Killer Alec Baldwin trying to get lawsuit against him dismissed by attacking his victim's family

Lol right like we are supposed to believe you care about her well-being.
I care that a minor child shouldn't be exposed to the verbal abuse of a shit head father. But you can support and praise him for it.
You guys need to ask yourselves why you are even bringing up pedophilia so often. Like your fixation on it cannot be healthy and seems suspicious.
Because your party is sexualizing 8 year olds and all of them need to be executed.
Go ahead, I'll take that answer as a yes. An 8 year old shouldn't have non parent adults talking about sex to 8 year olds. You're a sick person.
Lol i ask you what you’re even talking about and you say my answer is yes?
I think I read somewhere that the D.A. already made a deal with Baldwin for "community service". Maybe he thinks he should get a medal.
Parents are being investigated by the doj for questioning the school board over it. You're a sick person for supporting this on minors.
If kids are simply being taught gay or trans people simply exist because, well they do, then it really doesn’t affect them in any negative way you idiot lol
Starting at 8 years old?
Being told they exist? Um yeah. They’ll be fine. It probably isn’t necessary at that age, but it really doesn’t matter. You can’t whine about them learning about certain people existing lol. It’s so dumb.
I love this Forum - really I do.

No matter the headline of a respective thread - it only serves the purpose to make rednecks, MAGA's, conservatives, liberals, democrats, greens and religious dudes to go at each others throats.
Within 2 -3 posts regarding he actual topic headline - Baldwin wiggling his way out, due being able to afford great lawyers - it turns into pedophile, gender, LGBTQ, and whatever other political-topic confrontation.
Lol it’s amazing how desperate you people are with bringing this up. It doesn’t matter how irrelevant or random it is when you do it. It’s the one thing you feel intellectually superior to liberals about so you milk it BEYOND dry.
knowing the difference between a man and a woman actually does make us intellectually superior to gender confused leftwing morons .

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