Activist judge allowing challenge to mtg’s reelection

MTG is guilty of being a moron. And she's proven to be absolutely useless in bringing ANY kind of policy initiative to the floor. Just being a loudmouthed, alt-righter. She needs to go back to racking weights at Cross Fit. :) More her intellectual level.
The term "moron" more accurately describes those who believe there was an insurrection, and that simply voicing an opinion about the legitimacy of the election makes you an accomplice.

I can't imagine anything more brain-dead.
My my if the gop don’t step in on this one

you disqualify her we impeach
If she hasn’t been convicted then this case has no merit at all!
She has a lot more brains, honesty and common sense than you! So where does that place you Jack, somewhere below sub-moron?

You mean like Joe Biddum and Harry Kamela?

I knew it. You fascists really HATE freedom of speech when it doesn't work in YOUR favor!

Actually, she used to own and run a big construction outfit. A job you could never do.
  • A job Biden could never do.
  • A job that Kammy could never do.
  • A job that Obammy could never do.
I bet you can't even hammer a nail straight-- probably why you are still without a garage.
If Jack is a Millennial then there is a great chance he doesn’t know how to use a screw driver…
There was no "insurrection", lying windbag peckerhead.

Even if there had been, MTG did not participate in it. Indeed, the intent of the framers was to exclude somebody in government who unjustly tried to overthrow it, and the case can be made (should be made) that those who engineered the highly irregular, atypical and illegal 2020 election did. The Protestors were simply fighting against that usurpation of democracy which MTG and others rightly supported in principle, but not in action. And that is probably why they are trying to accuse MTG-- -- just another diversionary tactic by the Left of accusing their victims f what they themselves perpetrate.

But perhaps we ought to be looking at the other part of the 14th where no officer of the USA can give comfort to the enemy. Well, Hillary is no longer in office but Boy Howdy how Joe has been giving comfort to enemies all over the planet, so, come this November, we will have to give a very close look indeed at how Joe fits in to not just the 25th, but the 14th as well.
Even if there had been, MTG did not participate in it. Indeed, the intent of the framers was to exclude somebody in government who unjustly tried to overthrow it, and the case can be made (should be made) that those who engineered the highly irregular, atypical and illegal 2020 election did. The Protestors were simply fighting against that usurpation of democracy which MTG and others rightly supported in principle, but not in action. And that is probably why they are trying to accuse MTG-- -- just another diversionary tactic by the Left of accusing their victims f what they themselves perpetrate.

But perhaps we ought to be looking at the other part of the 14th where no officer of the USA can give comfort to the enemy. Well, Hillary is no longer in office but Boy Howdy how Joe has been giving comfort to enemies all over the planet, so, come this November, we will have to give a very close look indeed at how Joe fits in to not just the 25th, but the 14th as well.
Leave Uncle Joe alone because Auntie Kamala is more dangerous!
These assholes are trying to pull this off in effect claiming that if you don't believe the 2020 election was honest, that makes you an "insurrectionist" even if there was no insurrection and the person in no way participated in J6.

Just another mad power grab by the leftwing fascists trying to establish a foundation for trying to block Trump from running again because they know how weak the DNC is now.

Brought to you of course by the very same people who have wailed about protecting democracy the past year.
The enemy is very desperate.
Because no one is protesting MTG's election in 2020. No one is claiming fraud in her election. Only her right to run for re-election because she participated in an insurrection..or at least that's what the GA voter case will seek to determine. It's a Constitutional challenge. And the judge said "likely"...not "definitely.

Now, I'd like to say that the voters of her district would be smart enough to send this dog packing in November (like Cawthorn).
But, she made her bed.
But this challenge isn't coming from the voters, it's the same group who tried to prevent cawthorn in North Carolina.

It's just an activist group going around trying to unseat republicans.
The thread premise is a lie.

“The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution prohibits officeholders from returning to elected positions if they supported an insurrection.” ibid

There’s nothing ‘activist’ about following the 14th Amendment.
CNN changed the wording of the 14th ammendment. It doesn't say "supported", it says participate or give aid and comfort. I don't think saying an election was rigged qualifies as aid and comfort.

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