Acosta has pass revoked

Good riddance; getting physical with a young girl

Here's another Trumpflake hiding behind the skirts of a woman. Such brave men they are.

Notice how the young woman didn't complain? She's far, far tougher than almost every male Trumpflake. They should take lessons from her on how not to snivel.

you piss ant faggot traitors and your sniveling worthless opinions are irrelevant now, you lost big time in the mid-terms, your 'Big Blue Wave' didn't even make a little brown puddle, and you're toast in 2020 now as a result; your punk loser Acosta is officially a POS, like the rest of you left wing vermin. Good riddance. Assaulting girls is okay with you scum, but not enough to make you credible outside your little Hive, gimp.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Another liberal trying out "triggered" lol. But its impossible for you to understand what it means so you cant use it properly. It just makes you look like a monkey see monkey do liberal.
The Boston Globe's editorial board called for a White House press walkout.
Richard Tofel, the president of ProPublica, tweeted on Friday morning, "What is the plan for when Trump concocts an excuse for vetoing a reporter" from the New York Times or Washington Post? "Surely," he wrote, "we must realize that if it works with CNN, this will just be the first time, and not the last."
"At every good news organization of which I've been aware over 35 years in and around journalism, it has been a bedrock principle that subjects don't get to choose the reporters who cover them, which includes not getting to veto reporters they don't like,"
Tofel wrote.

Tofel didn't mention that this press corps has more than just reporters. It has activist provacateurs,
The Newsroom Has Become a Nooseroom

More proof of the Low IQs of Diploma Dumbo jurinalism majors. Such ambitious imbeciles are driven to ludicrously exaggerate any criticism of their clique into Gotcha strawman scarecrows and think they have a valid point. Then they pat one another on their spineless backs and giggle at how they put that Meanie With the Orange Face in his place as someone who wants all jurinalists whacked and was the only reason Khashoggi got killed.
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After Friday morning's Q&A session, April Ryan called into CNN and said she shook off his insults.
A 20-year veteran of the White House beat, Ryan pointed out that each president before Trump "understood that reporters were part of the underpinnings of this nation."
Trump, she said, doesn't seem to appreciate that.

And what MS Ryan doesn't seem to appreciate is that these are not "reporters" who ask questions and then report the answers. These are provocateurs, who make STATEMENTS based on their own political persuasions and agendas, and argue with the president.

I hope Trump kicks every one of their asses out, and replaces them with JOURNALISTS.
The Press's Presumptous Pomposity

Knowing that pinheads underpin our nation is as frightening as believing that bowling pins in the basement are the only things that keep our homes from collapsing.
'''she white''' ''he I'd white'''
wtf are you babbling about?
Baby Mambo

I have noticed some groups of people seem to struggle with the verb forms of "be". I don't know why they find it so difficult.
Ebonics doesn't even use it, even in a contraction; its mumbo-jumbo mumblers also omit the s in a possessive: "He at John place."
3. He assaulted her, pushing down her arm.

That's 2+2=5 levels of Stalinism.

Trumpism really is a Stalinist cult now. The members are told what to believe, so they'll at least say they believe it, even if they know it sounds insane. The important thing for them is that they obey the cult.

All of this is a continuation of the absurd Democrat deceit of the Kavanaugh hearing, and more display of Democrat crazy dishonesty.

I'm so old, I can actually remember back when most Republicans weren't constantly blubbering whatever crazy propaganda that their Stalinist masters had told them to blubber about. Pro here probably actuallly believes all the weepy lies he tells, because his reality is whatever the cult has defined it to be.

and I remember way back when people believed their eyes, and not what some reporter claimed.
Pic 1, her arm is touching his arm.

Pic 2, her hand is on his hand as well as the mic.

She touched him first.

Picture 1 - She's reaching for the microphone, and not touching him. He moved his arm into hers.
Picture 2 - She has her hand on the microphone. I suspect the last place in the world she would want her hand to be at that moment, would be on his hand
Her arm is touching his arm as she stretches for the mic in the first picture. Her hand is on both his and and the mic in the second.

Your denial of what is so crispy visible in those photos due to your senility speaks for you.

what video did you watch?
Pic 1, her arm is touching his arm.

Pic 2, her hand is on his hand as well as the mic.

She touched him first.

Picture 1 - She's reaching for the microphone, and not touching him. He moved his arm into hers.
Picture 2 - She has her hand on the microphone. I suspect the last place in the world she would want her hand to be at that moment, would be on his hand
Her arm is touching his arm as she stretches for the mic in the first picture. Her hand is on both his and and the mic in the second.

Your denial of what is so crispy visible in those photos due to your senility speaks for you.

what video did you watch?

The imaginary one.
Here's my question. >> Are you blind ?
As your pictures confirm my points, it confirms my precise eyesight, and that all the Trumpflakes here are proudly lying for their cult.

Given that everyone knows you're lying, even you, why do you bother? You can tell everyone to believe you over their lying eyes, but that's not going to work with anyone outside of your cult. We saw the film, so we know with100% certainty that you're lying.

And why do you think you won't burn in Hell for it? The Bible is quite clear on the matter. It doesn't say it's okay to lie about dirty liberals. You may think you've cut some special deal with Satan, but Satan is the Lord of Lies, and he doesn't keep his word.
and I remember way back when people believed their eyes, and not what some reporter claimed.

So why did you believe what the Trump admin said, instead of your own eyes?

You'd never cut it in the reality-based community. You're too willing to just go along with what your cult orders you to say.

This is why I advocate for free testosterone supplements for conservative men. If we could inject some fire into them, we could almost instantly end conservatism.
and I remember way back when people believed their eyes, and not what some reporter claimed.

So why did you believe what the Trump admin said, instead of your own eyes?

You'd never cut it in the reality-based community. You're too willing to just go along with what your cult orders you to say.

This is why I advocate for free testosterone supplements for conservative men. If we could inject some fire into them, we could almost instantly end conservatism.

I have posted 3 videos of the event.

one from Fox, one from ABC, one from NBC.

They all show the same thing..

the same thing the Trump ADmin posted.

He blocked her reaching with her right hand twice, and bring his hand down on he inside of her left elbow once, before she could get the mic.

Which video did you watch, that he did NOT do that?

here's a selection, just cut and paste it.

acosta video - Bing video
Here's my question. >> Are you blind ?
As your pictures confirm my points, it confirms my precise eyesight, and that all the Trumpflakes here are proudly lying for their cult.

Given that everyone knows you're lying, even you, why do you bother? You can tell everyone to believe you over their lying eyes, but that's not going to work with anyone outside of your cult. We saw the film, so we know with100% certainty that you're lying.

And why do you think you won't burn in Hell for it? The Bible is quite clear on the matter. It doesn't say it's okay to lie about dirty liberals. You may think you've cut some special deal with Satan, but Satan is the Lord of Lies, and he doesn't keep his word.
Gas lighting - a sure sign that you're emotionally disturbed.
I doubt Acosta minds what happened. He is achieving a nice comfortable martyrdom which is part of the journey to Marxist sainthood and a small price to be paid for his position in the vanguard of the Peoples Revolutionary Front For the Advancement of Fraternal Socialism And An End To Racism, Patriarchy, Colonialism, Jingoism And The Tyranny of Christianity.

Soros will pay him no matter if he yells at Trump from the street or from the White House.
Trump went to Europe. Who does CNN send to follow him and report?

Acosta. I think that is hilarious.
Acosta is now claiming that he was banned for "hard questions". Could anyone tell me where the question mark goes in the following “question”?

"As you know, Mr. President, the caravan was not an invasion. It’s a group of migrants moving up from Central America towards the border with the U.S.”
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She’s not entitled to lay a finger on him.
She sure as hell is. She's entitled to use whatever physical force is required to retrieve White house property from someone who at this point is properly deemed a thief.

I know a guy who caught someone stealing tools out of the back of his pickup truck. He beat the thief to within an inch of his life. He had to go to the hospital. When the police came, they loaded him into the squad care without charging my buddy for anything.
”She's entitled to use whatever physical force is required to retrieve White house property from someone who at this point is properly deemed a thief.”


You are truly the dumbest fucking moron on this site.


Let’s see you cite the law that supports your idiocy.....
Here ya go, dumbass:

Wisconsin Legislature: 939.49

939.49  Defense of property and protection against retail theft.

(1)  A person is privileged to threaten or intentionally use force against another for the purpose of preventing or terminating what the person reasonably believes to be an unlawful interference with the person's property. Only such degree of force or threat thereof may intentionally be used as the actor reasonably believes is necessary to prevent or terminate the interference. It is not reasonable to intentionally use force intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm for the sole purpose of defense of one's property.

Fucking moron ....... they weren’t in Wisconsin.

I know you were going to say that. What a fucking dolt. Every state has a similar law. However, DC may be different since it's populated with ignorant savages.

And I knew you couldn’t post the law.


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