traitors and your sniveling worthless opinions are irrelevant now, you lost big time in the mid-terms, your 'Big Blue Wave' didn't even make a little brown puddle, and you're toast in 2020 now as a result; your punk loser Acosta is officially a POS, like the rest of you left wing vermin. Good riddance. Assaulting girls is okay with you scum, but not enough to make you credible outside your little Hive, gimp.
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Good riddance; getting physical with a young girl

Here's another Trumpflake hiding behind the skirts of a woman. Such brave men they are.

Notice how the young woman didn't complain? She's far, far tougher than almost every male Trumpflake. They should take lessons from her on how not to snivel.

you piss ant faggot traitors and your sniveling worthless opinions are irrelevant now, you lost big time in the mid-terms, your 'Big Blue Wave' didn't even make a little brown puddle, and you're toast in 2020 now as a result; your punk loser Acosta is officially a POS, like the rest of you left wing vermin. Good riddance. Assaulting girls is okay with you scum, but not enough to make you credible outside your little Hive, gimp.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

The issue being discussed was all of your heroes lying about the supposed "assault", and all of the Republicans tongue-bathing them for doing so.

Care to address that, or are you scared that your fellow cultists would not approve of you saying "It's wrong for the Trump admin to lie like that"?

I do understand your concern, given how most Trump fans are demonstrably unstable and violent. There's nobody a cultist hates more than an apostate, so your life might be in danger if you criticized your own cult.
Republicans lying about the Acosta assault ? Haven't seen anything of that sort. :biggrin:
Your side has a lot of nerve with the cult BS........

I asked you a question. Do you think it was bad for the Trump admin to lie here? They claimed Acosta laid hands on the woman. That was indisputably a lie.

You refuse to answer that simple question. That seems to confirm my point about how your extremely unstable, hysterical and violent cult has whupped you into submission.

That's another thing that's so good about being a liberal. We never have to be afraid of fellow liberals attacking us, or attacking anyone for that matter.
It was the indisputable truth. It's on video tape. I marvel at the brazen lying of the left. psychologists call that "gas lighting" - when you tell lies that only someone with brain damage wouldn't know to be lie.
Her arm is touching his arm as she stretches for the mic in the first picture. Her hand is on both his and and the mic in the second.

Your denial of what is so crispy visible in those photos due to your senility speaks for you.
Picture 1 - She's reaching for the microphone, and not touching him. He moved his arm into hers.
Picture 2 - She has her hand on the microphone.

In the pictures below >>

Picture 1 - he puts his hand on her arm

Picture 2 - he's got her arm pressed down about 10 inches. Clear cut assault, by DC law. Lock him up.


You can keep lying about this if you like. No law against making a fool out of yourself. :biggrin:
She's entitled to take the mic, dumbass. It belongs to the Whitehouse. The minute they want it back, Acosta is legally obligated to cough it up. The second she extended her hand, he should have placed the mic in it.
She’s not entitled to lay a finger on him.
She sure as hell is. She's entitled to use whatever physical force is required to retrieve White house property from someone who at this point is properly deemed a thief.

I know a guy who caught someone stealing tools out of the back of his pickup truck. He beat the thief to within an inch of his life. He had to go to the hospital. When the police came, they loaded him into the squad care without charging my buddy for anything.
”She's entitled to use whatever physical force is required to retrieve White house property from someone who at this point is properly deemed a thief.”


You are truly the dumbest fucking moron on this site.


Let’s see you cite the law that supports your idiocy.....
Here ya go, dumbass:

Wisconsin Legislature: 939.49

939.49  Defense of property and protection against retail theft.

(1)  A person is privileged to threaten or intentionally use force against another for the purpose of preventing or terminating what the person reasonably believes to be an unlawful interference with the person's property. Only such degree of force or threat thereof may intentionally be used as the actor reasonably believes is necessary to prevent or terminate the interference. It is not reasonable to intentionally use force intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm for the sole purpose of defense of one's property.

Fucking moron ....... they weren’t in Wisconsin.

I know you were going to say that. What a fucking dolt. Every state has a similar law. However, DC may be different since it's populated with ignorant savages.

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