Activist judge allowing challenge to mtg’s reelection looks like the judge will allow it.
Another psycho woke leftwing judge who wants to open the pandoras box of now ruling a person unfit for office for questioning the status quo in a highly abnormal situation where there resides nothing BUT questions. All stubbornly refused to be answered--- the very situation the Founders intended that people be the most vigilant against! The new standard: Just accept what the government/media complex tells you and DON'T QUESTION IT! Gee, Jack, isn't that just what Putin, Jinping and Kim Jong Un tell their people? You a COMMIE, Jack?

all you do is bitch and bitterly complain without providing any solutions.
I'm full of solutions, Jack. I offer them all the time. The other 90% of your crap I didn't even bother reading because again, all you do is try to deflect. YOU CAN'T DEEM A PERSON BARRED FROM HOLDING OFFICE merely on the grounds that an event happened where people protested an election at the capitol, aided by the capitol police and others, an event which demands questions be asked, where one of many in the republican party agreed with the basic premise therein and say: "Just for that, we won't let you run for office ever again!" What do you want Jack, a bunch of people running this country who all blindly think like you, programmed like a little wind up toy?


Not only is that the very form of exclusionary thinking that is crippling the democrat party, but if they succeed in doing that to MTG, all it will accomplish is justify everything she said and create a HUNDRED more just like her to follow, for you see Jack, the real play here is to try to expel Trump and ALL of the GOP who stand with him as independent from the government dole so as to end up converting the GOP to nothing more than a RINO Good Ol' Boys Club where they all sing kumbaya with the democrats!

And THAT Jack, is the very definition of a COUP. And you approve wholeheartedly. I mean, it's brilliant Jack--- what better way to seize control of the USA than to do so under the premise of accusing someone else of doing it because they tried to stop you! Brilliant!

Did Jinping think that one up himself?
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Another psycho woke leftwing judge who wants to open the pandoras box of now ruling a person unfit for office for questioning the status quo in a highly abnormal situation where there resides nothing BUT questions. All stubbornly refused to be answered--- the very situation the Founders intended that people be the most vigilant against! The new standard: Just accept what the government/media complex tells you and DON'T QUESTION IT! Gee, Jack, isn't that just what Putin, Jinping and Kim Jong Un tell their people? You a COMMIE, Jack?

I'm full of solutions, Jack. I offer them all the time. The other 90% of your crap I didn't even bother reading because again, all you do is try to deflect. YOU CAN'T DEEM A PERSON BARRED FROM HOLDING OFFICE merely on the grounds that an event happened where people protested an election at the capitol, aided by the capitol police and others, an event which demands questions be asked, where one of many in the republican party agreed with the basic premise therein and say: "Just for that, we won't let you run for office ever again!" What do you want Jack, a bunch of people running this country who all blindly think like you, programmed like a little wind up toy?

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Not only is that the very form of exclusionary thinking that is crippling the democrat party, but if they succeed in doing that to MTG, all it will accomplish is justify everything she said and create a HUNDRED more just like her to follow, for you see Jack, the real play here is to try to expel Trump and ALL of the GOP who stand with him as independent from the government dole so as to end up converting the GOP to nothing more than a RINO Good Ol' Boys Club where they all sing kumbaya with the democrats!

And THAT Jack, is the very definition of a COUP. And you approve wholeheartedly. I mean, it's brilliant Jack--- what better way to seize control of the USA than to do so under the premise of accusing someone else of doing it because they tried to stop you! Brilliant!

Did Jinping think that one up himself?
Actually, you can do that to an elected representative. The Constitution is quite clear on that.
Again, if MTG is the best you have to offer cons are in big trouble...cause there ain't enough of you crazies to make a majority long term. :)
Actually, you can do that to an elected representative. The Constitution is quite clear on that.
Again, if MTG is the best you have to offer cons are in big trouble...cause there ain't enough of you crazies to make a majority long term. :)
You sound scared.
Actually, you can do that to an elected representative. The Constitution is quite clear on that.
Yeah, maybe if MTG had been down at the Capitol with a battering ram beating down the doors shooting capitol police then I would agree yes. But she was in no way connected to the J6 riot in any way. That was the intent of the Founders. Funny how severe the Left is at prosecuting republicans for the thinnest of reasons while excusing their own massive offenses!

Again, if MTG is the best you have to offer up..
She's far better than just about ANYONE the Left has to offer. Her only crime is being real people outside the government mold and not just another pressed Washington suit.

...cause there ain't enough of you crazies to make a majority long term.
You bar MTG from holding office for simply being a Trump supporter (let's face facts, that is the REAL crime she is guilty of!), and you will soon have more MTGs than you know what to do with.

You can run Jack, but sooner or later, you won't have any place left to hide. MTG is gonna get you.
Yeah, maybe if MTG had been down at the Capitol with a battering ram beating down the doors shooting capitol police then I would agree yes. But she was in no way connected to the J6 riot in any way. That was the intent of the Founders. Funny how severe the Left is at prosecuting republicans for the thinnest of reasons while excusing their own massive offenses!

She's far better than just about ANYONE the Left has to offer. Her only crime is being real people outside the government mold and not just another pressed Washington suit.

You bar MTG from holding office for simply being a Trump supporter (let's face facts, that is the REAL crime she is guilty of!), and you will soon have more MTGs than you know what to do with.

You can run Jack, but sooner or later, you won't have any place left to hide. MTG is gonna get you.
Again, read the link I posted, Freaky. It's right there in black and white.
She can be barred from holding office again for participating in an insurrection.
End of story.

I sincerely hope there are more MTG's that take over the Republican party. Has the effect
of dividing the party even more than it is now.
She can be barred from holding office again for participating in an insurrection.

That's just it, dummass fascist--- she DIDN'T participate in any insurrection. End of story. Not even anyone who was actually there has been so charged.

She cannot be charged and if so by your radical goon, it will be appealed and beaten.

You can try, but you can't win.

Sooner or later, you'll be forced to hold an HONEST election and FACE your opponents.
That's just it, dummass fascist--- she DIDN'T participate in any insurrection. End of story. Not even anyone who was actually there has been so charged.

She cannot be charged and if so by your radical goon, it will be appealed and beaten.

You can try, but you can't win.

Sooner or later, you'll be forced to hold an HONEST election and FACE your opponents.
There's more than enough evidence to show MTG has. And it's up to the judge to decide if these voters lawsuit can move forward. The judge said she'd "probably" let it go forward. She didn't say she would "definitely" let it go forward.
It will be decided on evidence. Much like your griping and whining about the last election. Absolutely no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would have affected the outcome. The 60+ lawsuits were decided (and thrown out) on the merits of no evidence.
There's more than enough evidence to show MTG has.
SURE, Jack, fine. Be a fascist and a Marxist, it suits you. You do that and the republicans will be sure to start so-charging Biden, Pelosi and a whole bunch of you democrats. Hell, maybe we'll even bring back citizen Obumma to face his crimes.

Just remember Jack, totalitarian regimes can make up any charge they want against anyone and make it stick.

There's going to be a whole lot of new faces this fall, including to get rid of many of the RINOs.

I dare you to exclude MTG from participating in her own government just because she did the right thing and supported protesting against an illegal election that never should have happened resulting in the installment of hand-puppet Joe.
The real topic here is this. Do these GA voters have the right to challenge MTG's re-election bid? The short answer looks like the judge will allow it. Should be standard fare if you participate in an attempt to subvert a free and fair election. This part isn't in dispute. She did. Therefore, she shouldn't be allowed to run again. If she hadn't, then I'd leave it up to the voters of her district. If they want to re-elect crazy, so be it. I don't live there so I have no dog in the fight. The woman is a moron. However, she is duly guess is she won't survive November regardless, but whatever.

The secondary topic is your failed belief system of conservatism. And the fact that all you do is bitch and bitterly complain without providing any solutions. A lot of whining. With a healthy side portion of belief in conspiracy theory.

You are who you are. And stop using big words you have no idea of their meaning.
It just makes you look like the soft, weak minded tool you come across as. :)
Every premise in your screed is absolute horseshit. There was no attempt to subvert an election. It wasn't free or fair. Douchebags like you claimed judges had no authority to interfere in the vote count, so why should they have any authority to interfere of setting qualifications for candidates?
She can be barred from holding office again for participating in an insurrection.

But she didn't participate in an insurrection. For starters, there wasn't one, but even if you call it that, she was not there. Are you attempting to claim that supporting the idea behind an insurrection is the same as participating in one? That is some wonky logic there.
Every premise in your screed is absolute horseshit. There was no attempt to subvert an election. It wasn't free or fair. Douchebags like you claimed judges had no authority to interfere in the vote count, so why should they have any authority to interfere of setting qualifications for candidates?
Of course there was. Ample evidence to back this up. It's not even up for debate. There was no evidence of voter fraud widespread enough to affect the outcome of the election. Yet a coordinated attempt was made to ensure that the last guy stayed in power.

The 14th Amendment is clear on what this judge is ruling on.
You have an issue with it, go to court. :)
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Every premise in your screed is absolute horseshit. There was no attempt to subvert an election. It wasn't free or fair. Douchebags like you claimed judges had no authority to interfere in the vote count, so why should they have any authority to interfere of setting qualifications for candidates?

Worse, people who actually participated in breaking into the capitol that day disrupting the proceedings for several hours scaring everyone are being charged with mere criminal trespass and other misdemeanors while Jack here wants MTG, who wasn't even there that day nor did anything tried as a state criminal like she was a terrorist!

If a misdemeanor makes you ineligible to serve then half the democrats there are already guilty of worse and we need to start throwing all of them out of office!
The 14th Amendment is clear on what this judge is ruling on.

And it gives no ground to impeach MTG over simply giving her opinion of an obviously illegal and heinous act. Once again, the only crime going on here is being an actual threat to the democrats--- just like Trump.

LOOK OUT--- one of these days we might actually get a government that really represents us!
Of course there was. Ample evidence to back this up. It's not even up for debate. There was no evidence of voter fraud widespread enough to affect the outcome of the election. Yet a coordinated attempt was made to ensure that the last guy stayed in power.

The 14th Amendment is clear on what this judge is ruling on.
You have an issue with it, go to court. :)
There is no evidence, turd. On the other hand, there is abundant evidence of election tampering.

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