Add Another Impeachment Charge

I’m sure he’s hurting for money, and can’t afford legal defense. This crap [emoji90] will continue to roll for the next 5 years. Good thing he can take whatever is dished out, and serve it back.

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The dems can add as many impeachment charges as they want, Mitch will ignore it and say that the voters can decide in the 2020 election.

Question: Does Moscow Mitch value his own survival more than Trump's?

Mitch isn't worried about his survival or Trump's.
The 2020 wipeout of the dems will resolve things.
The MSM can "resist" all they want, no one notices..
Moscow Mitch is up for re-election. If any of you brain-dead wingnuts think for a second that he will jeopardize himself of the GOP on Trump’s behalf, you’re fucking delusional. He’ll throw Agent Orange under the bus in a New York minute.

Mitch is in a state where he is a lock, like "a glass of water" could win in AOC's district. You don't know TN.
The NRA has worked just as hard against gun rights as the federal government has. They're comparable to the moderate vote. The moderate vote being the most dangerous faction in American politics to Individual liberty.

Join a real gun club like Gun Owners of America. - "The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington" – Ron Paul

I, for one, cringe every time I read a self-professed conservative touting or defending the NRA.
Moscow Mitch is up for re-election. If any of you brain-dead wingnuts think for a second that he will jeopardize himself of the GOP on Trump’s behalf, you’re fucking delusional. He’ll throw Agent Orange under the bus in a New York minute.

Mitch is in a state where he is a lock, like "a glass of water" could win in AOC's district. You don't know TN.
Keep telling yourself that, then go look at the latest Kentucky polls.

Because #MoscowMitch isn’t from Tennessee, dumbass.
Thinker101. You do realize (maybe not!) that when someone refers to, say, Car Maintenance 101, or Basket Weaving 101, it means an introduction to that endeavor. It’s for people who have never done it before and wants to learn.

So your username seems very appropriate, the more posts I read from you. :lol:
The democratic socialists know the only way to victory in 2020 is to impeach Trump on anything they can find. It will backfire bigly.

If he jay-walked across Pennsylvania Avenue they would try to impeach him for it.
Criminals are gonna criminal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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That is, indeed, a felony,and a crime for which anyone but the president would be prosecuted.

Thats the thing the cultists should come to terms with and prepare for:

The mentally ill president is deteriorating fairly quickly, and he is going to add to the impeachment pile at a furious pace over the next year.

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