Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

Over 20 million AR-15 rifles in this country.....only one was used yesterday in a mass public shooting.......

Meanwhile, the policies supported by bernie sanders...attacking the police and releasing violent gun criminals in cities controlled by the democrat party, have killed thousands of young black men of all ages each and every year...

We need to pass a law against socialists like bernie...
make it 20 kids shot, 19 dead
Then why aren't the children in places such as England or Canada entirely defenseless? By that thinking, they should be getting slaughtered every day.

Do you realize that the one group that faces attack in Britain is Jewish people....and that every single Jewish school in Britain has trained, armed, private security?

Canada....? They are becoming more is Britain...their welfare states have reached the point where their fatherless homes are creating more crime and poverty for their children.
Then why aren't the children in places such as England or Canada entirely defenseless? By that thinking, they should be getting slaughtered every day.
Canada and england do not have the same level of civil rights thet Americans have

They just have fewer rights than we do

Plus they seem to be a more docile society

But gun violence is rising even in countries with draconian anti gun laws
Canada and england do not have the same level of civil rights thet Americans have

They just have fewer rights than we do

Plus they seem to be a more docile society

But gun violence is rising even in countries with draconian anti gun laws

They are also tiny, and they don't have the racial history of the democrat party creating fatherless homes, causing crime and poverty...


Their social welfare states have reached a point where fatherless boys and girls are becoming more and more violent...
It ain't for squirrel hunting....for sure.
The militaristic the more legal according to SCOTUS. They ruled that a police dept that confiscated a sawed off shotgun, and did not return it, was legal because the shotgun served no military purpose. 2nd A is for protection against government or an Antifa trying to burn down my house. Only a leftist idiot would mention hunting. You people are so fucking ignorant.
Okay, so you want to send blacks back to Africa and browns back to Mexico.

What does your plan look like? Any details? Any problems with the Constitution?
It is a more defensible plan than the obsession of the filthy ass Moon Bats in this country to deprive Americans of their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
That is the shame of it. 19-Children murdered. In a state where you do not need proper training or a background check. Texas allows guns bars and churches, nothing says being a so-called "Christian" like carrying loaded assault into church.
The shooter went through a background check. Why do you lie? Anyone who walks into a gun store to buy a gun will go through an FBI background check.
The bottom one should apply to all mass shootings. And maybe some smart gun legislation that both ends can live with.

Or, we just keep watching it happen.
You and candycorn are not being honest here

Blacks born in America are not going to be deported no matter how many crimes they commit

But its not unreasonable to say that adding to the poor and crime-ridden native underclass through mass migration is a really dumb idea
Okay, so what's the plan?
So what is the plan of you stupid uneducated Moon Bats to do away with the Bill of Rights so that that this country can be the Socialist shithole that you desire more than anything?

Americans having the right to keep and bear arms is a big obstacle to turning this country into a Spcialist shithole, isn't it? We may shoot your commie asses and you are afraid, aren't you?
So what is the plan of you stupid uneducated Moon Bats to do away with the Bill of Rights so that that this country can be the Socialist shithole that you desire more than anything?

Americans having the right to keep and bear arms is a big obstacle to turning this country into a Spcialist shithole, isn't it? We may shoot your commie asses and you are afraid, aren't you?
Hey, it was a simple question.

No need to go full drama queen.
Senile old man yells at nation

Tucker Carlson on Biden's speech: "The President of the United States, frail, confused, bitterly partisan, desecrating the memory of recently murdered children with tired talking points of the Democratic Party, dividing the country in a moment of deep pain rather than uniting."
Never let a crisis go to waste

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