Active shooter in Pittsburgh, PA.

The National Socialist Party was as socialist as the People's Republic of China is a republic.

In Germany National Socialism was a fascist movement – rightist, reactionary, fearful of change, diversity, and dissent.

National Socialists sought to return Germany to an idealized past of Teutonic imperial glory.

When the NSDAP gained control of the German government in 1933, it established an authoritarian regime dedicated to the destruction of diversity and dissent, fighting to resist change.

Indeed, after Hitler consolidated his power by murdering Ernst Roehm and destroying the SA, among the first victims of the Nazi regime were liberals, democrats, and others who opposed fascism and Hitler’s rise to power.

Today we see that same rightist reactionaryism fearful of, and hostile toward, change, diversity, and dissent.

Wrong....nazism is a type of socialism, therefore left wing, not Right far As American conservatism goes... the party of hate, violence and racism is the democrat party, a left wing, socialist party that uses race and hate to gain power....that you can't see that shows you are not very observant of truth and realilty.

Wong, the Nazi's were not socialist. They used the term "Socialist" to attract the working class, but in the end,,,,,:
"Hitler crushed the Nazi Party’s left, or socialist-oriented, wing in 1934, executing Ernst Röhm and other rebellious SA leaders on what would become known as the “Night of the Long Knives.”
Nazi Party | Definition, Meaning, History, & Facts
And again, 2aguy shows his ignorance.

Yes...they were socialists.....lying about it won't change that truth....

Nazism is Socialism -- F A Hayek, et al

By Friedrich August von Hayek Spring 1933

Hoover Institution, F. A. Hayek Papers, Box/Folder 105 : 10.

The persecution of the Marxists, and of democrats in general, tends to obscure the fundamental fact that National “Socialism” is a genuine socialist movement, whose leading ideas are the final fruit of the anti-liberal tendencies which have been steadily gaining ground in Germany since the later part of the Bismarckian era, and which led the majority of the German intelligentsia first to “socialism of the chair” and later to Marxism in its social-democratic or communist form.

One of the main reasons why the socialist character of National Socialism has been quite generally unrecognized, is, no doubt, its alliance with the nationalist groups which represent the great industries and the great landowners. But this merely proves that these groups too -as they have since learnt to their bitter disappointment -have, at least partly, been mistaken as to the nature of the movement. But only partly because -and this is the most characteristic feature of modern Germany – many capitalists are themselves strongly influenced by socialistic ideas, and have not sufficient belief in capitalism to defend it with a clear conscience. But, in spite of this, the German entrepreneur class have manifested almost incredible short-sightedness in allying themselves with a move movement of whose strong anti-capitalistic tendencies there should never have been any doubt.

A careful observer must always have been aware that the opposition of the Nazis to the established socialist parties, which gained them the sympathy of the entrepreneur, was only to a very small extend directed against their economic policy. What the Nazis mainly objected to was their internationalism and all the aspects of their cultural programme which were still influenced by liberal ideas. But the accusations against the social-democrats and the communists which were most effective in their propaganda were not so much directed against their programme as against their supposed practice -their corruption and nepotism, and even their alleged alliance with “the golden International of Jewish Capitali

To you read what you post?
"A careful observer must always have been aware that the opposition of the Nazis to the established socialist parties, which gained them the sympathy of the entrepreneur, was only to a very small extend directed against their economic policy. What the Nazis mainly objected to was their internationalism and all the aspects of their cultural programme which were still influenced by liberal ideas. But the accusations against the social-democrats and the communists which were most effective in their propaganda were not so much directed against their programme as against their supposed practice -their corruption and nepotism, and even their alleged alliance with “the golden International of Jewish Capital"

And then there's this:
The Coining of “Privatization” and Germany’s National Socialist Party
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Hitler, Nazis, Socialism, and Rightwing Propaganda

Yes...the tired argument that because the national socialists fought and defeated the international socialists, that means they aren' socialists....then explain to us how the MS-13 drug gang isn't really a drug gang because they fight and kill other members of the other drug gangs....please...we will wait right here for your answer.....
Leftists are not liberals in the classical sense of the word.

The National SOCIALIST Party killed millions of jews.

And take a look at the anti-semitism on the left in the U.S. these days, bub.
The National Socialist Party was as socialist as the People's Republic of China is a republic.

In Germany National Socialism was a fascist movement – rightist, reactionary, fearful of change, diversity, and dissent.

National Socialists sought to return Germany to an idealized past of Teutonic imperial glory.

When the NSDAP gained control of the German government in 1933, it established an authoritarian regime dedicated to the destruction of diversity and dissent, fighting to resist change.

Indeed, after Hitler consolidated his power by murdering Ernst Roehm and destroying the SA, among the first victims of the Nazi regime were liberals, democrats, and others who opposed fascism and Hitler’s rise to power.

Today we see that same rightist reactionaryism fearful of, and hostile toward, change, diversity, and dissent.

Wrong....nazism is a type of socialism, therefore left wing, not Right far As American conservatism goes... the party of hate, violence and racism is the democrat party, a left wing, socialist party that uses race and hate to gain power....that you can't see that shows you are not very observant of truth and realilty.

Wong, the Nazi's were not socialist. They used the term "Socialist" to attract the working class, but in the end,,,,,:
"Hitler crushed the Nazi Party’s left, or socialist-oriented, wing in 1934, executing Ernst Röhm and other rebellious SA leaders on what would become known as the “Night of the Long Knives.”
Nazi Party | Definition, Meaning, History, & Facts
And again, 2aguy shows his ignorance.

That's exactly the spin the Progs and Leftists put on Nazism in order to distance themselves in the eyes of gullible people. In realityland, Nazism is a direct relation to the Prog-Socialism the Left promotes today.

Spin? I posted historical facts. So instead of bashing the historical facts I posted, why not debunk my post with facts?

Posts by alleged shooter Robert Bowers show he was obsessed with Jewish conspiracies, while also believing Trump to be a puppet for Jewish interests.

“For the record, I did not vote for him,” Bowers said in response to another post that was critical of Trump, adding, “nor have I owned, worn or even touched a maga hat.”

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Paul Joseph Watson


Alleged shooter in Pittsburgh did not vote for Trump and showed his hatred for Trump in other posts.

Was obviously motivated by his disgusting anti-Semitism and nothing more.

Should be treated as a terrorist attack because it's religiously motivated.

8:52 AM - Oct 27, 2018
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Robby Starbuck


Replying to @robbystarbuck

Another post from Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers. His profile clearly illustrates that he’s a Nazi, admired Hitler, hates Trump, believes Trump is controlled by Jews, he did not vote for Trump. That’s all I was able to archive before his profile was wiped. Sickening.

8:43 AM - Oct 27, 2018

In another post, Bowers said, “Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist,” adding, “There is no MAGA as long as there is a **** infestation.”

Robby Starbuck


Posts from the suspected Pittsburgh shooter Robert Bowers. He hated Trump and thought Trump was controlled by Jews. This monster is an unhinged anti-Semitic terrorist.

8:37 AM - Oct 27, 2018

Oh no imagine that one, omg the truth might make you dumb asses fall over

Synagogue Shooter Disliked Trump, Posted “I Did Not Vote For Him”
The leftist kooounts should be blamed for all of this because all these social site assholes, and news media do is post nothing but NEGATIVE NEW ON TRUMP, CONSTANTLY PUSHING BAD, BAD, BAD, HATE, HATE HATE, look on this fkn board and everything the Trump hating assholes say on here .

They push it 24-7 hate, hate trump, trump bad, trump supporters bad, nra bad, bawd dam u fkrs are nut cases with your accusing Trump supporters of the hate when if you weren't such gawd dam cowards you'd step back and look at your fkd up selves in the mirror and the bs you spew..... ANTIFA's.
Yes we have way too many guns and weak gun laws.

Gun laws will never keep guns out of the hands of criminals...
It sure does a good job in countries where there are strong gun laws. They have homicide rates a fraction of ours, and don't have constant mass shootings.
----------------------------------------------- so what , they don't have the Freedom to defend themselves either and most foreign states are pretty fecked up Brian .

Theirs is a society not predisposed to violence where the issue of gun ownership is moot.

In fact, that Americans have the right to possess firearms pursuant to the right of lawful self-defense is an acknowledgement by the Framers that America is indeed an inherently violent society.
I would posit that the framers understood that the world always has been, and always will be marked with violence in various forms. As such, they determined that it was ones inherent right to defend themselves against all comers...
---------------------------------------------- i remember on a trip as a 9 or 10 year old hearing on the car radio that there were some killings , murders , shootouts in Detroit or Chicago . This was in the mid 60s and i just asked DAD Why don't we just get rid of Guns . He explained the REAL Meaning of the Second Amendment and also explained that if all the Guns were removed that that action would only hurt the good normal people as it would limit their FREEDOM . He said that there is always a Cost to having FREEDOM and that cost is sometimes random shootings .
Just as much as a full blown exaggeration as saying govetnment nade this shooring worse.

Not so much.

Soviets were producing far more tanks & aircraft.
They had much more forces.

The Nazi issue was they depended on Soviet resources for their war effort.

Therefor Operation Barbarossa was a terrible idiocy & terrible tragedy.

Wrong...the Soviets lost most of their stockpiles to the initial German invasion..having based much of their equipment close to their border for their invasion of Germany.... the Soviets also had initial mass defections to the Germans...before the people realized the socialist Germans were as murderous as the Soviet Socialists.....

If not for the U.S. the Germans would have conquered Russia...

Go make a Operation Barbarossa thread & I'll respond.

I am personally tired of getting banned for others off topic BS.

The bottomline is government stopped this massacre & government stopped the Holocaust.

What government? By that stage, the Germans had run out of Jews to kill, and had turned on their own.

The government police stopped this massacre.

The Soviet government actions liberated Auschwitz.

Government is necessary.

No one says government isn't necessary...

As to say the Soviets liberated Auschwitz as they murdered 25 million innocent people is sorta funny.....considering the slaughter they also engaged in as they moved into Germany and was the Soviets who also murdered Polish citizens....

Total BS blaming Soviets for soldiers & civilians Nazis killed.

Now why do these massacres like the OP, happen?????

I don't think it's guns or lack of guns.

More along the lines of genetic trash who are mentally ill & or violent killing in these shootings.

Keep in mind about 8 - 9% of the USA is Ulster Irish with Ulster Irish having a very long & deep history of massacres.
Wrong...the Soviets lost most of their stockpiles to the initial German invasion..having based much of their equipment close to their border for their invasion of Germany.... the Soviets also had initial mass defections to the Germans...before the people realized the socialist Germans were as murderous as the Soviet Socialists.....

If not for the U.S. the Germans would have conquered Russia...

Go make a Operation Barbarossa thread & I'll respond.

I am personally tired of getting banned for others off topic BS.

The bottomline is government stopped this massacre & government stopped the Holocaust.

What government? By that stage, the Germans had run out of Jews to kill, and had turned on their own.

The government police stopped this massacre.

The Soviet government actions liberated Auschwitz.

Government is necessary.

No one says government isn't necessary...

As to say the Soviets liberated Auschwitz as they murdered 25 million innocent people is sorta funny.....considering the slaughter they also engaged in as they moved into Germany and was the Soviets who also murdered Polish citizens....

Total BS blaming Soviets for soldiers & civilians Nazis killed.

Now why do these massacres like the OP, happen?????

I don't think it's guns or lack of guns.

More along the lines of genetic trash who are mentally ill & or violent killing in these shootings.

Keep in mind about 8 - 9% of the USA is Ulster Irish with Ulster Irish having a very long & deep history of massacres.

That lot settled in the Appalachians. They are a bit rough.
And it appears that this guy hated not just Jews...but Trump.....

So....will this story now disappear since the shooter hated President Trump? I know the anti gunners can't wait because the guy used an AR-15.....but if they guy hates Trump then that might mean they have to bury the story.....
Wrong...the Soviets lost most of their stockpiles to the initial German invasion..having based much of their equipment close to their border for their invasion of Germany.... the Soviets also had initial mass defections to the Germans...before the people realized the socialist Germans were as murderous as the Soviet Socialists.....

If not for the U.S. the Germans would have conquered Russia...

Go make a Operation Barbarossa thread & I'll respond.

I am personally tired of getting banned for others off topic BS.

The bottomline is government stopped this massacre & government stopped the Holocaust.

What government? By that stage, the Germans had run out of Jews to kill, and had turned on their own.

The government police stopped this massacre.

The Soviet government actions liberated Auschwitz.

Government is necessary.

No one says government isn't necessary...

As to say the Soviets liberated Auschwitz as they murdered 25 million innocent people is sorta funny.....considering the slaughter they also engaged in as they moved into Germany and was the Soviets who also murdered Polish citizens....

Total BS blaming Soviets for soldiers & civilians Nazis killed.

Now why do these massacres like the OP, happen?????

I don't think it's guns or lack of guns.

More along the lines of genetic trash who are mentally ill & or violent killing in these shootings.

Keep in mind about 8 - 9% of the USA is Ulster Irish with Ulster Irish having a very long & deep history of massacres.

Yes, only the White Europeans clustered around Poland have the perfect human genes. realize that crap is insane, right?

And makes you sound batcrap insane.
This was a baby naming ceremony ....... The guy in this pic is wait for it............... wait for it.................. RUSSIAN/JEW he feared his dad was in the synagog but he wasn't.
(PIC won't load oh well )

View attachment 225184

Synagogue Shooter Disliked Trump, Posted “I Did Not Vote For Him”

The LEFTIST FKS are going to use this as another GUN BS TAKE down watch,..

This lady LAURA LOOMER is so upset about all of this, She is a reporter and very upset how the media is attacking Trump and blaming him......... SHE IS JEWISH omg think of that.

AS SHE STATES ALL of them are JEW HATERS , those are your TRUMP HATERS, ANTIFA's etc

Synagogue Shooter Disliked Trump, Posted “I Did Not Vote For Him”
Last edited:
And it appears that this guy hated not just Jews...but Trump.....

So....will this story now disappear since the shooter hated President Trump? I know the anti gunners can't wait because the guy used an AR-15.....but if they guy hates Trump then that might mean they have to bury the story.....

Some valiant NPC warrior are still trying on Twitter, believe it! The perp said "invaders" and so did Trump therefore....Trump Did It!!
Go make a Operation Barbarossa thread & I'll respond.

I am personally tired of getting banned for others off topic BS.

The bottomline is government stopped this massacre & government stopped the Holocaust.

What government? By that stage, the Germans had run out of Jews to kill, and had turned on their own.

The government police stopped this massacre.

The Soviet government actions liberated Auschwitz.

Government is necessary.

No one says government isn't necessary...

As to say the Soviets liberated Auschwitz as they murdered 25 million innocent people is sorta funny.....considering the slaughter they also engaged in as they moved into Germany and was the Soviets who also murdered Polish citizens....

Total BS blaming Soviets for soldiers & civilians Nazis killed.

Now why do these massacres like the OP, happen?????

I don't think it's guns or lack of guns.

More along the lines of genetic trash who are mentally ill & or violent killing in these shootings.

Keep in mind about 8 - 9% of the USA is Ulster Irish with Ulster Irish having a very long & deep history of massacres.

Yes, only the White Europeans clustered around Poland have the perfect human genes. realize that crap is insane, right?

And makes you sound batcrap insane.

He is a bit over enthusiastic.
And it appears that this guy hated not just Jews...but Trump.....

So....will this story now disappear since the shooter hated President Trump? I know the anti gunners can't wait because the guy used an AR-15.....but if they guy hates Trump then that might mean they have to bury the story.....

Some valiant NPC warrior are still trying on Twitter, believe it! The perp said "invaders" and so did Trump therefore....Trump Did It!! that it is apparent that the guy hated Trump and Jewish people..both things the democrats also believe since they hate Israel....... are there now going to be calls for them to tone down their anti-Trump, anti-Israel rhetoric?
Bomb suspect..... fake bombs, 0 dead.

Anti-Trump, anti-Israel shooter....8 dead....

Will the left accept responsibility for this shooter? And for their ant-Israel hate speech?
The guy was a Jew hater. We have a plethora of those here at the USMB.

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