Activist judge in Tn orders injunction against homosexual "marriage"

I agree. Stop judges like this who believe they can sidestep the constitution.


Henry Rollins is a fag.

Dang! You got gaydar?
Can't have "gay marriage" without faggots to marry can ya? :) Only one way to fix problems like this.

So ... you're going to murder gay people???

That's what you are saying - you are threatening to murder gays?

Tell that to secret service when they show up to question you about this.

Be sure not to pee your pants while groveling....
Judge calls Tenn. gay marriage ban historical 'footnote': Do Southerners now agree?

Time to step up the activism and if need be physical force to stop this filth. That's my front lines and I will NOT let my family be assaulted with this garbage. Anyone with a set of eyes and a brain that's not hooked on drugs can see the end of this line is the absolute use of propaganda and indoctrination of children for an entire generation to grow up as these faggots want.

O.R.I.O.N, no sane person wants to live in your world of fear and hate.

Boo! The homos are coming to get you.
Can't have "gay marriage" without faggots to marry can ya? :) Only one way to fix problems like this.

So ... you're going to murder gay people???

That's what you are saying - you are threatening to murder gays?

Tell that to secret service when they show up to question you about this.

Be sure not to pee your pants while groveling....
Only person threatening anything is you my friend oh and the SS only investigates threats against the president etc and also counterfeiting. Learn some stuff son.
Judge calls Tenn. gay marriage ban historical 'footnote': Do Southerners now agree?

Time to step up the activism and if need be physical force to stop this filth. That's my front lines and I will NOT let my family be assaulted with this garbage. Anyone with a set of eyes and a brain that's not hooked on drugs can see the end of this line is the absolute use of propaganda and indoctrination of children for an entire generation to grow up as these faggots want.

O.R.I.O.N, no sane person wants to live in your world of fear and hate.

Boo! The homos are coming to get you.

Wrong as usual my little buddy...wrong as usual.
Can't have "gay marriage" without faggots to marry can ya? :) Only one way to fix problems like this.

So ... you're going to murder gay people???

That's what you are saying - you are threatening to murder gays?

Tell that to secret service when they show up to question you about this.

Be sure not to pee your pants while groveling....
Only person threatening anything is you my friend oh and the SS only investigates threats against the president etc and also counterfeiting. Learn some stuff son.
Judge calls Tenn. gay marriage ban historical 'footnote': Do Southerners now agree?

Time to step up the activism and if need be physical force to stop this filth. That's my front lines and I will NOT let my family be assaulted with this garbage. Anyone with a set of eyes and a brain that's not hooked on drugs can see the end of this line is the absolute use of propaganda and indoctrination of children for an entire generation to grow up as these faggots want.

O.R.I.O.N, no sane person wants to live in your world of fear and hate.

Boo! The homos are coming to get you.

Wrong as usual my little buddy...wrong as usual.

:lol: You got no power.
Did I say I did dumbass? Do you just type stupid shit to see yourself type it? I see why most people have you on are one dumb moron.
Did I say I did dumbass? Do you just type stupid shit to see yourself type it? I see why most people have you on are one dumb moron.

I don't put up with nonsense from such as you. Tough.

Yeah, boop, he is a silly guy.
LMAO you are the nonsense you clown. You are pathetic...truly and honestly.
LMAO you are the nonsense you clown. You are pathetic...truly and honestly.

That's your right to believe that, podjo.

But the judges, activist or otherwise, are going to rule and you will be the fool if you don't follow the rule.
LMAO you are the nonsense you clown. You are pathetic...truly and honestly.

Speaking of pathetic, how on earth did you wind up with no rep!? Not an easy feat, dude.
Quite easy actually. I speak my mind and the truth. People hate that. I am here as I am in real life. I am blunt and honest.I wonder if I have the most neg rep ever!?
LMAO you are the nonsense you clown. You are pathetic...truly and honestly.

That's your right to believe that, podjo.

But the judges, activist or otherwise, are going to rule and you will be the fool if you don't follow the rule.
Ohh now I am scared...I follow LEGIT laws not some law as ruled by an unelected judge that perverts the will of the people as they voted on it.
Actually it is. You don't need to admit it. I don't care what your opinion is.
LMAO you are the nonsense you clown. You are pathetic...truly and honestly.

Speaking of pathetic, how on earth did you wind up with no rep!? Not an easy feat, dude.
Quite easy actually. I speak my mind and the truth. People hate that. I am here as I am in real life. I am blunt and honest.I wonder if I have the most neg rep ever!?
LMAO you are the nonsense you clown. You are pathetic...truly and honestly.

That's your right to believe that, podjo.

But the judges, activist or otherwise, are going to rule and you will be the fool if you don't follow the rule.
Ohh now I am scared...I follow LEGIT laws not some law as ruled by an unelected judge that perverts the will of the people as they voted on it.

No reason to be scared, but you don't decide what you will follow and not follow with out consequences.

Tis what tis.
You may win the battles for the 50 states for now..the war will never end.

From your cited article:

But a recent shift in public attitudes on gay marriage – even here in the Bible Belt – suggests that a truce could be near.

A Washington Post poll this week showed support for gay marriage in the South at 50 percent for the first time, compared to 59 percent support nationally. Forty-two percent of Southerners say they’re opposed to gay marriage.

“While geographic splits on same-sex marriage approval do show the South lagging other regions, it’s no longer a minority view even here, and it isn’t hard to fathom which way it’s trending,” writes Bruce Barry in the Nashville Scene.

Gay couples are filing lawsuits at a rapid pace in states where voters approved anti-gay marriage amendments to their state constitutions – Indiana, for example, saw 11 couples joining a lawsuit filed on Friday alone. The suits are coming on the heels of last year’s Supreme Court ruling that affirmed the right of same-sex couples to get federal benefits. Since then, judges have struck down marriage bans in Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, Oklahoma, Utah, and Texas.

Goodness, there are an awful lot of ‘activist’ judges out there…
You may win the battles for the 50 states for now..the war will never end.

From your cited article:

But a recent shift in public attitudes on gay marriage – even here in the Bible Belt – suggests that a truce could be near.

A Washington Post poll this week showed support for gay marriage in the South at 50 percent for the first time, compared to 59 percent support nationally. Forty-two percent of Southerners say they’re opposed to gay marriage.

“While geographic splits on same-sex marriage approval do show the South lagging other regions, it’s no longer a minority view even here, and it isn’t hard to fathom which way it’s trending,” writes Bruce Barry in the Nashville Scene.

Gay couples are filing lawsuits at a rapid pace in states where voters approved anti-gay marriage amendments to their state constitutions – Indiana, for example, saw 11 couples joining a lawsuit filed on Friday alone. The suits are coming on the heels of last year’s Supreme Court ruling that affirmed the right of same-sex couples to get federal benefits. Since then, judges have struck down marriage bans in Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, Oklahoma, Utah, and Texas.

Goodness, there are an awful lot of ‘activist’ judges out there…
Unfortunately there is. The day of reckoning is coming soon enough. Let faggots "marry" don't mean we gotta accept it and we can make their lives hell in the south.

That's only testosterone.

The law is out there.

Follow or it not. Then abide the consequences.
Sounds good to me. I break laws every damn day. Just today lets see, I sped,ran a red light (although on accident),switched lanes at an intersection,tore the tag off my mattress! Man I am a regular ole outlaw! :lol:

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