Admitting Putin picked Trump means that USMB Cons would have to admit...

Putin didn't pick Trump.

We rejected Obama and all the treasonous pigs we've been suffering under for the past 8+ years.

Complete rejection of progressive policies.

Yeah he did. You're just too stupid to admit you're elected the Manchuria Candidate.

Except it wasn't the son of a liberal from Kenya, it was the son a KKK from New York!

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That is so pathetic.

Well anyway. Say goodbye to your foodstamps and free rent. Dragonlezbo is going to have to get a real job.
That's they were duped with Russian agit prop. They fell for the hustle so now they are forced to either be even more supportive of Trump and Putin, pretend it's not a big deal (feelings debate), or they would have to admit to being fools.

So when you wonder why the cons suddenly see Russia as a force of's simply a cover for being stupid enough to fall for it.

So what did the Russians do to get him through the primaries? Be very specific.
What exactly did Putin reveal about Hillary that damaged her chances for the presidency? Did he invent the "Crooked Hillary" appellation?

DECLASSIFIED: Read the intelligence report on Russia interfering with US election

No but Trump used all the information and touted it...but now he says it had no effect which means he quoted wikileaks, asked Russia to hack Hillary and suddenly loved Russia all for "no reason". Becausewe all do things for no reason, right?


Were Wikileaks not quoted to discredit and disrupt Boosh?

Immaterial but thanks.
That's they were duped with Russian agit prop. They fell for the hustle so now they are forced to either be even more supportive of Trump and Putin, pretend it's not a big deal (feelings debate), or they would have to admit to being fools.

So when you wonder why the cons suddenly see Russia as a force of's simply a cover for being stupid enough to fall for it.
Or maybe the obvious pain it has inflicted on the left makes it just to delicious for anyone to care...long live the queen

"Caring". An emotional argument...just like I said.
What exactly did Putin reveal about Hillary that damaged her chances for the presidency? Did he invent the "Crooked Hillary" appellation?

DECLASSIFIED: Read the intelligence report on Russia interfering with US election

No but Trump used all the information and touted it...but now he says it had no effect which means he quoted wikileaks, asked Russia to hack Hillary and suddenly loved Russia all for "no reason". Becausewe all do things for no reason, right?


Any information Trump had was already had by everyone else in the media. Trying to blame Trump for the current administration's failure at cyber security is also a big Fail. There were PLENTY of negative news stories coming out on Trump at the time and Hillary had no problem running with any of them. News flash to you guys unless you dont know it, politics is a dirty dog eat dog world. Hillary is a big girl, she can take it and really the reason she lost? She lost in key states where she did not campaign hard and took them for granted. Or maybe she wasnt feeling well
What exactly did Putin reveal about Hillary that damaged her chances for the presidency? Did he invent the "Crooked Hillary" appellation?

DECLASSIFIED: Read the intelligence report on Russia interfering with US election

No but Trump used all the information and touted it...but now he says it had no effect which means he quoted wikileaks, asked Russia to hack Hillary and suddenly loved Russia all for "no reason". Becausewe all do things for no reason, right?


Were Wikileaks not quoted to discredit and disrupt Boosh?

Immaterial but thanks.

Not really it isn't. When Wikileaks did it to Bush many on the left loved them and quoted them as the gospel. Now the left hates them. Meh.
What exactly did Putin reveal about Hillary that damaged her chances for the presidency? Did he invent the "Crooked Hillary" appellation?

DECLASSIFIED: Read the intelligence report on Russia interfering with US election

No but Trump used all the information and touted it...but now he says it had no effect which means he quoted wikileaks, asked Russia to hack Hillary and suddenly loved Russia all for "no reason". Becausewe all do things for no reason, right?


Any information Trump had was already had by everyone else in the media. Trying to blame Trump for the current administration's failure at cyber security is also a big Fail. There were PLENTY of negative news stories coming out on Trump at the time and Hillary had no problem running with any of them. News flash to you guys unless you dont know it, politics is a dirty dog eat dog world. Hillary is a big girl, she can take it and really the reason she lost? She lost in key states where she did not campaign hard and took them for granted. Or maybe she wasnt feeling well

That's funny. You're addressing things you wish I said.
What exactly did Putin reveal about Hillary that damaged her chances for the presidency? Did he invent the "Crooked Hillary" appellation?

DECLASSIFIED: Read the intelligence report on Russia interfering with US election

No but Trump used all the information and touted it...but now he says it had no effect which means he quoted wikileaks, asked Russia to hack Hillary and suddenly loved Russia all for "no reason". Becausewe all do things for no reason, right?


Were Wikileaks not quoted to discredit and disrupt Boosh?

Immaterial but thanks.

Not really it isn't. When Wikileaks did it to Bush many on the left loved them and quoted them as the gospel. Now the left hates them. Meh.

Again immaterial unless you can show what that had to do with yoir current support for Russian espionage...
What exactly did Putin reveal about Hillary that damaged her chances for the presidency? Did he invent the "Crooked Hillary" appellation?

DECLASSIFIED: Read the intelligence report on Russia interfering with US election

No but Trump used all the information and touted it...but now he says it had no effect which means he quoted wikileaks, asked Russia to hack Hillary and suddenly loved Russia all for "no reason". Becausewe all do things for no reason, right?

So using publically available information is a crime now? What does "touted it" mean? The Information Trump used wasn't hacked by the Russians. Wikileaks has said that over and over, and none of the intelligence agencies have said otherwise, dumbass.
That's they were duped with Russian agit prop. They fell for the hustle so now they are forced to either be even more supportive of Trump and Putin, pretend it's not a big deal (feelings debate), or they would have to admit to being fools.

So when you wonder why the cons suddenly see Russia as a force of's simply a cover for being stupid enough to fall for it.

Trump is Putin's prison bitch and butt boy.
What exactly did Putin reveal about Hillary that damaged her chances for the presidency? Did he invent the "Crooked Hillary" appellation?

DECLASSIFIED: Read the intelligence report on Russia interfering with US election

No but Trump used all the information and touted it...but now he says it had no effect which means he quoted wikileaks, asked Russia to hack Hillary and suddenly loved Russia all for "no reason". Becausewe all do things for no reason, right?


Any information Trump had was already had by everyone else in the media. Trying to blame Trump for the current administration's failure at cyber security is also a big Fail. There were PLENTY of negative news stories coming out on Trump at the time and Hillary had no problem running with any of them. News flash to you guys unless you dont know it, politics is a dirty dog eat dog world. Hillary is a big girl, she can take it and really the reason she lost? She lost in key states where she did not campaign hard and took them for granted. Or maybe she wasnt feeling well
Notice how the leftwing morons whine how it's so unfair that wikileaks hurt Hillary, but they have no problem with the media being 100% in Hillary's corner and bashing Trump 24 hours a day. They also don't complain about Hollywood and academia being in Hillary's corner. They don't even feel the slightest shred of guilt about paid "protesters" beating up Trump supporters outside his rallies.

These imbeciles are pathetic.
What exactly did Putin reveal about Hillary that damaged her chances for the presidency? Did he invent the "Crooked Hillary" appellation?

DECLASSIFIED: Read the intelligence report on Russia interfering with US election

No but Trump used all the information and touted it...but now he says it had no effect which means he quoted wikileaks, asked Russia to hack Hillary and suddenly loved Russia all for "no reason". Becausewe all do things for no reason, right?


Were Wikileaks not quoted to discredit and disrupt Boosh?

Immaterial but thanks.

Not really it isn't. When Wikileaks did it to Bush many on the left loved them and quoted them as the gospel. Now the left hates them. Meh.

Again immaterial unless you can show what that had to do with yoir current support for Russian espionage...

The president and his security experts said them selves that was not the case. And it not immaterial at all. You all say the stuff like the footage of an apache gunship hosing down a bunch of rag heads being leaked was okay as well as all the other shit. You canonized Assange then, but now he is scum? Dude other then Putin saying "go Donald" there is nothing there. No hacking either. Nothing, nada.
Flashback: When the Clintons Loved Russia Enough to Sell Them Our Uranium
Flashback: When the Clintons Loved Russia Enough to Sell Them Our Uranium - Breitbart

From the article:

That’s an impressive double standard, which the media also follows, since the same news organizations currently flooding the zone with Russian hacker stories were completely uninterested in asking Hillary Clinton about the Uranium One deal. Even papers that reported on the story, like the New York Times, made a point of never confronting Clinton about it, during her amusingly rare press availabilities.
The FAKE Russia story is nothing more than trying to Vilify Wiki for exposing the NASTY CRUSTY SLIMY CORRUPT LEFT
That's they were duped with Russian agit prop. They fell for the hustle so now they are forced to either be even more supportive of Trump and Putin, pretend it's not a big deal (feelings debate), or they would have to admit to being fools.

So when you wonder why the cons suddenly see Russia as a force of's simply a cover for being stupid enough to fall for it.

Yes this is great. For 6 or more years Reich wing talk show hosts have attacked members of the Republican party, calling them "establishment candidates" the Tea party referred to them as "RINO'S" the Evangelical wing-was-out there beating their drums on Gay marriage, abortion, the war on Christmas--etc. etc. etc.

Now they are put into a position of having to defend Putin, Julian Assange, & Trump on his own family values, sexist comments, pro choice stance, and past liberal stances. It's hysterical. And they're going to have to do it for the next 4 years, if he isn't impeached first.

So when you're watching FOX News or listening to Rush Limbaugh or any of the rest, break out your crayons and coloring books and enjoy every single second of it.--LOL They directed their audiences to Donald Trump for at least the last 6 years, and their audience did exactly what they "were told" to do.


It's going to be a 4 year waterboarding session of the Reich wing of the Republican party, and they deserve it. They knew they were nominating a man that had no honor, no respect, no dignity and the only loyalty he showed to anyone was to himself & Russia.

What exactly did Putin reveal about Hillary that damaged her chances for the presidency? Did he invent the "Crooked Hillary" appellation?

DECLASSIFIED: Read the intelligence report on Russia interfering with US election

No but Trump used all the information and touted it...but now he says it had no effect which means he quoted wikileaks, asked Russia to hack Hillary and suddenly loved Russia all for "no reason". Becausewe all do things for no reason, right?

You didn't answer the question....I am shocked....
That's they were duped with Russian agit prop. They fell for the hustle so now they are forced to either be even more supportive of Trump and Putin, pretend it's not a big deal (feelings debate), or they would have to admit to being fools.

So when you wonder why the cons suddenly see Russia as a force of's simply a cover for being stupid enough to fall for it.

I see you and many other progressives already have the face paints.

Do you need some Play Doh, coloring books, or a rattle, to go with that?



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