Act Like A Man ...

Billy describes himself well: little, impotent, tantrum throwing. Remember that white nationalists and neo-fascists and the alt right support and are trying to overthrow the Constitution.
Gawd but yer silly! :lmao:
Yup, it is silly to warn against white nationalists and neo-fascists and the alt right, like you, that hate the Constitution.

Please be specific. Which part of the Constitution do I "hate"?
You're right. Real Men don't punch women. Of course that wasn't a woman. That was a Feminist..... A biological female with a mental disease which makes it believe it's a Man.

If you have qualifiers for when it's acceptable to punch women, you're not a real man.
If you have qualifiers, as to whom you will defend yourself from... your a pussy.

If you have to punch a woman to defend yourself, you're a pussy.

This is what you fuckers wanted. NOw you got. Learn to love it.

Bring it.

Just don't punch women.

It's not cool.

Your father would've taught you that had he been a real man.
I'll meet force with force against all comers. Know this... A vagina won't save you. We're in the age of equal treatment for women. You asked for it. You got it. I'll brook no flip flopping on the issue. She thought she could assault someone, then seek refuge behind her vagina. She was wrong. Its as simple as that.
If a woman wants to be treated like a lady; then she's obligated to act like a lady. For those that don't like it... Too fucking bad. Its not up to you, until it happens to you. Then your moral stance has value. Until then you're just flapping your cocksuckers, and nobody gives a shit.
Besides; the guy defending himself probably had no idea it was a woman he was regulating. With that shit clumped, matted hair, and the mask on her face. The best thing you leftist agitators can do, is take a good long hard look at that video, and learn from her mistake, lest it be you next time. Or not... And we'll be here to laugh at you when you come crying again...
Two nutbags collide this is what happens.

She went looking for trouble and found it and he's a known scumbag.

Fuck em both.......

Real men fight other men. That piece of shit had about 15 guys he could've punched out instead of That woman. Your dick must be smaller than his.
No he didnt. They were either getting mopped up or jumped...the female subhuman was the only one free to take an ass whooping at the time. If you watch the video all the way through....a cowardly Mexican leftist comes out of hiding to see if she was okay after the coast was clear. And honestly....I don't think the guy knew it was a female subhuman at first...when things are hectic like that you hit first and ask questions later.
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since it's on video, and she didn't throw a punch, they can certainly charge the supremacist guy with assault n battery, and they should!!!! :D
since it's on video, and she didn't throw a punch, they can certainly charge the supremacist guy with assault n battery, and they should!!!! :D
She threw a punch at his throat, and connected....and the glove she threw the punch with is obviously weighted. She could be looking at assault with a deadly weapon if she isn't careful. She also advocated throwing m80's into crowds....that's on video as well.
since it's on video, and she didn't throw a punch, they can certainly charge the supremacist guy with assault n battery, and they should!!!! :D
She threw a punch at his throat, and connected....and the glove she threw the punch with is obviously weighted. She could be looking at assault with a deadly weapon if she isn't careful. She also advocated throwing m80's into crowds....that's on video as well.
no she didn't, she was trying to stop him from coming at her and she did not punch glove was weighted and enjoy the Lake of Fire when you get thrown in there with ALL LIARS.... can't come soon enough!

Billy describes himself well: little, impotent, tantrum throwing. Remember that white nationalists and neo-fascists and the alt right support and are trying to overthrow the Constitution.
Gawd but yer silly! :lmao:
Yup, it is silly to warn against white nationalists and neo-fascists and the alt right, like you, that hate the Constitution.

Please be specific. Which part of the Constitution do I "hate"?
Which part of the Constitution do you not hate is the real question. Be specific.

Real men fight other men. That piece of shit had about 15 guys he could've punched out instead of That woman. Your dick must be smaller than his.
Any woman who gets in a brawl and says "don't hit me, I am a woman" is a piece of shit no feminist. A feminist stands ups and slugs.

You are presuming that she went down there and got intentionally involved in a physical fight based on about 10 seconds of video.

The stated intent of the anti-fa people was to disrupt the rally, she was dressed like the other anti-fat idiots.

Why else would she be there?
You are presuming that she went down there and got intentionally involved in a physical fight based on about 10 seconds of video.
She may have just been trying to get past everybody and defend herself too. There's not enough video to judge or see what was happening just before she was in the frame.


"determined to bring back 100 nazi scalps"

She went in looking for a fight, and found one.

Ain't equality grand?
since it's on video, and she didn't throw a punch, they can certainly charge the supremacist guy with assault n battery, and they should!!!! :D
She threw a punch at his throat, and connected....and the glove she threw the punch with is obviously weighted. She could be looking at assault with a deadly weapon if she isn't careful. She also advocated throwing m80's into crowds....that's on video as well.
no she didn't, she was trying to stop him from coming at her and she did not punch glove was weighted and enjoy the Lake of Fire when you get thrown in there with ALL LIARS.... can't come soon enough!

Oh kiss my ass, you ditzy slag. You obviously don't even know what "weighted gloves" can clearly see that they are in the video. I have watched the video in slow motion several times...she punched him the throat...she wasn't pushing him away. She went there to fight but unfortunately...she isn't very good at it.
I couldn't bring myself to punch a little feminine thing like that.

In other news: Holy crap her hair is nasty, I can just imagine what all is in there.

Just looking at that hair makes me feel this:

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since it's on video, and she didn't throw a punch, they can certainly charge the supremacist guy with assault n battery, and they should!!!! :D
She threw a punch at his throat, and connected....and the glove she threw the punch with is obviously weighted. She could be looking at assault with a deadly weapon if she isn't careful. She also advocated throwing m80's into crowds....that's on video as well.
no she didn't, she was trying to stop him from coming at her and she did not punch glove was weighted and enjoy the Lake of Fire when you get thrown in there with ALL LIARS.... can't come soon enough!

Oh kiss my ass, you ditzy slag. You obviously don't even know what "weighted gloves" can clearly see that they are in the video. I have watched the video in slow motion several times...she punched him the throat...she wasn't pushing him away. She went there to fight but unfortunately...she isn't very good at it.
I have no problem with someone getting hit if they get into the middle of a riot. The important thing is the neo-fascists started it and yet again got its collective ass kicked.
Billy describes himself well: little, impotent, tantrum throwing. Remember that white nationalists and neo-fascists and the alt right support and are trying to overthrow the Constitution.
Gawd but yer silly! :lmao:
Yup, it is silly to warn against white nationalists and neo-fascists and the alt right, like you, that hate the Constitution.

Please be specific. Which part of the Constitution do I "hate"?
Which part of the Constitution do you not hate is the real question. Be specific.

I don't hate any of it. Next question.
I couldn't bring myself to stick a little feminine thing like that.

In other news: Holy crap her hair is nasty, I can just imagine what all is in there.

Just looking at that hair makes me feel this:

If you were in a combat situation, you probably would have stuck her. But yeah, if it was just her yelling at me calling me a fascist or nazi, I wouldn't have hit her either. But when your in a giant melee, adrenaline is pumping, you do things you normally wouldn't.
Billy describes himself well: little, impotent, tantrum throwing. Remember that white nationalists and neo-fascists and the alt right support and are trying to overthrow the Constitution.
Gawd but yer silly! :lmao:
Yup, it is silly to warn against white nationalists and neo-fascists and the alt right, like you, that hate the Constitution.

Please be specific. Which part of the Constitution do I "hate"?
Which part of the Constitution do you not hate is the real question. Be specific.

I don't hate any of it. Next question.
Sure you do, or you would not deny others civil liberties.
since it's on video, and she didn't throw a punch, they can certainly charge the supremacist guy with assault n battery, and they should!!!! :D
She threw a punch at his throat, and connected....and the glove she threw the punch with is obviously weighted. She could be looking at assault with a deadly weapon if she isn't careful. She also advocated throwing m80's into crowds....that's on video as well.
no she didn't, she was trying to stop him from coming at her and she did not punch glove was weighted and enjoy the Lake of Fire when you get thrown in there with ALL LIARS.... can't come soon enough!

Oh kiss my ass, you ditzy slag. You obviously don't even know what "weighted gloves" can clearly see that they are in the video. I have watched the video in slow motion several times...she punched him the throat...she wasn't pushing him away. She went there to fight but unfortunately...she isn't very good at it.
I have no problem with someone getting hit if they get into the middle of a riot. The important thing is the neo-fascists started it and yet again got its collective ass kicked.

They finished their march, and from all views, gave more than they took.

And the anti-fa people are ironically the real fascists.

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