Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

And have you noticed while many white and white hispanics were laughing and doing memes about the buffalo shooting when black people were killed "Clean up at aisle 6" and all that

Show me black people going on Social media and TikTok doing memes, making jokes, laughing about all the kids getting killed in Texas ?

I'll Wait

I mean we are the big bad racists.....aren't we ? There is a level of humanity that blk ppl have

When they are killing unarmed blk ppl...that's fine because "They're sticking it to those blacks !!!!"


We told you that the police HAS BEEN INFILTRATED by too many FAGGOTS.

We told you after George Floyd, Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice. We told you that killing unarmed blk men is coward sh*t.

So now in Texas when it's time to do some REAL POLICE work, like stop a real KILLER not kill some blk woman in her sleep...they wimp out like FKIN BITCHES and those white and non blk police officers stand outside for over an hour and let kids get slaughtered and everyone is like "O wow I didn't the police is full of bitches"

We told you

And let's be clear.

It's not like they were facing John Rambo or the Terminator or some Green Beret Special forces dude.

They were facing an untrained 18 year old kid with an Ar 15 with no body armour. but were to scared to handle that


If that number of police officers can't handle that ? That's a sorry ass police force you have

You have coddled cowards and you now have a whole law enforcement who ain't gonna BUSS a fkin grape when sh*t goes down for real.........FOR REAL and blk ppl warned you about this.

That's what happens when you allow the Kyle Ritternhouse's to go free. You overplayed the white supremacist hand.

Thats Bravey.

And imagine if the Texas Uvlade police force was full of black men like this guy ? That dude with no body armour would have been handled very easily,
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And have you noticed while many white and white hispanics were laughing and doing memes about the buffalo shooting when black people were killed "Clean up at aisle 6" and all that

Nope, I didn't see any one do anything like that...
Of course, I don't spend my life searching the internet looking for things to be upset about.
We told you that the police HAS BEEN INFILTRATED by too many FAGGOTS.

Wow, so you are a homophobe in addition to being a racist? Color me shocked.

We told you after George Floyd, Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice. We told you that killing unarmed blk men is coward sh*t.

Point is, most of the hundreds of suspects shot by cops every year have guns or knives. Sometimes they brandish toy weapons and get shot because cops can't tell the difference. less than 10% of people killed by cops are unarmed.


So now in Texas when it's time to do some REAL POLICE work, like stop a real KILLER not kill some blk woman in her sleep...they wimp out like FKIN BITCHES and those white and non blk police officers stand outside for over an hour and let kids get slaughtered and everyone is like "O wow I didn't the police is full of bitches"

Except Breonna Taylor wasn't asleep when she was shot, and her boyfriend fired a weapon at cops before they were shot. You leave that part out.

And let's be clear.

It's not like they were facing John Rambo or the Terminator or some Green Beret Special forces dude.

They were facing an untrained 18 year old kid with an Ar 15 with no body armour. but were to scared to handle that

Yes, small town cops were reluctant to charge into a classroom with potential hostages. Because we aren't training our small town cops like that. And no one wants to get sued for shooting a person of color.

If that number of police officers can't handle that ? That's a sorry ass police force you have

You have coddled cowards and you now have a whole law enforcement who ain't gonna BUSS a fkin grape when sh*t goes down for real.........FOR REAL and blk ppl warned you about this.

That's what happens when you allow the Kyle Ritternhouse's to go free. You overplayed the white supremacist hand.

Um, no, you get Kyle Rittenhouse when white people get fed up with violence. The cops won't shoot the thugs? Then we will. So Rittenhouse shot a child molester and a wife-beater (both white) who were burning down their community and a white jury said, "yup, we're cool with that."
Really? Just using the most narrow definition of mass shooting, blacks make up at least 16% of mass shooters, about their percentage of the population.

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Name them.

Name the black teen school shooters and their body counts and I'll name the whites and let's see who racks up the biggest score.

Yeah that's right sit down
Nope, I didn't see any one do anything like that...

Ignorance is bliss

Of course, I don't spend my life searching the internet looking for things to be upset about.

You just come on her instead
Do you white ppl blame black men for eveything ?

There is case afer case after white dude attempted terroist attacks by white dudes. Just this week

View attachment 651712
He confessed he was going to DC to pull off another one of those cowardly white supremacist attacks against

All your "what about" talk is pathetic.

Over the past 21 years, there have been hundreds of thousands of Americans killed by other Americans and only 3,000 killed by al-Qaeda, all on one day.

Does that mean muslim terrorist shouldn't be concern ?
Do white people blame black men for everything??? No way, but when you attempt to make it about race in your every post, then don't be angry when the truth/stats come back to haunt you and your racist views.
Nope, I didn't see any one do anything like that...

Ignorance is bliss

Of course, I don't spend my life searching the internet looking for things to be upset about.

You just come on her instead

Yes, I enjoy a lot of the back and forth here.. thanks for asking.

Not that I treat anything you say seriously anymore, but every tragedy has someone making tasteless memes and jokes. Challenger jokes, Waco Jokes... personally, I don't approve, but heck, that's how some people deal with horror.
Name them.

Name the black teen school shooters and their body counts and I'll name the whites and let's see who racks up the biggest score.

Of course, since whites are 70% of the population and blacks are 13% of the population, you are going to have more white kids shooting up schools.

How about we list all people killed by blacks and all people killed by whites and see where that gets us?

Wow, so you are a homophobe in addition to being a racist? Color me shocked.

Point is, most of the hundreds of suspects shot by cops every year have guns or knives. Sometimes they brandish toy weapons and get shot because cops can't tell the difference. less than 10% of people killed by cops are unarmed.

View attachment 651762

Except Breonna Taylor wasn't asleep when she was shot, and her boyfriend fired a weapon at cops before they were shot. You leave that part out.

Yes, small town cops were reluctant to charge into a classroom with potential hostages. Because we aren't training our small town cops like that. And no one wants to get sued for shooting a person of color.

Um, no, you get Kyle Rittenhouse when white people get fed up with violence. The cops won't shoot the thugs? Then we will. So Rittenhouse shot a child molester and a wife-beater (both white) who were burning down their community and a white jury said, "yup, we're cool with that."
Cowards! They are truly bitchmade! they are the most scared punk asses ever.

Why take this job if you act like a puss? A bunch of bullies who wimp out when confronted with any type of danger and bootlickers (like you) who hero worship them.

Black ppl in the USA face the most powerful military on Earth with the most advanced weaponry and we have done that knowing we are out numbered - out gunned and out manned but we still stand up and say "hell no we ain't bowing down to this shit"

But you put one punk 18 year old un-trained kid with no body armour, only having an AR 15 and he got a whole police force of white and non blk officers to stand down because they were scared

Get Out My Face
Do white people blame black men for everything??? No way, but when you attempt to make it about race in your every post, then don't be angry when the truth/stats come back to haunt you and your racist views.
Yes. This extreme view of blaming everything on racism, when it’s not true, just perpetuates the false victimhood narrative.

For example, I have something I need to buy this morning, and I looked up store reviews. Because customer service has gone to shit, I wasn’t surprised to read how many complaints there were. People were complaining, in general, how inattentive the staff was and how employees just walked by them, ignoring them. But one after another, black people chalked it up to “racism,“ and that store employees ignored them because they were black.
Name them.

Name the black teen school shooters and their body counts and I'll name the whites and let's see who racks up the biggest score.

Yeah that's right sit down
Why are you attempting to make mass murder or homicide's in this country about race, when it's mainly an insanity issue that keeps causing murder in large numbers or small numbers in which takes on a noticeable understanding that a huge problem is a foot in this nation now ??

Right now yes, it's about certain types of murdering and rampaging with the questions of who these perpetrators are, but that's because it's front and center to the core of our security as a nation.

I will say that the color of these perps skin is only noticed if a pattern evolves, where as the perps themselves might be motivated by racial tensions, and if so it needs to be included into the investigation's. I will give you that much, but you are mostly guided by your own racism in which injects race into it even when race isn't warranted in the situation.
Of course, since whites are 70% of the population and blacks are 13% of the population, you are going to have more white kids shooting up schools.

How about we list all people killed by blacks and all people killed by whites and see where that gets us?

View attachment 651785



Show me the blk school schooters who have done the same ?

"But ..but ...Chicago...South Side Of Chicago"

That's your white ppl who are doing this. Your ppl. I blame lack of morals in white society
Yes. This extreme view of blaming everything on racism, when it’s not true, just perpetuates the false victimhood narrative.

For example, I have something I need to buy this morning, and I looked up store reviews. Because customer service has gone to shit, I wasn’t surprised to read how many complaints there were. People were complaining, in general, how inattentive the staff was and how employees just walked by them, ignoring them. But one after another, black people chalked it up to “racism,“ and that store employees ignored them because they were black.
Yep it's constant victimhood being played upon, and it's being done for a purpose or an agenda.
Cowards! They are truly bitchmade! they are the most scared punk asses ever.

Why take this job if you act like a puss? A bunch of bullies who wimp out when confronted with any type of danger and bootlickers (like you) who hero worship them.

Why should they? Frankly, people like you have spent the last two years demonizing police, and then you expect them to rush in? Yes, they should have, and yes, this small-town police department really did mess up... but don't be surprised. No one wants to have the jail cell next to Chauvin.

Black ppl in the USA face the most powerful military on Earth with the most advanced weaponry and we have done that knowing we are out numbered - out gunned and out manned but we still stand up and say "hell no we ain't bowing down to this shit"

Um, okay. When did this happen? If you want to really call street crime a war, in Chicago, we have 14,000 cops and 150,000 gang members. Seems if anyone is outgunned, it's the cops. Of course, then the cops have to fight crime with one arm tied behind their backs.

But you put one punk 18 year old un-trained kid with no body armour, only having an AR 15 and he got a whole police force of white and non blk officers to stand down because they were scared

Or because they didn't want to instigate a firefight when there were still children in the building. But year, school shootings never turn out well. Not in Sandy Hook or Stoneman or Columbine or VA Tech or here. When we stop loving our guns and start loving our children, maybe that will change.

Show me the blk school schooters who have done the same ?

"But ..but ...Chicago...South Side Of Chicago"

That's your white ppl who are doing this. Your ppl. I blame lack of morals in white society

Uh, no, guy, you've decided that you are going to tolerate the gangbangers. Now you have to live with them.
Why are you attempting to make mass murder or homicide's in this country about race, when it's mainly an insanity issue that keeps causing murder in large numbers or small numbers in which takes on a noticeable understanding that a huge problem is a foot in this nation now ??

Right now yes, it's about certain types of murdering and rampaging with the questions of who these perpetrators are, but that's because it's front and center to the core of our security as a nation.

I will say that the color of these perps skin is only noticed if a pattern evolves, where as the perps themselves might be motivated by racial tensions, and if so it needs to be included into the investigation's. I will give you that much, but you are mostly guided by your own racism in which injects race into it even when race isn't warranted in the situation.
All that heavy armor cosplay and tax dollars and as soon as disaster strikes these white and non blk officer sh*t the bed.

Trained police officers were too afraid to engage the shooter, but whites want to arm the teachers to fight potential shooters

Make it make sense.

We told that you have cowards in the police force. And there is no such thing as a few bad apples the entire tree is rotten to the roots. Look at the coward from parkland he is retired and collecting 8k a month for abandoning his post and kids were killed.

This is a very simple solution.

It should be made crystal clear that pursuing a career as a cop may mean laying down your life for the greater good.

It you decide you ain’t with that. Get another job.

These useless hoes copping pleas as to why they wouldn’t enter a school after watching a terrorist with automatic weapons enter with intent to slaughter innocent children…because they were scared they’d be SHOT!?!

View attachment 651790

Show me the blk school schooters who have done the same ?

"But ..but ...Chicago...South Side Of Chicago"

That's your white ppl who are doing this. Your ppl. I blame lack of morals in white society
Officer Tatum a black man on YouTube, has a video on his site of the poor innocent children killed by drive by's, stray bullet's etc in Chicago, along with the adult black's that are killed there yearly also. It's unbelievable.... His disbelief is how it's covered up, and allowed to just go on and on and on like many other concerned black's who are looking at the carnage amongst their race thinking the same thing as him. WTHell...???

So there is a taste for murder growing in this country, and it's showing up more and more in the random category stats and it remains in the group stats, but politics and bull crap keeps allowing the can to be kicked down the road. Why ??
Why should they? Frankly, people like you have spent the last two years demonizing police, and then you expect them to rush in? Yes, they should have, and yes, this small-town police department really did mess up... but don't be surprised. No one wants to have the jail cell next to Chauvin.

Um, okay. When did this happen? If you want to really call street crime a war, in Chicago, we have 14,000 cops and 150,000 gang members. Seems if anyone is outgunned, it's the cops. Of course, then the cops have to fight crime with one arm tied behind their backs.

Or because they didn't want to instigate a firefight when there were still children in the building. But year, school shootings never turn out well. Not in Sandy Hook or Stoneman or Columbine or VA Tech or here. When we stop loving our guns and start loving our children, maybe that will change.

Uh, no, guy, you've decided that you are going to tolerate the gangbangers. Now you have to live with them.

They need some blk men on the force to handle that.
All that heavy armor cosplay and tax dollars and as soon as disaster strikes these white and non blk officer sh*t the bed.

Trained police officers were too afraid to engage the shooter, but whites want to arm the teachers to fight potential shooters

Make it make sense.

We told that you have cowards in the police force. And there is no such thing as a few bad apples the entire tree is rotten to the roots. Look at the coward from parkland he is retired and collecting 8k a month for abandoning his post and kids were killed.

This is a very simple solution.

It should be made crystal clear that pursuing a career as a cop may mean laying down your life for the greater good.

It you decide you ain’t with that. Get another job.

These useless hoes copping pleas as to why they wouldn’t enter a school after watching a terrorist with automatic weapons enter with intent to slaughter innocent children…because they were scared they’d be SHOT!?!
Well you tried to control your racism somewhat in this response, and I agree that if the cops became coward's while kid's were being shot and shot again by a killer like this, then they sure need to be weeded out of the force, and completely made to start over in some other job title without one cent of a pension paid to them from the police union or other after release from the former job title as an officer.

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