Activist judge in Tn orders injunction against homosexual "marriage"

You may win the battles for the 50 states for now..the war will never end.

From your cited article:

Goodness, there are an awful lot of ‘activist’ judges out there…
Unfortunately there is. The day of reckoning is coming soon enough. Let faggots "marry" don't mean we gotta accept it and we can make their lives hell in the south.

That's only testosterone.

The law is out there.

Follow or it not. Then abide the consequences.
Sounds good to me. I break laws every damn day. Just today lets see, I sped,ran a red light (although on accident),switched lanes at an intersection,tore the tag off my mattress! Man I am a regular ole outlaw! :lol:

You are a real bad man and a poser. :lol:
Yeah real evil criminal. Seriously,I don't like a law or find it unconstitutional I don't follow it. :) Oh another one! Cut my exhaust off my vehicle including the catalytic converter...see I live in a state with inspections ;) that will piss the bastards off...
Judge calls Tenn. gay marriage ban historical 'footnote': Do Southerners now agree?

Time to step up the activism and if need be physical force to stop this filth. That's my front lines and I will NOT let my family be assaulted with this garbage. Anyone with a set of eyes and a brain that's not hooked on drugs can see the end of this line is the absolute use of propaganda and indoctrination of children for an entire generation to grow up as these faggots want.

LMAO you are the nonsense you clown. You are pathetic...truly and honestly.

Speaking of pathetic, how on earth did you wind up with no rep!? Not an easy feat, dude.
Quite easy actually. I speak my mind and the truth. People hate that. I am here as I am in real life. I am blunt and honest.I wonder if I have the most neg rep ever!?
LMAO you are the nonsense you clown. You are pathetic...truly and honestly.

That's your right to believe that, podjo.

But the judges, activist or otherwise, are going to rule and you will be the fool if you don't follow the rule.
Ohh now I am scared...I follow LEGIT laws not some law as ruled by an unelected judge that perverts the will of the people as they voted on it.

Ah personal Nullification. :lol: What fun! ARE totally free to not have a gay marriage or go to a gay marriage ceremony if you don't want to.
Or allow my kids near faggots to brainwash them. That's the ultimate goal.Fags can't change an entire generations ideas once they are adults but as kids they can mold and shape however they want especially when you have the backing of the government behind you.
Or allow my kids near faggots to brainwash them. That's the ultimate goal.Fags can't change an entire generations ideas once they are adults but as kids they can mold and shape however they want especially when you have the backing of the government behind you.

No. They can't. I'm sorry you're gay and can't come out, but you have some pretty sick ideas - it's probably best you remain closeted.
Can't what? Get near my kids you are correct there. No I am not a closet faggot. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for degenerates of society such as faggots. Try your goofy crap on someone else I have heard it all.
Or allow my kids near faggots to brainwash them. That's the ultimate goal.Fags can't change an entire generations ideas once they are adults but as kids they can mold and shape however they want especially when you have the backing of the government behind you.

Well, for the most part, an entire generation's ideas on segregation were changed in the 60s....except for the occasional throw-backs like you. :D
Can't what? Get near my kids you are correct there. No I am not a closet faggot. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for degenerates of society such as faggots. Try your goofy crap on someone else I have heard it all.

Okay, well when did you "choose" to be straight. And why are you so fearful your kids would "choose wrong."

You are operating from a place of fear, and your fears are completely irrational.
Or allow my kids near faggots to brainwash them. That's the ultimate goal.Fags can't change an entire generations ideas once they are adults but as kids they can mold and shape however they want especially when you have the backing of the government behind you.

Well, for the most part, an entire generation's ideas on segregation were changed in the 60s....except for the occasional throw-backs like you. :D
They were brainwashed to think integration is a good thing. Anyone with eyes and a working brain can see the country is worse off now than it was back then with regards to race and education and freedom in general.
Can't what? Get near my kids you are correct there. No I am not a closet faggot. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for degenerates of society such as faggots. Try your goofy crap on someone else I have heard it all.

Okay, well when did you "choose" to be straight. And why are you so fearful your kids would "choose wrong."

You are operating from a place of fear, and your fears are completely irrational.
All people are born straight people who are homosexual have a brain disorder and can and should be treated. They won't "choose" anything as they aren't homosexual but they are children and children's brains aren't fully formed until they are older which is why the goal of the communists was to infiltrate the education system and the media. Same goes for the homosexuals and their allies.
Can't what? Get near my kids you are correct there. No I am not a closet faggot. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for degenerates of society such as faggots. Try your goofy crap on someone else I have heard it all.

And this is why we have a Constitution, to protect gay citizens from this sort of ignorance and hate.
Yeah the constitution really stops people from being murdered and "discriminated" against doesn't it? Moron. The constitution is just a piece of old paper nothing more nothing less it becomes more and more irrelevant the more some "oppressed" minority takes some part of it and twists it to their interests and gets some idiotic judge to agree with them and there is no stopping it after that. We all know what's going to happen some just refuse to acknowledge it. Happened to Rome will happen here as well.
Or allow my kids near faggots to brainwash them. That's the ultimate goal.Fags can't change an entire generations ideas once they are adults but as kids they can mold and shape however they want especially when you have the backing of the government behind you.

Well, for the most part, an entire generation's ideas on segregation were changed in the 60s....except for the occasional throw-backs like you. :D
They were brainwashed to think integration is a good thing. Anyone with eyes and a working brain can see the country is worse off now than it was back then with regards to race and education and freedom in general.

All people are born straight people who are homosexual have a brain disorder and can and should be treated. They won't "choose" anything as they aren't homosexual but they are children and children's brains aren't fully formed until they are older which is why the goal of the communists was to infiltrate the education system and the media. Same goes for the homosexuals and their allies.
Can't what? Get near my kids you are correct there. No I am not a closet faggot. I have nothing but contempt and hatred for degenerates of society such as faggots. Try your goofy crap on someone else I have heard it all.

And this is why we have a Constitution, to protect gay citizens from this sort of ignorance and hate.
Yeah the constitution really stops people from being murdered and "discriminated" against doesn't it? Moron. The constitution is just a piece of old paper nothing more nothing less it becomes more and more irrelevant the more some "oppressed" minority takes some part of it and twists it to their interests and gets some idiotic judge to agree with them and there is no stopping it after that. We all know what's going to happen some just refuse to acknowledge it. Happened to Rome will happen here as well.

No. You are willfully ignorant, and attempting to spread hate to those as ignorant as yourself.
Or allow my kids near faggots to brainwash them. That's the ultimate goal.Fags can't change an entire generations ideas once they are adults but as kids they can mold and shape however they want especially when you have the backing of the government behind you.

You are protected to inculcate belief systems in your children through the constitutional guarantee of private association.

However, you lose that protection in the public sector.
Well, for the most part, an entire generation's ideas on segregation were changed in the 60s....except for the occasional throw-backs like you. :D
They were brainwashed to think integration is a good thing. Anyone with eyes and a working brain can see the country is worse off now than it was back then with regards to race and education and freedom in general.

All people are born straight people who are homosexual have a brain disorder and can and should be treated. They won't "choose" anything as they aren't homosexual but they are children and children's brains aren't fully formed until they are older which is why the goal of the communists was to infiltrate the education system and the media. Same goes for the homosexuals and their allies.
And this is why we have a Constitution, to protect gay citizens from this sort of ignorance and hate.
Yeah the constitution really stops people from being murdered and "discriminated" against doesn't it? Moron. The constitution is just a piece of old paper nothing more nothing less it becomes more and more irrelevant the more some "oppressed" minority takes some part of it and twists it to their interests and gets some idiotic judge to agree with them and there is no stopping it after that. We all know what's going to happen some just refuse to acknowledge it. Happened to Rome will happen here as well.

No. You are willfully ignorant, and attempting to spread hate to those as ignorant as yourself.
Not ignorant at all. I study and research EVERYTHING especially shit pushed by the government and the media such as homosexuality BS...I am very educated as are those I associate with. Keep trying to stereotype its funny.
Or allow my kids near faggots to brainwash them. That's the ultimate goal.Fags can't change an entire generations ideas once they are adults but as kids they can mold and shape however they want especially when you have the backing of the government behind you.

You are protected to inculcate belief systems in your children through the constitutional guarantee of private association.

However, you lose that protection in the public sector.

I never lose the right to educate my children. I stay very very involved in EVERY aspect of their lives as a parent should.
Oh hey, it's another "I'm deeply insecure about my (imaginary) masculinity" thread by ONION. He and TrannySteve should get together and have a few drinks and do what comes naturally. :smiliehug:
Naw. Not buying any of it.
Don't care what you buy. No one asked ya. :)
Oh hey, it's another "I'm deeply insecure about my (imaginary) masculinity" thread by ONION. He and TrannySteve should get together and have a few drinks and do what comes naturally. :smiliehug:

Oh hey its another butt fucking liberal who has nothing better to do but troll a thread! :lol:
Naw. Not buying any of it.
Don't care what you buy. No one asked ya. :)
Oh hey, it's another "I'm deeply insecure about my (imaginary) masculinity" thread by ONION. He and TrannySteve should get together and have a few drinks and do what comes naturally. :smiliehug:

Oh hey its another butt fucking liberal who has nothing better to do but troll a thread! :lol:

What he said seems to have hit a mark. :D
Not hardly...just another run of the mill troll who has nothing to add to a thread and just wants to troll...dime a dozen especially here.

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