Acosta has pass revoked

Acosta was acting like a spoiled child, you fucking moron. Do you actually approve of his behavior?

Not only does he approve of it..he is willing to lie about it. To be a democrat is to have no morals at all.
Please show where I lied.
"tRump acting like a spoiled child yet again."
Yeah, that's not a lie. You may disagree with my take on the situation, but that doesn't make either of us a liar.

You kids really need to stop avoiding education.
Your "take" is a fucking lie.
You are just incurably stupid.

You can piss off now.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
it's on video, moron. He slammed the woman's arm when she tried to take the mic.

Maybe your dumb ass needs to go back and watch the video. He didn't slam her fucking arm, that is the right wing lie that has been debunked. See the problem is simpleton a lot of folks in the room actually recorded what happened.
YOU are the dumbass that doesn't see reality because of your racism/etc
it DOESN'T matter if he grabbed her arm!!!!
he was being a jackass and Trump was being civil
he asked about the word ''invasion''' and Trump said they have 2 different opinions --discussing nicely
then this JACKASS tries to KOWTOW the POTUS!!---he tries to dictate
he says '''NO--it's NOT an invasion''
he's a DUMB jackass like you and others on USMB
as stated many times, you people have NO evidence to back up your crap--OPINIONS
HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the definition of invasion and in post # 533
: an act of invadingespecially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder

2: the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful

  1. an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
    "the Allied invasion of Normandy"
    synonyms: occupation, capture, seizure, annexation, annexing, takeover; More
    • an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
      "stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans"
      synonyms: influx, inundation, flood, rush, torrent, deluge, avalanche, juggernaut
      "an invasion of tourists"
    • an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Racist, you are a fucking idiot she white and he I'd white.

This post is the usual dumb shit we are seeing from Trumpers who will believe anything their God says. If he told you shit smell like fresh cut flowers you would want a pile. Pull your head out of your 4th pt of contact and come back to reality.
What is "racist" about his post? Then, despite that vapid appellation, you go on to call him an idiot.

You brain damaged snowflakes can't seem to grok the fact that the whole thing is on video. We can see what happened with our own eyes, and your account doesn't match the facts.
Not only does he approve of it..he is willing to lie about it. To be a democrat is to have no morals at all.
Please show where I lied.
"tRump acting like a spoiled child yet again."
Yeah, that's not a lie. You may disagree with my take on the situation, but that doesn't make either of us a liar.

You kids really need to stop avoiding education.
Your "take" is a fucking lie.
You are just incurably stupid.

You can piss off now.
Oh yeah? Well you're a big poopy head!
I refer to President Twitter in a less than deferential fashion because overall I don't approve of his behavior and given the fact that he works for me and not the other way around, I as a citizen am well within my rights to do so (well at least until he and his cohorts get around to working to intimidate private citizens for expressing views he doesn't like I suppose), he'll get more respect and less ridicule when he begins behaving in a fashion that merits it.

Well you're a better person than I. I don't approve of him because of his face. Just look at that face. Can you believe people (especially women) voted for a face like that? Hard to imagine a President with a face like that!

I don't dislike Donald Trump the person, heck as one that has followed his career since the 1980's I find certain things about him that are admirable, however his public behavior and his often egregious exaggerations of and complete disregard for the truth aren't among them.

IMHO If he'd just shut his mouth, close his twitter account and stick to his policy agenda he'd be doing a lot better from a public relations standpoint, as it stands now all he does is feed the hunger of his "base" for ever more outlandish demagoguery and deepen the divide that exists among the citizenry.

He's quickly becoming the modern day equivalent of Caligula.
You're just an example of communist brainwashing techniques.
Cool, I paid extra for the "communist brainwashing" option, glad to see my investment is paying off.

You wouldn't feel the way you do about him if you didn't buy into the media's false narrative of him.
Actually I would, given the fact that I've been paying attention to what he's actually said and done for over 30 years.

Everything he says is torn apart and editorialized in a negative manner.
Uh-huh, it's certainly odd that every other President in the history of the Republic hasn't been treated the same way, Poor Donny, apparently nobody told him that being picked apart by the Media was part of the job.:(

You don't feel this way because Trump made you feel that way.
You're right Trump didn't make me feel "that way", my integrity, common sense and ability to discern reality from bullshit did.
Only a brain damaged moron could possibly believe that media treats Trump the same way as other presidents. It doesn't treat Republicans the same way it treats Democrats. The press sucked Obama's cock on a daily basis. They are making all out war on Trump. Those fact are simply indisputable.
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The media is even 15 pts less popular than Obama was!!

Here's One Poll The Press Doesn't Want You To See | Investor's Business Daily

Nobody likes Acosta except the nuttters.:coffee:
Oh, comeon, skookerasbil. Acosta's mama loves him. :lol:
More likely she revoked his pass to visit her, too.
Even when a mama has cause, she still loves her little boy, misguided though he may be. That's how mothers are.
The Press Is a Bully's Pulpit

Jimmy's Mommy dressed him funny. Like all Liberals, he's been bitter and vindictive ever since.
Trump and Acosta hate each other. Acosta is a great reporter. It really pisses Trump off that Acosta isn't afraid of him. Reminds me of the days of President Nixon and Dan Rather.

Acosta showed his fear of Trump, when Trump started leaving the podium to go after Acosta physically, and suddenly Acosta did an about face and handed the microphone to the aide (to keep Trump from coming at him)

Acosta is a wimp who strongarms women, but is a wimp against a strong man.

Acosta showed his fear of Trump, when Trump started leaving the podium to go after Acosta physically, and suddenly Acosta did an about face and handed the microphone to the aide (to keep Trump from coming at him)

Acosta is a wimp who strongarms women, but is a wimp against a strong man
Maybe they ought to bring the Secret Service into those meetings if the reporting loons of the left can't do better than pull publicity stunts instead of journalism. The other alternative is one I'd like to see, which would be President Trump speaking to all Americans citizens minus hatemongers' presence. We don't need to see any more of that at all. People with children are likely very unhappy to have them see a man pushing a woman around on the nightly news in a setting that scorches the earth for the Executive Branch of the United States of America. I hope someone important who sees this thread will share what is in the heart of us American citizens. The peaceful thing to do would be to just show up with cameras only showing President Trump telling Americans what we need to know about his decisions. That way, we don't have to wade through ten foot troughs of garbage the press invents to throw America into chaos. God bless America and save it from the hatemongers in the press.​

The Mike Is a Trophy

What would really aggravate their butt hurt would be to invite reporters from small-town papers and local stations. The thing these ambitious imbeciles care about most is their status as Big-City jurinalists. They would be outraged just as much whether the flyover newsmen were Liberal or Conservative.
Nope, she’s not allowed to put her hands on anyone like she did.

And yes, she did grab him. That’s her hand on his and the mic...

The picture clearly shows her hand not on his hand, but on the microphone, as it is her proper job to do. It also shows his hand on her arm - a violent crime.

You’re a blind sycophant, gramps. Her hand is clearly on both the mic and his hand. Anyone who’s not a trump cockholster can see her pinky is higher than her other fingers because it’s on his hand.
She's entitled to take the mic, dumbass. It belongs to the Whitehouse. The minute they want it back, Acosta is legally obligated to cough it up. The second she extended her hand, he should have placed the mic in it.
She’s not entitled to lay a finger on him.
You’re lying again, gramps. As the photo I posted in my last post shows, she’s touching him.

And she touched him here...


And here...


Followed up by rightards adding frames to the video; proving Acosta did nothing.
Wrong on both counts, puppy.

Picture 1 - She's reaching for the microphone, and not touching him.

Picture 2 - She has her hand on the microphone. I suspect the last place in the world she would want her hand to be at that moment, would be on his hand. :laugh:
Pic 1, her arm is touching his arm.

Pic 2, her hand is on his hand as well as the mic.

She touched him first.
You’re a blind sycophant, gramps. Her hand is clearly on both the mic and his hand. Anyone who’s not a trump cockholster can see her pinky is higher than her other fingers because it’s on his hand.
Clearly not on his hand, and even if it was, it would have been accidental, thus lacking criminal INTENT, and thus not illegal.

When he pushed her arm down though, that clearly was INTENTIONAL, and thus a criminal act. I see you haven't studied law. LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!

You’ll be in jail before Acosta is over this.
Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
There is no "if". We saw it on LIVE TV, on numerous videos, and here it is again > is hand/wrist on her arm, pushing it down, and knocking her off balance. The photo in Post 210 shows it.

Trump-Acosta Press Conference Clip
Nope, she grabbed him first, trying to pry the mic from his hands.
She was an intern of the White House doing her job to protect the president from a hatemongering press bent on causing chaos. Chaos is a stated part of destroying a government regularly taught in colleges from Coast to Coast by professors who are determined to destroy the Constitution and start over with their self-destructive assault on the Bill of Rights that protects the freedoms of Americans.
She had no right to touch him. Her job is to take the mic when it’s given to her, so she can pass it on to the next person; just as she did through that press conference.
Nope, she’s not allowed to put her hands on anyone like she did.

And yes, she did grab him. That’s her hand on his and the mic...

The picture clearly shows her hand not on his hand, but on the microphone, as it is her proper job to do. It also shows his hand on her arm - a violent crime.

You’re a blind sycophant, gramps. Her hand is clearly on both the mic and his hand. Anyone who’s not a trump cockholster can see her pinky is higher than her other fingers because it’s on his hand.
She's entitled to take the mic, dumbass. It belongs to the Whitehouse. The minute they want it back, Acosta is legally obligated to cough it up. The second she extended her hand, he should have placed the mic in it.
She’s not entitled to lay a finger on him.
She sure as hell is. She's entitled to use whatever physical force is required to retrieve White house property from someone who at this point is properly deemed a thief.

I know a guy who caught someone stealing tools out of the back of his pickup truck. He beat the thief to within an inch of his life. He had to go to the hospital. When the police came, they loaded him into the squad care without charging my buddy for anything.
Nope, she’s not allowed to put her hands on anyone like she did.

And yes, she did grab him. That’s her hand on his and the mic...

The picture clearly shows her hand not on his hand, but on the microphone, as it is her proper job to do. It also shows his hand on her arm - a violent crime.

You’re a blind sycophant, gramps. Her hand is clearly on both the mic and his hand. Anyone who’s not a trump cockholster can see her pinky is higher than her other fingers because it’s on his hand.
She's entitled to take the mic, dumbass. It belongs to the Whitehouse. The minute they want it back, Acosta is legally obligated to cough it up. The second she extended her hand, he should have placed the mic in it.
She’s not entitled to lay a finger on him.
She sure as hell is. She's entitled to use whatever physical force is required to retrieve White house property from someone who at this point is properly deemed a thief.

I know a guy who caught someone stealing tools out of the back of his pickup truck. He beat the thief to within an inch of his life. He had to go to the hospital. When the police came, they loaded him into the squad care without charging my buddy for anything.
”She's entitled to use whatever physical force is required to retrieve White house property from someone who at this point is properly deemed a thief.”


You are truly the dumbest fucking moron on this site.


Let’s see you cite the law that supports your idiocy.....
Pic 1, her arm is touching his arm.

Pic 2, her hand is on his hand as well as the mic.

She touched him first.

Picture 1 - She's reaching for the microphone, and not touching him. He moved his arm into hers.
Picture 2 - She has her hand on the microphone. I suspect the last place in the world she would want her hand to be at that moment, would be on his hand
She had no right to touch him. Her job is to take the mic when it’s given to her, so she can pass it on to the next person; just as she did through that press conference.
For once you said something that was correct. Except that there's no need to mention her touching him. She didn't, and even if she would have, it would have been without any criminal intent. A legal concept you are obviously clueless about.
tRump acting like a spoiled child yet again.
Acosta was acting like a spoiled child, you fucking moron. Do you actually approve of his behavior?

Not only does he approve of it..he is willing to lie about it. To be a democrat is to have no morals at all.
Please show where I lied.
"tRump acting like a spoiled child yet again."
Yeah, that's not a lie. You may disagree with my take on the situation, but that doesn't make either of us a liar.

You kids really need to stop avoiding education.

For a liberal puritan, steeped in legalism, wiggle room is all that is needed. "I only implied it I didnt say it".
But you are a liar. Call it your "take" if you like. You pick the wolves and paint them as sheep. Acosta is a liberal piece of shit. Some countries are blessed with a free and open media with an inquisitive nature. We are cursed with a media which demands an elected President listen to their corrections to his foreign policy.
Sure they have power..and money...and connections among the elites. But they are not elected to anything. They only have the power they appointed themselves to.
And you pretend his childish demands to run foreign policy should be allowed a forum in the White House simply because of the wealth and privilege he represents.
Your whole world is a lie because you pretend an opposition leader is a neutral observer.
Trump insulted three reporters affiliated with CNN today, and said the White House may continue to take press passes away from members of the media.

Trump's unprecedented threat poses a serious challenge to the White House press corps and the association that represents them. They finally are being taken to task.
Trump brought up April Ryan, the White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, who doubles as a CNN analyst.
"You talk about somebody that's a loser, she doesn't know what the hell she's doing," Trump said. "She gets publicity and then she gets a pay raise or she gets a contract with, I think, CNN." (Ryan has been a regular on CNN for a year and a half.)
"But she's very nasty, and she shouldn't be. She shouldn't be," Trump said. "You've gotta treat the White House and the office of the presidency with respect."

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