Act Like A Man ...

If you have qualifiers, as to whom you will defend yourself from... your a pussy.

If you have to punch a woman to defend yourself, you're a pussy.

This is what you fuckers wanted. NOw you got. Learn to love it.

Bring it.

Just don't punch women.

It's not cool.

Your father would've taught you that had he been a real man.
I'll meet force with force against all comers. Know this... A vagina won't save you. We're in the age of equal treatment for women. You asked for it. You got it. I'll brook no flip flopping on the issue. She thought she could assault someone, then seek refuge behind her vagina. She was wrong. Its as simple as that.
If a woman wants to be treated like a lady; then she's obligated to act like a lady. For those that don't like it... Too fucking bad. Its not up to you, until it happens to you. Then your moral stance has value. Until then you're just flapping your cocksuckers, and nobody gives a shit.
Besides; the guy defending himself probably had no idea it was a woman he was regulating. With that shit clumped, matted hair, and the mask on her face. The best thing you leftist agitators can do, is take a good long hard look at that video, and learn from her mistake, lest it be you next time. Or not... And we'll be here to laugh at you when you come crying again...

That's a lot of words to justify and defend hitting a woman.

You must be a pussy.
Only one way to find out...
Which part of the Constitution do you not hate is the real question. Be specific.

I don't hate any of it. Next question.
Sure you do, or you would not deny others civil liberties.

What civil liberties am I denying? Be specific.
You proclaimed it above

I did not. Now make me a liar.
You just did all by yourself.

Okay, you're a complete idiot. We all knew that.
since it's on video, and she didn't throw a punch, they can certainly charge the supremacist guy with assault n battery, and they should!!!! :D

You and other lefties are ignoring the part before the punch.

Here is she, standing against the wall, than away from the wall holding the bottleneck. Notice the bandana over the face and she has a hat.


In this photo taken from the back, she's clearly away from the wall, on the sidewalk where she joined the fight, with bottle and her hat falling down. She did not get punched in the forehead yet.


These images were ignored by the left because antifa protester was attacker, and not the victim.

Here is the image that fits the leftist narrative, where poor girl gets hit by the guy. That's the only image the left is referring to and wants to be seen. Notice, there is no hat, she lost it in the previous fight on the sidewalk.


Poor girl, she dindu nufin. Media is all over it, she's the victim.

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I don't hate any of it. Next question.
Sure you do, or you would not deny others civil liberties.

What civil liberties am I denying? Be specific.
You proclaimed it above

I did not. Now make me a liar.
You just did all by yourself.

Okay, you're a complete idiot. We all knew that.
Says the complete Billy idiot. You can deny the fact that you are wrong, and you will still be wrong.
I don't hate any of it. Next question.
Sure you do, or you would not deny others civil liberties.

What civil liberties am I denying? Be specific.
You proclaimed it above

I did not. Now make me a liar.
You just did all by yourself.

Okay, you're a complete idiot. We all knew that.
:lol: ^^^
She got into a brawl and was hit. That happens. What happens regularly is the far right and alt right cucks keep getting beat up.
I don't hate any of it. Next question.
Sure you do, or you would not deny others civil liberties.

What civil liberties am I denying? Be specific.
You proclaimed it above

I did not. Now make me a liar.
You just did all by yourself.

Okay, you're a complete idiot. We all knew that.

The insane often think the doctors mad. So it is with you.
Sure you do, or you would not deny others civil liberties.

What civil liberties am I denying? Be specific.
You proclaimed it above

I did not. Now make me a liar.
You just did all by yourself.

Okay, you're a complete idiot. We all knew that.

The insane often think the doctors mad. So it is with you.
Now that is one of the weakest metaphors on this Board that we have ever seen. You are not a doctor, the civil libertarians are not insane, and you are a complete idiot. LGBT marriage in no way infringes on anyone's right to worship as the please.
What civil liberties am I denying? Be specific.
You proclaimed it above

I did not. Now make me a liar.
You just did all by yourself.

Okay, you're a complete idiot. We all knew that.

The insane often think the doctors mad. So it is with you.
Now that is one of the weakest metaphors on this Board that we have ever seen. You are not a doctor, the civil libertarians are not insane, and you are a complete idiot. LGBT marriage in no way infringes on anyone's right to worship as the please.

You have no clue who I am or what I may be.

The civil libertarians of whom you speak are not civil libertarians at all, but totalitarianists.

Why are you bringing up LGBT issues mid-stream? I have said nothing on the subject.
You proclaimed it above

I did not. Now make me a liar.
You just did all by yourself.

Okay, you're a complete idiot. We all knew that.

The insane often think the doctors mad. So it is with you.
Now that is one of the weakest metaphors on this Board that we have ever seen. You are not a doctor, the civil libertarians are not insane, and you are a complete idiot. LGBT marriage in no way infringes on anyone's right to worship as the please.

You have no clue who I am or what I may be.

The civil libertarians of whom you speak are not civil libertarians at all, but totalitarianists.

Why are you bringing up LGBT issues mid-stream? I have said nothing on the subject.
I know that you don't think well, logically, or objectively, so I know you are not a doctor. You are not well educated if you believe civil libertarians are totalitarians.
I did not. Now make me a liar.
You just did all by yourself.

Okay, you're a complete idiot. We all knew that.

The insane often think the doctors mad. So it is with you.
Now that is one of the weakest metaphors on this Board that we have ever seen. You are not a doctor, the civil libertarians are not insane, and you are a complete idiot. LGBT marriage in no way infringes on anyone's right to worship as the please.

You have no clue who I am or what I may be.

The civil libertarians of whom you speak are not civil libertarians at all, but totalitarianists.

Why are you bringing up LGBT issues mid-stream? I have said nothing on the subject.
I know that you don't think well, logically, or objectively, so I know you are not a doctor. You are not well educated if you believe civil libertarians are totalitarians.

You're so angry today. November finally catch up with you?
Okay, you're a complete idiot. We all knew that.

The insane often think the doctors mad. So it is with you.
Now that is one of the weakest metaphors on this Board that we have ever seen. You are not a doctor, the civil libertarians are not insane, and you are a complete idiot. LGBT marriage in no way infringes on anyone's right to worship as the please.

You have no clue who I am or what I may be.

The civil libertarians of whom you speak are not civil libertarians at all, but totalitarianists.

Why are you bringing up LGBT issues mid-stream? I have said nothing on the subject.
I know that you don't think well, logically, or objectively, so I know you are not a doctor. You are not well educated if you believe civil libertarians are totalitarians.

You're so angry today. November finally catch up with you?
Cuck is the right term for the limp wrist members of the Alt Right neo-fascist groups.

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