Actor Alec Baldwin shoots and kills Director on set of movie

If you listen to the facts of this video it is so obvious Baldwin murdered that lady on purpose. Most people only have scracthed the surface of baldwin knowing that he is an arrogant jerk and thinking it stops at that but that is far from the case,it goes much deeper than that.He is evil,most of hollyood actors are involved in child pedophile and take AdrenochromeBaldwin is no exception.the majority of every well known major movie star is in on it. I am not saying just because of that he killed her on purprose but the facts in this video prove he did.

I believe this industry sure as fuck needs gun control
I hope you are just talking about hollywood and not the government. The people in Austraila found out just how stupid they were giving up their guns.America knew better that of they did that whats happening in nazi Austraila would happen to them here is well is the only reason the elite are not succeeding in America like they are in Austraila and Israle as well.same thing

The mistake was Baldwin's. Any time you intentionally point a gun you haven't checked at an innocent person and pull the trigger, you're at fault for whatever happens.
I hate that bastard. But for this instance I feel sorry for him as a human being. What he will have to live through his whole life knowing he took a life and seriously injured one life because of dumbfuckery
I hope you are just talking about hollywood and not the government. The people in Austraila found out just how stupid they were giving up their guns.America knew better that of they did that whats happening in nazi Austraila would happen to them here is well is the only reason the elite are not succeeding in America like they are in Austraila and Israle as well.same thing
It was a knock on Hollywood and their anti gun horse shit.............They need to really look deep within their evil souls
I hate that bastard. But for this instance I feel sorry for him as a human being. What he will have to live through his whole life knowing he took a life and seriously injured one life because of dumbfuckery

He's spent his entire life not having to be responsible for his words and actions. This time will be different.
I hate that bastard. But for this instance I feel sorry for him as a human being. What he will have to live through his whole life knowing he took a life and seriously injured one life because of dumbfuckery
Dude if you think he accidently did that,your clueless.
IMO, the scene called for the gun to be pointed directly at the camera, which is where the two victims would have been standing.
View attachment 555145

Sorry to disagree, but the DP and director do not stand behind the camera. Only the camera operator does that, and sometimes the sound man if the scene is blocked as a POV. DPs and directors usually stand off to the side, and the director is often looking at a monitor somewhere else on the set.
Don’t jump on Baldwin’s tragedy just because you don’t like him. I don’t know the facts and neither do you. The most likely scenario makes Baldwin a victim of a tragic accident that wasn’t his fault. Maybe something else is the case, but it isn’t likely with available info.
Don’t jump on Baldwin’s tragedy just because you don’t like him. I don’t know the facts and neither do you. The most likely scenario makes Baldwin a victim of a tragic accident that wasn’t his fault. Maybe something else is the case, but it isn’t likely with available info.

How is intentionally pointing a gun you haven't checked at an innocent person and pulling the trigger make it "not your fault"?
What we know for sure is that Baldwin picked up a gun he hadn't checked, pointed it at an innocent person, and pulled the trigger. We also know he has a long, long history of violent words and actions.
This will probably be as simple - and tragic - as some anti-gun person playing with it and forgetting to empty it before putting it back in a property lock-up. The only way blanks can be fatal is if the muzzle is placed directly against the skull. Jon Erik Hexxum died that way. It blew a chunk of bone into his brain.
They wouldn't even let Randolph Scott or Audie Murphy use real ammo on movies sets, so whose great idea was it to let drunks and dopers have access to firearms with dangerous loads on that set??? This might actually be the Director's own fault, regardless of the results of Baldwin's drug and booze test, if they even bothered to take one, which I doubt they did.
Since the death of Brandon Lee, the rules were strengthened to keep any chance of live loads even being allowed on the set. SOMEONE loaded that gun at some point and then forgot to clear it again. It looked like the location was out in the boonies and it's possible someone wanted to burn a few real rounds through it. IMO, it's most likely just a stupid, tragic mistake. I feckin' LOATHE Adam Baldwin but I can't cheer for his pain and trouble in this situation. Unless he's a sociopath, this will burden him for the rest of his life.

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