Actor James Woods: 'Hate Crime Massacre of Christians Finally Silences Obama'

In addition to head cheerleader, Bush also played baseball and rugby.

Athlete vs. pothead.

Athlete wins, as shown in my previous post. George lifts a real bike, obama struggles riding a fake one.

Try again.


^^^ At least Obama didn't drive while drunk. Maybe W. had too much again by the looks of him tumbling off that Segway.



March 2002 - 6 months after 9/11:

"...In the meantime, here's the full text of the question and answer from the Oct. 7, 2008, debate in Nashville, Tenn., which was moderated by Tom Brokaw:

...Next question for Senator Obama. It comes from the F Section, and it's from Katie Hamm. Katie?

Q: Should the United States respect Pakistani sovereignty and not pursue al-Qaida terrorists who maintain bases there, or should we ignore their borders and pursue our enemies, like we did in Cambodia during the Vietnam War?

SEN. OBAMA: Well, Katie, it's a terrific question.

And we have a difficult situation in Pakistan. I believe that part of the reason we have a difficult situation is because we made a bad judgment going into Iraq in the first place when we hadn't finished the job of hunting down bin Laden and crushing al-Qaida.

So what happened was we got distracted, we diverted resources, and ultimately bin Laden escaped, set up base camps in the mountains of Pakistan in the northwest provinces there....

So part of the reason I think it's so important for us to end the war in Iraq is to be able to get more troops into Afghanistan, put more pressure on the Afghan government to do what it needs to do, eliminate some of the drug trafficking that's funding terrorism.

But I do believe that we have to change our policies with Pakistan. We can't coddle, as we did, a dictator, give him billions of dollars, and then he's making peace treaties with the Taliban and militants. What I have said is we're going encourage democracy in Pakistan, expand our non-military aid to Pakistan so that they have more of a stake in working with us, but insisting that they go after these militants.

And if we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out.

We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al-Qaida. That has to be our biggest national security priority."
In 2008, Obama vowed to kill Osama bin Laden

May 2011 - 10 years after 9/11:

Lifting weights like a wuss, he's doing it right!


Michelle has him beat hands down, 100% more of an athlete than wimpy barry. Shit, she's pressing 35 lbs to his 5 lbs. :lol:

think about it folks. he jumped out there spewed about our gun laws and said nothing about the "skin color". I guess they couldn't be his sons or something. or like the CLOCK boy because he is A muslim. Obama is so Transparent how he hates certain of us in this country. It should make us all SICK
So how does that make your opinion superior to his?

You do realize Barack Obama is only a phony and a coward --- not a president, orator, politician or leader?

I agree.

Politicians are the least intelligent and the condition of this country proves that. Funny how liberals think actors like Whoopi Goldberg or Sean Penn have valid opinions, but when an actor has conservative views, they dismiss them because they are just actors. It's a popular tactic with libs and they often bash anyone who disagrees with them.

LOL! I take NO word of an actor as any more valid than another.

Why would YOU?

<pssst> Whoopi Goldberg defended Bill Cosby & Sean Penn likes to hit women.

Angelina Jolie is just an actress, but people take her seriously because they agree with her.

It's about agreeing or disagreeing with someone's opinion. What matters is the intelligence of a person, not their career field.

Politicians, like Nancy Pelosi, are often dumb as dirt. I still wonder what kind of idiots elected Sheila Jackson Lee.

Intelligence is refreshing no matter who it comes from.

It's okay to agree with a person even though they are an actor and perfectly okay to disagree even though they are a leader.
Pelosi got way more done than Boehner. Your next "Speaker" can't put a sentence together and gave away the Right's motive for Benghazi as if it were a secret to anyone.
BAM!!!!!! Not one care that he was targesting Christians.
there you have it

Mark Judge | October 2, 2015 | 3:35 PM EDT
Actor James Woods, who often takes to Twitter to express political views, has been using the forum to comment on the yesterday's murders at Umpqua Community College in Oregon.

26 year-old gunman Chris Harper Mercer opened fire on the campus on Thursday, killing nine people and wounding seven. Mercer reportedly singled out Christians for death by asking the religion of potential victims before firing on them. Mercer was then shot and killed by law enforcement.

In a series of tweets on October 2, Woods argued that because the victims were Christian, both President Obama and the media would lose interest in the story.

"NY Times writes a front page story about a hate massacre targeting Christians without using the word 'Christians,'" Woods tweeted, linking to story in the New York Times. Then: "If it is determined that the Oregon shooter targeted Christians specifically, that's the last we will hear of it on MSM [mainstream media]."

Woods then tweeted about President Obama's potential reaction to the crime: "Now that it is recognized that the terrible Oregon tragedy was an assault on Christians, will the President still sing Amazing Grace there?" Finally Woods tweeted a picture of the president with the comment: "Hate crime massacre of Christians finally silences Obama. #LiberalLaryngitis."


ALL of it here:]
Actor James Woods: 'Hate Crime Massacre of Christians Finally Silences Obama'

that's nice.... rightwingnut wackos are funny.

btw, interestingly, the killer said that he was sending them to meet G-d. I figure he was a wacko who thought he was doing them a favor.

but maybe if it turns out he targeted christians, the so-called christian gun-nuts will finally shut up.
think about it folks. he jumped out there spewed about our gun laws and said nothing about the "skin color". I guess they couldn't be his sons or something. or like the CLOCK boy because he is A muslim. Obama is so Transparent how he hates certain of us in this country. It should make us all SICK

tissue, stefoie baby?
So how does that make your opinion superior to his?

You do realize Barack Obama is only a phony and a coward --- not a president, orator, politician or leader?

I agree.

Politicians are the least intelligent and the condition of this country proves that. Funny how liberals think actors like Whoopi Goldberg or Sean Penn have valid opinions, but when an actor has conservative views, they dismiss them because they are just actors. It's a popular tactic with libs and they often bash anyone who disagrees with them.

LOL! I take NO word of an actor as any more valid than another.

Why would YOU?

<pssst> Whoopi Goldberg defended Bill Cosby & Sean Penn likes to hit women.

Angelina Jolie is just an actress, but people take her seriously because they agree with her.

It's about agreeing or disagreeing with someone's opinion. What matters is the intelligence of a person, not their career field.

Politicians, like Nancy Pelosi, are often dumb as dirt. I still wonder what kind of idiots elected Sheila Jackson Lee.

Intelligence is refreshing no matter who it comes from.

It's okay to agree with a person even though they are an actor and perfectly okay to disagree even though they are a leader.
Pelosi got way more done than Boehner. Your next "Speaker" can't put a sentence together and gave away the Right's motive for Benghazi as if it were a secret to anyone.

what exactly did SHE GET DONE that HELP us ALL as a people and country? the speaker is a POSTION not some G-D. That's the problem with you dems. you see politicians as SAINTS THEY CAN never do anything wrong. the people hates Obama and Pelosi after they lied their asses of in order to stick us with OscamCare or they wouldn't have voted out his party in control of congress after only SIX YEARS of him being in office. please do something with you nasty party of jerks
Last edited:
Going through the guy's tweets, it's clear he's nutz.

What is it about Republicans and lying. I thought they were like all Godly and shit.
the lefties don't have a problem with actors, comedians, lowlife drug addicts (Marion Barry ring a bell? ) serial adulterers, Billyboy Clinton anyone?

the only have a problem with ones who are Republican/conservative who show a care for OUR COUNTRY

they voted this thing in our Congress. seriously
In addition to head cheerleader, Bush also played baseball and rugby.

Athlete vs. pothead.

Athlete wins, as shown in my previous post. George lifts a real bike, obama struggles riding a fake one.

Try again.


^^^ At least Obama didn't drive while drunk. Maybe W. had too much again by the looks of him tumbling off that Segway.



March 2002 - 6 months after 9/11:

"...In the meantime, here's the full text of the question and answer from the Oct. 7, 2008, debate in Nashville, Tenn., which was moderated by Tom Brokaw:

...Next question for Senator Obama. It comes from the F Section, and it's from Katie Hamm. Katie?

Q: Should the United States respect Pakistani sovereignty and not pursue al-Qaida terrorists who maintain bases there, or should we ignore their borders and pursue our enemies, like we did in Cambodia during the Vietnam War?

SEN. OBAMA: Well, Katie, it's a terrific question.

And we have a difficult situation in Pakistan. I believe that part of the reason we have a difficult situation is because we made a bad judgment going into Iraq in the first place when we hadn't finished the job of hunting down bin Laden and crushing al-Qaida.

So what happened was we got distracted, we diverted resources, and ultimately bin Laden escaped, set up base camps in the mountains of Pakistan in the northwest provinces there....

So part of the reason I think it's so important for us to end the war in Iraq is to be able to get more troops into Afghanistan, put more pressure on the Afghan government to do what it needs to do, eliminate some of the drug trafficking that's funding terrorism.

But I do believe that we have to change our policies with Pakistan. We can't coddle, as we did, a dictator, give him billions of dollars, and then he's making peace treaties with the Taliban and militants. What I have said is we're going encourage democracy in Pakistan, expand our non-military aid to Pakistan so that they have more of a stake in working with us, but insisting that they go after these militants.

And if we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out.

We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al-Qaida. That has to be our biggest national security priority."
In 2008, Obama vowed to kill Osama bin Laden

May 2011 - 10 years after 9/11:

Lifting weights like a wuss, he's doing it right!


Michelle has him beat hands down, 100% more of an athlete than wimpy barry. Shit, she's pressing 35 lbs to his 5 lbs. :lol:

Laura hit a kid with her car & killed him. & Bush still didn't get Bin Laden. So your piddley bullshit is just that. Piddley.

Overcompensate much?



In addition to head cheerleader, Bush also played baseball and rugby.

Athlete vs. pothead.

Athlete wins, as shown in my previous post. George lifts a real bike, obama struggles riding a fake one.

Try again.


^^^ At least Obama didn't drive while drunk. Maybe W. had too much again by the looks of him tumbling off that Segway.



March 2002 - 6 months after 9/11:

"...In the meantime, here's the full text of the question and answer from the Oct. 7, 2008, debate in Nashville, Tenn., which was moderated by Tom Brokaw:

...Next question for Senator Obama. It comes from the F Section, and it's from Katie Hamm. Katie?

Q: Should the United States respect Pakistani sovereignty and not pursue al-Qaida terrorists who maintain bases there, or should we ignore their borders and pursue our enemies, like we did in Cambodia during the Vietnam War?

SEN. OBAMA: Well, Katie, it's a terrific question.

And we have a difficult situation in Pakistan. I believe that part of the reason we have a difficult situation is because we made a bad judgment going into Iraq in the first place when we hadn't finished the job of hunting down bin Laden and crushing al-Qaida.

So what happened was we got distracted, we diverted resources, and ultimately bin Laden escaped, set up base camps in the mountains of Pakistan in the northwest provinces there....

So part of the reason I think it's so important for us to end the war in Iraq is to be able to get more troops into Afghanistan, put more pressure on the Afghan government to do what it needs to do, eliminate some of the drug trafficking that's funding terrorism.

But I do believe that we have to change our policies with Pakistan. We can't coddle, as we did, a dictator, give him billions of dollars, and then he's making peace treaties with the Taliban and militants. What I have said is we're going encourage democracy in Pakistan, expand our non-military aid to Pakistan so that they have more of a stake in working with us, but insisting that they go after these militants.

And if we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out.

We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al-Qaida. That has to be our biggest national security priority."
In 2008, Obama vowed to kill Osama bin Laden

May 2011 - 10 years after 9/11:

Lifting weights like a wuss, he's doing it right!


Michelle has him beat hands down, 100% more of an athlete than wimpy barry. Shit, she's pressing 35 lbs to his 5 lbs. :lol:

Laura hit a kid with her car & killed him. & Bush still didn't get Bin Laden. So your piddley bullshit is just that. Piddley.

Overcompensate much?




It's like he's trying to squeeze a fart out ... or keep it.


Meanwhile, his wife


Again, obama


"Sir, you're not shovel ready"

Not-in-the-least-wimpy Bush

In addition to head cheerleader, Bush also played baseball and rugby.

Athlete vs. pothead.

Athlete wins, as shown in my previous post. George lifts a real bike, obama struggles riding a fake one.

Try again.


^^^ At least Obama didn't drive while drunk. Maybe W. had too much again by the looks of him tumbling off that Segway.



March 2002 - 6 months after 9/11:

"...In the meantime, here's the full text of the question and answer from the Oct. 7, 2008, debate in Nashville, Tenn., which was moderated by Tom Brokaw:

...Next question for Senator Obama. It comes from the F Section, and it's from Katie Hamm. Katie?

Q: Should the United States respect Pakistani sovereignty and not pursue al-Qaida terrorists who maintain bases there, or should we ignore their borders and pursue our enemies, like we did in Cambodia during the Vietnam War?

SEN. OBAMA: Well, Katie, it's a terrific question.

And we have a difficult situation in Pakistan. I believe that part of the reason we have a difficult situation is because we made a bad judgment going into Iraq in the first place when we hadn't finished the job of hunting down bin Laden and crushing al-Qaida.

So what happened was we got distracted, we diverted resources, and ultimately bin Laden escaped, set up base camps in the mountains of Pakistan in the northwest provinces there....

So part of the reason I think it's so important for us to end the war in Iraq is to be able to get more troops into Afghanistan, put more pressure on the Afghan government to do what it needs to do, eliminate some of the drug trafficking that's funding terrorism.

But I do believe that we have to change our policies with Pakistan. We can't coddle, as we did, a dictator, give him billions of dollars, and then he's making peace treaties with the Taliban and militants. What I have said is we're going encourage democracy in Pakistan, expand our non-military aid to Pakistan so that they have more of a stake in working with us, but insisting that they go after these militants.

And if we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out.

We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al-Qaida. That has to be our biggest national security priority."
In 2008, Obama vowed to kill Osama bin Laden

May 2011 - 10 years after 9/11:

Lifting weights like a wuss, he's doing it right!


Michelle has him beat hands down, 100% more of an athlete than wimpy barry. Shit, she's pressing 35 lbs to his 5 lbs. :lol:

Laura hit a kid with her car & killed him. & Bush still didn't get Bin Laden. So your piddley bullshit is just that. Piddley.

Overcompensate much?




It's like he's trying to squeeze a fart out ... or keep it.


Meanwhile, his wife


Again, obama


"Sir, you're not shovel ready"

Not-in-the-least-wimpy Bush


That last pic of George was taken while the Pentagon was hit wasn't it?
the lefties don't have a problem with actors, comedians, lowlife drug addicts (Marion Barry ring a bell? ) serial adulterers, Billyboy Clinton anyone?

the only have a problem with ones who are Republican/conservative who show a care for OUR COUNTRY

they voted this thing in our Congress. seriously
He was a great comedian and is a helluva good senator.
the lefties don't have a problem with actors, comedians, lowlife drug addicts (Marion Barry ring a bell? ) serial adulterers, Billyboy Clinton anyone?

the only have a problem with ones who are Republican/conservative who show a care for OUR COUNTRY

they voted this thing in our Congress. seriously
Why not? Look at what Republicans want for president:

the lefties don't have a problem with actors, comedians, lowlife drug addicts (Marion Barry ring a bell? ) serial adulterers, Billyboy Clinton anyone?

the only have a problem with ones who are Republican/conservative who show a care for OUR COUNTRY

they voted this thing in our Congress. seriously
Why not? Look at what Republicans want for president:

Rudy's dead serious about his drag.
In addition to head cheerleader, Bush also played baseball and rugby.

Athlete vs. pothead.

Athlete wins, as shown in my previous post. George lifts a real bike, obama struggles riding a fake one.

Try again.


^^^ At least Obama didn't drive while drunk. Maybe W. had too much again by the looks of him tumbling off that Segway.



March 2002 - 6 months after 9/11:

"...In the meantime, here's the full text of the question and answer from the Oct. 7, 2008, debate in Nashville, Tenn., which was moderated by Tom Brokaw:

...Next question for Senator Obama. It comes from the F Section, and it's from Katie Hamm. Katie?

Q: Should the United States respect Pakistani sovereignty and not pursue al-Qaida terrorists who maintain bases there, or should we ignore their borders and pursue our enemies, like we did in Cambodia during the Vietnam War?

SEN. OBAMA: Well, Katie, it's a terrific question.

And we have a difficult situation in Pakistan. I believe that part of the reason we have a difficult situation is because we made a bad judgment going into Iraq in the first place when we hadn't finished the job of hunting down bin Laden and crushing al-Qaida.

So what happened was we got distracted, we diverted resources, and ultimately bin Laden escaped, set up base camps in the mountains of Pakistan in the northwest provinces there....

So part of the reason I think it's so important for us to end the war in Iraq is to be able to get more troops into Afghanistan, put more pressure on the Afghan government to do what it needs to do, eliminate some of the drug trafficking that's funding terrorism.

But I do believe that we have to change our policies with Pakistan. We can't coddle, as we did, a dictator, give him billions of dollars, and then he's making peace treaties with the Taliban and militants. What I have said is we're going encourage democracy in Pakistan, expand our non-military aid to Pakistan so that they have more of a stake in working with us, but insisting that they go after these militants.

And if we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out.

We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al-Qaida. That has to be our biggest national security priority."
In 2008, Obama vowed to kill Osama bin Laden

May 2011 - 10 years after 9/11:

Lifting weights like a wuss, he's doing it right!


Michelle has him beat hands down, 100% more of an athlete than wimpy barry. Shit, she's pressing 35 lbs to his 5 lbs. :lol:

Laura hit a kid with her car & killed him. & Bush still didn't get Bin Laden. So your piddley bullshit is just that. Piddley.

Overcompensate much?




It's like he's trying to squeeze a fart out ... or keep it.


Meanwhile, his wife


Again, obama


"Sir, you're not shovel ready"

Not-in-the-least-wimpy Bush


YAWN. All you got are silly pics of a perception that you need to cling to. You do know W. isn't a real cowboy, right? He's from Connecticut, but we didn't want him.

And neither did the rest of country. Sorry, dude- try as you'll never top the send off that America gave that puppet. LOL.

the lefties don't have a problem with actors, comedians, lowlife drug addicts (Marion Barry ring a bell? ) serial adulterers, Billyboy Clinton anyone?

the only have a problem with ones who are Republican/conservative who show a care for OUR COUNTRY

they voted this thing in our Congress. seriously

At least everybody knew that Franken was a skit actor on SNL (& that wasn't real) b4 he got into politics.

What excuse is there for not only voting THIS thing IN... but letting him STAY as a Republican Congress critter?

The GOP is responsible for the GOP imploding & no one else. Man up & take some responsibility
What implosion? Last time I looked the GOP have kicked ass all over the nation. House Senate state houses and soon the White House. Again What implosion?
The GOP is responsible for the GOP imploding & no one else. Man up & take some responsibility
What implosion? Last time I looked the GOP have kicked ass all over the nation. House Senate state houses and soon the White House. Again What implosion?

The implosion that was created by the Tea Party and has now managed to oust Boehner, and is managing to tear the Republicans apart.

The Republicans used to be united and of one mind back in the day. Now? Not so much.
The GOP is responsible for the GOP imploding & no one else. Man up & take some responsibility
What implosion? Last time I looked the GOP have kicked ass all over the nation. House Senate state houses and soon the White House. Again What implosion?

Look at the (R) led Congress critters scramble for a House speaker... Boner wants out, so he chooses loose lips McCarthy, who now wants out- & Ryan doesn't want the gig... & there's a silly notion that Doughboy Gingrich might be offered the job? An unelected failed outsider won't fly despite perceived ambiguous Constitutional wording; and the crazies got McConnell in their cross hairs too.


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