Actor Seth Rogen mocked a multiple stabbing victim on twitter because the Trump supporter did not...

Yeah, I know it's InfoWars, I know they can't be trusted and I realize this story may well be fake.

BUT, it's not unlike the true stories in the news right now.

That's the sad part.

That's the best. When a nutbag uses a story they admit is likely not true to condemn those he hates and fears. Love that shit.

You can read the comment on his twitter page he hasn't taken it down yet you ignorant faggot.
Faggot? What does that mean?

It has several meanings; a bundle of twigs, a lump of wood, a pejorative that really means that they are disagreed with but with an added putdown though not actually suggesting that the person has REAL homosexual tendencies still they are disliked. A fairly low insult as a rule.


So I guess instead of faggot we should just go back to calling them 'queer ass butt fuckers'?
Why don't you just stop at calling yourself an ignorant and dumb-ass redneck moron?
He's clearly making a (lame) joke about how the guy kind of looks like him. He's also "making fun of" (I'm not sure how) a member of a hate group.

The dude is not in a hate group just because he disagree with libtarded SJWs.

I'm not a Rogen fan-I find him annoying, arrogant, and unfunny, however this isn't newsworthy and really isn't a big deal.

Yeah, mocking victims of ideological warfare is never a big deal to you libs unless the victim is not white.

Not a lib...but nice try.

Oh and if Rogen's tweet offended you-you either need thicker skin or to get a life.

It wasn't the joke it was the accompanying article labelling he and based stickmam as white nationalist which is libel I hope they are both sued.

Rogen didn't engage in any libel is really tough to prove in the first place. However, what does it mean if this guy doesn't sue the publishers of the article?

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