Adoptive Father Rapes Daughter

why was this a problem? it is not like she was insisting the Guy has to get used to nude women around the house.
I usually ignore your bizarre trolling crap but child sexual abuse is NO FUCKING JOKE!
Conservatives are fine with pedos. Drumpf would perv out on teenage beauty pageant contestants and they love Roy Moore.
Yea it is. That's not what this thread is about. She was not his daughter. She was adopted meaning they are no more relatives than me and you are.
She was legally his daughter. Thats what adopted means dummy. :rolleyes:

And she was only 14.

She was legally his adopted daughter. She was not biologicallly his daughter so being attracted to her has nothing to do with incest.

Only 14 means she could very well look and act like an adult. If she was "only" 14 why do 14 year olds get charged as adults if they commit crimes? They're either adults or kids, you can't have it both ways.

14-year-old charged as adult, sentenced to 10 years for violent armed robberies

She was not 3. So stop using pedophile. Idiot.
Ohhh you have met Woody Allen!
Or Jimmy Page
From Bowie To Page, She Was Rock N' Roll's Most Notorious – And Underage – Groupie
I am skeptical. He doesn't look like an idiot. If no witnesses, release him.
Witnesses?? Are you nuckin futs!! The article leaves out a lot of information but my guess is that she ran away to get away from this pervert and when found accused the father. She has a right to be believed.
So he has a right be be presumed innocent. Why would someone guilty, knowing why she would run away, want to see her come back? Makes no sense. Sounds like a concerned father.
Gotta love the left. Guilty until proven innocent. Guess they didn't learn from the Kav hearings.
I am skeptical. He doesn't look like an idiot. If no witnesses, release him.
Witnesses?? Are you nuckin futs!! The article leaves out a lot of information but my guess is that she ran away to get away from this pervert and when found accused the father. She has a right to be believed.
So he has a right be be presumed innocent. Why would someone guilty, knowing why she would run away, want to see her come back? Makes no sense. Sounds like a concerned father.
Of course there is a presumption of innocence in a criminal case. My point is that that the child has a right to be taken seriously. There is much that we don't know about this case. Where was the mother and what does she know?. What problems was this family having? What issues does this child have? She was what age and what happened to her at the hands of her birth parents? Was she previously sexually abused? A through psych-social assessment is needed to get to the bottom of this. You can't just throw the case out for lack of a witness as was stupidly suggested. That isju.mbing it down to new levels of inanity

"Why would someone guilty, knowing why she would run away, want to see her come back ?" You ask.. That sort of shit happens all of the time. It could be a ploy. He may have hopped that she would not be found. If he acted like he didn't care, he would have been suspected of having done something to her from the start.

What I really don't understand is why you people are so quick to defend this guy and to dismiss the allegations of the victim. There is something wrong with that picture.
Conservatives are fine with pedos. Drumpf would perv out on teenage beauty pageant contestants and they love Roy Moore
Did either of these men actually commit a crime? The answer is NO.

Now did Bill Clinton? Robert Menendez? YES
Conservatives are fine with pedos. Drumpf would perv out on teenage beauty pageant contestants and they love Roy Moore
Did either of these men actually commit a crime? The answer is NO.

Now did Bill Clinton? Robert Menendez? YES
What the fuck are you talking about? Neither Clinton nor Menendez committed a sex crime, leave alone one against a child. Neither were convicted of anything . Are you just another apologist for child sexual abuse. ?That is, by the way, the topic of this thread.
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What the fuck are you talking about? Neither Clinton nor Menendez committed a sex crime, leave alone one against a child

Seriously? Wht are you posting in a political message board if you're this ignorant. Actually, I know you're not. You're just a liberal who covers for his own party's sins while pointing fingers at those whovhavent actually committed th3 crimes you're accusing him of.

Bill Clinton is a KNOWN RAPIST. Robert Menendez is a well know traveler to the Dominican Republic for sex with child prostitutes.

Get yourself educated before going against those who actually know what's going on so you don't look like such a fool.
Sick pedo actually made an appeal to find this girl and it turns out he was raping her.

Missing Teen Found And Her Adoptive Father, Who Made Public Plea For Her Return, Charged With Her Rape


Looks Muslim.
Conservatives are fine with pedos. Drumpf would perv out on teenage beauty pageant contestants and they love Roy Moore
Did either of these men actually commit a crime? The answer is NO.

Now did Bill Clinton? Robert Menendez? YES
What the fuck are you talking about? Neither Clinton nor Menendez committed a sex crime, leave alone one against a child. Neither were convicted of anything . Are you just another apologist for child sexual abuse. ?That is, by the way, the topic of this thread.

You are a dirty capo and a hypocrite. Justice Kavanaugh anyone? You are basically along every victim of sexual assault a liar because they don’t line up with your political bent. Typical.
Conservatives are fine with pedos. Drumpf would perv out on teenage beauty pageant contestants and they love Roy Moore
Did either of these men actually commit a crime? The answer is NO.

Now did Bill Clinton? Robert Menendez? YES
What the fuck are you talking about? Neither Clinton nor Menendez committed a sex crime, leave alone one against a child. Neither were convicted of anything . Are you just another apologist for child sexual abuse. ?That is, by the way, the topic of this thread.

You are a dirty capo and a hypocrite. Justice Kavanaugh anyone? You are basically along every victim of sexual assault a liar because they don’t line up with your political bent. Typical.

That makes NO fucking sense!

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I am skeptical. He doesn't look like an idiot. If no witnesses, release him.

that's odd; a member with Bible scripture as a signature is OK with a father raping a daughter?

Is there a Bible scripture that supports this point of view?

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