Adapting to the End of the World


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
At the end of 2016, before Puerto Rico’s power grid collapsed, wildfires reached the Arctic, and a large swath of North Carolina was submerged under floodwaters, Jonathan Gosling published an academic paper asking what might have seemed like a shrill question: How should we prepare for the consequences of planetary climate catastrophe?......

In the language of climate change, “adaptation” refers to ways to blunt the immediate effects of extreme weather, such as building seawalls, conserving drinking water, updating building codes, and helping more people get disaster insurance. The costs are enormous: The U.S. government is considering a 5-mile, $20 billion seawall to protect New York City against storm surges, while Louisiana wants to spend $50 billion to save parts of its shoreline from sinking. Poorer countries could require $500 billion a year to adapt, according to the United Nations.

But some researchers are going further, calling for what some call the “deep adaptation agenda.” For Gosling, that means not only rapid decarbonization and storm-resistant infrastructure, but also building water and communications systems that won’t fail if the power grid collapses and searching for ways to safeguard the food supply by protecting pollinating insects.

Propelling the movement are signs that the problem is worsening at an accelerating rate. In an article this summer in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 16 climate scientists from around the world argued that the planet may be much closer than previously realized to locking in what they call a “hothouse” trajectory—warming of 4C or 5C (7F or 9F), “with serious challenges for the viability of human societies.”.....


Because of the actions of fossil fuel companies, the anti-science right-wing and conspiracy minded conservatives, we have delayed taking real action on climate change and now the piper will soon have to be paid for this delay.

Scientists are now looking at what happens when climate destroys infrastructure and tears at the social fabric. These are real questions as the freight train of climate change heads our way.

All these morons who argued taking action because of its supposed cost, have passed that cost to their kids and that cost will be exponential in terms of quality of life and treasure than if action had been taken earlier.

But hey you saved $150.00 dollars this year, so you must feel good about yourself.

You think there is a migrant crisis now, just wait until the middle east becomes virtually uninhabitable.

Future generations will curse Deniers for their short-sightedness and obstructionism.
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I have yet to hear any real possible solutions to adapting to natural earth evolution. It definitely needs to be done!
But higher taxes and loss of sovereignty isnt going to help shit.
You cant stop natural earth evolution.
I have yet to hear any real possible solutions to adapting to natural earth evolution. It definitely needs to be done!
But higher taxes and loss of sovereignty isnt going to help shit.
You cant stop natural earth evolution.
There is more than enough evidence that climate change is the result of manmade emissions. That debate is over.
At the end of 2016, before Puerto Rico’s power grid collapsed, wildfires reached the Arctic, and a large swath of North Carolina was submerged under floodwaters, Jonathan Gosling published an academic paper asking what might have seemed like a shrill question: How should we prepare for the consequences of planetary climate catastrophe?......

In the language of climate change, “adaptation” refers to ways to blunt the immediate effects of extreme weather, such as building seawalls, conserving drinking water, updating building codes, and helping more people get disaster insurance. The costs are enormous: The U.S. government is considering a 5-mile, $20 billion seawall to protect New York City against storm surges, while Louisiana wants to spend $50 billion to save parts of its shoreline from sinking. Poorer countries could require $500 billion a year to adapt, according to the United Nations.

But some researchers are going further, calling for what some call the “deep adaptation agenda.” For Gosling, that means not only rapid decarbonization and storm-resistant infrastructure, but also building water and communications systems that won’t fail if the power grid collapses and searching for ways to safeguard the food supply by protecting pollinating insects.

Propelling the movement are signs that the problem is worsening at an accelerating rate. In an article this summer in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 16 climate scientists from around the world argued that the planet may be much closer than previously realized to locking in what they call a “hothouse” trajectory—warming of 4C or 5C (7F or 9F), “with serious challenges for the viability of human societies.”.....


Because of the actions of fossil fuel companies, the anti-science right-wing and conspiracy minded conservatives, we have delayed taking real action on climate change and now the piper will soon have to be paid for this delay.

Scientists are now looking at what happens when climate destroys infrastructure and tears at the social fabric. These are real questions as the freight train of climate change heads our way.

All these morons who argued taking action because of its supposed cost, have passed that cost to their kids and that cost will be exponential in terms of quality of life and treasure than if action had been taken earlier.

But hey you saved $150.00 dollars this year, so you must feel good about yourself.

You idiots think there is a migrant crisis now, just wait until the middle east becomes virtually uninhabitable.

Future generations will curse Deniers for their idiocy and obstructionism.
Don't fear change, embrace it.
I have yet to hear any real possible solutions to adapting to natural earth evolution. It definitely needs to be done!
But higher taxes and loss of sovereignty isnt going to help shit.
You cant stop natural earth evolution.
There is more than enough evidence that climate change is the result of manmade emissions. That debate is over.
That right there shows you have no idea wtf you are talking about.
As Leanardo Decaprio tells his idiots to save the earth that dumb sob jets off to Paris in order to pick up a CD.
Obama's idiots get told " don't use ac" as he darts off in a huge limo than off to his Jet flying back and forth.

Al Gore tells his idiots stop using so much electricity , while he pays an electric bill for a 10,000 sq foot home .....

Right man made Oh yea and that CO2 bs, is jsut that because if ppl weren't so fkn stupid on that issues they'd realize the very CO2 con job they're told is killing the planet is the same bs you drink in SODA's ........ oh imagine that one.

CO2 the trees and plants need it in order to create Oxygen only a fkn moron argues that in denies it.
I grew up with the conservative notion that an ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure. But like everything that was conservative 30 years ago it is now discarded by today's so-called conservatives.

Sit on our asses and wait for the consequences is the new conservative mantra.
Bloomberg says it all lmfao . NOt the source but the lying bastard that owns it.
I have yet to hear any real possible solutions to adapting to natural earth evolution. It definitely needs to be done!
But higher taxes and loss of sovereignty isnt going to help shit.
You cant stop natural earth evolution.
There is more than enough evidence that climate change is the result of manmade emissions. That debate is over.
That right there shows you have no idea wtf you are talking about.
Wrong, read some real scientific journals instead of right-wing trash. Every major oil company no longer disputes that fossil fuels are the prime ingredient in climate change.
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I grew up with the conservative notion that an ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure. But like everything that was conservative 30 years ago it is now discarded by today's so-called conservatives.

Sit on our asses and wait for the consequences is the new conservative mantra.
We need to do something.
The problem is, how do we do it? What do we do? What is going to happen? Are you sure that is going to happen? Are you that is what we need to do?
So many questions need to be answered if you arent a disingenuous partisan.
I grew up with the conservative notion that an ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure. But like everything that was conservative 30 years ago it is now discarded by today's so-called conservatives.

Sit on our asses and wait for the consequences is the new conservative mantra.
We need to do something.
The problem is, how do we do it? What do we do? What is going to happen? Are you sure that is going to happen? Are you that is what we need to do?
So many questions need to be answered if you arent a disingenuous partisan.
Those are good questions and they are being answered. The problem is those that the response from the right denialist movement is always the same. It is just a redistribution of wealth which is just bullshit.
I have yet to hear any real possible solutions to adapting to natural earth evolution. It definitely needs to be done!
But higher taxes and loss of sovereignty isnt going to help shit.
You cant stop natural earth evolution.
There is more than enough evidence that climate change is the result of manmade emissions. That debate is over.
That right there shows you have no idea wtf you are talking about.
Wrong, read some real scientific journals instead of right-wing trash. Every major oil company no longer dispute that fossil fuels are the prime ingredient in climate change.
Dude, we contribute around 5% of co2. Give me a fucking break.
Who gives a shit what they say? I thought they were full of shit? Oh because they are saying what you want to hear?!
I grew up with the conservative notion that an ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure. But like everything that was conservative 30 years ago it is now discarded by today's so-called conservatives.

Sit on our asses and wait for the consequences is the new conservative mantra.
We need to do something.
The problem is, how do we do it? What do we do? What is going to happen? Are you sure that is going to happen? Are you that is what we need to do?
So many questions need to be answered if you arent a disingenuous partisan.
Those are good questions and they are being answered. The problem is those that the response from the right denialist movement is always the same. It is just a redistribution of wealth which is just bullshit.
Because that is what it seems like.

PhD Physicist Says Evidence Of Major Human Role In Climate ‘Is Lacking’ …Sees ‘Abuses Of Science’

right wing has nothing to do with it dip shittyous it has to do with who wants your money . And how many idiots they can get to invest in their stocks " solar panels" the making of solar panels, all that goes into make them.

No proof warming is human caused
The multiple lines of evidence which do exist are simply evidence that the world is warming, not proof that the warming comes predominantly from human activity. The supposed proof relies entirely on computer models that attempt to simulate the earth’s highly complex climate and include greenhouse gases as well as aerosols from both volcanic and man-made sources – but almost totally ignore natural variability.

Models way off mark
So it shouldn’t be surprising that the models have a dismal track record in predicting the future. Most spectacularly, the models failed to predict the recent pause or hiatus

PhD Physicist Says Evidence Of Major Human Role In Climate “Is Lacking” …Sees “Abuses Of Science”

Climate iditos should worry more about the very bs they spray that could very well be changing the weather for the worst sadly most of you freaks refuse to believe the REAL TRUTHS that just might be causing it ...... Man made depends on how we look at it esp. if Geoengineering is contributing to it if that's the case it is man causing it because they're fkn assholes who refuse to believe what's really doing.
I have yet to hear any real possible solutions to adapting to natural earth evolution. It definitely needs to be done!
But higher taxes and loss of sovereignty isnt going to help shit.
You cant stop natural earth evolution.
There is more than enough evidence that climate change is the result of manmade emissions. That debate is over.
That right there shows you have no idea wtf you are talking about.
Wrong, read some real scientific journals instead of right-wing trash. Every major oil company no longer dispute that fossil fuels are the prime ingredient in climate change.
Dude, we contribute around 5% of co2. Give me a fucking break.
Who gives a shit what they say? I thought they were full of shit? Oh because they are saying what you want to hear?!
No one said this was exclusively an American problem. Confronting climate change is an international problem. Yes, there are far worse offenders than us, but it does not mean we should not be doing our part to deal with it. Be that as it may, we live in one boat and if that boat goes over the waterfall because we refuse to all row in the same direction, well than the human race gets what it deserves; unfortunately for the future generations and all the other species on the planet, except for the rats and jellyfish which will benefit.
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I have yet to hear any real possible solutions to adapting to natural earth evolution. It definitely needs to be done!
But higher taxes and loss of sovereignty isnt going to help shit.
You cant stop natural earth evolution.
There is more than enough evidence that climate change is the result of manmade emissions. That debate is over.
That right there shows you have no idea wtf you are talking about.
Wrong, read some real scientific journals instead of right-wing trash. Every major oil company no longer dispute that fossil fuels are the prime ingredient in climate change.
Dude, we contribute around 5% of co2. Give me a fucking break.
Who gives a shit what they say? I thought they were full of shit? Oh because they are saying what you want to hear?!
No one said this was exclusively an American problem. Confronting climate change is an international problem. Yes, there are far worse offenders than us, but it does not mean we should not be doing our part to deal with it. Be that as it may, we live in one boat and if that boat goes over the waterfall because we refuse to all row in the same direction, well than the human race gets what it deserves. Unfortunately for the future generations and all the other species on the planet, except for the rats and jellyfish which will benefit.
Well, thats a fair point.
I have yet to hear any real possible solutions to adapting to natural earth evolution. It definitely needs to be done!
But higher taxes and loss of sovereignty isnt going to help shit.
You cant stop natural earth evolution.
There is more than enough evidence that climate change is the result of manmade emissions. That debate is over.
Yeah, here's some;

graph (2).png

The climate will change, billions of people will die off, solving the overpopulation crisis, and a newer, stronger, more weather-resistant human will evolve from the ashes.
At the end of 2016, before Puerto Rico’s power grid collapsed, wildfires reached the Arctic, and a large swath of North Carolina was submerged under floodwaters, Jonathan Gosling published an academic paper asking what might have seemed like a shrill question: How should we prepare for the consequences of planetary climate catastrophe?......

Duck and cover.

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