Actor James Woods: 'Hate Crime Massacre of Christians Finally Silences Obama'

I have read he asked every victim if they were Christian. Then he whacked them.
That's because Obama and the entire Democrat party have declared war on Christians. They think we are grasping "God, guns and gays." They hate us, they hate everything we stand for, and they hate God.

Is that why you people are shooting all the lions? You think Obama is going to bring back feeding you Christians to them?
What's he talking about ? Obama spoke out about it already .

The charleston shooter killed Christians IN A CHURCH, and the right wingers were silent because they worship guns more than God .
Damn are you going to be a TOTAL failure here. Put your clown suit on and shut the hell up.

Really? I'm tearing it up! Every time I bring up a point I'm met with insults cause that's all Ya got .

well, what was that crack about right-wingers ? maybe that was it? you barge in here right off insulting people. learn from it and stop whining
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Your problem " You're a clown. And you are exactly what is wrong with liberals today. Passing blame and killing off political enemies is all that gets you up in the morning. Mr Obama's entire presidency has been centered around trying to destroy the GOP. That is why he is a failure. And so are you.

The GOP is responsible for the GOP imploding & no one else. Man up & take some responsibility.
BAM!!!!!! Not one care that he was targesting Christians.
there you have it

Mark Judge | October 2, 2015 | 3:35 PM EDT
Actor James Woods, who often takes to Twitter to express political views, has been using the forum to comment on the yesterday's murders at Umpqua Community College in Oregon.

26 year-old gunman Chris Harper Mercer opened fire on the campus on Thursday, killing nine people and wounding seven. Mercer reportedly singled out Christians for death by asking the religion of potential victims before firing on them. Mercer was then shot and killed by law enforcement.

In a series of tweets on October 2, Woods argued that because the victims were Christian, both President Obama and the media would lose interest in the story.

"NY Times writes a front page story about a hate massacre targeting Christians without using the word 'Christians,'" Woods tweeted, linking to story in the New York Times. Then: "If it is determined that the Oregon shooter targeted Christians specifically, that's the last we will hear of it on MSM [mainstream media]."

Woods then tweeted about President Obama's potential reaction to the crime: "Now that it is recognized that the terrible Oregon tragedy was an assault on Christians, will the President still sing Amazing Grace there?" Finally Woods tweeted a picture of the president with the comment: "Hate crime massacre of Christians finally silences Obama. #LiberalLaryngitis."


ALL of it here:]
Actor James Woods: 'Hate Crime Massacre of Christians Finally Silences Obama'

Woods is JUST AN ACTOR. He should not be speaking for anyone but himself.
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LOL, you do realize James Woods is only an actor.

So is Pee Wee Herman for God's sake.
They probably now want Trump for president, James Woods for VP, and Pee Wee Herman for secretary of state. All Pee Wee has to do is say something they like the sound of.
The guy was a registered Conservative Republican, I think this is your problem.
A poster here ALREADY posted his voter ID. He registered Libertarian. That would be a SANDERS supporter. You know, that old geezer running for president in the DEMOCRAT party.

You just can't seem to help lying can you?

Not lying here he is in his own words, click the link Chris Harper Mercer Online Dating Profile: Gunman Sought Romance
He supported the Irish Republican Army you IDIOT.
Irish Republic Army. A KNOWN terrorist group you stupid lying IDIOT.

He set out to KILL Christians you fecal brained liberal. Can I PROVE that? Yeah here you go tard. ENJOY.
Probe in college slayings peers into Web rants and possible religious rage
You do realize don't you, of course you do as you are so terribly clever, that the Irish Republican Army, terrorists indeed, were ALL Catholic: i.e, CHRISTIANS. They were fighting Protestants, also Christians. You are showing your ignorance of historical events. The IRA was a Catholic organization. They still hate each other; it's similar to Shias and Sunnis.
Obama is correct

We need to do something about our gun culture
You know, yesterday afternoon, shortly after Obama addressed the nation and commented on the Oregon shootings, there were 3 or 4 threads posted on here bitching about Obama politicizing the shootings.

And............on MSNBC, it's pretty much been wall to wall coverage since the shootings happened.

So. Who are you going to believe, James Woods or the actual news?

But that's the same tactic we've seen since 1999 to avoid talking about the problem. You folks need to come and sit down and work this out.
I think most gun owners on this forum are irked by what you just said.

They probably are and it will continue to be a problem until it gets addressed.
One reason the problem doesn't get addressed is because us gun owners just don't trust obama.
Obama doesn't want to deal with congress....we don't wanna deal with obama
Grammatically, it is 'we gun owners,' and 'Obama' is a proper noun, which needs to be capitalized. People don't take you seriously if you make glaring mistakes with mechanics.
In addition to head cheerleader, Bush also played baseball and rugby.

Athlete vs. pothead.

Athlete wins, as shown in my previous post. George lifts a real bike, obama struggles riding a fake one.

Try again.


^^^ At least Obama didn't drive while drunk. Maybe W. had too much again by the looks of him tumbling off that Segway.



March 2002 - 6 months after 9/11:

"...In the meantime, here's the full text of the question and answer from the Oct. 7, 2008, debate in Nashville, Tenn., which was moderated by Tom Brokaw:

...Next question for Senator Obama. It comes from the F Section, and it's from Katie Hamm. Katie?

Q: Should the United States respect Pakistani sovereignty and not pursue al-Qaida terrorists who maintain bases there, or should we ignore their borders and pursue our enemies, like we did in Cambodia during the Vietnam War?

SEN. OBAMA: Well, Katie, it's a terrific question.

And we have a difficult situation in Pakistan. I believe that part of the reason we have a difficult situation is because we made a bad judgment going into Iraq in the first place when we hadn't finished the job of hunting down bin Laden and crushing al-Qaida.

So what happened was we got distracted, we diverted resources, and ultimately bin Laden escaped, set up base camps in the mountains of Pakistan in the northwest provinces there....

So part of the reason I think it's so important for us to end the war in Iraq is to be able to get more troops into Afghanistan, put more pressure on the Afghan government to do what it needs to do, eliminate some of the drug trafficking that's funding terrorism.

But I do believe that we have to change our policies with Pakistan. We can't coddle, as we did, a dictator, give him billions of dollars, and then he's making peace treaties with the Taliban and militants. What I have said is we're going encourage democracy in Pakistan, expand our non-military aid to Pakistan so that they have more of a stake in working with us, but insisting that they go after these militants.

And if we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out.

We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al-Qaida. That has to be our biggest national security priority."
In 2008, Obama vowed to kill Osama bin Laden

May 2011 - 10 years after 9/11:

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In addition to head cheerleader, Bush also played baseball and rugby.

Athlete vs. pothead.

Athlete wins, as shown in my previous post. George lifts a real bike, obama struggles riding a fake one.

Try again.

What a useless post, everyone knows that George had substance abuse problems and was far from a perfect leader.

My post shows obama is a wuss. W? Not so much.



LOL, ya- I guess being an athlete is a needed & valued pre-req when you're George W. :lmao:

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The guy was a registered Conservative Republican, I think this is your problem.

Check your facts. He was a registered Independent. Some idiots who pretend to be reporters are trying to paint him as someone on the right.

I'll believe my truth until it is properly debunked. The reason I am so sure, is that immediately after the shooting, 4chan published his social media information and that was obtained before anyone became interested in protecting their personal philosophy. I think the report is genuine

It's not. Look it up. Anyone can check how a person is registered. He was a registered Independent, not that it matters. The guy also filled out an app on some dating sight and told more lies about himself. There are so many different stories in the media and they are getting bogus information that may have been put out there by the guy. He was nothing but a piece of shit. He did have some Muslim acquaintances and he clearly hated Christians, which we know from the testimony of the witnesses. Look at the facts and go from there.

Obama is using this to push gun control and the asshole didn't say a word to people about being more tolerant of Christians.

Meanwhile, the liberal idiot reporters are already blaming the Republican candidates for mosque attacks that haven't even happened. They worry so much that people won't accept Muslims, but could care less that real Christians have been murdered here. Never mind the thousands murdered in Muslim countries.

This is getting old. No matter what happens, or doesn't happen, the left finds a way to blame anyone and everyone except the guilty. Guns are not the problem. Confiscating them from the law abiding would only take away our means of protecting ourselves from the creeps of the world who have no regard for human life other than their own.

I looked it up & the only thing I can find stating he's an Indie, is from a few rightwing websites. The gateway pundit has a 'screen shot' of Mercer's voting registration from the 'Oregon Sec State Website'... but when I went to the government website, I couldn't find it due to privacy/security protocol. Perhaps the screenshot isn't real.
LOL, you do realize James Woods is only an actor.
So how does that make your opinion superior to his?

You do realize Barack Obama is only a phony and a coward --- not a president, orator, politician or leader?

I never brought myself into the equation--- now did I? No, no I did not.

Well, gee whiz... if you want to take the word of an actor as gospel... someone who gets paid for pretending they are someone else ...then go for it. The OP ( & probably you as well) would turn around & in a heartbeat.... bash an actor for cheering Obama on... because after all it's ' Hollywood'.

Right? :slap:
So how does that make your opinion superior to his?

You do realize Barack Obama is only a phony and a coward --- not a president, orator, politician or leader?

I agree.

Politicians are the least intelligent and the condition of this country proves that. Funny how liberals think actors like Whoopi Goldberg or Sean Penn have valid opinions, but when an actor has conservative views, they dismiss them because they are just actors. It's a popular tactic with libs and they often bash anyone who disagrees with them.

LOL! I take NO word of an actor as any more valid than another.

Why would YOU?

<pssst> Whoopi Goldberg defended Bill Cosby & Sean Penn likes to hit women.
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I never brought myself into the equation--- now did I? No, no I did not.
Your whole mockery of him because he’s an actor implies as though you know more about it than he does. What’s your credibility?
Well, gee whiz... if you want to take the word of an actor as gospel... someone who gets paid for pretending they are someone else ...then go for it. The OP ( & probably you as well) would turn around & in a heartbeat.... bash an actor for cheering Obama on... because after all it's ' Hollywood'.
I don’t agree. I do not discount an actor’s position because he is an actor, I discount it because it is thoughtless liberal phony altruism. Is it Ok with you if the message takes precedence over the source? Or is the source (Fox news, ha ha, or he’s an actor, ha ha) your fall back trump card when you have nothing else?

As and aside, I notice the NY Times spoke of the shooter’s motives in Oregon (i.e. asking the poor student if they are a Christian and if the answer is yes shot in the head, if no, shot in the legs) without ever bothering to use the word ‘Christian.’ Liberalism is a disease. Like Obama’s shameful refusal to call it Islamic terrorism. The game playing by the media and the liberal administrations (a youtube from Georgia caused the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, don’t you know?) is astoundingly embarrassing.
I never brought myself into the equation--- now did I? No, no I did not.
Your whole mockery of him because he’s an actor implies as though you know more about it than he does. What’s your credibility?
Well, gee whiz... if you want to take the word of an actor as gospel... someone who gets paid for pretending they are someone else ...then go for it. The OP ( & probably you as well) would turn around & in a heartbeat.... bash an actor for cheering Obama on... because after all it's ' Hollywood'.
I don’t agree. I do not discount an actor’s position because he is an actor, I discount it because it is thoughtless liberal phony altruism. Is it Ok with you if the message takes precedence over the source? Or is the source (Fox news, ha ha, or he’s an actor, ha ha) your fall back trump card when you have nothing else?

As and aside, I notice the NY Times spoke of the shooter’s motives in Oregon (i.e. asking the poor student if they are a Christian and if the answer is yes shot in the head, if no, shot in the legs) without ever bothering to use the word ‘Christian.’ Liberalism is a disease. Like Obama’s shameful refusal to call it Islamic terrorism. The game playing by the media and the liberal administrations (a youtube from Georgia caused the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, don’t you know?) is astoundingly embarrassing.

I will give your opinion the consideration I think it deserves. :afro:
So how does that make your opinion superior to his?

You do realize Barack Obama is only a phony and a coward --- not a president, orator, politician or leader?

I agree.

Politicians are the least intelligent and the condition of this country proves that. Funny how liberals think actors like Whoopi Goldberg or Sean Penn have valid opinions, but when an actor has conservative views, they dismiss them because they are just actors. It's a popular tactic with libs and they often bash anyone who disagrees with them.

LOL! I take NO word of an actor as any more valid than another.

Why would YOU?

<pssst> Whoopi Goldberg defended Bill Cosby & Sean Penn likes to hit women.

Angelina Jolie is just an actress, but people take her seriously because they agree with her.

It's about agreeing or disagreeing with someone's opinion. What matters is the intelligence of a person, not their career field.

Politicians, like Nancy Pelosi, are often dumb as dirt. I still wonder what kind of idiots elected Sheila Jackson Lee.

Intelligence is refreshing no matter who it comes from.

It's okay to agree with a person even though they are an actor and perfectly okay to disagree even though they are a leader.
So how does that make your opinion superior to his?

You do realize Barack Obama is only a phony and a coward --- not a president, orator, politician or leader?

I agree.

Politicians are the least intelligent and the condition of this country proves that. Funny how liberals think actors like Whoopi Goldberg or Sean Penn have valid opinions, but when an actor has conservative views, they dismiss them because they are just actors. It's a popular tactic with libs and they often bash anyone who disagrees with them.

LOL! I take NO word of an actor as any more valid than another.

Why would YOU?

<pssst> Whoopi Goldberg defended Bill Cosby & Sean Penn likes to hit women.

Angelina Jolie is just an actress, but people take her seriously because they agree with her.

It's about agreeing or disagreeing with someone's opinion. What matters is the intelligence of a person, not their career field.

Politicians, like Nancy Pelosi, are often dumb as dirt. I still wonder what kind of idiots elected Sheila Jackson Lee.

Intelligence is refreshing no matter who it comes from.

It's okay to agree with a person even though they are an actor and perfectly okay to disagree even though they are a leader.

True enough, I just find certain people are full of themselves & DO think their opines are more important 'just because'. It's 'entitlement ' derangement syndrome. Actors, on the whole, fall into that category. Money makes that so for a lot of people.

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