Actor Daniel Day Kim takes Hydroxychloroquine !

I heard on the news it's not as useful as they thought, so far....

It has reduced the virus in the nostril membrane but not shown improvement in the patients going through trials, as of yet.

Fingers crossed that it works, at least on some people....which only trials can give us those answers.... who does the drug help....? Old people only? Young people only? Asthma patients only? Everyone? Half of everyone?
It doesn’t work? Awesome! Now we can remove trump! Die, people, die!

Exactly, you fuckwit. But no one is wishing anyone to die from the Covid-19 outbreak however. Educating citizens is how we beat this, and subsequently how the orange dufus ends his political career.
I heard on the news it's not as useful as they thought, so far....

It has reduced the virus in the nostril membrane but not shown improvement in the patients going through trials, as of yet.

Fingers crossed that it works, at least on some people....which only trials can give us those answers.... who does the drug help....? Old people only? Young people only? Asthma patients only? Everyone? Half of everyone?
It doesn’t work? Awesome! Now we can remove trump! Die, people, die!

Exactly, you fuckwit. But no one is wishing anyone to die from the Covid-19 outbreak however. Educating citizens is how we beat this, and subsequently how the orange dufus ends his political career.
You mean indoctrinating citizens is how you use this to remove trump.
The green new deal is exactly what we’ve had the past week — sans the virus.
There's no evidence that anything the OP claimed, ever happened at all. Including the breathing thing.

For the LIFE o' me I can't figure out why anybody swallows an OP that has no evidence for itself. That should raise immediate alarms.

That's not what I've heard. The hydroxychloroquine is being used in hospitals to help the patients who have trouble breathing. It's still on trial for use as prescription medicine.

That is what I heard but they need to be careful because it is a drug if taken in the wrong dosage could be lethal.

This just in: Updated: Trump Says FDA Approved Anti-Malaria Drug Chloroquine To Test As Coronavirus Treatment
Crucial quote: “What’s also important is not to provide false hope,” said Hahn, who spoke after Trump, adding, “We may have the right drug, but it might not be in the appropriate dosage form right now, and it might do more harm than good.”
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I heard on the news it's not as useful as they thought, so far....

It has reduced the virus in the nostril membrane but not shown improvement in the patients going through trials, as of yet.

Fingers crossed that it works, at least on some people....which only trials can give us those answers.... who does the drug help....? Old people only? Young people only? Asthma patients only? Everyone? Half of everyone?
It doesn’t work? Awesome! Now we can remove trump! Die, people, die!

Exactly, you fuckwit. But no one is wishing anyone to die from the Covid-19 outbreak however. Educating citizens is how we beat this, and subsequently how the orange dufus ends his political career.
You mean indoctrinating citizens is how you use this to remove trump.
The green new deal is exactly what we’ve had the past week — sans the virus.

You just need to have some common sense beaten into you. That would entertaining during the quarantine. I just started watching some Tiger King and am riled up. That is some crazy sheet.
You know, while this drug MIGHT show promise, as it appears that it has helped this dude, but people need to be careful before going out and getting this drug and taking it. Many drugs affect people in different ways, which is one of the reasons why you hear so many disclaimers on the drug commercials on television. They know that people could possibly be allergic to the drug or have bad reactions to it.

My opinion would be to leave it up to the patient if they come down with the virus and require treatment. They could ask the doctor if they could use it under the compassionate care program, and then get tested to make sure the drug won't kill them.

Yes, it appears to have worked for this person, but don't start calling it a cure just yet.
you cant get it without a doctors prescription ......

Really? Are you sure about that? Because there are stories out there where people have gotten the drug, and self medicated, then died.

and there are people who acquire opioids pain pills without a prescription and overdosed ! what we are talking about are prescriptions administered by a physician ! not somebody popping pills they acquired without medical supervision .
I thought what Trump said was the FDA has approved the drugs for use in treatment of coronavirus. The FDA came out and said this was too optimistic. Moreover, Trump has been way too early on these drugs and a vaccine that are just starting testing Dr. Fauci has also tried to reign in the too early optimism and hype.

Since then, I've read that doctors and dentists are writing prescriptions for themselves and their family. It's another form of hoarding. There could be a shortage already. The hydroxychloroquine could be effective if it blocks what the coronavirus tries to do to your body. Is it a cure? I dunno. It's too early for this, too. Really, Trump needs to STFU as practically everything he has said is too early and too optimistic. That said, I'm not 100% sure because all of the criticism is coming from the liberal media and you know this is an election year. I'd go with Dr. Fauci since he's the doctor in the Trump Admin.

The OP needs to STFU too, he's out here peddling this snake oil of purported cure-all with no link whatsoever.

This thread should be shut down as lethally irresponsible.
fuck you shit head ! you just affirmed what i've been saying all along ! you are a communist totalitarian who believes in silencing those you disagree with ! dont ever ever claim you are an independent ! you are a leftist to the filthy core ....scumbag !Coronavirus: Lost's Daniel Dae Kim says malaria drug was 'crucial' to his recovery
I heard on the news it's not as useful as they thought, so far....

It has reduced the virus in the nostril membrane but not shown improvement in the patients going through trials, as of yet.

Fingers crossed that it works, at least on some people....which only trials can give us those answers.... who does the drug help....? Old people only? Young people only? Asthma patients only? Everyone? Half of everyone?
It doesn’t work? Awesome! Now we can remove trump! Die, people, die!

Exactly, you fuckwit. But no one is wishing anyone to die from the Covid-19 outbreak however. Educating citizens is how we beat this, and subsequently how the orange dufus ends his political career.
You mean indoctrinating citizens is how you use this to remove trump.
The green new deal is exactly what we’ve had the past week — sans the virus.

Oh, I see. You're a winger moron.
You know, while this drug MIGHT show promise, as it appears that it has helped this dude, but people need to be careful before going out and getting this drug and taking it. Many drugs affect people in different ways, which is one of the reasons why you hear so many disclaimers on the drug commercials on television. They know that people could possibly be allergic to the drug or have bad reactions to it.

My opinion would be to leave it up to the patient if they come down with the virus and require treatment. They could ask the doctor if they could use it under the compassionate care program, and then get tested to make sure the drug won't kill them.

Yes, it appears to have worked for this person, but don't start calling it a cure just yet.
you cant get it without a doctors prescription ......

Really? Are you sure about that? Because there are stories out there where people have gotten the drug, and self medicated, then died.

and there are people who acquire opioids pain pills without a prescription and overdosed ! what we are talking about are prescriptions administered by a physician ! not somebody popping pills they acquired without medical supervision .
I thought what Trump said was the FDA has approved the drugs for use in treatment of coronavirus. The FDA came out and said this was too optimistic. Moreover, Trump has been way too early on these drugs and a vaccine that are just starting testing Dr. Fauci has also tried to reign in the too early optimism and hype.

Since then, I've read that doctors and dentists are writing prescriptions for themselves and their family. It's another form of hoarding. There could be a shortage already. The hydroxychloroquine could be effective if it blocks what the coronavirus tries to do to your body. Is it a cure? I dunno. It's too early for this, too. Really, Trump needs to STFU as practically everything he has said is too early and too optimistic. That said, I'm not 100% sure because all of the criticism is coming from the liberal media and you know this is an election year. I'd go with Dr. Fauci since he's the doctor in the Trump Admin.

The OP needs to STFU too, he's out here peddling this snake oil of purported cure-all with no link whatsoever.

This thread should be shut down as lethally irresponsible.
fuck you shit head ! you just affirmed what i've been saying all along ! you are a communist totalitarian who believes in silencing those you disagree with ! dont ever ever claim you are an independent ! you are a leftist to the filthy core ....scumbag !Coronavirus: Lost's Daniel Dae Kim says malaria drug was 'crucial' to his recovery

FORTY FIVE POSTS LATER you finally come up with a link for some obscure actor whose name you couldn't even spell, yet tried to pass off as Argument from Authority for a quack fake cure that has already killed people?

No ---- fuck YOU.
You know, while this drug MIGHT show promise, as it appears that it has helped this dude, but people need to be careful before going out and getting this drug and taking it. Many drugs affect people in different ways, which is one of the reasons why you hear so many disclaimers on the drug commercials on television. They know that people could possibly be allergic to the drug or have bad reactions to it.

My opinion would be to leave it up to the patient if they come down with the virus and require treatment. They could ask the doctor if they could use it under the compassionate care program, and then get tested to make sure the drug won't kill them.

Yes, it appears to have worked for this person, but don't start calling it a cure just yet.
you cant get it without a doctors prescription ......

Really? Are you sure about that? Because there are stories out there where people have gotten the drug, and self medicated, then died.

and there are people who acquire opioids pain pills without a prescription and overdosed ! what we are talking about are prescriptions administered by a physician ! not somebody popping pills they acquired without medical supervision .
I thought what Trump said was the FDA has approved the drugs for use in treatment of coronavirus. The FDA came out and said this was too optimistic. Moreover, Trump has been way too early on these drugs and a vaccine that are just starting testing Dr. Fauci has also tried to reign in the too early optimism and hype.

Since then, I've read that doctors and dentists are writing prescriptions for themselves and their family. It's another form of hoarding. There could be a shortage already. The hydroxychloroquine could be effective if it blocks what the coronavirus tries to do to your body. Is it a cure? I dunno. It's too early for this, too. Really, Trump needs to STFU as practically everything he has said is too early and too optimistic. That said, I'm not 100% sure because all of the criticism is coming from the liberal media and you know this is an election year. I'd go with Dr. Fauci since he's the doctor in the Trump Admin.

The OP needs to STFU too, he's out here peddling this snake oil of purported cure-all with no link whatsoever.

This thread should be shut down as lethally irresponsible.
fuck you shit head ! you just affirmed what i've been saying all along ! you are a communist totalitarian who believes in silencing those you disagree with ! dont ever ever claim you are an independent ! you are a leftist to the filthy core ....scumbag !Coronavirus: Lost's Daniel Dae Kim says malaria drug was 'crucial' to his recovery

FORTY FIVE POSTS LATER you finally come up with a link for some obscure actor whose name you couldn't even spell, yet tried to pass off as Argument from Authority for a quack fake cure that has already killed people?

No ---- fuck YOU.
Fuck you you fat communist piece of dog shit ! I've posted that story with a different link on another thread i started before this one ! if you want to prove me wrong do the work yourself fat man !
I heard on the news it's not as useful as they thought, so far....

It has reduced the virus in the nostril membrane but not shown improvement in the patients going through trials, as of yet.

Fingers crossed that it works, at least on some people....which only trials can give us those answers.... who does the drug help....? Old people only? Young people only? Asthma patients only? Everyone? Half of everyone?
It doesn’t work? Awesome! Now we can remove trump! Die, people, die!

Exactly, you fuckwit. But no one is wishing anyone to die from the Covid-19 outbreak however. Educating citizens is how we beat this, and subsequently how the orange dufus ends his political career.
You mean indoctrinating citizens is how you use this to remove trump.
The green new deal is exactly what we’ve had the past week — sans the virus.

You just need to have some common sense beaten into you. That would entertaining during the quarantine. I just started watching some Tiger King and am riled up. That is some crazy sheet.
600 Wuhan deaths in US, almost exclusively elderly and afflicted; 30,000 flu deaths, way less selective.
I heard on the news it's not as useful as they thought, so far....

It has reduced the virus in the nostril membrane but not shown improvement in the patients going through trials, as of yet.

Fingers crossed that it works, at least on some people....which only trials can give us those answers.... who does the drug help....? Old people only? Young people only? Asthma patients only? Everyone? Half of everyone?
It doesn’t work? Awesome! Now we can remove trump! Die, people, die!

Exactly, you fuckwit. But no one is wishing anyone to die from the Covid-19 outbreak however. Educating citizens is how we beat this, and subsequently how the orange dufus ends his political career.
You mean indoctrinating citizens is how you use this to remove trump.
The green new deal is exactly what we’ve had the past week — sans the virus.

Oh, I see. You're a winger moron.
But you can’t rebut.
At a Fox News "virtual townhall" Tuesday in the Rose Garden, Vice President Mike Pence was asked by Dr. Mehmet Oz, the popular TV doctor, how the distribution of the hydroxychloroquine treatment can be accelerated.

Pence said "there is no barrier," explaining the FDA already has approved "off-label" use, meaning the drug used to treat malaria also can be prescribed to treat COVID-19.

The vice president said the administration is working with Bayer on increasing the supply of the drug at the same time clinical trials are being conducted.

"Doctors can prescribe that medication, which, as you know, is a perfectly legal malaria medication," Pence said

I saw a segment on Inside Edition this evening where a woman who actually NEEDS this medicine went to her doctor and asked for a 90 day prescription supply, as she was scared she wouldn't be able to get her REQUIRED medicine.

Sadly enough, she was right. When she went to the pharmacy the next day, they had already sold out of it, and there wasn't any expected soon.
There's no evidence that anything the OP claimed, ever happened at all. Including the breathing thing.

For the LIFE o' me I can't figure out why anybody swallows an OP that has no evidence for itself. That should raise immediate alarms.
No evidence of hydroxychloroquine being helpful to cure Covid-19 ? Maybe you speak too soon, and too loud.

You know, while this drug MIGHT show promise, as it appears that it has helped this dude, but people need to be careful before going out and getting this drug and taking it. Many drugs affect people in different ways, which is one of the reasons why you hear so many disclaimers on the drug commercials on television. They know that people could possibly be allergic to the drug or have bad reactions to it.

My opinion would be to leave it up to the patient if they come down with the virus and require treatment. They could ask the doctor if they could use it under the compassionate care program, and then get tested to make sure the drug won't kill them.

Yes, it appears to have worked for this person, but don't start calling it a cure just yet.
MANY people have been helped by this drug. The entire crew from The Fighter and the Kid podcast swears by it after they were treated with the drug.

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