ACtor's Cancer Caused by Oral Sex

Or it is just flat out love. Hubby loves me and I love him. But...I have been celibate for over 12 years. He is still with me and takes care of me. If he is out messing around...I don't know about it and don't want to know. We are happy and that is all that matters. He is my best friend. And I am his.
If receiving it was a disappointment for you, then I must say, the man/woman you were with obviously didn't know what they were doing. Either that, or you just didn't want to be with that person to begin with. I guess in the end, so long as you are happy with your sex life as is your partner, then everyone is happy.

I would hope that he didn't know what he was doing, as I imagine it must be heaps better if people keep doing it!

It was Bond film with Roger Moore, which shows just how bored I really was...LOL

Which Roger Moore Bond film were you watching? Octopussy?
... tee hee heee,,,,,,

Hahaha for all I know, it may have been!

It was the one in which he actually hits a woman. She is on a bed, I think, and he slaps her across the face.
Or it is just flat out love. Hubby loves me and I love him. But...I have been celibate for over 12 years. He is still with me and takes care of me. If he is out messing around...I don't know about it and don't want to know. We are happy and that is all that matters. He is my best friend. And I am his.

Celibate as in choice, or just personal reasons?
I just find it odd that a married couple wouldn't have sex, is all!
I would hope that he didn't know what he was doing, as I imagine it must be heaps better if people keep doing it!

It was Bond film with Roger Moore, which shows just how bored I really was...LOL

Which Roger Moore Bond film were you watching? Octopussy?
... tee hee heee,,,,,,

Hahaha for all I know, it may have been!

It was the one in which he actually hits a woman. She is on a bed, I think, and he slaps her across the face.

Doesn't ring a bell. I bet she was a russian spy with anti-American boobies! Those are the worst kind!
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Or it is just flat out love. Hubby loves me and I love him. But...I have been celibate for over 12 years. He is still with me and takes care of me. If he is out messing around...I don't know about it and don't want to know. We are happy and that is all that matters. He is my best friend. And I am his.

Celibate as in choice, or just personal reasons?
I just find it odd that a married couple wouldn't have sex, is all!

Choice and personal reasons. It hurts now. Hurts me inside. Plus it doesn't help he is built like a horse, if you get my drift.
I don't find it odd at all, to be honest. What if your husband was in a car wreck or something...and was paralyzed from the waist down. Or was impedent? Would you still love him?
Love isn't just sex. I can live without it. I love with my heart.
I'm old now. So is hubby. It isn't number one on our priority list any more. Two damn good rockers and a nice evening on the back porch suits us fine.:)
Sorry HighGravity. Yes. I am a prude. Not saying I never gave a blow job or had my lower extremities licked. But I didn't like either one. Not then, not now. Wait. There IS no now.:lol:

Have you considered that you weren't doing it correctly, or very well? Don't be a quitter!
Sorry HighGravity. Yes. I am a prude. Not saying I never gave a blow job or had my lower extremities licked. But I didn't like either one. Not then, not now. Wait. There IS no now.:lol:

Have you considered that you weren't doing it correctly, or very well? Don't be a quitter!

Um...I've already given out TMI, so I am done with the convo. :redface:
I would hope that he didn't know what he was doing, as I imagine it must be heaps better if people keep doing it!

It was Bond film with Roger Moore, which shows just how bored I really was...LOL

Which Roger Moore Bond film were you watching? Octopussy?
... tee hee heee,,,,,,

Hahaha for all I know, it may have been!

It was the one in which he actually hits a woman. She is on a bed, I think, and he slaps her across the face.

Two damn good rockers and a nice evening on the back porch suits us fine.:)

Ah, an "evening on the back porch" eh? I see where you're going with filthy, filthy beast...

[ame=]Andrew Dice Clay - OH! - YouTube[/ame]
Choice and personal reasons. It hurts now. Hurts me inside. Plus it doesn't help he is built like a horse, if you get my drift.

Fair enough - he must feel pleased with himself though, if you know what I mean!

I don't find it odd at all, to be honest. What if your husband was in a car wreck or something...and was paralyzed from the waist down. Or was impedent? Would you still love him?
Love isn't just sex. I can live without it. I love with my heart.

You are right, love isn't just sex, which is probably why I don't desire it. I just want to get to know a guy, talk to him, get to know what he likes, doesn't like, etc, not just go to bed with him.

Which Roger Moore Bond film were you watching? Octopussy?
... tee hee heee,,,,,,

Hahaha for all I know, it may have been!

It was the one in which he actually hits a woman. She is on a bed, I think, and he slaps her across the face.


LOL! Cheeky bugger!
Oh my goodness some of you folks certainly have strong POVs about sex.

Some of you seem somewhat terrified by it, some of you seem bored by it.

FWIW, you're ALL right.

Here's a video I like having something remotely to do with sex, I guess.

[ame=]George Michael - I Want Your Sex (Stereo Version) - YouTube[/ame]

Poor George.

I never understood why he stayed in the closet.

He was pretty obviously gay, wasn't he?

Other that people like my (then) wife who was he fooling?
So much for amusement. You people do realize dcotors have no clue what actuall causes cancer right? And the peanut gallery doesn't need to chime in and split hairs.

The National Cancer Institute says otherwise:

Some types of sexually transmitted human papillomaviruses (HPVs) can cause genital warts. Other types, called high-risk or oncogenic HPVs, can cause cancer.
High-risk HPVs cause virtually all cervical cancers. They also cause most anal cancers and some vaginal, vulvar, penile, and oropharyngeal cancers.
Most infections with high-risk HPVs do not cause cancer. Many HPV infections go away on their own within 1 to 2 years. However, infections that last for many years increase a person’s risk of developing cancer.

HPV and Cancer - National Cancer Institute
I don't find it odd at all, to be honest. What if your husband was in a car wreck or something...and was paralyzed from the waist down. Or was impedent? Would you still love him?
Love isn't just sex. I can live without it. I love with my heart.

I'm confused. I thought you said in another thread that you have a black 'roomey.'
I know I will sound like a prude...and maybe I am...but that part of the body is for another part for procreation by a penis...and not far from that wonderous place where life begins, is where the exit shoot is for what the body needs to remove. Having a face and tongue buried in there or close to the vicinity of the dumping grounds is begging for someone to get something they don't want. Like cancer of the throat, mouth and tongue.

Same goes for blow jobs. It was not made for a mouth and sperm was not made for the stomach.

Gracie come on now.:eek:

She does have a point:

Epididymitis And Orchitis Guide: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options

Case in point, epididymitis and ordhitis.

Among men who have anal intercourse, epididymitis usually is caused by intestinal bacteria from the anus. These bacteria enter the urethra through the penis. They then travel backward through the reproductive tract.

I've never heard of any of these.

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