Activist judge allowing challenge to mtg’s reelection

My my if the gop don’t step in on this one

you disqualify her we impeach
oh yea, that'll work

it's amazing to me how far the left has moved in 20 years. Sound like a bunch of fascists. Scared the people might elect some one you don't like.

This is not how we handled David fucking Duke this is not how she should be handled. She's just a wine mom
oh yea, that'll work

it's amazing to me how far the left has moved in 20 years. Sound like a bunch of fascists. Scared the people might elect some one you don't like.

This is not how we handled David fucking Duke this is not how she should be handled. She's just a wine mom
There's a Bible passage that goes somewhat like, There's nothing new under the son.
She has a lot more brains, honesty and common sense than you! So where does that place you Jack, somewhere below sub-moron?

You mean like Joe Biddum and Harry Kamela?

I knew it. You fascists really HATE freedom of speech when it doesn't work in YOUR favor!

Actually, she used to own and run a big construction outfit. A job you could never do.
  • A job Biden could never do.
  • A job that Kammy could never do.
  • A job that Obammy could never do.
I bet you can't even hammer a nail straight-- probably why you are still without a garage.
Actually, she used to run a circus and was half the act of the flying trapeze artist...see?..I can make her anything I want too, Freaky.

She's a moron. No use whatsoever.
Vying with Louie Gohmert to be the dumbest member of Congress..period...:auiqs.jpg:
The thread premise is a lie.

“The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution prohibits officeholders from returning to elected positions if they supported an insurrection.” ibid

There’s nothing ‘activist’ about following the 14th Amendment.

You're a certified flaming commie retard.
1. Not one single person has been charged with engaging in an insurrection.
2. Not a single person will be charged with engaging in an insurrection.
3. You can't be charged with supporting something that never happened, which MTG hasn't been charged.
4. She would have to be charged and convicted to be disqualified under the 14th.
5. Being the typical fucking commie propagandist, you seem to be forgetting another little ditty in the 14th, called the DUE PROCESS CLAUSE.

Now run along you ignorant commie and stop pretending you actually know something. You insane dribble proves you don't.

Actually not.

The judge has appropriately acknowledged that the case has merit and may proceed – no final determination has been made as to the status of Greene’s candidacy.

More commie idiocy, first voters have no standing to charge anyone with a crime and if the judge doesn't dismiss that bullshit, that would make them just as big an idiot as you and they'd have no business on the bench.

The term "moron" more accurately describes those who believe there was an insurrection, and that simply voicing an opinion about the legitimacy of the election makes you an accomplice.

I can't imagine anything more brain-dead.

They're just parroting what the LSM tells them to parrot.

These assholes are trying to pull this off in effect claiming that if you don't believe the 2020 election was honest, that makes you an "insurrectionist" even if there was no insurrection and the person in no way participated in J6.

Just another mad power grab by the leftwing fascists trying to establish a foundation for trying to block Trump from running again because they know how weak the DNC is now.

Brought to you of course by the very same people who have wailed about protecting democracy the past year.
Are you talking about the complete morons here at USMB who stupidly believe that she blamed the California forest fires on Jewish space lasers?
Actually, she used to run a circus and was half the act of the flying trapeze artist...see?..I can make her anything I want
Making up your own "facts" and "reality" is your forte. After all, that is why you love being a leftwing goon-- so you can run from reality and make up your own lies.

She's a moron. No use whatsoever.
She has the greatest use possible in government! The problem with government is that it is too fat, dumb and incompetent at best, and subversive and damaging at its worst. Everything government takes control of turns to shit, like education, where up to 44% of teachers now plan to retire in 5 years to get away from the corruption and bureaucracy. Greene is a change agent looking to shake up the status quo, make people accountable in a sea of otherwise pressed suits. In light of our epic failures at the border, foreign countries, energy, security, inflation, crime and well, everywhere, she is just what we need to break up that fat good ol' boys club in DC of same-old-same-old-more-of-the-same-shit-again you obviously support and suck the teat of.
But lordy, don't they love that word "insurrection"?
even with no one charged with it.

then again, it's proven the left pushed RUSSIA and you still have the same court jesters dancing that trump/russia colluded.

people like this are 1 of 2 things.

1. totally stupid and not worth talking to
2. intentionally stupid and not worth talking to.
even with no one charged with it.

then again, it's proven the left pushed RUSSIA and you still have the same court jesters dancing that trump/russia colluded.

people like this are 1 of 2 things.

1. totally stupid and not worth talking to
2. intentionally stupid and not worth talking to.
Mercy! You said that WELL!
Making up your own "facts" and "reality" is your forte. After all, that is why you love being a leftwing goon-- so you can run from reality and make up your own lies.

She has the greatest use possible in government! The problem with government is that it is too fat, dumb and incompetent at best, and subversive and damaging at its worst. Everything government takes control of turns to shit, like education, where up to 44% of teachers now plan to retire in 5 years to get away from the corruption and bureaucracy. Greene is a change agent looking to shake up the status quo, make people accountable in a sea of otherwise pressed suits. In light of our epic failures at the border, foreign countries, energy, security, inflation, crime and well, everywhere, she is just what we need to break up that fat good ol' boys club in DC of same-old-same-old-more-of-the-same-shit-again you obviously support and suck the teat of.
Well, if she proposed ANY legislation, that would make her more of a use than she is now. Except she hasn't proposed ANYTHING to supposedly fix all the terrible problems you believe exist in our education system and government. Just yell as loudly as she can out of her piehole about stolen elections and whatever new division pimping scheme coming out of her party. She's fucking useless.
fix all the terrible problems you believe exist in our education system and government.

Jack, you are a disgrace to the human race to stand there in light of the endless disastrous boneheaded deals this administration has pulled or allowed to happen in the past year and ignore and deny it all, just as you have all of the Democrats villainous acts of the past decade. Every one of them having taken this country down a worse and worse path to social and economic ruin.
Jack, you are a disgrace to the human race to stand there in light of the endless disastrous boneheaded deals this administration has pulled or allowed to happen in the past year and ignore and deny it all, just as you have all of the Democrats villainous acts of the past decade. Every one of them having taken this country down a worse and worse path to social and economic ruin.
Well, jeepers Dad, I'm sorry to have let you down. But let's face it, all you old farts do is bitch and complain. You never have any new ideas or fresh approaches. Just same old, same old. All you do is spout bile and misinformation. If you can reach back further than your last visit to whatever alt-right website you frequent for your information, you will remember that a Democrat President has had to come in behind a Republican and fix the messes they've made for THREE decades now. That's a lot of times for Republicans to fail miserably and a long time for Democrats to have to play janitor.

The bottom line here Dad is that the country will evolve. With or without your input. You can either choose to be a productive part of it...or just sit on your front porch and scream at the kiddies to "Get off my lawn!". :auiqs.jpg:
And there he goes, once again trying as always to deflect away from the real topic. The inability to openly assess oneself critically is a trait shared by many sociopaths.
The real topic here is this. Do these GA voters have the right to challenge MTG's re-election bid? The short answer looks like the judge will allow it. Should be standard fare if you participate in an attempt to subvert a free and fair election. This part isn't in dispute. She did. Therefore, she shouldn't be allowed to run again. If she hadn't, then I'd leave it up to the voters of her district. If they want to re-elect crazy, so be it. I don't live there so I have no dog in the fight. The woman is a moron. However, she is duly guess is she won't survive November regardless, but whatever.

The secondary topic is your failed belief system of conservatism. And the fact that all you do is bitch and bitterly complain without providing any solutions. A lot of whining. With a healthy side portion of belief in conspiracy theory.

You are who you are. And stop using big words you have no idea of their meaning.
It just makes you look like the soft, weak minded tool you come across as. :)

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