Administration people guilty of mutiple acts of emotional and physical abuse?

Feeling sorry for the victim doesn't help them. Teach them to stand up and be strong. Do the right thing.

It is much more complicated than that..they are victims.

My mom died by the hands of an abuser in 1976

And this happened to some good friends of mine.. I watched the boy grow up.

That’s sad, but doesn’t implicate everyone just because it happened to you

I studied this, and have my state board license.. I worked to get abused pregnant women off the streets who were addicted , and most had healthy babies..they finished their GED's and got on their feet.

Yeah I admit, I can be co-dependant and want to bring everyone home with me.. But it is not just black and white.

Every single family is dysfunctional, one way or point the finger at an abused person and judging them is Fk-ed Up..

You do great work! And yes, it's not all black and white. I just think in most cases, staying with the abuser is not going to change a thing. Try to save the relationship with counseling is a first tep and if the situation continues, only the victim can improve their life. First, escape the turmoil and begin planning a new life by starting to be independent. Don't look for sympathy, look for cheer leaders!

The only thing I will say is this:

Since Donald Trump
Was Elected The Left has gone after every single member of his Administration.

They are even willing to enlist the help of Vladimir Putin, and the KGB to take down The President, so unfortunately you Cannot believe any accusation against the Administration by his enemies.

Once a group of people are willing to engage in a COUP and commit TREASON...ACTUAL TREASON to take down a duly elected president, NOTHING THEY SAY, NOTHING THEY DEMAND HAS CREDIBILITY!

Why was this guy who was not able to get a security clearance working one of the most important jobs who could have been blackmailed easily..He worked next to our president everyday..
The wife's made the reports years ago..and documented.
Stop blaming it on the democrats , it was ignored until it was exposed..


He was vetted and had an interim clearance. Trump doesn’t do that. The FBI does.
I studied this, and have my state board license.. I worked to get abused pregnant women off the streets who were addicted , and most had healthy babies..they finished their GED's and got on their feet.

Yeah I admit, I can be co-dependant and want to bring everyone home with me.. But it is not just black and white.

Every single family is dysfunctional, one way or point the finger at an abused person and judging them is Fk-ed Up..
You do great work! And yes, it's not all black and white. I just think in most cases, staying with the abuser is not going to change a thing. Try to save the relationship with counseling is a first tep and if the situation continues, only the victim can improve their life. First, escape the turmoil and begin planning a new life by starting to be independent. Don't look for sympathy, look for cheer leaders!
The only thing I will say is this:

Since Donald Trump
Was Elected The Left has gone after every single member of his Administration.

They are even willing to enlist the help of Vladimir Putin, and the KGB to take down The President, so unfortunately you Cannot believe any accusation against the Administration by his enemies.

Once a group of people are willing to engage in a COUP and commit TREASON...ACTUAL TREASON to take down a duly elected president, NOTHING THEY SAY, NOTHING THEY DEMAND HAS CREDIBILITY!

Why was this guy who was not able to get a security clearance working one of the most important jobs who could have been blackmailed easily..He worked next to our president everyday..
The wife's made the reports years ago..and documented.
Stop blaming it on the democrats , it was ignored until it was exposed..

Trump wants to vet illegals. He should have started with his own team.

Trump is pretty angry today, I have a feeling Kelly is out the door..
No way.
I heard he offered his resignation...
Isn't this particular complaint about feelings! He hurt my feelings, I'm abused! Then leave. But most women, the great majority won't leave because they had their feelings hurt. They get over it. They might go out of their way to hurt HIS feelings.

If a man is beating a woman, then she has to leave, but really leave. MOST women do not leave. If taken to a safe haven they leave that haven and go back.

Because Porter took the picture of the black eye on his wife himself, it appears that he is a classic, textbook abuser. He took the picture because he was so horrified at hitting her, he wanted a reminder so that he would never do it again. And he would promise, and cry, and get on his knees begging forgiveness. And of course, he would hit her again and again and eventually if she stays he will kill her because that's the progression of the disease.
Or it actually never happened
could be...
I studied this, and have my state board license.. I worked to get abused pregnant women off the streets who were addicted , and most had healthy babies..they finished their GED's and got on their feet.

Yeah I admit, I can be co-dependant and want to bring everyone home with me.. But it is not just black and white.

Every single family is dysfunctional, one way or point the finger at an abused person and judging them is Fk-ed Up..
You do great work! And yes, it's not all black and white. I just think in most cases, staying with the abuser is not going to change a thing. Try to save the relationship with counseling is a first tep and if the situation continues, only the victim can improve their life. First, escape the turmoil and begin planning a new life by starting to be independent. Don't look for sympathy, look for cheer leaders!
The only thing I will say is this:

Since Donald Trump
Was Elected The Left has gone after every single member of his Administration.

They are even willing to enlist the help of Vladimir Putin, and the KGB to take down The President, so unfortunately you Cannot believe any accusation against the Administration by his enemies.

Once a group of people are willing to engage in a COUP and commit TREASON...ACTUAL TREASON to take down a duly elected president, NOTHING THEY SAY, NOTHING THEY DEMAND HAS CREDIBILITY!

Why was this guy who was not able to get a security clearance working one of the most important jobs who could have been blackmailed easily..He worked next to our president everyday..
The wife's made the reports years ago..and documented.
Stop blaming it on the democrats , it was ignored until it was exposed..

Trump wants to vet illegals. He should have started with his own team.
He didn’t hire him
A speech writer and an aide? Trump didn't hire them?
Correct. He has staff he delegates to do that. He’s a businessman that’s how it’s done.
You do great work! And yes, it's not all black and white. I just think in most cases, staying with the abuser is not going to change a thing. Try to save the relationship with counseling is a first tep and if the situation continues, only the victim can improve their life. First, escape the turmoil and begin planning a new life by starting to be independent. Don't look for sympathy, look for cheer leaders!

Why was this guy who was not able to get a security clearance working one of the most important jobs who could have been blackmailed easily..He worked next to our president everyday..
The wife's made the reports years ago..and documented.
Stop blaming it on the democrats , it was ignored until it was exposed..

Trump wants to vet illegals. He should have started with his own team.
He didn’t hire him
A speech writer and an aide? Trump didn't hire them?
Correct. He has staff he delegates to do that. He’s a businessman that’s how it’s done.
Thank you. That make sense. Didn't he have some hold overs from the Obama administration, too?
It is much more complicated than that..they are victims.

My mom died by the hands of an abuser in 1976

And this happened to some good friends of mine.. I watched the boy grow up.

That’s sad, but doesn’t implicate everyone just because it happened to you

I studied this, and have my state board license.. I worked to get abused pregnant women off the streets who were addicted , and most had healthy babies..they finished their GED's and got on their feet.

Yeah I admit, I can be co-dependant and want to bring everyone home with me.. But it is not just black and white.

Every single family is dysfunctional, one way or point the finger at an abused person and judging them is Fk-ed Up..

I am just saying that it is the responsibility for the victim to change the pattern of abuse in their life. Either, get a divorce, seek police protection or leave the home. Of course that is about spousal abuse. But you seldom can change the person doing the abusing.

Why did that woman stay when she had the first black eye? Maybe she waited to see if the routine would continue, maybe he said he wouldn't do it some point she decided to out him to his employer and the world.. And ruin his career instead of controling her own environment.

I don’t understand how that affects someone’s job?

Just as someone said above, there are those who want to upend Trumps administration and so the wives went to media instead of taking power away from the abuser and controling her own environment by getting a divorce. Obviously she wanted revenge but it may end poorly for her. He no longer has an income...may work out badly in court.

But the wives didn’t go to the media.
It is much more complicated than that..they are victims.

My mom died by the hands of an abuser in 1976

And this happened to some good friends of mine.. I watched the boy grow up.

That’s sad, but doesn’t implicate everyone just because it happened to you

I studied this, and have my state board license.. I worked to get abused pregnant women off the streets who were addicted , and most had healthy babies..they finished their GED's and got on their feet.

Yeah I admit, I can be co-dependant and want to bring everyone home with me.. But it is not just black and white.

Every single family is dysfunctional, one way or point the finger at an abused person and judging them is Fk-ed Up..

You do great work! And yes, it's not all black and white. I just think in most cases, staying with the abuser is not going to change a thing. Try to save the relationship with counseling is a first tep and if the situation continues, only the victim can improve their life. First, escape the turmoil and begin planning a new life by starting to be independent. Don't look for sympathy, look for cheer leaders!

The only thing I will say is this:

Since Donald Trump
Was Elected The Left has gone after every single member of his Administration.

They are even willing to enlist the help of Vladimir Putin, and the KGB to take down The President, so unfortunately you Cannot believe any accusation against the Administration by his enemies.

Once a group of people are willing to engage in a COUP and commit TREASON...ACTUAL TREASON to take down a duly elected president, NOTHING THEY SAY, NOTHING THEY DEMAND HAS CREDIBILITY!

Why was this guy who was not able to get a security clearance working one of the most important jobs who could have been blackmailed easily..He worked next to our president everyday..
The wife's made the reports years ago..and documented.
Stop blaming it on the democrats , it was ignored until it was exposed..


He was vetted and had an interim clearance. Trump doesn’t do that. The FBI does.

This is why Trump is angry with Kelly..Kelly knew that Porter was not going to get a clearance but ignored it..

Abuse is finally coming out of the darkness, especially with #MeToo, people are going crazy.. I am actually sick of the drama.

Why was this guy who was not able to get a security clearance working one of the most important jobs who could have been blackmailed easily..He worked next to our president everyday..
The wife's made the reports years ago..and documented.
Stop blaming it on the democrats , it was ignored until it was exposed..

Trump wants to vet illegals. He should have started with his own team.
He didn’t hire him
A speech writer and an aide? Trump didn't hire them?
Correct. He has staff he delegates to do that. He’s a businessman that’s how it’s done.
Thank you. That make sense. Didn't he have some hold overs from the Obama administration, too?
That’s always possible we’re finding out.
That’s sad, but doesn’t implicate everyone just because it happened to you

I studied this, and have my state board license.. I worked to get abused pregnant women off the streets who were addicted , and most had healthy babies..they finished their GED's and got on their feet.

Yeah I admit, I can be co-dependant and want to bring everyone home with me.. But it is not just black and white.

Every single family is dysfunctional, one way or point the finger at an abused person and judging them is Fk-ed Up..
You do great work! And yes, it's not all black and white. I just think in most cases, staying with the abuser is not going to change a thing. Try to save the relationship with counseling is a first tep and if the situation continues, only the victim can improve their life. First, escape the turmoil and begin planning a new life by starting to be independent. Don't look for sympathy, look for cheer leaders!
The only thing I will say is this:

Since Donald Trump
Was Elected The Left has gone after every single member of his Administration.

They are even willing to enlist the help of Vladimir Putin, and the KGB to take down The President, so unfortunately you Cannot believe any accusation against the Administration by his enemies.

Once a group of people are willing to engage in a COUP and commit TREASON...ACTUAL TREASON to take down a duly elected president, NOTHING THEY SAY, NOTHING THEY DEMAND HAS CREDIBILITY!

Why was this guy who was not able to get a security clearance working one of the most important jobs who could have been blackmailed easily..He worked next to our president everyday..
The wife's made the reports years ago..and documented.
Stop blaming it on the democrats , it was ignored until it was exposed..

He was vetted and had an interim clearance. Trump doesn’t do that. The FBI does.

This is why Trump is angry with Kelly..Kelly knew that Porter was not going to get a clearance but ignored it..

Abuse is finally coming out of the darkness, especially with #MeToo, people are going crazy.. I am actually sick of the drama.

I don’t believe it.
That’s sad, but doesn’t implicate everyone just because it happened to you

I studied this, and have my state board license.. I worked to get abused pregnant women off the streets who were addicted , and most had healthy babies..they finished their GED's and got on their feet.

Yeah I admit, I can be co-dependant and want to bring everyone home with me.. But it is not just black and white.

Every single family is dysfunctional, one way or point the finger at an abused person and judging them is Fk-ed Up..
You do great work! And yes, it's not all black and white. I just think in most cases, staying with the abuser is not going to change a thing. Try to save the relationship with counseling is a first tep and if the situation continues, only the victim can improve their life. First, escape the turmoil and begin planning a new life by starting to be independent. Don't look for sympathy, look for cheer leaders!
The only thing I will say is this:

Since Donald Trump
Was Elected The Left has gone after every single member of his Administration.

They are even willing to enlist the help of Vladimir Putin, and the KGB to take down The President, so unfortunately you Cannot believe any accusation against the Administration by his enemies.

Once a group of people are willing to engage in a COUP and commit TREASON...ACTUAL TREASON to take down a duly elected president, NOTHING THEY SAY, NOTHING THEY DEMAND HAS CREDIBILITY!

Why was this guy who was not able to get a security clearance working one of the most important jobs who could have been blackmailed easily..He worked next to our president everyday..
The wife's made the reports years ago..and documented.
Stop blaming it on the democrats , it was ignored until it was exposed..

He was vetted and had an interim clearance. Trump doesn’t do that. The FBI does.

This is why Trump is angry with Kelly..Kelly knew that Porter was not going to get a clearance but ignored it..

Abuse is finally coming out of the darkness, especially with #MeToo, people are going crazy.. I am actually sick of the drama.

I agree with you!
Trump wants to vet illegals. He should have started with his own team.
He didn’t hire him
A speech writer and an aide? Trump didn't hire them?
Correct. He has staff he delegates to do that. He’s a businessman that’s how it’s done.
Thank you. That make sense. Didn't he have some hold overs from the Obama administration, too?
That’s always possible we’re finding out.

Let's not speculate.. Trump did a major sweep to get rid of anything Obama when he got in.. No one close to him worked for Obama..maybe in the office.

He didn’t hire him
A speech writer and an aide? Trump didn't hire them?
Correct. He has staff he delegates to do that. He’s a businessman that’s how it’s done.
Thank you. That make sense. Didn't he have some hold overs from the Obama administration, too?
That’s always possible we’re finding out.

Let's not speculate.. Trump did a major sweep to get rid of anything Obama when he got in.. No one close to him worked for Obama..maybe in the office.

I was wrong..

Trump keeping 50 Obama administration officials
President-elect Donald Trump has asked roughly 50 senior Obama administration officials to remain in their roles in order to "ensure the continuity of government," spokesman Sean Spicer said Thursday.

The decision comes as Trump is reportedly struggling to fill important posts in his new administration.

Among the Obama holdovers are key national security officials, including Brett McGurk, special envoy to the global coalition fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
A speech writer and an aide? Trump didn't hire them?
Correct. He has staff he delegates to do that. He’s a businessman that’s how it’s done.
Thank you. That make sense. Didn't he have some hold overs from the Obama administration, too?
That’s always possible we’re finding out.

Let's not speculate.. Trump did a major sweep to get rid of anything Obama when he got in.. No one close to him worked for Obama..maybe in the office.

I was wrong..

Trump keeping 50 Obama administration officials
President-elect Donald Trump has asked roughly 50 senior Obama administration officials to remain in their roles in order to "ensure the continuity of government," spokesman Sean Spicer said Thursday.

The decision comes as Trump is reportedly struggling to fill important posts in his new administration.

Among the Obama holdovers are key national security officials, including Brett McGurk, special envoy to the global coalition fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
And of course, James Comey!

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