Activist judge allowing challenge to mtg’s reelection

And it gives no ground to impeach MTG over simply giving her opinion of an obviously illegal and heinous act. Once again, the only crime going on here is being an actual threat to the democrats--- just like Trump.

LOOK OUT--- one of these days we might actually get a government that really represents us!
It's coming and there will be reckoning.
And it gives no ground to impeach MTG over simply giving her opinion of an obviously illegal and heinous act. Once again, the only crime going on here is being an actual threat to the democrats--- just like Trump.

LOOK OUT--- one of these days we might actually get a government that really represents us!
No one is impeaching her. Or trying to remove her from office. They are suing to prevent her from running for re-election. As the 14th Amendment outlines. The only threat this woman poses is lowering the stupid bar even further into the Earth. :)
There is no evidence, turd. On the other hand, there is abundant evidence of election tampering.
No evidence presented in a court of law kiddo. As evidenced by the 60+ court cases shown the round file.
It's high time you started dealing with that fact. He lost.
No one is impeaching her. Or trying to remove her from office. They are suing to prevent her from running for re-election.
Same difference. Get those Trump people out! Huh, Jack.

As the 14th Amendment outlines.
The 14th does not outline barring someone over so simple a thing as free speech to hold one's own opinion. The Founders were clearly speaking of actual insurrectionists.

The only threat this woman poses is lowering the stupid bar even further into the Earth.
Nah, with some of the folks in the DNC, that is not possible. MTG is the voice of the people, she is the will of the people, something strangely absent in Wash. DC these days.
Same difference. Get those Trump people out! Huh, Jack.

The 14th does not outline barring someone over so simple a thing as free speech to hold one's own opinion. The Founders were clearly speaking of actual insurrectionists.

Nah, with some of the folks in the DNC, that is not possible. MTG is the voice of the people, she is the will of the people, something strangely absent in Wash. DC these days.
Very big difference. No one is advocating for her removal. No one is implying she won her seat based on fraud. She participated in an attempt to undermine a free and fair election. The consequences of that type of behavior is clearly spelled out via the 14th Amendment. She is barred from running for re-election. MTG isn't the voice of anyone except the crazies...and there's not enough of them to make a majority. Close, but not quite. And right now, the crazies only saving grace is that their opposition can't seem to message their way out of a wet paper bag. :)
No one is advocating for her removal. No one is implying she won her seat based on fraud.
Who said any of that Jack?

She participated in an attempt to undermine a free and fair election.
A. She didn't participate. Show me one picture of her at the capitol participating in anything on J6? Honestly, you are like talking to a wood block.

B). THE WHOLE POINT which you know and dance around is that it WASN'T a free and fair election. Not close by a mile. And most of America AGREES. Blockhead strikes 2.

The consequences of that type of behavior is clearly spelled out via the 14th Amendment.
WHERE? Quote it. Calling something a duck doesn't make it a duck no matter how much you want to exclude half the GOP and Trump!

She is barred from running for re-election.
You're crazy. You've flipped your bird.

MTG isn't the voice of anyone except the crazies...
If you're one of the sane ones, this whole world has gone to hell.

and there's not enough of them to make a majority. Close, but not quite.
In other words, HALF of the country, with many on your side only there because you hide the truth from them. All changing come this November, Jack. Better get used to that right here and now.

And right now, the crazies only saving grace is
Right Jack, and you and your friends who caused 14,000 riots these past two years wrecking 350 cities are all the sane ones, right Jack?
No one is impeaching her. Or trying to remove her from office. They are suing to prevent her from running for re-election. As the 14th Amendment outlines. The only threat this woman poses is lowering the stupid bar even further into the Earth. :)
If she doesn't pose a threat, then why are morons like you trying to prevent her from running?
No evidence presented in a court of law kiddo. As evidenced by the 60+ court cases shown the round file.
It's high time you started dealing with that fact. He lost.
That's because establishment judges refused to see it. Those court cases were all dismissed on procedural grounds. None of them showed any of the evidence.

You deluded progs just keep the same talking points over and over.

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