*Acosta You're Done!*

Nor does trumps complaints about Mueller
Mueller is wasting millions on nothing but teary eyed sore losers like you.
Are you playing the new game sweeping the country??? ""What if Obama did it?"""
Yeah turd, that's exactly what I posted.

And let me tell you, you are one of the top 4 or 5 players of that game on this forum ,but I bet if you cried "Obama" a few more times you could get in the top 3
Fake news I rarely ever play that.

You wouldn't know facts from Trump tabloid trash if your life depended on it.
Try posting something besides drive-by bullshit.
Or memes.
President Trump should require Acosta to be put in a straight jack and strapped to a dolly like Hannibal Lecter when he goes in the WH.
Yeah maybe the stupid son of a cur dog will go back and start some more shit. I am ready to see the punk get his ass stomped till he has to unlace his shoes to breathe. The judge just brought him and cnn into the web for the spider.
Nor does trumps complaints about Mueller
Mueller is wasting millions on nothing but teary eyed sore losers like you.
Are you playing the new game sweeping the country??? ""What if Obama did it?"""
Yeah turd, that's exactly what I posted.

And let me tell you, you are one of the top 4 or 5 players of that game on this forum ,but I bet if you cried "Obama" a few more times you could get in the top 3
Fake news I rarely ever play that.


Since 1 Oct you have mentioned Obama 142 times!
If fake news Acosta can get his press credentials back. Then Alex Jones of Infowars should get White House press credentials. Have him sit right next to Acosta especially.
Yeah, nothing shouts credibility like legitimizing a blowhard who admitted in a custody battle with an ex-wife, that his journalistic persona is contrived to magnitize viewers.


Great to see Alex Jones still has you snowflake sell outs triggered. Totally would make sense having him sit next to Jim. Freedom of the press!

In your dreams, pal.
Alex Jones was banned from Twitter and FB and for good reason.
He's a fucking lying propaganda-spreading stain.
Like you.

Who cares if he was banned by a silicon valley social media control. There's still freedom of the press? And the president can/has to let journalists in, snowflake. You've brought it back!
[QUOTE="Golfing Gator, post: 21211403, member: 61808"


Since 1 Oct you have mentioned Obama 142 times![/QUOTE]
Since 1 Oct you have been a dingbat 143 times ( likely more)!
Mueller is wasting millions on nothing but teary eyed sore losers like you.
Are you playing the new game sweeping the country??? ""What if Obama did it?"""
Yeah turd, that's exactly what I posted.

And let me tell you, you are one of the top 4 or 5 players of that game on this forum ,but I bet if you cried "Obama" a few more times you could get in the top 3
Fake news I rarely ever play that.


Since 1 Oct you have mentioned Obama 142 times!
Not in the context you suggest, but thank you for taking the bait and wasting your time.
Are you playing the new game sweeping the country??? ""What if Obama did it?"""
Yeah turd, that's exactly what I posted.

And let me tell you, you are one of the top 4 or 5 players of that game on this forum ,but I bet if you cried "Obama" a few more times you could get in the top 3
Fake news I rarely ever play that.


Since 1 Oct you have mentioned Obama 142 times!
Not in the context you suggest, but thank you for taking the bait and wasting your time.

Yeah, that 42 seconds really made a difference!

But wait, you forgot to say "but Obama....."
Yeah turd, that's exactly what I posted.

And let me tell you, you are one of the top 4 or 5 players of that game on this forum ,but I bet if you cried "Obama" a few more times you could get in the top 3
Fake news I rarely ever play that.


Since 1 Oct you have mentioned Obama 142 times!
Not in the context you suggest, but thank you for taking the bait and wasting your time.

Yeah, that 42 seconds really made a difference!

But wait, you forgot to say "but Obama....."
I don't ever say that
"A judge issued an injunction on Friday morning ordering the White House to reinstate CNN’s Jim Acosta’s press pass, arguing that Acosta’s First Amendment rights trump the White House’s right to an orderly press room.

Judge Timothy J. Kelly was initially expected to make an announcement in the case on Thursday at 3 p.m. EST, but the announcement was delayed until Friday morning.

Kelly agreed with the White House that there is no First Amendment right to be on the White House grounds, but added that Acosta did not receive due process before his pass was revoked."

WHAT 'due process'?

The judge contradicted his own ruling:

'Judge Kelly further explained that Trump is not required to call on Acosta at press events but that Acosta’s First Amendment rights are more important than the White House being able to have orderly press conferences.'


Kelly issued a TEMP STAY, ordering the WH to re-issue Acosta his WH Press Badge again but this court case will go higher for a ruling on Acosta's Constitutional Rights being violated....

Acosta will end up losing his Press Pass permanently - Kelly has already declared THERE IS NO CONSITUTIONAL VIOLATION IN THIS CASE.

Kelly cited 'due process' - there is no legally defined 'due process' in this case. Acosta was a rude, insulting pr!ck who hijacked the Presser and threw a tantrum when he did not get his way. As a result he was duly punished by having his press pass revoked. 'Due Process' followed.


"Judge Kelly says Trump need not ever call on Jim Acosta again"

Bwuhahahaha...it's coming - you KNOW it is. Acosta will NEVER be allowed to ask another question again in a WH Press Conference! :p

CNN has just proven it is as STUPID as it is arrogant and lacking in civility. All they had to do - all Acosta had to do - was APOLOGIZE for being a rude, insulting, disrespectful prick and for hijacking the presser and throwing a tantrum. Instead, they sued the President to FORCE him to 'bow down to them'. Yeah, that's going to backfire SO badly! As opined, Acosta is going to be allowed back into the WH, will be assigned a seat in the back of the room - right behind 'Fox& Hound' agazine - and will never be allowed to ask a question again!

I can't wait! :p

Judge: White House Has To Reinstate Jim Acosta’s Press Pass
Tell the judge to go fuck himself...appeal to Kavanaugh...revenge is sweet!
i believe it was a trump judge who told him to give it back.

in any event, this is far from over and will take up far more of our time and emotional energy than it's worth cause of nothing more than petty hate.
I don't give a shit who's judge it is...

Trump should refuse to call on him...let him stand there...looking stupid as a stump
I don’t think he wants to look like you.
"A judge issued an injunction on Friday morning ordering the White House to reinstate CNN’s Jim Acosta’s press pass, arguing that Acosta’s First Amendment rights trump the White House’s right to an orderly press room.

Judge Timothy J. Kelly was initially expected to make an announcement in the case on Thursday at 3 p.m. EST, but the announcement was delayed until Friday morning.

Kelly agreed with the White House that there is no First Amendment right to be on the White House grounds, but added that Acosta did not receive due process before his pass was revoked."

WHAT 'due process'?

The judge contradicted his own ruling:

'Judge Kelly further explained that Trump is not required to call on Acosta at press events but that Acosta’s First Amendment rights are more important than the White House being able to have orderly press conferences.'


Kelly issued a TEMP STAY, ordering the WH to re-issue Acosta his WH Press Badge again but this court case will go higher for a ruling on Acosta's Constitutional Rights being violated....

Acosta will end up losing his Press Pass permanently - Kelly has already declared THERE IS NO CONSITUTIONAL VIOLATION IN THIS CASE.

Kelly cited 'due process' - there is no legally defined 'due process' in this case. Acosta was a rude, insulting pr!ck who hijacked the Presser and threw a tantrum when he did not get his way. As a result he was duly punished by having his press pass revoked. 'Due Process' followed.


"Judge Kelly says Trump need not ever call on Jim Acosta again"

Bwuhahahaha...it's coming - you KNOW it is. Acosta will NEVER be allowed to ask another question again in a WH Press Conference! :p

CNN has just proven it is as STUPID as it is arrogant and lacking in civility. All they had to do - all Acosta had to do - was APOLOGIZE for being a rude, insulting, disrespectful prick and for hijacking the presser and throwing a tantrum. Instead, they sued the President to FORCE him to 'bow down to them'. Yeah, that's going to backfire SO badly! As opined, Acosta is going to be allowed back into the WH, will be assigned a seat in the back of the room - right behind 'Fox& Hound' agazine - and will never be allowed to ask a question again!

I can't wait! :p

Judge: White House Has To Reinstate Jim Acosta’s Press Pass
Tell the judge to go fuck himself...appeal to Kavanaugh...revenge is sweet!
i believe it was a trump judge who told him to give it back.

in any event, this is far from over and will take up far more of our time and emotional energy than it's worth cause of nothing more than petty hate.
I don't give a shit who's judge it is...

Trump should refuse to call on him...let him stand there...looking stupid as a stump
I don’t think he wants to look like you.

One more and I start on off topic. Sick of your nonsense, asshole

Trump will make Acosta look the fool...wait and see
If fake news Acosta can get his press credentials back. Then Alex Jones of Infowars should get White House press credentials. Have him sit right next to Acosta especially.
Yes! Go full wingnut!

2020 will be a slam dunk for Democrats, as independents and sane Republicans are further repulsed by the unpatriotic 30% of voters who support Agent Orange.
Tell the judge to go fuck himself...appeal to Kavanaugh...revenge is sweet!
i believe it was a trump judge who told him to give it back.

in any event, this is far from over and will take up far more of our time and emotional energy than it's worth cause of nothing more than petty hate.
I don't give a shit who's judge it is...

Trump should refuse to call on him...let him stand there...looking stupid as a stump
I don’t think he wants to look like you.

One more and I start on off topic. Sick of your nonsense, asshole

Trump will make Acosta look the fool...wait and see
Trump doesn’t ever have to call on Acosta, and has never had to, asshole.

He does so to get his idiot base riled up.
i believe it was a trump judge who told him to give it back.

in any event, this is far from over and will take up far more of our time and emotional energy than it's worth cause of nothing more than petty hate.
I don't give a shit who's judge it is...

Trump should refuse to call on him...let him stand there...looking stupid as a stump
I don’t think he wants to look like you.

One more and I start on off topic. Sick of your nonsense, asshole

Trump will make Acosta look the fool...wait and see
Trump doesn’t ever have to call on Acosta, and has never had to, asshole.

He does so to get his idiot base riled up.
and acosta does it to get his own idiot base riled up.

calm down, beavis.
i believe it was a trump judge who told him to give it back.

in any event, this is far from over and will take up far more of our time and emotional energy than it's worth cause of nothing more than petty hate.
I don't give a shit who's judge it is...

Trump should refuse to call on him...let him stand there...looking stupid as a stump
I don’t think he wants to look like you.

One more and I start on off topic. Sick of your nonsense, asshole

Trump will make Acosta look the fool...wait and see
Trump doesn’t ever have to call on Acosta, and has never had to, asshole.

He does so to get his idiot base riled up.

Or you...see how you're all riled up, asshole? Now run along and pretend to be intelligent somewhere else...you're a bore
Sorry bout that,

  1. Its temporary Trump is not going to roll over and forget about this, Sarah will NEVER call on him.
  2. And what is the Fake News Network~ CNN and butt hurt Acosta going to do, run to a judge and demand he gets asked questions?
  3. Trump will sparingly take questions but when and if he ever does they better be questions not opinions.
  4. I've been gone all day just got in to see all the gloating.
  5. There is nothing to get overly comfortable about, Trump only needs to send a letter to CNN why Acosta is being banned, then pull his hard pass, or he can insert it up his ass.
  6. This will likely drag out for months, or at least till end of year.
  7. The judge gave both sides a win, but he gave Trump the better win, if Trump wants him gone, and he will BE GONE!
  8. I think he will counter punch Acosta,....and I will laugh out loud the hardest when it happens. ( He who laugh last laughs hardest ) never forget that libturds.
  9. And I think the the intern will sue and soon, she was bullied and she ain't no bully bait, she will roar, wait for it.
  10. Its just starting to get interesting folks, stay tuned.
I don't give a shit who's judge it is...

Trump should refuse to call on him...let him stand there...looking stupid as a stump
I don’t think he wants to look like you.

One more and I start on off topic. Sick of your nonsense, asshole

Trump will make Acosta look the fool...wait and see
Trump doesn’t ever have to call on Acosta, and has never had to, asshole.

He does so to get his idiot base riled up.

Or you...see how you're all riled up, asshole? Now run along and pretend to be intelligent somewhere else...you're a bore
heh yea - beavis here has an anger boner and he's trying to blame it on everyone else.
I don't give a shit who's judge it is...

Trump should refuse to call on him...let him stand there...looking stupid as a stump
I don’t think he wants to look like you.

One more and I start on off topic. Sick of your nonsense, asshole

Trump will make Acosta look the fool...wait and see
Trump doesn’t ever have to call on Acosta, and has never had to, asshole.

He does so to get his idiot base riled up.
and acosta does it to get his own idiot base riled up.

calm down, beavis.
Does what? Call on himself?

You're not smart.

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