*Acosta You're Done!*

But the judge also emphasized the “very limited nature” of his ruling Friday. He noted he had not determined that the First Amendment was violated.

The judge told attorneys to file additional court papers in the case by Monday.

On Friday afternoon, more than 50 members of the White House press corps greeted Acosta as he strode through the northwest gate of the presidential compound. He said he was grateful for the judge’s ruling, that it was a test and the media passed the test.

The White House said it will establish a clear set of rules for the press corps and what will happen if they are disobeyed. Just what the judge hinted should be done.

Think the press corps will take those rules to court? And win?
If fake news Acosta can get his press credentials back. Then Alex Jones of Infowars should get White House press credentials. Have him sit right next to Acosta especially.
Yeah, nothing shouts credibility like legitimizing a blowhard who admitted in a custody battle with an ex-wife, that his journalistic persona is contrived to magnitize viewers.


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Still wondering why Trump is obligated to get into a pissing match with this guy.

Like so many of his other behaviors, inexplicable.
Because trump lacks the temperament to hold the world’s most criticized position.
Fake Lyin Acosta harrassed President Trump and despicably smeared him, called him a liar, then he physically and brutally beat up a female senior White House official.

it wasnt about Acosta's questions, it was about his BEHAVIOR.

Nothing shouts crazy like a conservative posting.
Sorry bout that,

  1. The judge sided with the media he didn't want the following shit storm.
  2. Trump will appeal.
  3. This could take 6 years,..lol!
  4. And neither Sarah or Trump will ever call on him again, so anyway you look at it Acosta finds a dumpster.
  5. CNN should of just fired him,.lol!

If Sanders doesn't call on him, other journalists will cede their turns to him, and Acosta will make headlines, and Trump will look like a Snowflake.
nobody else says anything presser over. it's simple. If I'm trump, I sue the judge.
uh huh. you say that in good little cheerleader fashion, but journalism was my minor in college and i worked with several newspapers and publications. you're just saying this shit to be "cute" or "clever" but in the end you sound worse than "deplorable s" because you're not based in reality, but hate.
In most cases imo ,in reality. Dealing with that vile pos in our WH ,, yes hate
your hate is the only real difference.
There aren't many deserving of hate but you can't possibly think none are Trump stands out when it comes to hateful

A more vile human being in our WH has never occurred before
i appreciate the fact you feel that way. would you do the same that feel that way about obama, it would start to make a difference.
Maybe the best thing would be to not say anything ,,,,because the differences to me are like night and day
You did hear what Conways husband said ""trump administration is like a s--t show in a dumpster fire"
I can’t imagine how they stay married to each other?
Hey long tonight when you're home find a loved one and play the game ""What if Obama had done that"" Let us know how it turns out
i believe it was a trump judge who told him to give it back.

in any event, this is far from over and will take up far more of our time and emotional energy than it's worth cause of nothing more than petty hate.
I don't give a shit who's judge it is...

Trump should refuse to call on him...let him stand there...looking stupid as a stump
Which, of course, would be immature and moronic behavior on the part of president babyman...but right up your alley....

I could not care less about your measly opinion. Now run along and don't bother me
Of course you care. You always whine about my posts.
your posts are crackers for the whine
Sorry bout that,

  1. He will never see the White House again.
  2. Maybe from the street but not inside for no less than 6 years.
  3. Trump just about came around his podium and kicked his ass, remember he wondered away to his left, when Acosta was smacking that interns arm?
  4. Yeah I remember and Acosta sat his ass down real quick too!,..lol!!!!
  5. Then he popped up with more questions!
  6. All the while Trump was ready to come and stomp his ass!
  7. There is just cause for him being banished!
  8. Fox News Backs CNN’s White House Lawsuit
  9. jim-acosta1.jpg


A Federal judge says that your table is ready.
Sorry bout that,

  1. He will never see the White House again.
  2. Maybe from the street but not inside for no less than 6 years.
  3. Trump just about came around his podium and kicked his ass, remember he wondered away to his left, when Acosta was smacking that interns arm?
  4. Yeah I remember and Acosta sat his ass down real quick too!,..lol!!!!
  5. Then he popped up with more questions!
  6. All the while Trump was ready to come and stomp his ass!
  7. There is just cause for him being banished!
  8. Fox News Backs CNN’s White House Lawsuit
  9. jim-acosta1.jpg

How's that crow taste?

Judge orders White House to return press credentials to CNN's Acosta

Wonder how many questions he'll get to ask? Wonder how quickly he'll be removed from press conferences if he shouts out of turn? Wonder if he'll ever be handed the mic again by an intern?

Makes you kinda wonder why Donald ever called on Acosta in the first place, eh?
They went Judge Shopping. This will be and should be over turned. The White House has to be able to be secure, and the Press Conferences need to be Free From these kinds of antics which had this gone just a little it further could have led to some safety issues. It's ok to ask tough questions, it is not OK to disrupt the Press Conference, dominate the stage, make speeches, debate with The President and refuse to allow the next reporter to ask their question.


How do you judge shop?

You have to file a complaint within your jurisdiction, and they filed in federal court in D.C.

And it gets better, dumb ass:

"""CNN and Acosta filed suit on Tuesday. The case was assigned to Judge Timothy J. Kelly, a Trump appointee."""

CNN and Jim Acosta lawsuit against Trump: Judge says he will rule on Thursday
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