Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

American use to stand for something, and that included standing up for God, and believing in Christ for the majority, but then came the author of confusion with his minion's or disciple's to sit down on it all, and I must say that if allowed he can truly cause us pain like we've never imagined before. Your denial is causing great anarchy and chaos if you attempt to ignore the truth, and choose yourself to be a disciple of the evil one's army.
Actually, America was started by Deists who upset the natural order of a King selected by God.

If you are going to bring a lot of superstitious nonsense into the conversation, there's not much point talking to you.

Still it's not the gun itself that's a problem, but the ways in which they are obtained or acquired by these types of individual's is definitely a problem, so we might agree on one part but not on the other part.

Yet, oddly, the gun industry seems to be against ANY law that would keep guns away from people like this.

Ever wonder why that is?

Doesn't matter about the rounds used or the gun's used. What matters most is the plan used, and the person who initiated the plan. What matters is the person's character, mental state, and it matters about his up bringing, his politics if he has any. Otherwise a full assessment of the individual, and then after the profile is gained, begin the search for other's who are like him. However certain trained individual's with no political affiliations or biases needs to be appointed to the task of finding such individual's or it would be a disaster and over reach from Hades that would take place. This should be where political bias ends, and true investigation's begin. Of course there has to be probable cause in order to start an investigation, so a warrant should still be obtained. Now judge's have become a serious issue these days, because their politics or political affiliations or political ideologies have been compromised it seems, so not sure how to resolve that issue.

You're babbling again, buddy. We don't need to scour everyone's internet history to pick out the potential crazies... that would probably get rid of half the membership of USMB

What we do need to do is make it harder for crazy people to get guns. If that means a lot of gun fetishists can't get their guns, either, that's really not my problem.
Does it have to be school's ??
We don’t have blk teen school shooters that’s comparable to white teens. We just don’t. Nor do we blk mass shooters that’s comparable to whites.

See white men you need the gun bcoz when it’s unarmed man on man or combat sports like boxing or MMA then we can easily handle white dudes.
We don’t have blk teen school shooters that’s comparable to white teens. We just don’t. Nor do we blk mass shooters that’s comparable to whites.

See white men you need the gun bcoz when it’s unarmed man on man or combat sports like boxing or MMA then we can easily handle white dudes.

Yeah, your mass shooters are all in gangs... like that's any better?
Nugent on Guns.png

  • Show me a public official who has stopped yet to ask the intelligent question of whether locking people up in their homes with no classroom time for two years then hitting them with food shortages and $7.00 gas has had any negative impact now on crime as they try to blame the guns?
  • Show me one intelligent official yet to point out that not a single school or serial shooting has ever been committed by a member of the NRA while Joe blames the "gun lobby?"
  • Show me one public official yet to point out that every school shooter comes from a progressive leftwing background as they try to blame the guns?
  • Show me an official yet to point out that the location of EVERY school shooting and serial killing has ostensibly been picked BECAUSE it was a GUN-FREE ZONE and that not one of them has occurred where normal rules apply and at any given time the victims might be armed and able to shoot back defending themselves?! 30% of all schools in Texas have armed staff in the schools which carry concealed so you never know who has the guns--- to date, NOT ONE OF THEM has been hit by a serial school shooter. :smoke:
You're much too busy shooting each other in street gang bangs, drive-bys and bad drug deals. You have to actually GO to school before you have a reason to shoot up a classroom!
No. We don’t.

Pretty much all school shooters or mass shooters are white
Pretty much all school shooters or mass shooters are white

And school shootings make up an infinitesimal percentage of all annual gun crime and an even smaller percentage of deaths overall. 11 people die a day just from wrecking their car texting.

And pretty much all Chicago and DC shootings, gang-bang shootings, drive by drug deal shootings, Walmart lootings, etc., are all done by blacks.

Blacks account for 80% of all gun crime in Chicago. Probably even higher in DC.
And school shootings make up an infinitesimal percentage of all annual gun crime and an even smaller percentage of deaths overall. 11 people die a day just from wrecking their car texting.

And pretty much all Chicago and DC shootings, gang-bang shootings, drive by drug deal shootings, Walmart lootings, etc., are all done by blacks.

Blacks account for 80% of all gun crime in Chicago. Probably even higher in DC.
All school shooters are pretty much white. Don’t blame blks for what white ppl do
All school shooters are pretty much white. Don’t blame blks for what white ppl do

Idiot, why do you keep trying to run from facts and change the subject? School shootings are an infinitesimal percentage of gun crime compared to what Blacks do, as I just provided. More kids die from texting than school shootings, but thanks for pointing out that one of the most minor aspects of gun crime are done mostly by whites.
Idiot, why do you keep trying to run from facts and change the subject? School shootings are an infinitesimal percentage of gun crime compared to what Blacks do, as I just provided. More kids die from texting than school shootings, but thanks for pointing out that one of the most minor aspects of gun crime are done mostly by whites.
Your just repeating yourself. I read what you wrote the first time.

Mass shootings and school shootings are done by white ppl and you wanna blame blks who pretty much have never done a school shooting.

It’s white ppl who do it. Own it.
Your just repeating yourself.
No, YOU just keep repeating yourself!

I read what you wrote the first time.
So then, you admit it is DELIBERATE.

Mass shootings and school shootings are done by white ppl
You really want to go with that racist CRT rant that only white people do mass shootings? It's a MOOT POINT as even school shootings as much as the leftwing media uses them to sway people by their heart-strings, account FOR ONLY A TINY FRACTION OF ALL GUN CRIME and up to 80% of gun crime in big cities like Chicago is pure BLACK crime.

The data does not lie. The more blacks together in one area, the greater the gun crime murder rate.

19 kids in a school? Sure, a terrible thing to happen, but Chicago had nearly 800 murders last year, and at least 80% of them all done by blacks.

As far as the schools are concerned, really at this point there can be NO EXCUSE for a school, especially one advertised as a 100% "gun-free-zone" to not be fully prepared to stop a child, especially a very troubled child, from walking right in and taking over, irregardless of their skin color.
No, YOU just keep repeating yourself!

So then, you admit it is DELIBERATE.

You really want to go with that racist CRT rant that only white people do mass shootings? It's a MOOT POINT as even school shootings as much as the leftwing media uses them to sway people by their heart-strings, account FOR ONLY A TINY FRACTION OF ALL GUN CRIME and up to 80% of gun crime in big cities like Chicago is pure BLACK crime.

The data does not lie. The more blacks together in one area, the greater the gun crime murder rate.

19 kids in a school? Sure, a terrible thing to happen, but Chicago had nearly 800 murders last year, and at least 80% of them all done by blacks.

As far as the schools are concerned, really at this point there can be NO EXCUSE for a school, especially one advertised as a 100% "gun-free-zone" to not be fully prepared to stop a child, especially a very troubled child, from walking right in and taking over, irregardless of their skin color.
You’re repeating your point again. School shootings is a white problem.

Yet you want to talk about what u think blk ppl r doing.

Fix your white ppl.

I blame single parent families in white community and the lack of morals in the whire community.
The fraudulent president is an inept and demented old man who is being manipulated by anti-Americans. You need help if you still support this man. He is trying to overturn the decision preventing him from importing 18,000 illegals A DAY into this country at the same time mothers can’t find baby formula and we are told COVID is on the rise.

If you can’t see the deliberate attempt to destroy this country, then you are part of the problem. GET HELP.
Post reported
No, YOU just keep repeating yourself!

So then, you admit it is DELIBERATE.

You really want to go with that racist CRT rant that only white people do mass shootings? It's a MOOT POINT as even school shootings as much as the leftwing media uses them to sway people by their heart-strings, account FOR ONLY A TINY FRACTION OF ALL GUN CRIME and up to 80% of gun crime in big cities like Chicago is pure BLACK crime.

The data does not lie. The more blacks together in one area, the greater the gun crime murder rate.

19 kids in a school? Sure, a terrible thing to happen, but Chicago had nearly 800 murders last year, and at least 80% of them all done by blacks.

As far as the schools are concerned, really at this point there can be NO EXCUSE for a school, especially one advertised as a 100% "gun-free-zone" to not be fully prepared to stop a child, especially a very troubled child, from walking right in and taking over, irregardless of their skin color.
DS1 lives in Chicago

Very safe neighborhood

When I visit, we walk to the corner deli
Or to the beach
School shootings is a white problem.
Yes but in the bigger picture of gun shootings in general, school shootings are almost statistically insignificant compared to the number of other deaths totalled overall.

Yet you want to talk about what u think blk ppl r doing.
I'm interested in what takes the biggest bite out of gun crime saving the most lives, and school shootings aren't even in the top ten-- they are mainly good just for media selling advertising space with. I can''t help what demographic group of people that invariably ends up pointing the real finger to, I just want to see crime go down, whereas you seem mainly more interest in just promoting a racist agenda.
Yes but in the bigger picture of gun shootings in general, school shootings are almost statistically insignificant compared to the number of other deaths totalled overall.

I'm interested in what takes the biggest bite out of gun crime saving the most lives, and school shootings aren't even in the top ten-- they are mainly good just for media selling advertising space with. I can''t help what demographic group of people that invariably ends up pointing the real finger to, I just want to see crime go down, whereas you seem mainly more interest in just promoting a racist agenda.
Do you white ppl blame black men for eveything ?

There is case afer case after white dude attempted terroist attacks by white dudes. Just this week

He confessed he was going to DC to pull off another one of those cowardly white supremacist attacks against

All your "what about" talk is pathetic.

Over the past 21 years, there have been hundreds of thousands of Americans killed by other Americans and only 3,000 killed by al-Qaeda, all on one day.

Does that mean muslim terrorist shouldn't be concern ?

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