Actor James Woods: 'Hate Crime Massacre of Christians Finally Silences Obama'

You know, yesterday afternoon, shortly after Obama addressed the nation and commented on the Oregon shootings, there were 3 or 4 threads posted on here bitching about Obama politicizing the shootings.

And............on MSNBC, it's pretty much been wall to wall coverage since the shootings happened.

So. Who are you going to believe, James Woods or the actual news?

But that's the same tactic we've seen since 1999 to avoid talking about the problem. You folks need to come and sit down and work this out.
The guy was a registered Conservative Republican, I think this is your problem.
A poster here ALREADY posted his voter ID. He registered Libertarian. That would be a SANDERS supporter. You know, that old geezer running for president in the DEMOCRAT party.

You just can't seem to help lying can you?

Not lying here he is in his own words, click the link Chris Harper Mercer Online Dating Profile: Gunman Sought Romance
Like people always tell the truth on dating websites...

Go ahead and set up a date with the next one that says she's a "looker", and then come back and tell us how she weighed around 400 pounds, so you had plenty to look at!!!

Why don't you try to debunk with some facts. I've shown you his own written words, now show me where he retracted that statement.

What he put on a dating site trying to get some pu$$y???

Damn, that's funny!!!
nuhuh YOU NEED to start putting the mentally ill in hospitals.
YOU NEED to start putting criminals in jail.
YOU NEED to start deporting ILLEGALS.
YOU NEED to stop accepting SAVAGES from other countries.

The rest of us will be just fine once you get off YOUR DUMB ASS!
LOL, you do realize James Woods is only an actor.

So is Pee Wee Herman for God's sake.

You could have broken your neck, Tyrone
It was over Emerald Pond
By the way, Obama gave another speech this afternoon and mentioned the shooting there as well.

James Woods (and the OP) are idiots.
What's he talking about ? Obama spoke out about it already .

The charleston shooter killed Christians IN A CHURCH, and the right wingers were silent because they worship guns more than God .
Damn are you going to be a TOTAL failure here. Put your clown suit on and shut the hell up.

Really? I'm tearing it up! Every time I bring up a point I'm met with insults cause that's all Ya got .
You know, yesterday afternoon, shortly after Obama addressed the nation and commented on the Oregon shootings, there were 3 or 4 threads posted on here bitching about Obama politicizing the shootings.

And............on MSNBC, it's pretty much been wall to wall coverage since the shootings happened.

So. Who are you going to believe, James Woods or the actual news?

But that's the same tactic we've seen since 1999 to avoid talking about the problem. You folks need to come and sit down and work this out.
I think most gun owners on this forum are irked by what you just said.
BAM!!!!!! Not one care that he was targesting Christians.
there you have it

Mark Judge | October 2, 2015 | 3:35 PM EDT
Actor James Woods, who often takes to Twitter to express political views, has been using the forum to comment on the yesterday's murders at Umpqua Community College in Oregon.

26 year-old gunman Chris Harper Mercer opened fire on the campus on Thursday, killing nine people and wounding seven. Mercer reportedly singled out Christians for death by asking the religion of potential victims before firing on them. Mercer was then shot and killed by law enforcement.

In a series of tweets on October 2, Woods argued that because the victims were Christian, both President Obama and the media would lose interest in the story.

"NY Times writes a front page story about a hate massacre targeting Christians without using the word 'Christians,'" Woods tweeted, linking to story in the New York Times. Then: "If it is determined that the Oregon shooter targeted Christians specifically, that's the last we will hear of it on MSM [mainstream media]."

Woods then tweeted about President Obama's potential reaction to the crime: "Now that it is recognized that the terrible Oregon tragedy was an assault on Christians, will the President still sing Amazing Grace there?" Finally Woods tweeted a picture of the president with the comment: "Hate crime massacre of Christians finally silences Obama. #LiberalLaryngitis."


ALL of it here:]
Actor James Woods: 'Hate Crime Massacre of Christians Finally Silences Obama'

Dingbat, did they mention he's a conservative?
You know, yesterday afternoon, shortly after Obama addressed the nation and commented on the Oregon shootings, there were 3 or 4 threads posted on here bitching about Obama politicizing the shootings.

And............on MSNBC, it's pretty much been wall to wall coverage since the shootings happened.

So. Who are you going to believe, James Woods or the actual news?

But that's the same tactic we've seen since 1999 to avoid talking about the problem. You folks need to come and sit down and work this out.
I think most gun owners on this forum are irked by what you just said.

They probably are and it will continue to be a problem until it gets addressed.
The guy was a registered Conservative Republican, I think this is your problem.
" Your problem " You're a clown. And you are exactly what is wrong with liberals today. Passing blame and killing off political enemies is all that gets you up in the morning. Mr Obama's entire presidency has been centered around trying to destroy the GOP. That is why he is a failure. And so are you.
Look! I'm sorry the guy was a Republican, Mr Obama has not spent any time trying to destroy the GOP, they are doing that very well all by themselves. I've voted Republican and I admire real Republicans, there is nothing better than a truly fiscally responsible Republican. But I will be quick to admit I have little respect, compassion or time for the Tea Party types that don't know how to run anything without being a bully and a short sighted one at that.

In addition to head cheerleader, Bush also played baseball and rugby.

Athlete vs. pothead.

Athlete wins, as shown in my previous post. George lifts a real bike, obama struggles riding a fake one.

Try again.

What a useless post, everyone knows that George had substance abuse problems and was far from a perfect leader.

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