Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

Another mass shooting – and conservatives in knee-jerk fashion start with the lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ rather than offering solutions having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms.

Conservatives don’t offer solutions having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms because ‘guns’ is a hot-button wedge issue conservatives use to drive the base to the polls and attack political opponents with lies about ‘banning’ and ‘confiscating’ guns.

No one wants to ‘ban’ guns; no one wants to ‘confiscate’ guns.
🖕And you're a liar
This was one beaucoup dinky dau Beaner, wasn't he?

The stupid shit put on queer makeup and then got all butt hurt when the other Hispanic kids ridiculed him for it.

Where was his mother and father?

Running drugs across Potatohead's open border?
And the proud and loud racist always come out in force after something like this.
The advancement of relative morality, the devaluation of human life, inadequate safety in our schools,
As Peterson says "you don't measure your character by what you believe in, believing in one cause or another doesn't make you a good person. What makes you a good person is your actions and attitudes towards others around you"
Such a simple concept that is lost on both the millennial, and now especially, GenZ generations. Morality and ethics are "old fashioned". Hating anyone and everyone who doesn't think like you do. Expecting the world to conform to your thoughts. - This is the character of especially GenZs
As Peterson says "you don't measure your character by what you believe in, believing in one cause or another doesn't make you a good person. What makes you a good person is your actions and attitudes towards others around you"
Such a simple concept that is lost on both the millennial, and now especially, GenZ generations. Morality and ethics are "old fashioned". Hating anyone and everyone who doesn't think like you do. Expecting the world to conform to your thoughts. - This is the character of especially GenZs
What is Trump's excuse for lack of morals and ethics?
Sure you know. Look around you at the pissants and antisocial misfits who go on these killing sprees.
I know gun haters think as you do, but is it true? If you have documented proof of this condition, please post it.

It’s like women who claim small penis guys like showy fast loud cars and big trucks. Could be true, but are there any studies proving it?

I know gun haters think as you do, but is it true? If you have documented proof of this condition, please post it.

It’s like women who claim small penis guys like showy fast loud cars and big trucks. Could be true, but are there any studies proving it?


I'm not a gun hater, but we have more guns than people in America.


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