Adam Schiff got robbed

I don't even believe he was robbed. Probably lying about it

I sort of disagree. If Schiff had just invented the story, he would have found a way to stick it to Trump or the MAGA movement.

I think he was caught unaware, and is actually a victim.
Why do you rightwingers find this funny?

Is this the type of response we're to expect from self-proclaimed "law and order" people?
Its always uplifting when liberals are forced to face the consequences of their own stupid ideas

Such as when a defund the police democrat in Minnesota was violently car jacked in her own driveway

Now she wants the cops to put criminals in jail

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Adam Schiff was given a rude welcome to San Francisco on Thursday as he was reportedly a victim of a carjacking just hours before a ritzy campaign dinner.

According to The San Francisco Chronicle, thieves broke into his car that was parked in a downtown parking garage and stole his bags. Without business clothes to wear, Schiff still proceeded to the event in shirt sleeves and a hiking vest, according to the Chronicle, with others dressed in suits.

The Dems created their progressive utopia, and now they are suffering.
Schiff got a little karma.
California is a one party Democrat state.
They keep electing radical left knuttjobs like Schiff.
Reveling in the agony on this one. This is what Schiff and his gang have enabled. Suck on it!
Why do you rightwingers find this funny?

Is this the type of response we're to expect from self-proclaimed "law and order" people?
It's funny because democrats just like Schiff created this wave of criminality. If it was an ordinary citizen that had his luggage stolen he would be called intolerant and insensitive.

Schiff is a huge opponent of "law and order" and a tremendous advocate for the criminal element. The chickens have come home to roost.

Always nice to see someone get their comeuppance, although I'm glad he wasn't killed. We'll see whether this is enough to get Mr. Schiff to change his attitude although I doubt it.

I've been tickled by these stories since Leftist Senator John C. Stennis was mugged in Washington DC when congress was in session in the 1970's.
What examples can you cite, as in post, of Mr. Schiff being an opponent of law and order?
Absolutely!!! Your time is coming and we'll find that funny too.
It's pretty sad you have to wish such ill on your fellow-citizens, simply because you consider them to be your political enemy...

Why do you rightwingers find this funny?

Is this the type of response we're to expect from self-proclaimed "law and order" people?
It's only funny because it's the product of the laissez faire anarchy Schiff's party promotes. But I see it didn't keep the groveling money grubber from his fundraising dinner. Back to MAGA
Why do you rightwingers find this funny?

Is this the type of response we're to expect from self-proclaimed "law and order" people?

Did someone say it was funny ? No.

I would suppose it is seen as ironic and Schiff is getting what Pelosi set up.

Learn to read.
Why do you rightwingers find this funny?

Is this the type of response we're to expect from self-proclaimed "law and order" people?

What we expect is for those shitheads who are making this country less safe for the rest of us, to be victims of their own stupidity.

It couldn't have happened to a more deserving piece of shit, unless it had happened to Joe Biden.

Adam Schiff was given a rude welcome to San Francisco on Thursday as he was reportedly a victim of a carjacking just hours before a ritzy campaign dinner.

According to The San Francisco Chronicle, thieves broke into his car that was parked in a downtown parking garage and stole his bags. Without business clothes to wear, Schiff still proceeded to the event in shirt sleeves and a hiking vest, according to the Chronicle, with others dressed in suits.

The Dems created their progressive utopia, and now they are suffering.
Schiff got a little karma.
California is a one party Democrat state.
They keep electing radical left knuttjobs like Schiff.

If this is real, it's a dream come true!
It's only funny because it's the product of the laissez faire anarchy Schiff's party promotes. But I see it didn't keep the groveling money grubber from his fundraising dinner. Back to MAGA

Whine more. It's entertaining.

Adam Schiff was given a rude welcome to San Francisco on Thursday as he was reportedly a victim of a carjacking just hours before a ritzy campaign dinner.

According to The San Francisco Chronicle, thieves broke into his car that was parked in a downtown parking garage and stole his bags. Without business clothes to wear, Schiff still proceeded to the event in shirt sleeves and a hiking vest, according to the Chronicle, with others dressed in suits.

The Dems created their progressive utopia, and now they are suffering.
Schiff got a little karma.
California is a one party Democrat state.
They keep electing radical left knuttjobs like Schiff.

The event looks like it was staged in someone's 1 bedroom apartment, and they got the banner from Kinko's an hour before it started. lol


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