Adding Alligators to the Swamp, NOT Draining It

Kaz must have deleted his post...this was for him

Dude, he was nominated for Secretary of Labor .....

Republicans have been crying about people spying for years..

Trump ran on the platform of being against the government in our life's you idiot..

Hilarious how you make up excuses as we go..
What's your evidence? He needs some people who know the system for one thing. Also he has had a long term business relationship with the former Goldman Sach's guy who went off on his own.

Do you liberals honestly believe crying wolf every minute of everyday will help your cause?

Get your head out of the republican smoke cloud weasel... they are screwing you too.. I read his voting record as soon as I heard about him...he is corrupt as hell..

  • Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant. (Sep 2006)
  • Voted YES on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight. (Apr 2006)

The Treasury dept. doesn't run the NSA. Get your head out of your whatever. I'm not worried about being spied on, government has been doing it for years though.

No, the Treasury has MUCH MORE power than that. Remember Paulson? Sec'ty of Treasury under Bush in 2008 and also...yep, former head of....yep, Goldman Sachs.

Got up in front of the mics with a two-page document and gave a handful of banks $750,000,000,000. That's billions, not millions. Don't remember? Of course you don't, fucking idiot.

Documents Reveal How Paulson Forced Banks To Take TARP Cash

Trump's already picked people who want to reform income taxes, dump Obamacare, incent businesses to work here with lower corporate and repatriation of money taxes, it's a great start.

Your issue isn't that he isn't draining the swamp, it's that you're the swamp

80% of tax reform will benefit the top 5%. Thanks for voting against your own interests...again.

I don't suffer from wealth envy and greed like you do, so it isn't against my interest. Government should be flatter and more even. In the end, you fuck yourself as you kill jobs and motivate those who pay the most taxes to work harder to evade them. When we lower and flatten taxes, the money flows in. But only if you care about facts over political rhetoric, which you obviously don't
Even the conservative editorial board of the Wall Street Journal agrees with Elizabeth Warren, this is a horrible pick for Sec'ty of Treasury. Just another corporate welfare parasite.

Steven Mnuchin’s Defining Moment: Seizing Opportunity From the Financial Crisis
Donald Trump’s nominee for Treasury secretary made millions buying failed IndyMac and has résumé at odds with president-elect’s campaign rhetoric

Dec. 1, 2016 1:08 a.m. ET

On a muggy morning in July 2008, hundreds of customers stood outside IndyMac Bank branches in Southern California, trying to pull their savings from the lender, which was doomed by losses on risky mortgages.

Steven Mnuchin didn’t know much about IndyMac as he watched the scenes on CNBC from his Midtown Manhattan office. But he immediately saw an opportunity and began figuring out how to buy the bank.

Regulators seized IndyMac, foreshadowing a vicious banking crisis. Six months later,
Mr. Mnuchin and his investment partners acquired IndyMac with a helping hand from the U.S. government. The deal eventually earned him hundreds of millions of dollars in personal profits.

The former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. partner, Hollywood financier and hedge-fund manager now is President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for Treasury secretary. Like other Trump cabinet picks, Mr. Mnuchin has a résumé that is at odds with much of the president-elect’s populist rhetoric on the campaign trail.""""

Regulators seized IndyMac, foreshadowing a vicious banking crisis. Six months later, Mr. Mnuchin and his investment partners acquired IndyMac with a helping hand from the U.S. government. The deal eventually earned him hundreds of millions of dollars in personal profits.

The bank was saved, fixed, depositors protected and then it was sold for a profit.
I can see why libs are angry.

This is why it was so easy for Trump to get your votes. I have to spell everything out for you idiots: Mnuchin changed the name to OneWest and kicked 36,000 homeowners out by refusing to renegotiate their mortgages since the bank was no longer IndyMac, you dumbass.
It was easy for Trump to get my vote. I wanted to see liberals foam over and hyperventilate about everything, everyday, all day long. We cannot reason with the left, only defeat them and mock them while they are down.

Now if the bank just had a name change it would effect your mortgage, it doesn't work that way. If you can't pay your mortgage, who is supposed to do it for you?
First they criticize Trump for wanting to "drain the swamp" and then Porkahontis whines that he isn't doing it. Corporations ain't your enemy lefties, government drones are.

You are Blind if you don't see Trump bringing in everyone that he campaigned against....... wow....

Tom Price voted to Spy on Americans .. Get your damn head out of the Republican smoke cloud......

What's your evidence? He needs some people who know the system for one thing. Also he has had a long term business relationship with the former Goldman Sach's guy who went off on his own.

Do you liberals honestly believe crying wolf every minute of everyday will help your cause?

Get your head out of the republican smoke cloud weasel... they are screwing you too.. I read his voting record as soon as I heard about him...he is corrupt as hell..

  • Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant. (Sep 2006)
  • Voted YES on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight. (Apr 2006)

The Treasury dept. doesn't run the NSA. Get your head out of your whatever. I'm not worried about being spied on, government has been doing it for years though.

No, the Treasury has MUCH MORE power than that. Remember Paulson? Sec'ty of Treasury under Bush in 2008 and also...yep, former head of....yep, Goldman Sachs.

Got up in front of the mics with a two-page document and gave a handful of banks $750,000,000,000. That's billions, not millions. Don't remember? Of course you don't, fucking idiot.

Documents Reveal How Paulson Forced Banks To Take TARP Cash
The LOANS were all payed back with interest, anus breath. Almost everyone agreed it was the proper thing to do at the time. Keep the foam comin', I'm lovin' it.
Even the conservative editorial board of the Wall Street Journal agrees with Elizabeth Warren, this is a horrible pick for Sec'ty of Treasury. Just another corporate welfare parasite.

Steven Mnuchin’s Defining Moment: Seizing Opportunity From the Financial Crisis
Donald Trump’s nominee for Treasury secretary made millions buying failed IndyMac and has résumé at odds with president-elect’s campaign rhetoric

Dec. 1, 2016 1:08 a.m. ET

On a muggy morning in July 2008, hundreds of customers stood outside IndyMac Bank branches in Southern California, trying to pull their savings from the lender, which was doomed by losses on risky mortgages.

Steven Mnuchin didn’t know much about IndyMac as he watched the scenes on CNBC from his Midtown Manhattan office. But he immediately saw an opportunity and began figuring out how to buy the bank.

Regulators seized IndyMac, foreshadowing a vicious banking crisis. Six months later,
Mr. Mnuchin and his investment partners acquired IndyMac with a helping hand from the U.S. government. The deal eventually earned him hundreds of millions of dollars in personal profits.

The former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. partner, Hollywood financier and hedge-fund manager now is President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for Treasury secretary. Like other Trump cabinet picks, Mr. Mnuchin has a résumé that is at odds with much of the president-elect’s populist rhetoric on the campaign trail.""""

Regulators seized IndyMac, foreshadowing a vicious banking crisis. Six months later, Mr. Mnuchin and his investment partners acquired IndyMac with a helping hand from the U.S. government. The deal eventually earned him hundreds of millions of dollars in personal profits.

The bank was saved, fixed, depositors protected and then it was sold for a profit.
I can see why libs are angry.

This is why it was so easy for Trump to get your votes. I have to spell everything out for you idiots: Mnuchin changed the name to OneWest and kicked 36,000 homeowners out by refusing to renegotiate their mortgages since the bank was no longer IndyMac, you dumbass.
It was easy for Trump to get my vote. I wanted to see liberals foam over and hyperventilate about everything, everyday, all day long. We cannot reason with the left, only defeat them and mock them while they are down.

Now if the bank just had a name change it would effect your mortgage, it doesn't work that way. If you can't pay your mortgage, who is supposed to do it for you?

Trump was supported by many on the left too......... He ran his campaign on noting But Lies
Even the conservative editorial board of the Wall Street Journal agrees with Elizabeth Warren, this is a horrible pick for Sec'ty of Treasury. Just another corporate welfare parasite.

Steven Mnuchin’s Defining Moment: Seizing Opportunity From the Financial Crisis
Donald Trump’s nominee for Treasury secretary made millions buying failed IndyMac and has résumé at odds with president-elect’s campaign rhetoric

Dec. 1, 2016 1:08 a.m. ET

On a muggy morning in July 2008, hundreds of customers stood outside IndyMac Bank branches in Southern California, trying to pull their savings from the lender, which was doomed by losses on risky mortgages.

Steven Mnuchin didn’t know much about IndyMac as he watched the scenes on CNBC from his Midtown Manhattan office. But he immediately saw an opportunity and began figuring out how to buy the bank.

Regulators seized IndyMac, foreshadowing a vicious banking crisis. Six months later,
Mr. Mnuchin and his investment partners acquired IndyMac with a helping hand from the U.S. government. The deal eventually earned him hundreds of millions of dollars in personal profits.

The former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. partner, Hollywood financier and hedge-fund manager now is President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for Treasury secretary. Like other Trump cabinet picks, Mr. Mnuchin has a résumé that is at odds with much of the president-elect’s populist rhetoric on the campaign trail.""""

Regulators seized IndyMac, foreshadowing a vicious banking crisis. Six months later, Mr. Mnuchin and his investment partners acquired IndyMac with a helping hand from the U.S. government. The deal eventually earned him hundreds of millions of dollars in personal profits.

The bank was saved, fixed, depositors protected and then it was sold for a profit.
I can see why libs are angry.

This is why it was so easy for Trump to get your votes. I have to spell everything out for you idiots: Mnuchin changed the name to OneWest and kicked 36,000 homeowners out by refusing to renegotiate their mortgages since the bank was no longer IndyMac, you dumbass.

Mnuchin changed the name to OneWest and kicked 36,000 homeowners out by refusing to renegotiate their mortgages since the bank was no longer IndyMac, you dumbass.

He enforced a contract. That never happens, eh?
Get your head out of the republican smoke cloud weasel... they are screwing you too.. I read his voting record as soon as I heard about him...he is corrupt as hell..

  • Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant. (Sep 2006)
  • Voted YES on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight. (Apr 2006)

The Treasury dept. doesn't run the NSA. Get your head out of your whatever. I'm not worried about being spied on, government has been doing it for years though.

No, the Treasury has MUCH MORE power than that. Remember Paulson? Sec'ty of Treasury under Bush in 2008 and also...yep, former head of....yep, Goldman Sachs.

Got up in front of the mics with a two-page document and gave a handful of banks $750,000,000,000. That's billions, not millions. Don't remember? Of course you don't, fucking idiot.

Documents Reveal How Paulson Forced Banks To Take TARP Cash

Trump's already picked people who want to reform income taxes, dump Obamacare, incent businesses to work here with lower corporate and repatriation of money taxes, it's a great start.

Your issue isn't that he isn't draining the swamp, it's that you're the swamp

80% of tax reform will benefit the top 5%. Thanks for voting against your own interests...again.

I don't suffer from wealth envy and greed like you do, so it isn't against my interest. Government should be flatter and more even. In the end, you fuck yourself as you kill jobs and motivate those who pay the most taxes to work harder to evade them. When we lower and flatten taxes, the money flows in. But only if you care about facts over political rhetoric, which you obviously don't

Again, another asshole who attacks the messenger and refuses to see the message. I suggest you spend less time worrying about my feelings and more about the reality of Trump's lies.

Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan

Top 0.1% would be big winner under Donald Trump's tax plan, Wisconsin Hillary Clinton supporter says

Trump Tax Plan Includes Major Tax Break For Wealthiest Taxpayers | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The Treasury dept. doesn't run the NSA. Get your head out of your whatever. I'm not worried about being spied on, government has been doing it for years though.

No, the Treasury has MUCH MORE power than that. Remember Paulson? Sec'ty of Treasury under Bush in 2008 and also...yep, former head of....yep, Goldman Sachs.

Got up in front of the mics with a two-page document and gave a handful of banks $750,000,000,000. That's billions, not millions. Don't remember? Of course you don't, fucking idiot.

Documents Reveal How Paulson Forced Banks To Take TARP Cash

Trump's already picked people who want to reform income taxes, dump Obamacare, incent businesses to work here with lower corporate and repatriation of money taxes, it's a great start.

Your issue isn't that he isn't draining the swamp, it's that you're the swamp

80% of tax reform will benefit the top 5%. Thanks for voting against your own interests...again.

I don't suffer from wealth envy and greed like you do, so it isn't against my interest. Government should be flatter and more even. In the end, you fuck yourself as you kill jobs and motivate those who pay the most taxes to work harder to evade them. When we lower and flatten taxes, the money flows in. But only if you care about facts over political rhetoric, which you obviously don't

Again, another asshole who attacks the messenger and refuses to see the message. I suggest you spend less time worrying about my feelings and more about the reality of Trump's lies.

Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan

Top 0.1% would be big winner under Donald Trump's tax plan, Wisconsin Hillary Clinton supporter says

Trump Tax Plan Includes Major Tax Break For Wealthiest Taxpayers | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

I got it, you have raging butt hurt and want everyone to know.

And again, I'm not consumed with wealth envy and greed like you are. The wealthy get shafted in our system and every cut, including W's tax cut, benefited them proportionally the least. Maybe you should work on pulling the stick out rather than continuing to ram it further in.

Taxes should be flat, Trump won't go nearly far enough. No one should be exempted from income taxes. It's what drives your socialistic behavior. When you only take from government and don't pay into it, people become more and more like you, just obsessed with taking more.

Even in socialist Europe they don't exempt the majority of the population from taxes like we do here. It's pathetic
No, the Treasury has MUCH MORE power than that. Remember Paulson? Sec'ty of Treasury under Bush in 2008 and also...yep, former head of....yep, Goldman Sachs.

Got up in front of the mics with a two-page document and gave a handful of banks $750,000,000,000. That's billions, not millions. Don't remember? Of course you don't, fucking idiot.

Documents Reveal How Paulson Forced Banks To Take TARP Cash

Trump's already picked people who want to reform income taxes, dump Obamacare, incent businesses to work here with lower corporate and repatriation of money taxes, it's a great start.

Your issue isn't that he isn't draining the swamp, it's that you're the swamp

80% of tax reform will benefit the top 5%. Thanks for voting against your own interests...again.

I don't suffer from wealth envy and greed like you do, so it isn't against my interest. Government should be flatter and more even. In the end, you fuck yourself as you kill jobs and motivate those who pay the most taxes to work harder to evade them. When we lower and flatten taxes, the money flows in. But only if you care about facts over political rhetoric, which you obviously don't

Again, another asshole who attacks the messenger and refuses to see the message. I suggest you spend less time worrying about my feelings and more about the reality of Trump's lies.

Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan

Top 0.1% would be big winner under Donald Trump's tax plan, Wisconsin Hillary Clinton supporter says

Trump Tax Plan Includes Major Tax Break For Wealthiest Taxpayers | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

I got it, you have raging butt hurt and want everyone to know.

And again, I'm not consumed with wealth envy and greed like you are. The wealthy get shafted in our system and every cut, including W's tax cut, benefited them proportionally the least. Maybe you should work on pulling the stick out rather than continuing to ram it further in.

Taxes should be flat, Trump won't go nearly far enough. No one should be exempted from income taxes. It's what drives your socialistic behavior. When you only take from government and don't pay into it, people become more and more like you, just obsessed with taking more.

Even in socialist Europe they don't exempt the majority of the population from taxes like we do here. It's pathetic

You righties have been reduced to a bunch of parrots: "Butthurt! Squawk! Squawk!" because you can't defend Trump's actions vs. words. Congratulations, BIRD BRAIN.
You are Blind if you don't see Trump bringing in everyone that he campaigned against....... wow....

Tom Price voted to Spy on Americans .. Get your damn head out of the Republican smoke cloud......

What's your evidence? He needs some people who know the system for one thing. Also he has had a long term business relationship with the former Goldman Sach's guy who went off on his own.

Do you liberals honestly believe crying wolf every minute of everyday will help your cause?

Get your head out of the republican smoke cloud weasel... they are screwing you too.. I read his voting record as soon as I heard about him...he is corrupt as hell..

  • Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant. (Sep 2006)
  • Voted YES on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight. (Apr 2006)

The Treasury dept. doesn't run the NSA. Get your head out of your whatever. I'm not worried about being spied on, government has been doing it for years though.

No, the Treasury has MUCH MORE power than that. Remember Paulson? Sec'ty of Treasury under Bush in 2008 and also...yep, former head of....yep, Goldman Sachs.

Got up in front of the mics with a two-page document and gave a handful of banks $750,000,000,000. That's billions, not millions. Don't remember? Of course you don't, fucking idiot.

Documents Reveal How Paulson Forced Banks To Take TARP Cash
The LOANS were all payed back with interest, anus breath. Almost everyone agreed it was the proper thing to do at the time. Keep the foam comin', I'm lovin' it.

The bail out was done without consent of Congress much less the taxpayer. And "payed" is spelled, "paid", poorly-educated Trumpite white trash.
Trump's already picked people who want to reform income taxes, dump Obamacare, incent businesses to work here with lower corporate and repatriation of money taxes, it's a great start.

Your issue isn't that he isn't draining the swamp, it's that you're the swamp

80% of tax reform will benefit the top 5%. Thanks for voting against your own interests...again.

I don't suffer from wealth envy and greed like you do, so it isn't against my interest. Government should be flatter and more even. In the end, you fuck yourself as you kill jobs and motivate those who pay the most taxes to work harder to evade them. When we lower and flatten taxes, the money flows in. But only if you care about facts over political rhetoric, which you obviously don't

Again, another asshole who attacks the messenger and refuses to see the message. I suggest you spend less time worrying about my feelings and more about the reality of Trump's lies.

Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan

Top 0.1% would be big winner under Donald Trump's tax plan, Wisconsin Hillary Clinton supporter says

Trump Tax Plan Includes Major Tax Break For Wealthiest Taxpayers | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

I got it, you have raging butt hurt and want everyone to know.

And again, I'm not consumed with wealth envy and greed like you are. The wealthy get shafted in our system and every cut, including W's tax cut, benefited them proportionally the least. Maybe you should work on pulling the stick out rather than continuing to ram it further in.

Taxes should be flat, Trump won't go nearly far enough. No one should be exempted from income taxes. It's what drives your socialistic behavior. When you only take from government and don't pay into it, people become more and more like you, just obsessed with taking more.

Even in socialist Europe they don't exempt the majority of the population from taxes like we do here. It's pathetic

You righties have been reduced to a bunch of parrots: "Butthurt! Squawk! Squawk!" because you can't defend Trump's actions vs. words. Congratulations, BIRD BRAIN.

That butt hurt is just raging, isn't it? Sit in the back of the bus and STFU, no one gives a shit. That's what they told you in the last election, you just aren't listening. You're still running the same wealth envy game plan.

1% of taxpayers pay 40% of taxes while earning 20% of the income and 5% pay 60% of taxes while earning 30% of the income. And all you shriek is you want more, More, MORE!
What's your evidence? He needs some people who know the system for one thing. Also he has had a long term business relationship with the former Goldman Sach's guy who went off on his own.

Do you liberals honestly believe crying wolf every minute of everyday will help your cause?

Get your head out of the republican smoke cloud weasel... they are screwing you too.. I read his voting record as soon as I heard about him...he is corrupt as hell..

  • Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant. (Sep 2006)
  • Voted YES on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight. (Apr 2006)

The Treasury dept. doesn't run the NSA. Get your head out of your whatever. I'm not worried about being spied on, government has been doing it for years though.

No, the Treasury has MUCH MORE power than that. Remember Paulson? Sec'ty of Treasury under Bush in 2008 and also...yep, former head of....yep, Goldman Sachs.

Got up in front of the mics with a two-page document and gave a handful of banks $750,000,000,000. That's billions, not millions. Don't remember? Of course you don't, fucking idiot.

Documents Reveal How Paulson Forced Banks To Take TARP Cash
The LOANS were all payed back with interest, anus breath. Almost everyone agreed it was the proper thing to do at the time. Keep the foam comin', I'm lovin' it.

The bail out was done without consent of Congress much less the taxpayer. And "payed" is spelled, "paid", poorly-educated Trumpite white trash.

The bail out was done without consent of Congress

Congress passed TARP in October 2008, you poorly-educated Clinton loving trash.

TARP Programs
What's your evidence? He needs some people who know the system for one thing. Also he has had a long term business relationship with the former Goldman Sach's guy who went off on his own.

Do you liberals honestly believe crying wolf every minute of everyday will help your cause?

Get your head out of the republican smoke cloud weasel... they are screwing you too.. I read his voting record as soon as I heard about him...he is corrupt as hell..

  • Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant. (Sep 2006)
  • Voted YES on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight. (Apr 2006)

The Treasury dept. doesn't run the NSA. Get your head out of your whatever. I'm not worried about being spied on, government has been doing it for years though.

No, the Treasury has MUCH MORE power than that. Remember Paulson? Sec'ty of Treasury under Bush in 2008 and also...yep, former head of....yep, Goldman Sachs.

Got up in front of the mics with a two-page document and gave a handful of banks $750,000,000,000. That's billions, not millions. Don't remember? Of course you don't, fucking idiot.

Documents Reveal How Paulson Forced Banks To Take TARP Cash
The LOANS were all payed back with interest, anus breath. Almost everyone agreed it was the proper thing to do at the time. Keep the foam comin', I'm lovin' it.

The bail out was done without consent of Congress much less the taxpayer. And "payed" is spelled, "paid", poorly-educated Trumpite white trash.
Golly, a typo. We can always count on you being a hate filled cvnt, it's all you have. I never said what color I was either. You should read more and ejaculate your vitriol less:

TARP Programs
Treasury established several programs under TARP to help stabilize the U.S. financial system, restart economic growth, and prevent avoidable foreclosures.

Although Congress initially authorized $700 billion for TARP in October 2008, that authority was reduced to $475 billion by the ....

And finally, the taxpayers don't vote directly on bills, that's why we are called a republic.
First they criticize Trump for wanting to "drain the swamp" and then Porkahontis whines that he isn't doing it. Corporations ain't your enemy lefties, government drones are.

he aint started yet, but still, connections to Goldman Sachs was super evil and what does he do? well, he hires all the old guard from the place, not to mention most of the ex governors he has working for him ran sanctuary cities that includes huckaboo and his weird daughter with the lazy eye. bad optics and Trump best remember his crowed is weak minded and fickle. they will turn on him in a minute.
Corporations have it made. They cry and whine about regulations taxes etc. All a ploy so the worker takes it on the chin. I don't trust them one iota more than I do the govt. I have zero faith in them.
Even the conservative editorial board of the Wall Street Journal agrees with Elizabeth Warren, this is a horrible pick for Sec'ty of Treasury. Just another corporate welfare parasite.

Steven Mnuchin’s Defining Moment: Seizing Opportunity From the Financial Crisis
Donald Trump’s nominee for Treasury secretary made millions buying failed IndyMac and has résumé at odds with president-elect’s campaign rhetoric

Dec. 1, 2016 1:08 a.m. ET

On a muggy morning in July 2008, hundreds of customers stood outside IndyMac Bank branches in Southern California, trying to pull their savings from the lender, which was doomed by losses on risky mortgages.

Steven Mnuchin didn’t know much about IndyMac as he watched the scenes on CNBC from his Midtown Manhattan office. But he immediately saw an opportunity and began figuring out how to buy the bank.

Regulators seized IndyMac, foreshadowing a vicious banking crisis. Six months later,
Mr. Mnuchin and his investment partners acquired IndyMac with a helping hand from the U.S. government. The deal eventually earned him hundreds of millions of dollars in personal profits.

The former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. partner, Hollywood financier and hedge-fund manager now is President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for Treasury secretary. Like other Trump cabinet picks, Mr. Mnuchin has a résumé that is at odds with much of the president-elect’s populist rhetoric on the campaign trail.""""

Please tell me Trump didn't pick a tax cheat to head up the Treasury. That would be bad...
Corporations have it made. They cry and whine about regulations taxes etc. All a ploy so the worker takes it on the chin. I don't trust them one iota more than I do the govt. I have zero faith in them.
Yet you buy and use their products. That's really the only relationship a corporation wants from you.

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